Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 


My senses come alive as I regain consciousness, feeling the weight of someone’s arms cradling me, my head throbbing and my body throbbing with pain. Everything feels distant and unclear, as if I’m viewing the world through a smudged and smoky window. I make an effort to bring clarity to my environment, yet it slips through my fingers like intangible phantoms in the obscurity. 

The haze in my vision gradually clears, and I become aware that it’s Axton who’s carrying me. His face twisted into a fierce scowl, his eyes burning with unwavering determination. His low, menacing growl echoed through the forest as his lips curled back in a snart, his eyes darting 

from tree to tree. 

My mind is overwhelmed with confusion as I struggle to make sense of the chaotic events unfolding 

Where are we? What’s going on? 

It takes me a moment to realize that the silence has been broken by the sound of footsteps. There are other pack members with us, mostly men, their eyes focused and their footsteps purposeful as they navigate through the dense foliage. 

The sound of Axton’s voice fills my ear, his words sharp and urgent as he barks orders and directs the others. I strain to hear what he’s saying. but his words are muffled and distorted, like a foreign language spoken in a turbulent storm. 

A wave of terror washes over me as I come to the horrifying realization that something is seriously awry. The air is heavy with tension, as if danger lurks around every comer, Clinging onto Axton’s shoulders, I feel my fingers sinking into his skin, desperately trying to steady myself. 

“What’s happening?” 

I manage to choke out, my voice barely a whisper. 

Axton’s grip tightens around me, his jaw clenched with determination. 

“You’re bleeding everywhere, Maya.” 

A menacing growl escaped his throat, his voice dripping with danger. The fact that he used my real name catches me off guard, and in that moment, the seriousness of everything becomes crystal clear. 

The memory floods back, and in an instant, I let out a piercing scream. 

I feel a sudden, intense pain shoot through my leg, making me scream out in agony. The searing pain spreads throughout my entire body, as if it were set ablaze by the wound. Struggling to distance myself from the source of agony, I make an effort to shift, but Axton’s grasp constricts, refusing to let me go. 

“Hey, calm down-” 

I try to form words, to express the agony pulsating through every fiber of my being, but all that escapes is a choked wheeze. The pain is suffocating, pressing on me like a heavy burden, leaving me struggling to form coherent thoughts or utter a single word. 

With a concerned furrow in his brow, Axton leans down to meet my gaze, his eyes probing mine in search of answers. His voice carries a sense of urgency as he speaks. 

“Chestnut, baby, calm down. Everything will be fine, I’ve got you.” 

Another wave of pain crashes over me, driving the breath from my lungs. 

Chapter BO 



My hands instinctively reach for my leg as I double over, desperately trying to alleviate the pain that courses through my body. The pain in my leg is so intense that it feels like it’s tearing me apart from the inside out, leaving me on the verge of being completely consumed by agony. 

With a start, my heart pounding, the memories of what happened come rushing back. The bear trap. My leg caught in its merciless grip, the metal teeth sinking into my flesh with a sickening crunch. If I hadn’t reacted quickly and pulled away, my leg would have been in grave danger, and the forest would have become my final resting place. 

My heart pounding. I quickly glance down at my leg, half–expecting to see a horrifyingly mangled mess. I reach out tentatively, my fingers trembling as they brush against my leg. Without a chance to lay eyes on the wound and investigate it further, Axton’s firm grasp on my jaw 

interrupts me. 

“Don’t,” Shaking his head with a frown, he says disapprovingly. My wide eyes desperately try to steal a glance at my leg again, but the searing pain forces tears to cascade down my cheeks. “You need to focus on staying calm.” 

I try to protest, my voice caught in my throat, desperate to convey the urgency of seeing the extent of the damage. The pain is so intense that it clouds my thoughts, making it impossible to think clearly. Looking down at me, Axton’s eyes reflect his concern, and his expression shows a softening of sympathy. 

“I’m sorry,” he says, his voice gentle, as he tightens his grip on me, sighing in frustration, and pressing his forehead against mine. “I’ll get you help. Just hold on a little longer.” 

Clutching onto Axton’s shoulder, my tears mingling with the sweat on his shirt, I watch as he barks out orders to the pack. As he spoke, his voice had a sharpness to it that seemed to cut through the chaos of the forest, demanding everyone’s attention. 

“Spread out! We need to cover every inch of this forest!” As Axton bellows, the sheer volume of his voice creates a rumbling sensation in his chest and causes my cheek to vibrate. “Check the tree lines, the bushes, every possible hiding spot! Don’t overlook anything! We need to find that trap before it’s too late!” 

“We’re on it, Alpha! We’ll find that trap!” 

As Axton stood there, another pack member made their way towards him, their face betraying a somber demeanor. “Alpha, we’ve covered the entire perimeter, but there’s no sign of the bear trap. We’ve checked every possible spot, but the trap seems to have been moved or taken. But the trap seems to have been moved or taken. There’s definitely something off with the scents in the area.” 

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As Axton responds, a jumble of words escapes his lips, but my leg throbs with such intensity that I struggle to comprehend. The sensation is akin to a searing–hot poker, relentlessly penetrating my flesh and leaving my nerves ablaze with its intense force. I’m struggling to gather my thoughts, making it nearly impossible to pay attention to what Axton is trying to communicate. 

