Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

chapter 86

Chapter 86 

In the dim light, I blink rapidly, my eyes struggling to adjust to the confined surroundings. My eyes take a moment to adjust, and then the harsh reality of our situation crashes down on me. 

We ARE in a truck. 

I frantically glance around, trying to absorb every detail of our surroundings. We’re huddled in a cramped corner of the truck, feeling the chill of the cold metal walls against our bodies. It’s clear that our captors forcefully threw us in here. The cramped space is suffocating, with crates piled chaotically around us, their contents hidden in the shadows. 

I can feel Nadia trembling beside me, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps. 

“It’s okay,” I whisper, my voice barely more than a breath. “We’re going to get out. We will.” 

How did we end up here? Who are these people, and what do they want with us? 

My mind is filled with swirling questions, yet there are no answers, only an overwhelming sense of fear and uncertainty. I can sense the heaviness of it, a burden that looms over me, ready to engulf me completely.. 

But I can’t allow myself to succumb to hopelessness. Not now, not when Nadia is depending on me. We have to stay strong, focused, and aware of our surroundings. I have no doubt that we’ll uncover an escape route from this situation. 

It seems like shifting is my sole option now, a desperate effort to restore a semblance of control in this situation. Inhaling deeply, I center myself and tap into the dormant wolf within, beckoning its essence to empower me with the strength and nimbleness required to navigate our current predicament. 

As I attempt to shift, to embrace my inner wolf, I’m met with a frustrating resistance, like crashing into a solid brick wall. 

“Huh?” Panic threatens to engulf me, but I push it down, focusing instead on finding another way out of this nightmare. “Shit, not now. Focus, Maya.” 

With a deep breath, I brace myself and try to stand upright, but the forceful jolt of the truck throws me off balance, causing me to stumble forward. Instantly, my head collides with the unforgiving metal of the truck’s interior, sending a jolt of pain coursing through my body. 

My hands were bound, but that didn’t stop me from letting out a sharp cry as warm blood trickled down my face, my fingertips brushing against the sticky sensation. 

“What?” In a hushed tone, filled with both anxiety and apprehension, Nadia whispered. “What’s wrong? What happened? Maya?” 

“It’s nothing. Just – let me breathe, for a bit,” 

Determined not to let the pain stop me, I push myself upright once more, my breath filled with curses. For Nadia’s sake, I need to find the strength to stay strong, even if it feels impossible. With a throbbing ache in my head, I push through the discomfort and fumble with the knot of Nadia’s blindfold. 

The fabric scratches uncomfortably against my skin, but I refuse to give up. With my hands tightly bound together at the wrists, I frantically attempt to untie the knot, feeling my heart race with desperation. Ensuring Nadia’s safety is my top priority, and I am willing to go to any lengths to ensure that we both survive. 

Finally, after what seems like an endless stretch of time, I am able to remove Nadia’s blindfold, and her eyes blink rapidly in the sudden 


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19:22 Sat, 22 Jun

Chapter 86 

brightness. The only sound in the air is our heavy breathing, amplifying the stillness that surrounds us. 

As the blindfold is taken off, Nadia’s eyes widen in horror, Immediately drawn to the ghastly wound on my forehead. I can see the panic written all over her face, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open in shock, but before she can say anything, I quickly interject. 


“It’s nothing.” Despite the throbbing pain in my head, I assure her with a firm voice. It’s as if the universe is playing a cruel joke on me as blood drips down my eye, causing my vision to become hazy, even with my repeated blinking. “We don’t have time to worry about that now. 

We need to focus on getting out of here.” 

Nadia’s doubtful expression remained unchanged, but she reluctantly nodded, her eyes darting back and forth between me and the deep gash on my forehead. She hesitates, her concern evident in the way she fidgets, but I interject before she can voice her thoughts. 

“Listen,” I say, my tone urgent. “We need to get these ropes off. Can you see well enough to untie them?” 

Nadia blinks, her eyes adjusting to the dim light of the truck’s interior. Nodding after a brief pause, her determination becomes evident, overshadowing her underlying fear. 

“Yeah, I think so,” she replies, her voice a little shaky. “B–but how? Our… Our h–hands are still tied-” 

I glance down at the ropes binding my wrists together, frustration bubbling up inside of me. My skin feels the sharp pricks of the rough fibers, yet I push the discomfort away, my mind fixed on the task at hand. 

“I have an idea,” I say, my mind racing as I formulate a plan. “You use your teeth to gnaw through the rope around my hands. Once you’ve freed me, I’ll do the same for you.” 

At the suggestion, Nadia’s eyes widen with astonishment, but she responds with a resolute nod, determination flickering in her gaze. Taking a deep breath, she braces herself and sinks her teeth into the rope, feeling the resistance of the thick fibers. 

As we work together, I can feel the weight of tension hanging in the air, our synchronized movements a testament to our shared determination to break free from captivity. Each passing second feels like a never–ending stretch of time, as the sound of Nadia’s teeth relentlessly chomping through the rope reverberates within the cramped truck. 

After what seems like an endless amount of time, I finally sense the ropes around my wrists starting to loosen their grip. My hands are finally freed as the fibers snap apart with one final tug, and I let out a sigh of relief, the sound echoing through the room. 

