Rejected Slave To The Alpha

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Chapter 43. Nelly’s POV.

| picked up a picture, running my finger over the smooth surface. The eyes of the figure. in the photo were a deep brown, and they seemed to stare back at me with a piercing gaze. The longer | looked at the photo, the more unsettled | felt..

| couldn't place where | had seen those eyes before, but they felt familiar. Like a memory from my childhood, just out of reach. | was drawn to them, unable to look. away. But | couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off, that something was

wrong. Suddenly, a hand wrapped around my arm, the cold touch making me jump.

“That’s my beta,” Alpha Kex whispered in my car, the words sending a shiver down my spine. | opened my eyes wide, trying to make sense of what was happening.

This was Alpha Kex beta? And | knew them too, | just couldn’t place where. My memories were a jumble, my thoughts racing. Something was off, something was wrong. | tried to pull away, but the grip on my arm tightened.

He turned me around, his wet skin pressing against mine. | shivered, my nipples hardening against his chest. His hands moved to my cheeks, his touch light and gentle.

“What's wrong?” he asked, his voice low and soothing.

| tried to speak, but the words stuck in my throat. | couldn’t explain what | was feeling. my thoughts racing. | could feel myself trembling, my body on edge. | closed my eyes, willing myself to calm down.

“Nelly,” he said, his voice soft and insistent. | opened my eyes, the intensity of his gaze almost turned me on. “Nothing,” was the curt response | could give. “Are you sure?” he asked, his brow furrowed with worry. | nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

He leaned in, his lips pressing against mine. It was a gentle kiss, his lips soft and warm. But it was enough to stir something inside me, a spark of heat that | couldn't deny. | felt my body responding, my pulse quickening. And then, without warning, he pulled away.

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Chapter 43

“Kex,” | said, my voice firm. He let out a low chuckle, his eyes flashing with amusement. “What?” He asked.

“| hate you,” | said, throwing a pillow at him.

“You hate me?” he asked, his voice mocking.

| narrowed my eyes, my irritation growing. “I hate you,” | said again, my voice defiant.

He took a step towards me, the heat of his body radiating against my skin. | tried to move away, but he pressed me against the wall, his body flushing against mine. | gasped, my breath catching in my throat.

One of his hands settled on my waist, his grip firm and possessive. The other hand. snaked up to my neck, his fingers resting against my skin. He leaned in, his lips. brushing my ear.

“Say it again,” he whispered, his voice low and seductive.

But | couldn’t speak, my tongue tied in a knot. | felt dizzy, my head spinning. | couldn’t think straight, my thoughts scattering like leaves in the wind. | was at his mercy, and I had no idea what he would do next.

His hands left my neck, trailing down my body in a slow, deliberate motion. My skin tingle, my body responding to his touch. He trailed his fingers across my collarbone, down my sternum, across my abdomen, his hands stopped at the surface of my pussy.

| bit my lip, fighting the urge to moan. He was playing with me, teasing me, making me squirm. And | hated to admit it, but | was enjoying it. | felt a heat building inside me, a desire | couldn’t deny.

His lips crashed against mine, our mouths open and hungry. We fought for dominance, our tongues swirling together. His hands found my breasts, cupping them in his palms. He squeezed, his touch sending a jolt of pleasure through me.

| moaned into the kiss, my body trembling with need. He seemed to sense my desire, his touch becoming more intense. | wanted him, needed him, more than | could bear.

*Please,” | whispered, my voice breathless and pleading.

“Please what?” he asked, his lips brushing against my car.

“Please don’t stop,” | managed to say, my words tumbling out in a rush.

“Beg me,” he growled, his voice low and commanding.

| swallowed, my throat dry and my body trembling. “Please,” | whispered, my voice.


Chapter 43

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quivering. | needed him, but | couldn’t bring myself to say the words. | closed my eyes, my body aching for release. “Be patient,” he purred, his voice like velvet.

| shivered, my whole body trembling with need. He continued to tease me, his fingers dancing across my pussy. “Please, Alpha Kex,” | begged, my voice hoarse.

Agrin spread across his face, his eyes gleaming. “Good girl,” he praised, his voice husky.

| felt myself melt under his gaze, my body aching for him. | closed my eyes, surrendering myself to him.

He brought my breasts out, his warm breath ghosting over my skin. | inhaled sharply as he took one in his mouth, his tongue circling my nipple. My legs were jelly, my knees weak.

His hand snaked beneath my legs, his fingers dancing across my thighs. | bit my lip. fighting to suppress the moan building in my throat.

My body was on fire, every nerve alight with pleasure. | was his, and | wanted nothing. more than to give myself to him completely..

He let go of me, his hands moving to the strings of my gown. With one swift motion, het pulled the strings loose and the gown slid to the floor. He scooped me up in his arms, lifting me as if | weighed nothing.

He carried me to the bed, laying me down gently. He leaned down, his lips brushing mine. | wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He broke the kiss, a grin on his face.

“Relax, baby,” he murmured, his eyes soft. “Let me take care of you.”

He spread my legs, my pussy exposed and vulnerable before him. | felt my heart pounding in my chest, my breath shallow and quick.

| watched as he licked his lips, his eyes filled with hunger. | felt a jolt of desire shoot through me as he bent down, his breath warm on my skin. | held my breath, waiting for

what was to come. And then his tongue touched my pussy, and all thought left my mind. | was lost in the sensation, unable to think or speak. All | could do was feel.

| closed my eyes as he continued to pleasure me, he was sucking the living hell out of my pussy, the sensation growing more and more intense. | took a pillow and pressed it

81%2 Chapter 43 against my mouth, muffling the moans that threatened to escape.

| was lost in a haze of desire, my body trembling with need. | could feel my orgasm building, my body tensing with anticipation. | bit down on the pillow, my whole body focused on the moment.

| opened my eyes, confused by the sudden cessation of his touch. | was about to ask. what was wrong when he flipped me over, my stomach pressed against the cool sheets. | felt a sharp sting as he spanked my behind, and | cried out.

Then | felt him enter me, and | bit the sheets, the pleasure and pain overwhelming me. He moved slowly at first, his rhythm steady and firm. | could feel him building, his body tensing with anticipation.

He thrust faster and faster, his movements becoming more and more urgent. “Ke...x, | gasped his name, my body shaking with pleasure. He grabbed my hair, pulling my head back. “Cum for me, baby,” he growled, his voice deep and husky.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

| cried out, my body going rigid as my orgasm washed over me. | felt him tense and then release, his own body shuddering with ecstasy.

He pulled out, collapsing beside me on the bed. We lay there, breathless and spent, our bodies slick with sweat.

| tried to sit up, but he pulled me back down, his arms wrapped around me. “Where are you going?” he asked, his voice soft. H

“To my room,” | replied, not wanting to admit that | just wanted to be with him.

“Stay here with me tonight,” he said, his tone brooking no argument.

| nodded, my body melting into the bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. | could feel his head resting on my breast, his breath warm against my skin. | ran my fingers through his hair, savoring the moment.

“When do you plan on bringing your mate?” | asked, my voice barely a whisper. He mumbled something in response, his words unintelligible. | waited for him to repeat himself, but he was already asleep..

As | lay there, | couldn’t help but wonder what his mate was like. Was she beautiful? Would she be able to give him the happiness | never could? Would he still come back to me? | knew | was nothing more than his mistress, a temporary distraction. But even so, | couldn’t help but feel a sense of jealousy, of possessiveness.

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