Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 87 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 87 Bonding

Cary’s POV

“Darling, please sit down and rest. Between your pacing and your frustrated scent permeating the air, you’re triggering every Alpha instinct I have. Colton, please make her sit. She’s driving me crazy!” I pleaded with my brother to step in and help me settle our mate before my wolf lost his mind.

By the way Mallory was biting her nails and wearing a path in the carpet, she was obsessing over something again. It had been her favorite pastime since we’d brought her home and I was beginning to worry. It was almost like she couldn’t let her mind be quiet for fear of the memories that might creep in if she did.

Colton’s head snapped up from the report he’d been reading and he fixed me with an irritated glare. I’d asked him to be the bad guy this time and it was a role he was nowhere near ready to play. When Mallory had allowed him to move in, Clay and I thought we’d have an ally when it came to taking care of our mate, but that just hadn’t been the case.

How dare we suggest he do anything Mallory wouldn’t like. In his bid to win her forgiveness, he was treating her like a spoiled princess. Whatever Mallory wanted, Mallory got as far as Colton was concerned.

It had been a full week since we’d brought Mallory home from Quade’s hideout and Colton had spent every day catering to her every whim. Not that I was opposed to her being treated like a queen, but sometimes she needed limits for her own good. A concept Colton was vehemently opposed to.

“She can decide for herself whether she prefers to sit or stand, Cary.” Не snapped at me.

“She needs to relax. The stress is not good for the pups.” I disagreed.

“She is right here.” Mallory barked in aggravation. “And I can’t sit. I’m too upset to hold still.”

“Do you want to sit with me and tell me about it?” Colton offered, giving his best impression of a puppy vying for his master’s attention. “It might help to talk it out. Maybe I can help.”

“Um,” she chewed her fingernail worriedly as she considered her options, “okay, sure. That might help.”

She padded over and plopped down next to Colton. There was a bit of space between them but their bodies leaned together, naturally gravitating toward each other. Their hands brushed where they rested on the seat between them.

“Thank fuck!” I muttered under my breath when the energy in the room shifted from intense to just moderately anxious.

“What’s on your mind, little Omega.” Colton spoke gently, hesitant to press too hard.

“Quade’s trial is coming up and I can’t shake the feeling that he’s going to get away with everything he’s done. Darcy still doesn’t want to testify, but even if she did, it might not be enough. We need more witnesses.” She laid out her concerns.

There was no stopping the growl that ripped from my chest when she admitted why she was so worked up. It wasn’t enough the fucker had kidnapped her and tormented her. He was still haunting her from a prison cell. I hated that he could steal a minute more of her peace.

No one could find the men who’d kidnapped her so there was no proof he’d put them up to it. He was claiming he found her unconscious and took her in while he looked for her family. He’d have the council believe he was nothing more than a good samaritan.

“What about the women, the Omegas you met?” Colton suggested. “You said you overheard them talking about what he’d done to Darcy. They could tell the council what kind of man he is.”

“Maybe.” Mallory considered. “If we can find them in time. Quade is healing a little more every day. We’re running out of time and there were so many properties on that map. We’ll never have time to check them all before the council sets a hearing date.”

“If they’re even still alive.” Colton added morbidly. “Just like the men he sent for you, he would never let them out from under his thumb. His men probably had orders to either move them or murder them if he was ever caught.”

Mallory sucked in a sharp breath, obviously disturbed by that thought, and my wolf nearly tore through my skin. I saw Colton’s eyes flash black and knew he was fighting the same battle with Kai.

It had been a rough week for all of us, caught between our need to ease Mallory’s distress and our wolf’s need to destroy anyone who helped Quade victimize her, which definitely didn’t fall into the non-stress category. Not to mention, the disstressed pheromones she’d been putting out all week were like catnip to our Alpha wolves, making them a little bit high and just a little bit erratic.