“Your turn,” I say, turning to Nadia and gesturing towards her own bindings. “Turn around, let me untie them.” 

With a determined nod, Nadia’s eyes light up, and she extends her wrists towards me. Without hesitation, I quickly set to work, my nimble fingers swiftly undoing the ropes that have kept her captive. 

Nadia’s breath escapes her in a shaky exhale as the final bindings release, her hands quivering as she cautiously flexes her fingers. 

Free from the restraints that had bound our wrists, Nadia and I immediately set to work on removing the ties that held our legs. 

With caution, we collaborate to unravel the tangled knots, being careful not to worsen the injuries on our legs. With adrenaline rushing through us, the pain becomes a distant ache, but the sting lingers with each motion. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

The loosening of the ropes brought us immense relief, as we could now navigate more comfortably in the tight space of the truck. 

With each tug on the rope encircling my leg, steal glances at the narrow window positioned high on the truck, providing a glimpse of what lies beyond. It’s the only source of light in the dim interior, casting long shadows across the crates stacked haphazardly around us. 

19:22 Sat, 22 Jun RG 

Chapter 86 

With the tie finally off, I take a brief moment to catch my breath, feeling my heart racing in my chest as I steal a quick glance back at Nadia. With wide eyes, she watches me, her face reflecting a blend of fear and unwavering resolve. 

“What now?” she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. “I… I tried to shift–I can’t-” 

“I know. I tried too.” I take a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline surge through my veins as I contemplate the different paths we could take. The window, our best shot at freedom, is both small and positioned high up, adding to the daunting nature of our escape plan. “I think maybe.” 

“They drugged us?” 

“Probably. Listen, we need to get to that window,” Pointing towards the source of light, I say distractedly, my eyes fixated on the glowing object. “It’s our way out of here.” 

Nadia and I, with our legs still aching, struggle to reach the small window, teetering as we attempt to find balance without putting pressure on our injured limbs. Despite the pain and exhaustion, we forge ahead, fully aware that our only chance of escape lies in persevering. 

Standing by the window, a sinking feeling settles in as I come to the realization that it’s positioned higher than either of us can reach independently. I catch a glimpse of Nadia’s face, and it reflects the same sense of dismay that I am feeling. 

I furrow my brow, deep in thought, searching for a solution. Suddenly, a realization dawns on me. 

“Nadia, you’ll have to carry me- 

In disbelief, Nadia’s eyes widen, her mouth falling open. With crossed arms over her chest, she complains in a hushed whisper. 

“Me? Why do I have to do the dirty work?” 

1 bite my tongue to refrain from rolling my eyes. I reply, mustering all the confidence I can, attempting to sound convincing. 

“Because I’m lighter-” 

Blushing, Nadia’s cheeks flush a vibrant shade of red, revealing her embarrassment. Just as she is about to protest again, I quickly raise my hand to halt her

“Now’s not the time to argue,” I say firmly. “We need to focus. Get on your knees and help me up.” 

Despite her skepticism, Nadia nods reluctantly, her expression remaining unchanged. Just like me, she is aware that we are left with no other options. Working together is our only chance to break free from this nightmare. 

Nadia takes a deep breath before bending down and lifting me onto her back. I cling to her neck, feeling the warmth of her body against mine. Her muscl 

tighten beneath me, a silent testament to the effort she exerts to carry my burden without wavering. 

Slowly and carefully, we make our way towards the window, feeling the weight of each step as we try to maintain our balance. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest with every step, the fear of stumbling and falling causing my muscles to tense up. 

But Nadia’s steady pace and unwavering determination give me hope as she carries me towards our only chance at freedom. 

Out of nowhere, the truck jolts, causing us to tumble and sending a silent cry escaping from my lips as we struggle to regain our balance. With a quick wipe of sweat from her forehead, Nadia steadies herself, her unwavering determination shining through despite the chaos that engulfs us. 

19:22 Sat, 22 Jun RA

Chapter 86 

Once again, she kneels in front of me, assuming her position. 

“Get on and reach the window again, Maya.” 

I comply, feeling the warmth of her neck against my arms as she effortlessly lifts me up again. With each lurch of the truck, its jerky and unpredictable movements, Nadia remains steady, her unwavering strength shining like a beacon in the darkness. 

With Nadia’s guidance, we carefully navigate our way back towards the window, each step teetering on the edge of instability. The air is filled with the sound of our ragged breaths, each exhale a testament to the tension that hangs in the air as we inch closer to our goal. 

Right as we reach the window for the second time, the truck suddenly hits a bump on the road, causing us to stumble once more. Teetering on the edge of disaster, my heart pounds in my chest, the sound echoing in my ears. But somehow, Nadia manages to regain her footing. determination driving her forward with gritted teeth. 

Summoning all my strength, I manage to make it to the window, my hands scrabbling for purchase on the frame as I struggle to lift myself. 

At that moment, a flurry of events unfolded in rapid succession. 

The door of the truck swings open, the sound of a gun being cocked fills the air, followed by a sudden shout. 

“Make one wrong move and I shoot.” 

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