Reyona’s Revenge

Who Could?

She can’t possibly know now, could she?

That was the main thought on Thomas’s mind all through the night as he tossed and turned in the guest room. He came out of the room again to bang on their bedroom this time around, foraging the cajoling tone and soft knocking he had been using earlier.

“Rey, what is going on?” he asked with a shout, then reigned in his temper as he reduced his voice “Babe, I am not going to take the fact that you slapped me, your husband, with you, but I need you to tell me what the hell happened. What do you mean by divorce? Why would you want to divorce me?!”

He yelled the last part out of frustration when the thought reared itself in his mind again that she probably knew what he had done.

He grew silent for a moment as his eyes widened and his brain quickly calculated who could have told her. Susan couldn’t. She was in detention after all. Her phone was taken from her.

“Mum?” he thought wildly when he shook his head as he paced to and fro in front of the bedroom he would have peacefully been sleeping in on a normal day. He knew his mother wouldn’t ever say something like that to her. No one around could tell her anything too, as the only other person who knew about that in his family was Fiona, and his mother had sent the nosy girl away when she started growing a stupid conscience.

No, it couldn’t be.

“Who? Who? Who…” Thomas’s eyes widened as a thought popped into his mind while he was pacing. He shook his head frantically as he ran back to the guest room to pick up his phone. He looked back at the open door, and he quickly went back to lock it before rushing into the bathroom. He dialled the number and swore to himself as it went unanswered.

“The bastard wouldn’t, would he?” He thought to himself as he scraped his hand through his hair and dialed the number. Ring…. ring….. ring. The call was disconnected.

“Oh, if I find out that you are the one, I will kill you with my bare hands,” he said to himself as he flung his phone on the bed in anger.

“Calm down, Thomas,” he said to himself as he audibly took in a huge breath and sent it out erratically. He tried to think of what could be the issue again.

“Did she find out?” “Today?”

He stood up in agitation again. Or was it something else? He tried to think of what he could have done today that could cause her reaction.

He remembered that he withdrew from the little left in their joint account today. Even though he had not gotten the alert as he would have normally, he knew that couldn’t be the issue. Reyona was not so poor or petty to want to divorce him over a paltry sum of money after all.

He could only think of one reason that could make her react that way. His wife had made it clear from the beginning that she hated deception. That had given him a pause at the beginning, and he had informed Susan about it and even suggested maybe they put a stop to the game then.

“Of course, she did not listen,” he muttered to himself as he tried to think of any other tangible reason that could be the cause.

He picked up his phone again and dialed the number. “Pick the damn phone, idiot!” he yelled at the phone. I swear, if you have anything to do with this, you will be sorry for ruining my plan.”

After three rings, he was about to drop the phone again when the line connected. He placed it against his ear eagerly as he said “Hello” a little too loudly.

There was a rustling sound over the line and a static tone. Tomas looked at the face of his phone to see if it had disconnected before shouting again into the phone “Hello, you better don’t hang up on me, you…”

“Hello,” a sleepy male voice said over the phone.

“Lance, why have you not been picking up the phone?” Thomas yelled in agitation at his friend.

“Uh….” A pause. Then his voice got clearer: “Damn it, Tom. What the heck were you calling me for by this time? I am not your damn wife, you know,” Lance snapped at him over the phone.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“Well, I probably wouldn’t be having any damn wife anytime soon if you had blabbed your mouth off to her!” Thomas snapped right back.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Lance asked, confusion in his tone.

“Reyona! I am talking about my wife. She came home tonight saying some bullshit about how she wanted a divorce! Hit me in the face while she was at it too!”

“Well, you probably deserved it too. I thought you didn’t want her again, by the way. Weren’t you going to leave her for your greener pastures and that girl you got with you?” Lance’s voice was sounding slurry again.

“That is not your business. All I wanted to know was if you bleated any nonsense to her about the buildings you helped me sell or…” Thomas looked behind him furtively and lowered his voice more before adding, “Or any of this other stuff.”

There was a pause on the other end before Lance “I swear to God, I have a mind to come over there right now and give you another hit in your goddamn face, you bastard! Do you think I do nothing here but sit around thinking of things to tell your wife? I have enough issues of my own, you bastard! I haven’t set my eyes on your wife for ages, and it ain’t my business if you choose to mess up your life because of a bitch. Don’t you dare call me again in the middle of the night or any other time, for that matter, for this kind of bullshit, asshole!”

Thomas realised his mistake too late and was just saying, “Lance, listen. I did not mean…” when the call disconnected.

Oh crap, he thought to himself.

Now he just riled that idiot up for nothing. He had never really thought of Lance as a friend anyway, but the bastard has his uses.

He left the bathroom with the intention of knocking on their bedroom door until Reyona opened up. She would listen to him and tell him what got her in this foul mood. He thought.

His phone vibrated just as he was leaving and then picked up instantly when he saw the caller ID.

“Are you alone?” Ruth’s panicked voice asked instantly.

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