Hence the reason Clay was nowhere to be found at the moment. Since finding out our mate was pregnant, followed promptly by her abduction, his need for control extended far beyond the bedroom these days. Where I’d enlisted Colton’s help to calm her, he would have been more likely to bark at her to sit like a dog or tie her to the chair when she inevitably disobeyed him. It had taken exactly two such arguments before he learned to simply walk away.

Speaking of the bedroom, that seemed the perfect place for us all to engage in some stress-relieving activities.

“I think we could all use a break. Why don’t we go lie down for a bit?” I suggested.

“I’m not a child, Carrignton! It’s ten am. I don’t need to be put down for a nap.” I stifled a growl at her attitude and use of my full name.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“That’s it!” I jumped up from my chair and lifted her into my arms. “If you wanted to convince me you aren’t a child maybe you should have started with not pouting like a petulant toddler.”

“Put me down! You’re worse than Clay!” She added kicking her legs to her tantrum, further emphasizing my point.

“Colton. you coming?” I called over my shoulder as I strolled from the room, completely ignoring my furious mate.

“Um,” He hesitated. “I’m not sure that’s…”

“No excuses! Let’s go, big bro!”

Colton hadn’t been in our bedroom since bringing Mallory home. He hadn’t asked and she hadn’t offered. While she slept between Clay and I every night, he slept in the spare room. I probably shouldn’t have invited him until she was in the proper frame of mind to consent to having him there, but I had a feeling her salty behavior was somewhat pregnancy hormone related so that could be months.

Besides, the two of them were dancing around each other like shy teenagers. I would catch Colton staring at her when she wasn’t looking with a forlorn expression in his face. He would make excuses to touch her, brush up against her, but never outright try to put his arm around her or even hold her hand.

Mallory was no better. She made excuses to spend time with him, saying it was important for the pups. She’d sit with him while he read to her, or lay on the sofa in his office while he worked, all in the name of “bonding.” Clay found it amusing but I just found it maddening. So now, I was taking matters into my own hands.

“I’m going to use the bathroom. Colt, why don’t you help our mate get more comfortable?” I set Mallory on her feet and left her in my brother’s capable hands.

Our little wolf may think she can get away with being a brat, but she should remember I cornered that market already. I gave them a few minutes to see what they might get up to without an audience before heading back in the room. As expected, by the time I rejoined them, they were snuggled up under the covers together… and they were kissing. That was progress!

“Don’t let me interrupt you.” I quipped when I went to crawl into bed. They broke apart like they’d been caught making out behind the bleachers at school.

“Um, we were just -” Mallory sputtered.

“I know what you were doing, darling.”

I whispered in her ear, enjoying the way she squirmed. “I think you should keep going while I watch.”

I pressed my chest tightly against her back and thrust my hips forward, letting her feel how hard I was for her. Sliding my hands over the soft skin of her belly and over her ribs, I cupped her tits, enjoying the way they filled my hands as her chest expanded with every panting breath. Her nipples hardened when I stroked them in feather light circles with my thumbs.

“Go on.” I prompted when neither of them had moved toward the other.

Mallory whimpered and whined needily as I continued to tweak her tightened buds. Colton watched her unravel with a pained expression. I gave him a nod of encouragement over Mallory’s shoulder.

“It doesn’t have to mean anything if ‘you don’t want it to, love. Please, just let me take care of you. Let me help you relax.” Colton pleaded with her, looking as though he might die of unsated lust if she didn’t agree.

“Yes, Colt. Please.” She answered breathily.

He dove for her then, slamming his lips to hers, ravaging her mouth in a searing kiss. They finally broke apart when I shimmied her shirt up over her head. Colton took her full breasts in his hands, staring at them reverently.

“So beautiful.” He groaned. “May I worship these?”

“Please! I want that.” Mallory’s words were little more than a sensual moan, making my cock jump in my pants.

