Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 78 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 78 Hang On

Cary’s POV

Despite our agreement that we all needed rest, none of us went back to sleep. Colton was curled up in our bed, the sheets tucked under his nose so he could cling to Mallory’s scent like a lifeline. Clay was probably in the office, analyzing every known detail of Alpha Quade’s territory. And I was sitting on the floor in the back of our closet with one of Mallory’s shirts pressed to my face.

Which of us was the most pathetic was a toss up. At least Clay was doing something but that had always been his coping mechanism. He was as close to losing his shit as the rest of us. If we didn’t get our mate back soon, the famous Black Moon Alpha Triplets would be nothing more than three feral wolves, incapable of leading a pack.

Incapable of anything without our Luna.

I couldn’t feel my bond with Mallory and it was the absolute worst feeling in the world. I assumed the others couldn’t either but I hadn’t asked.

Talking about it would make it real. I just couldn’t face that. Not yet.

At least I knew she was still alive and I held on to that with both hands. If she were dead, the pain would have been unbearable. It felt more like she was sleeping or unconscious. That comforted me a little. Maybe she was going through hell and was just too far away for us to feel her through our incomplete bond. But it eased my mind somewhat to think of her sleeping peacefully.

I shifted my weight and the sound of paper crinkling had me reaching for the forgotten printout I’d stuffed in my back pocket. I pulled out the sonogram photos and searched for the recognizable outlines of my pups. They were barely the size of a kiwi fruit but already had well-defined parts as all shifter pups did at this stage.

A sharp gasp beside me drew my attention. I’d been so lost in thought, I hadn’t noticed Colton enter the closet and sit down on the floor beside me.

“Is that what I think it is?” He asked. I nodded and handed the strip of pictures over to him. “They’re so small.”

His voice was filled with wonder and I knew exactly how he felt. I didn’t think it was possible to feel more excitement than I did hearing Mallory say she was pregnant. But I’d been wrong. Because nothing could have prepared me to see my pups on that screen, breathing and moving and living.

“We have to get them back, Cary.” Colton was gripping the paper so tight I was afraid it would tear.

“Hang on. I’ll get my brothers.” Clay’s voice had both our heads snapping up, interrupting our sentimental moment.

“I’ll just wait in the office.” Nathan answered, his tone morose.

I jumped to my feet and offered Colton my hand. He took it and let me pull him up. All he had to do was raise his eyebrow at me and I knew exactly what he was thinking. Neither of us loved the way Nathan felt for our mate, the way he still longed to be near her even though she was officially off limits. But we all loved his willingness to help us get her back.

So when Colton asked his unspoken question “Are we really gonna work with this guy?” My unspoken answer was unequivocally “Hell yes!” He gave me a curt nod, shoved his hands in his pockets, and followed me out the door.

“There you are! Where have the two of you been?” Clay snapped.

“Closet.” I grunted.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

It was all the explanation he was going to get and probably all he needed. His judgmental tone irritated me but I let it go. We needed to work together, not fight amongst ourselves. We were all on edge.

As soon as we walked through the office door a ferocious growl filled the room. Nathan launched himself at Colton, swinging at him with a mean right hook. They ended up on the floor with Nathan on top, throwing punches my brother didn’t even try to block.

“Get the fuck off of him!” Clay bellowed, hooking Nathan under the arms and dragging him away from Colton.

I kept my eye on Mikhail, his Beta, just in case he decided to come to his Alpha’s aid. Fortunately for him and the office decor our mother so carefully selected, he had the sense to stay out of it before it turned into an all out brawl.

“What the fuck is he doing here?”

Nathan snarled in Colton’s direction.

“It’s a long story. If you’d asked before assaulting him, we could have explained it to you.” I bit out, my own temper hanging by a thread.

Colton wiped the blood from his bottom lip with his thumb, his eyes never leaving Nathan. I could see the emotions warring in his gaze. The guilty part of him felt he deserved the beating. The jealous side wanted to put Nathan in his place. I decided to sit back and watch. It would be interesting to see which side won.

