Reyona’s Revenge

Quite The Nag


Old Cliff’s rickety truck had had some years on it.

It was not in its best shape either.

Not used to the sudden speed that the man put it on, the truck started overheating soon after they started their journey.

Ruth tried all she could to get the baby to stop shivering but it was not working.

The vomiting had stopped but the baby was still shivering.

Then, just as they were around the corner from the small community hospital, the truck coughed twice and its engine died.

Ruth froze almost immediately.

“No, no,” she muttered.

“Hold on; I will get it going again. We are almost there.”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“No, no!” Ruth yelled as she suddenly opened the door of the truck and jumped down with the baby that had suddenly gone still in her hands.

“Ruth!” Cliff shouted after her as he quickly tried to bring his massive body out of the truck as well.

“Why would you just run out like that? We are almost there!” he shouted while trying to catch up with her.

Cliff had not realised that Ruth suddenly felt the baby’s shiver stop.

During her first round of nos, she laid her hand on the baby’s chest with the hope that she was wrong.

She had felt nothing.

No beat. No shakes. No vibration.

Ruth held the baby to her chest and ran while shouting, “Somebody help! Doctors! Nurse! Help Leah! Help my grand…”

With a blinding pace, she rounded the corner and emerged in front of the hospital just as the government-donated ambulance from the hospital was backing out of the driveway at a fast pace.

It threw her off the curb just as Cliff came around the corner.

“Ruth!” Cliff shouted in shock as he came to a horrified halt.

Ruth Lanoth was lifted into the air and upon her descent, she struck her head hard against the gutter on the other side.

Realising the damage caused, the ambulance quickly stopped and the paramedics rushed out.

As the first man got to her, Ruth’s hands, which were still curled around her dead granddaughter, went lax.

With help right at hand, Thomas’s mother breathed her last.


Thrown out of the mansion like a piece of trash, Thomas picked himself off the floor and glared at the stern-looking men standing in front of the house.

That rich bastard had gone back inside.

“Probably gone to think of how he was going to fuck that bitch!” Thomas thought in fury.

When one of the men took a menacing step forward, Thomas quickly turned around and hurried towards his car.

The car which wouldn’t get the refilled AC gas as soon as Thomas had thought when he drove up that driveway that morning.

He couldn’t believe how drastically things had turned so fast.

He had thought he couldn’t lose this time for sure, yet here he was leaving with nothing!


That bitch and her goddamn family had managed to pull a fast one on him again!

Let’s not forget her fucking knight in goddamn shining armour too.

Although Thomas wouldn’t admit it to anyone, he was relieved that he was leaving with his body intact after all.

When Maxwell had stepped towards him as they dragged him out of the room, he had thought for sure that he was going to exert his revenge on him right there and then.

But then the sobbing sounds of Reyona had filtered through the door and Maxwell had stopped in his tracks.

He motioned to the men to drag Thomas out.

Of course, it didn’t occur to Thomas that that momentary cry of Reyona could have been what saved him from being knocked to hell.

All he had felt was disgust and rage.

She caused him a big loss again and she was the one crying?


His breath had backed up in his lungs momentarily when he saw that Maxwell had followed them out.

Maxwell moved closer to him and all he said was, “You dared to double-cross me after I warned you. Oh, you are going to pay. I will make you pay for everything you have ever put her through. By the time I am done with you, you will wish for death. That is a promise.”

With that, he turned away from him.

The door had not closed behind him when the men threw him hard against the ground.

Thomas’s eyes watered with pain as his shins and the elbows he tried to use to break his fall scraped hard against the concrete floor.

It took him a moment to gather his breath to stand up from the humiliating position.

The men were standing in front of the house like a battalion, ready to guard the generals in that house.

One of those generals was his goddamned ex-wife.

The main reason he was facing this humiliation.

Thomas kicked hard at the car door when he tried to open it, and it wouldn’t budge.

It took him a second to calm his rage enough to remember that he had not unlocked the door.

It was their fault.

They turned him into this mess.

They called him here to humiliate him!

They chose to butter him up first by making him think he had the upper hand.

The bastard even offered him food!

All for what? Just so he could go back home to his mother without even something as small as a refund for what she had called her last card?

He was about to get into the car when the phone rang again.

“Stop calling me!” he yelled in frustration.

He didn’t answer the call to tell her that, though.

When he had vented his anger on her the day before, he had not heard the last of it for the rest of the day; he even had to butter her up with apologies that morning to get what he got.

He tossed his phone aside and backed out of the driveway recklessly.

Yet he quickly adjusted his motion when he remembered that there would be no money for any repair if he damaged the car in his recklessness.

He was driving down the path when the call rang again.

“Why is she blowing up my phone because of a few bucks?” he muttered to himself in anger.

What about all the time he had always spent money on her?

Hadn’t he been the one footing the bills for her upkeep since his father died?

Of course, Reyona’s role in providing most of that money was conveniently forgotten as he drove down the pathway.

Everyone was choosing to look down on him now because of his misfortune.

They should all wait.

He would make his comeback and they would all witness it.

As he caught sight of the personal fitness centre, pain shot through him at the reminder of what he had lost.

For a moment, he fantasized about the whole estate being razed to the floor.

“Let’s see how arrogant he would be then,” he thought as he drove out and headed for the main road.

The thought of what would await him at home made him stop the car by the roadside.

His mother could be quite the nag when she was in the mood.

And she had perpetually been in the mood since he had moved in with her and he finally realised that getting a job anywhere in Kayooma would be like fetching water with a basket.

Thomas was in no mood to go home at all.

Pain from his shins and elbows, coupled with the anger and frustration he was feeling at the moment, was too much for him to bottle in while trying to play the reasonable son at home.

He needed to let out some steam.

Some good fucking would do that for him right now.

He would have preferred to have a good piece of ass to screw till her brains lick out but since that was not in the equation for him at the moment and he couldn’t even dream of paying for sex at the moment, he thought of the next best thing.

He searched around in his car compartment and his pockets.

He gathered around the change he could put together; he figured it should be enough to get himself something.

Not in the kind of place he patronized since his financial status had changed, of course.

But in the kind of places he had frequented with Susan long before they met Reyona,

Yes, it was better.

“Anything is better right now than going home to mom’s nagging,” he thought to himself with satisfaction.

After checking the gas to be sure it would take him to where he had in mind and back home, he set out for the destination he had in mind.

Engrossed in his thoughts, he didn’t see the sedan car heading in the direction he was coming from.

The balding man in the car saw him, though.

The latter’s mouth twisted in disdain as he continued on his way.

“What a shameless fellow,” he said in a cultured tone.

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