Colton dipped his head to the valley of her breasts, kissing, licking, nipping before sucking one pointed tip into his mouth. Mallory arched into him, gasping in pleasure. I latched onto the spot I’d already chosen to leave my mark, grazing it with my teeth then sucking hard.

“Fuck!” Mallory cried, the scent of her arousal flooding the space around us and nearly choking me with need to be inside her.

“Get her pants off, brother!” Colton released her nipple with a pop at my command and disappeared under the covers.

My hands found their way between her legs as Colton stripped off her leggings along with her panties. Slick coated her pussy and thighs, my fingers gliding through with ease. Mallory thrust against my fingers, searching for the relief I was denying her, whining pitifully when she didn’t get what she wanted.

“Fuck. Me.” Colton groaned, running his nose up her inner thigh before resurfacing. “You smell so good. I’m dying to taste you, little Omega. Please tell me I can.”

“If you don’t, I’ll definitely never forgive you.” Mal hiss impatiently.

I wrapped a hand around her thigh and pulled her knee to her chest, opening her wide for him. Mallory’s long, sensual moan told me the minute his lips found her dripping core. I let my brother work her pussy with his tongue, while I captured her mouth with mine.

Mallory writhed and whimpered in my arms as Cotlon ate her like a desperate man, which he probably was. I swallowed every delicious moan, devouring her as I licked and sucked at her tongue.

“Please, please, please,” Mallory babbled, wildly riding Colton’s face.

“You’re being such a good girl for your Alphas. Wait until we say you can come, okay darling?” I purred.

“Oh-okay.” She stammered, her eyes glazed over, lost in a carnal haze.

I lost count how many times my cock dry fired, her needy sounds and slick pussy making me horny as fuck. But this was about her. I wanted her so blissed out she would pass out in my arms and we were doing a damn good job of getting her there.

She slid one hand into my hair, tugging my mouth back to hers so she could bite at my lips. Her other hand slipped through Colton’s longer locks, holding him in place. He moaned against her pussy when she pulled his hair hard, struggling against the pleasure he assaulted her with.

* “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Please!” Mallory rambled.

“What do you think, brother? Has our little brat learned her lesson? Should we let her come?” I teased.

“Fuck, yes!” He gritted out, barely restraining his own climax.

“Colton says you can come, baby. Be a good girl and let go for us.” I coaxed.

The lewd sounds of Colton slurping at her drenched cunt filled the room as he continued to punish her battered bundle of nerves. I pinched one of her pert nipples hard at the same moment he sucked her clit between his teeth, biting her just hard enough to send her over the edge.

Mallory screamed, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm. Colton wickedly continued to lap at her, forcing her release to go on and on. She pushed at his head and pressed her back into me in an attempt to escape. But I held her in place.

“Please, I can’t! No more.” she begged and of course, Colton took pity on her.

Her head fell back on my shoulder and I brushed the sweaty hair from her face. Her eyes were hooded, lids heavy as she fought the need to sleep. I kissed her head and purred, lulling her to sleep while Colton rubbed her limbs, soothing away the last remnant of her trembling release.

“Love you.” She mumbled, Colton’s eyes going wide at the declaration.

He opened his mouth as if to say it back or maybe verify he was included in that sentiment at all, but I put my finger to my lips to silence him. She had already succumbed to sleep and I wanted to keep it that way. Instead, he pulled her onto his chest and tucked her head under his chin, snuggling into her.

“Fuck, I want this to last forever.” He whispered.

I was just about to respond when Clay came strolling into the room, just dropping his phone from his ear. He stopped in his tracks, taking in the scene and the scent of sex still hanging heavy in the air. I felt his shock at seeing our mate naked in Colton’s arms but he just shook his head, deciding not to ask.

“Who was on the phone?” I asked him.

“The secretary for the council. Quade’s been deemed fit to stand trial. The date has been set for a week from today.” He informed us. “We have one week to find the proof we need to put him away for good.”

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