Clay gave the cliff notes version of Colton’s plan and how he found himself back in our good graces. But ever Mallory’s champion, Nathan wasn’t ready to let my brother off the hook just yet.

“You don’t deserve her. No one who could justify hurting her that way could ever deserve her.” He hurled at Colton bitterly.

“I know. But that’s not for you to decide. It’s not even for me to decide. It’s up to her who she wants.” Colt kept his fists in his pockets like it was the only way to stop himself from hitting him. But I could see the glint in his eye and had a feeling he was going to land a blow in another way. “Anyway, none of that matters until we get her home. Her and our pups.”

“What?” Nathan’s head spun around to look at Clay and I for confirmation. ” She’s…”

His head dropped to his chest. It was at that moment I knew he’d still been holding out hope she would change her mind and that hope had just died. I could see it when he looked at me, that cherished wish withering on the vine,

“Yes, she is.” I confirmed smugly. ”

Triplets. We found out just before she was taken.”

I looked at Colton to see the tiniest curl to one corner of his lip, the only celebration of his victory he would allow himself. Nathan nodded and swallowed hard, his eyes shuttered in acceptance.

“Then let’s bring them all home.” He said, heading for the desk where Clay had the map spread out.

We spent the better part of the day discussing entry points and briefing our warriors on the plan. By dusk, we had the team assembled in the courtyard, ready to load up and roll out. We had so little intel to go on but none of us were willing to wait another hour let alone another day or more.

The trip wasn’t long by car, a couple of hours at most. But it brought to mind the one Mallory made to get to Black Moon, through a long, dark tunnel, on foot. Maeve must have carried her for hours to get her to safety.

I could still remember that day. My little heart had lurched when I laid eyes on the most adorable little girl I’d ever seen. Her hair was so shiny and she had the cutest button nose. Her pink lips were turned down and her eyebrows drawn together, even in sleep.

Her tiny, heart-shaped face was covered in dirt and a trickle of blood ran from her forehead. When Maeve arrived on our doorstep with her, looking half dead, mom had cried. It was the first time I’d ever seen her cry and my nine-year-old self wanted to cry too.

In the chaos that ensued, I managed to sneak in the car with them when they took her to the infirmary. Mom scolded me and insisted I sit in the waiting room and not move when she realized I was there. But I kept sneaking into Mallory’s room and climbing into the bed with her.

I was just a kid but looking back, I should have known better than to follow my brothers’ lead in bullying her. I should have known she was special and deserved better. If only I’d known then how much I would grow to love her.

“We’re there.” Clay elbowed me, stark reality smacking me in the face again.

I nodded at him and followed him out of the car. We were leading the breach of the south entrance. Colton had taken another squadron to the east and Nathan, along with his Beta, were leading the attack from the North. The western border was rimmed by mountains with no entry or exit point that we could see on the map.

We would wait to hear from the others that they were in place then move in simultaneously. Ours was the closest entry point so it would take another hour for the others to reach their designated staging areas and assemble in attack formation. I still couldn’t feel Mallory, but knowing she was so close and not going to her was making my wolf crazy.

Pacing back and forth while Clay gave the men a final briefing was my only outlet for all my pent up nervous energy. We needed the element of surprise. The longer we waited to attack, the more likely they would realize we were here. They could move Mallory before we could get to her, or worse, hurt her.

“We’re going to bring her home, brother.” Clay’s heavy hand landed on my shoulder. “We’re not leaving here without her.”

“But what if-” I couldn’t help but voice my fears but Clay wouldn’t hear them.

“No what ifs.” He barked sternly. ”

There is no other way this ends. I promise you. Neither Quade nor his men want to face Gunner if they refuse to give back his mate and I know Kai and Roan are the same. We’ll slaughter every last one of them until someone gives her up!”

“Alphas, we got word the other squadrons are in place. We’re ready to breach on your command.” One of the warriors informed us.

“Thank you.” Clay told him then turned to me. “Let’s go bring our family home.”

He walked back toward our men but I took another minute to send up a silent prayer before following him.

“We’re coming for you my darling.” I spoke into the night. “Please hang on just a little longer.”

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