Reyona’s Revenge

Forbidden Sanctuary

Nobody threatens her!

He thinks he would be doing her a favour by giving her the job.

No, bastard, it will be me doing you a favour by giving you the best you can ever get!

Even she admired her restraint as she walked towards the door.

“Wait,” he said suddenly, and she stopped.

Praying for the strength to hold on to her boiling anger, she turned to face him.

She didn’t even bother with the smiles anymore.

Screw him.

“Why did you not pick up your call when I called you yesterday?”

He stopped her for that?

The idiot just denied her what she rightfully deserved, and he called her back to ask about a phone call?

Reyona couldn’t remember when last she had been as angry as she was at that moment as she stared at his smug face.

The glare she sent him could have flayed off the bark of a tree.

As desperately as she wanted to stick out her middle finger at him, she merely turned around and left.

Michelle was not in her seat as she passed her office.

Which she supposed was a good thing.

She didn’t trust herself not to lash out at anyone in her path at that moment.

She was going to put this to Jordan later, so it would be better if she did not alienate his assistant before she had the chance to plead her case with the right man.

That bastard would know not to threaten her with anything.

Just as she came out of the company and headed towards her car, her phone rang.

Expecting that it was Toria who had promised to call her, Reyona looked at the screen of her phone.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

It was Thomas.

Her already crappy mood nosedived.

Reyona didn’t pick up the call.

The call disconnected, and it started ringing almost immediately.

“What does this bastard want now?” she wondered.

When the phone started ringing again just as she was starting the car, she decided to pick it up.

She wouldn’t switch off her phone because of him.

She would have to have a conversation with him anyway.

So, she decided to get it done and over with.

She picked up the call on the fourth ring.

“Hello, Reyona. How dare you do this to me? You were really serious about the divorce? You want to divorce me?”

That was fast. Reyona thought with satisfaction.

“You can’t just have some bastard serve me some paper while you hide out, you coward! Tell me where you are. I am coming there. You need to tell me why you think the right thing for you to do is to divorce me!”


The bastard dared to call her a coward.

After everything he did, he had the guts to talk to her about doing the right thing.

How rich!

An idiot just threatened her with what should have been her due, and her cheating husband dared to call her names now?

After the bastard dared to raise his hands against her,?

Oh, she was going to show him what a coward can do!

“Where are you, Reyona? Tell me where you are, and…”

“No, you tell me where you are, you piece of sh*t!” she snapped at him.

She could feel his shock from the other end.

She had never spoken to him like that before.

She had never even raised her voice at him in anger.

She always made sure she calmed down before addressing whatever issue they had.

Toria has always said she would never understand how Reyona could be so calm when dealing with things.

After all, the two of them had come from two hotheaded people who matched themselves in fervor, and Toria was the very picture of that hotheadedness.

Reyon had learned calmness, and she had learned it well.

Even when everything in her rebelled against coolheadedness in certain situations, Reyona stuck to it.

It was how she had built her company.

And her marriage.

Or at least she thought she had a marriage to build before the bubble burst.

If the shameless bastard thought he had the right to accuse her after all he did, then he had another thing coming.

“What? I…I am at home.” Thomas said it lamely.

“Good, I am coming!” she said and disconnected the call.

He was waiting for her on the porch when she got home.

Seeing his deceptive face stirred something in her, but she stamped it out by dredging up every single thing that the bastard had done to her and their marriage.

He came to meet her as she was coming out of the car.

“Reyona, why would you…

“Unless you don’t mind causing a scene out here, I will suggest you come inside,” she said as she stepped around him and went straight through the opened door.

The homey, welcoming space that had been her sanctuary for years now felt forbidden.

It felt unclean to her in a way as she entered it and dropped her bag on the couch.

At that moment, she realised she wanted him gone.

She wanted him out of her life.

Out of her space.

She wanted him to be as far away from her as possible.

She wanted to never have to see him again.

She wanted every trace of him in her life to be gone.

Maybe then she would fully engage in her new role of living for herself.

“Why would you have me served with a divorce letter, Reyona?” Thomas asked with a forlorn voice as he entered and closed the door.

“Because it is what you deserve,” Reyona answered dispassionately.

“What do you mean, I…” Is this because of the mistake I made?” he asked in a heated voice.

“Which of them?” Reyona asked.

“Them? Ain’t you doing this because I hit you?” he asked innocently.

“If that makes you feel better, then yes. I am divorcing you because you dared to raise your hand against me. Happy now?”

“What do you mean? You can’t just divorce me because of…”

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