As the pack disappears into the forest, the sound of their footsteps reverberates like thunder, leaving me struggling to remain conscious. I try to stay present, to lend whatever support I can to Axton and the others. It’s as if I’m attempting to capture water with open hands, futilely watching it slip away despite my desperate efforts to hold onto it. 

Just as abruptly as it arrived, the darkness reclaims its hold on me, plunging me back into its depths. It feels as if I’m tumbling into an infinite abyss, the world vanishing into emptiness as I descend further and further into unconsciousness. 

Axton’s arms wrapped around me, providing a comforting embrace, while his soothing voice whispered reassurances in my ear. But they’re distant and muffled, like echoes from another world. I try to hold onto them, to grasp onto the sound of his voice as a lifeline in the abyss of darkness

But it’s no use. 

I am swallowed by the all–consuming darkness, its weight bearing down on me, making it difficult to breathe. 


Chapter 80 

And as I drift further and further away, the silence becomes deafening, making me question if this is truly the end. 

My eyes snap open with a gasp, and I find myself staring at a ceiling I’ve never seen before. 

My senses are overwhelmed by panic, my heart pounding in my chest as I desperately try to make sense of my surroundings. It’s nothing like a hospital at all. As confusion takes hold of my mind, my bady becomes a canvas of pain, every muscle throbbing relentlessly. As I attempt to sit up, a sharp jolt of pain courses through my leg, causing me to grimace and quickly retreat back against the bed. 

“Shit, what?” 

Carefully, I remove the blanket that is draped over me and glance down at my leg. 

The tight bandage around it serves as a constant reminder of the injury I endured from the bear trap. Memories came rushing back, overwhelming her with the pain and fear of being caught in that trap, and the uncertainty of what awaited her. But now, I’m here, wherever 

“here‘ is, and I’m alive

With a deep breath, I try to steady myself, taking in the surroundings and analyzing the situation. My eyes scan the room, searching for any clues that could help me understand where I am. The room is adorned with rustic wooden furniture, while a collection of dumbbells rests quietly in the comer. Old books are scattered haphazardly throughout the space. Nothing familiar, but then my eyes catch the scent of the blanket covering me, and it hits me like a wave. 

It smells like Axton. 

Suddenly, everything makes sense and fits together like the final piece of a puzzle. I must be in Axton’s home. But why? Why would he bring me here instead of the hospital? Questions swirl in my mind, drowning out all other thoughts, but before I can dwell on them, the door creaks open, revealing Axton’s silhouette. 

“Hey, you’re awake,” With concern in his eyes, he approaches the bed and speaks softly, trying not to disturb her. As I glanced over, I noticed that he had a tray in his hands, balancing a bowl of what appeared to be warm porridge and a glass of tangy orange juice. “How are you feeling?” 

I hesitate, unsure of how to respond. 

“…I don’t know,” I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. “Why am I here?” 

Axton’s expression softens, and he sits down on the edge of the bed. 

“You were hurt,” he says gently. “I brought you here to take care of you.” 

His words sink in slowly, and I can’t help but feel a mix of gratitude and confusion. 

“Why?” I ask, unable to keep the question from escaping my lips. “You could have just left me at the hospital.” 

Running a hand through his hair, Axton let out a weary sigh. 

Instead of replying, he wordlessly places the tray on my lap, leaving me to interpret his actions. On the bed, I sit and fix my eyes on the tray of food before me. It’s a simple meal, yet my lack of appetite persists. Instead of waking up in the hospital, as I had anticipated, I find myself in Axton’s house, and my mind is struggling to process this unexpected turn of events. 

“Why did you bring me here?” 

With a troubled look on his face, Axton hesitates and purposely avoids making eye contact with me. Trying to steer the conversation in a 



Chapter 80 

different direction, he glances at the tray, 

“You should eat.” 

Setting the spoon down, I shake my head in disbelief. 

“No, I want to know why,” I insist, frustration creeping into my voice. “Why didn’t you take me to the hospital?” 

With a sigh, Axton finally speaks, his gaze averted from me. 

“It’s complicated,” 

I raise an eyebrow, my arms instinctively crossing over my chest in a defensive gesture. Firmly, I raised my voice to issue the challenge. 

“Try me.” 

Axton turns back to face me, his eyes filled with conflicting emotions. I couldn’t help but be puzzled by the distinct reddish tint on his cheeks. This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

it’s because of my wolf,” he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. “He wouldn’t let me take you to the hospital.” 

I frown, confused by his words. “…Your wolf?” 

“Yeah, my wolf,” Axton nods, his expression grim. “He’s… strangely protective of you, Chestnut. Especially now that you’re injured. Trust me, I tried to take you to the hospital because I know their medical expertise surpasses my own. However, the moment I arrived, a wave of anxiety washed over me. I can’t… leave you there. I didn’t want to.” 

Trying to process his words, I blink rapidly, my confusion evident on my face, 

I try to speak, but my words are drowned out by the deafening thump of my pounding heart. 


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