Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 38


Kairos's claws tear up the forest floor as we run as fast as we can to the old treehouse. Memories of playing there as a pup with Bryant and Chance flash through my mind. Max always preferred to stay home and read while I was out with my friends getting dirty and raising hell. The forest thins slightly as the massive tree with the falling structure in its branches looms in front of us. As I stop and shift back into human form, a faint campfire scent hangs in the air. I find a stash of shorts and pull them on. Bryant, Chance, and Allen are right behind me.

"Naomi!" I shout as we run around the tree.

"Elena!" Chance yells.

"Looking for your mates," Th masked man appears standing in the doorway of the treehouse. He is wearing all black from head to toe. He cackles and leaps off the treehouse and lands in front of us.

"I want my mate!" Chance demands.

The Masked Man flicks his wrist, and Chance falls to his knees with a howl of pain. "Patience, puppy," He snorts. He looks at me. "I want my book."

"We'll get you the damn book," I yell. "Just release our mates," I demand.

"I don't have your mates," He laughs.

"Where are they?" I ask.

"I presume they are at home," He laughs.

"Son of a bitch," I curse and turn to the others, "We've been tricked. Let's get home." I start to walk away, suddenly, it's like my legs weigh a ton, and the next thing I know, I am on the ground, unable to move. There is that cackling again as my eyes close, and everything goes black.

I hear Chance and Bryant groaning as I come to. I slowly open my eyes, and I am lying on a cold concrete floor. I sit up, but my head feels like it weighs a ton. I look around, and we are in some sort of stone dungeon with no door. There are also no windows and only a few light sconces for light. I look around, and Chance and Bryant sit up while Allen is still out.

"Dad," Bryant shakes his father, "Dad." He looks over at me. "He's still breathing, but he's not responding."

"I'm awake," Allen grumbles. "I just take longer to sit up," He snarls.

"Where the fuck are we?" Chance sighs out. "I can't even sense my wolf here."

'Kairos, I call out to my wolf and hear only a hollow echo. "I can't sense mine either."

There is a low rumbling, a door opens in the stone, and the masked man marches in with two other people in white masks. "Ah, they are awake," He says to the other people. The people with him set trays of food and water on a table in the corner. "Food and water. I am not a complete monster."

"We aren't eating your slop," Chance snarls.

"Suit yourself," The man responds to him.

"Where are we?" Allen demands.

"In my home," The masked man responds. "You will remain here until his," He points at me, "Mate brings me the book."

"My mate?" I ask. "How far away are we?" I ask.

The man shrugs, "Few days, or a week at most."

"She is pregnant. She shouldn't be out on dangerous missions," I scowl.

"Eh, it won't be dangerous if she follows the instructions in the book. But if she fails, then your children will be mine," He explains.

"I don't fucking think so," I snarl and lunge at him. The man disappears, and I run into the stone wall. He laughs as I fall.

"You have no power here, wolf. All of your dogs are caged until I get my book," He folds his arms.

"Who are you?" Allen asks. "Why do you care about this stupid book?"

"Stupid book!" The man bellows. "It's not a stupid book. It's my family's Book of Shadows. It contains our history and our spells. His great grandfather stole it from us," He points to me. "And I just want it back." "Did you think about maybe asking?" Allen counters. "I'm sure Max would have come up with a reasonable solution."

"I asked the previous alpha, and he laughed in my face. I went to the Council, and they laughed in my face. All I want is my family's legacy back!" He stomps his foot.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

"So, do you know Cedric Mercutio?" I ask as I get to my feet.

The man laughs, "Know him. He's my f*****g cousin."

My eyes go wide, "Are you related to the queen also?"

"No," He shakes his head. "You all have five days, so get comfortable. These walls are all you will see until your mate brings me the book," He snarls and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

We all stand in the middle of the room, looking around. There are bunk beds with thin mattresses and a small table where the food and water were placed. I walk over and sit on one of the bunks.

"So what now?" Chance sits beside me.

"We wait," I respond.

"Do you think that Naomi will come through?" Chance asks.

"Of course, she will," Allen proclaims. "If any of my children could do this, it's Naomi."

Bryant snorts, "Gee, thanks, Dad."

"You know what I mean, Bryant," Allen pats his son's shoulder. "Naomi was always the planner to find the best solution to a problem. Elena, bless her heart, is too busy worrying about her hair and makeup to do anything useful." Chance growls, "You are talking about my son's mother."

"I'm just being honest, Chance. I know my kids," Allen looks at me. "Are you worried about your pups?"

"Every day," I respond.

"Naomi will do everything she can to get to us but also protect your pups," Allen tells me. "I know she wasn't completely on board with you as her mate right away," He chuckles.

"Tell me about it," I grumble.

"But now that she is devoted to you entirely, she will never let you down, Magnus," Allen sighs.

I lie on the bunk and stare at the one above it.

"Hey, the food isn't so bad," Chance announces.

The guys all eat some food and offer me some, but I can't stomach it right now. I sip some water, but otherwise, I stare at nothing. Eventually, I fall asleep and dream about Naomi and our pups. Our daughter looks like her with the same hair and eye color. My son appears to be a hell-raiser, just like me. I wonder if he will be a rebel.

I wake up sometime later when the door slams open. The white-masked people walk in with more food and water. I silently observe how the door opens as they set the food down and then leave the cell.

I slowly rise to my feet and grab a carrot from the food tray. I munch on it as I examine the wall. It appears solid with no slits where a door would be.

"Do you think it's enchanted or something?" Allen appears next to me.

I run my hand over the stone and nod, "Probably."

He sighs and stares at the wall, "I hate to be a downer, but I am having a hard time without my wolf or some way to contact Maureen."

"I get it," I sigh. "I miss Naomi and Kairos."

Allen pats my shoulder, "I am thankful my daughter got such a compassionate mate. I remember when I heard that asshole has rejected er. I wanted to rip his head off," Allen tells me. "But Naomi," He sighs. "She took it in stride and then buried herself in the Archive. I am thankful that you got her out of it."

"She still works in an Archive, Allen," I smirk. "Granted, she has made friends with the others working there. She has also become good friends with the Queen."

"Can't fault that, Magnus," Allen nods.

We walk away from the wall and towards the table. Bryant and Chance are munching on the food. I drink some water, and we spend most of the time sleeping or just staring into nothing, missing our mates.

I don't know how much time passes as there are no windows or clocks. The only passage of time is when our food is brought in. I estimate it comes every twelve hours. Over time I grow weary of lying in bed or bullshitting with Chance and Bryant. I start walking around the cell, hoping to find a way out.

The longer we were trapped, the more my mind worked against me. By what I thought was the fifth day, I was on the cold floor against the wall, shaking and rocking myself, hoping against hope that Naomi was coming to get us. But I was beginning to lose hope. Without Kairos to guide me, I felt empty. I looked around the room and found I wasn't the only one losing it mentally. Chance was lying on the bed sobbing while Bryant was wailing in the corner. Allen just stood in the middle of the room, staring. I was starting to understand what was happening. The masked one was hoping we would kill each other. I had to do everything I had to keep from wanting to target my friends.

I close my eyes, and I am whisked away to another place and time. My son and daughter are playing in a park while I sit beside Naomi. Our daughter stops, and a butterfly lands on her hand. She observes the lovely insect for a moment before it catches fire, and she looks right at me with red eyes. Cold laughter rises from her, and I wake up in a cold sweat.

"Save us, Naomi," I cry out.

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