Reyona’s Revenge

Toria, Help!

Reyona couldn’t believe her eyes.

As tense as she had been at the beginning of all this, she had finally relaxed as the questions proceeded.

She was even surprised at the ease with which she went through everything.

One would even believe she had actually taken those vacations she mentioned with him, and truly met him at a business party.

Lying had not seemed so bad after all, and he had made it more believable with those adoring looks of his.

Though Reyona knew it was all fake just like this arrangement, she went along with it and fully got into character while reminding herself why she was doing this.

She just wanted to help the innocent. Nothing more.

She was practically patting herself on the back when she saw that even the not-so-convinced Miss Macaulay had looked enthralled by their spun tales towards the end of the questioning.

She even smiled benevolently at the lady as she passed the documents to them.

All that was left was to sign the forms, get the kids, so he could take them home, and then she could go back to her life with the satisfaction that she had done the right thing.

And now this?

“What?” Maxwell asked in response to her exclamation.

Reyona looked over at the sheaf of papers in her hand, she found the same spot she was reading on his form and jabbed towards it with her finger. “That. Why is that a thing?”

He quickly read through it and soon realised what she had seen.

“Oh,” he said.

Oh, indeed.

“Mr. Han, why is it necessary that we have someone sniffing around in our home once a week for the next three months? What is this?” Maxwell asked with annoyance ringing in his tone.

“Oh, that is not a problem at all. No sniffing around would be necessary whatsoever. It is just a due process to be followed. A social worker, specifically, Miss Macaulay here, would need to come to check on the kids once a week at least for the first three months. It is just a standard procedure to see how well the kids fit in. That’s all. Each visit wouldn’t take more than thirty minutes at a time. We wouldn’t inconvenience you at all.”

Easy for you to say. Reyona thought.

Before she could say anything, Maxwell spoke “Once in a week, for that long, seems ridiculous though. Are we forgetting the fact that these kids are family? They are my step-niece and step-nephew. Can’t this visit be reduced to once in a month or so?”

“I am sorry, but that would be impossible, sir,” Mr. Han said. “It is the procedure here and we can’t overlook it. I am already bending backwards by making arrangements to have the kids go with you today. This normally wouldn’t be the case, but because they are family, as you said, and I know how long you have been on this issue, that is why I am allowing that. I wish I could do more, sir, but I can’t. I am sorry. The couple who were supposed to come to take them today also know about these regulations, and they are fine with it.” the man said politely yet firmly.

Nobody in the room missed the subtle message.

If they can’t go with the rules and regulations, then others would be willing to.

Maxwell nodded and looked at the file again before he asked “And she will also come with us today? What for?”

“To check the environment they would be staying in, sir. Like I said, it is…”

“Standard procedure, yeah I get it. Does it just have to be today? Can’t she just come next week when she is coming to check on them?”

“If you are not ready yet, then we will understand, sir. She can come when you think the house is ready for them.”

“I assume the kids will have to stay here till then?” Maxwell asked the same thing that Reyona had in mind.

“I am afraid so, sir.” Mr Han answered.

Maxwell looked at Reyona and she shook her head.

There would be no point in coming this far only to delay things now.

She was not sure that this affable yet firm man wouldn’t end up telling them that the kids had been taken to a new home after all if they delayed the process.

Also, asking for extra time now might breed suspicions and invite more questions.

After all, they were supposed to be ready and prepared to take the kids home.

Maxwell got the message and said to Han. “No, it is fine. You can send as many people to our home with enough fine combs as you want. We want the kids today.”NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“I am sorry that you see it that way, sir, but like I said…”

“Right, procedure. We understand” Reyona said with a barely concealed sarcasm.

Han looked at Miss Macaulay and smiled sheepishly at the couple, cleared his throat awkwardly and then steepled his fingers before shuffling papers on his desk.

Reyona carefully read through the other clauses in the document just as Maxwell was doing.

The others are just an emphasis of what they knew and listed what could make the state claim the children again.

She read the part about the parent’s claim and immediately took her eyes off it before she started overthinking things.

They were signing when it occurred to her!

This means they had to live together, doesn’t it?!

No way!

As she was already thinking of how she could make things work and wouldn’t need to stay with them because of the weekly visit, another problem occurred to her.

Miss Macaulay was coming with them that day!

After Mr. Han told them to please wait a bit while Miss Macaulay made arrangements to take them to the Emergency foster home. Reyona urgently turned to Maxwell.

“She is coming with us,” she said urgently.

“Miss Macaulay? Yes, she is. I am sure we will find a way to do this…”

“She is coming with us! To see our home!” Reyona said emphatically while trying not to raise her voice enough for any device in the room to pick up.

“Yes, I am aware of that. We will go to my place and…” she saw when he realised it. “Miss Macaulay is coming to see if we are married, isn’t she?”

“Glad you figured it out, genius,” Reyona said as she pulled out her phone.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“We need to make this as real as possible, don’t we?”

“Definitely,” Maxwell said, still not getting why she had her phone out.

“Good. That is what I am about to do, and if there is someone who can make that happen as fast as possible while we are stuck here with the delightful Miss Macaulay, I can only think of one.

Reyona quickly opened her phone and typed a short message.

“Toria, help!”

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