Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 

The impact of her words made me instinctively recoil, my body tensing up in response to the emotional blow. 

Lowering my head towards her, I sneer and fix my gaze on her face. 

“I’m not like you,” Whispers of protest escaped my lips, as my voice shook with anger. Nadia’s face beamed with pure satisfaction, relishing in the fact that she had successfully provoked a reaction from me. “I’m not like you at all. I’ve given it my all to get where ! am. I’ve sacrificed so much to get here-” 

With a laugh, Nadia instinctively lifted her arms to shield herself. 

“Feel free to deceive yourself, but your deception won’t fool me. I see right through you, straight to the dark, twisted heart of your 


I could feel a wave of anger building up inside me, burning and powerful, but I managed to suppress it, swallowing it down like a bitter taste. 

“You might think you know me, but you’ve only scratched the surface of who I really am,” I spat, my words laced with venom, leaving a bitter taste in the air. “Don’t assume that you know me just because we were friends as kids. People change, Nadia, and I’ve grown into a completely different person.” 


With her smirk widening, Nadia’s eyes seemed to twinkle with malevolence. 

“On the contrary, I do. I do know you, Maya. The notion that people are unable to change is misguided. I am curious, who influenced you with such an idea? It is in your best interest to pursue better quality teachers.” With a voice full of disdain, she said, “You never learn, do you? I know everything about you, Maya. I am privy to all the secrets, fears, and weaknesses that you harbor. As you have mentioned, we have been friends since we were children, which makes our bond all the more significant.” 

“You’re lying,” Shaking my head, I took a step back from her, unable to comprehend what she had just said. “You’re just trying to hurt me, to tear me down.” 

But Nadia just smiled, a chilling smirk that made me uneasy, as if she knew something I didn’t. 

“Am I?” she said, her voice low and menacing. “Or am I just telling you the truth?” 

The air in the room felt heavy, suffocating, as if each breath I took required an immense effort. My body tensed, and my heart raced within my chest, as I grappled with the daunting task of finding the perfect words to break the heavy silence. Then, to shift the conversation, I finally inquire about the obvious topic that she’s obviously avoiding. 

“Did you know that you were being targeted?” 

There was no reaction from Nadia, her unreadable expression fixed on the empty space in front of her. But her silence spoke volumes, echoing loudly in the confines of the small hospital room. I could feel frustration and despair gnawing at me, creating a sickening sensation of dread deep in my gut. 

I shook my head, desperately attempting to rid myself of the flood of emotions that engulfed me like an unstoppable wave

“He… he knew, didn’t he?” 

20:18 Thu, 20 Jun là G 

Chapter 72 

59% Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

I noticed Nadia’s gaze flicker and her eyes dart away from mine, a clear sign that she was avoiding my question. It felt as if I were drowning in the suffocating stillness, as the silence stretched on, unbroken. As I nervously bit my lip, my heart raced in my chest, consumed by anticipation for her response, yearning for even a glimmer of understanding in the midst of this bewildering. uncertainty. 

“Did…did anyone else know? Your father?” I pressed, my voice growing more insistent. “Did anyone else know that you were in danger?” 

Nadia remained silent, her eyes fixed on the distance as she pressed her lips together firmly. 

Waves of helplessness crashed over me, the weight on my chest growing heavier with each passing moment, making it difficult to comprehend what was happening. It was as if I was trapped in a horrifying nightmare, my attempts to wake up proving futile. 

being. I shook my head forcefully, hoping to dispel the overwhelming feeling of despair that was creeping into every fiber of my With a firm grip, I seize her shoulder, compelling her to look directly at me. Nadia gasped, her eyes widening in surprise, as I firmly grasped her wrist, preventing her from pushing me away. 

*Do you even know how difficult this is for Axton?” My voice cracked with emotion as I blurted out my words. “Thornholde might think that it was his people who hurt you. They might retaliate, start a war! Do you even care?” 

My words caused Nadia’s eyes to widen ever so slightly, a glimmer of recognition passing through her face before she swiftly composed herself, masking any hint of emotion. Behind her seemingly calm demeanor, I could sense the fear lurking, while doubt and uncertainty cast a dark shadow over her eyes. 

“You have to tell me the truth,” I continued, my voice growing more urgent. “It’s about everyone. It’s about keeping the peace, protecting the pack, Axton is doing everything he can to prevent a disaster, but he can’t do it alone.” 

Nadia’s gaze bore into me, her eyes devoid of emotion, as she continued to say nothing. Stealing myself for the difficult conversation ahead, I inhaled deeply, feeling my lungs fill with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. 

“Not that you asked, but just to fill you in, Zeke has already been informed about what happened to you.” 

Nadia’s body language immediately shifted in response to my words. As she turned to face me, I caught a glimpse of hope flickering in her eyes. As I spoke, I observed her eyes growing wider with anticipation, her breath hitching in her throat, eagerly awaiting my next words. 

“When…when is he coming to pick me up?” 

With a mix of anxiety and impatience, Nadia eagerly asked, her voice tinged with anticipation, as I slowly released my grip. From the look in her eyes, I could tell that she was bursting with questions, even though she tried to hide it. The calm and irritated demeanor in her voice made me bristle with frustration, as if she was intentionally pushing my buttons. 

I couldn’t contain a bitter, sarcastic laugh as a cauldron of boiling emotions- bitterness and resentment – rose to the surface. Under my breath, I muttered with a heavy dose of sarcasm, my words dripping with mockery. 

“So, now you’re suddenly full of words, aren’t you? It seems that talking about Zeke is the key to getting you to open up in a 


I could see the frustration in Nadia’s eyes, as she shook her head, her features contorted with disdain. Her words dripped with condescension as she said dismissively, 

20:18 Thu, 20 Jun 

Chapter 72 

“I don’t have time for this.” 


“You’ll never understand-” 

I felt a surge of anger rising within me, my fists clenching at my sides as I struggled to maintain my composure. 


“Oh, I understand perfectly. You mentioned that we’re completely indistinguishable, mirror images of one another. I regret not grasping it previously, but now I have a clear understanding. You’re correct, we’re both alike. Same problems, same issues, same tastes in men-” 

As my words left my mouth, Nadia visibly flinched, taken aback by my sudden outburst. 

“Let me jog your memory, Zeke was my boyfriend first. So I understand completely.” 

My words caught Nadia off guard, and I saw her eyes widen with surprise. In that brief moment, I could tell she had a sudden 

15 realization before she swiftly concealed her true emotions behind a mask of indifference. Her eyes, though masked with a facade of strength, revealed a faint glimmer of insecurity, exposing her true emotions. 

Closing the distance between us, I lowered my voice, creating an intense atmosphere as our eyes met in a captivating stare. 

“You may have Zeke now, but don’t forget where he came from,” I said, my words ringing with a bitter edge. “Don’t forget who loved him first. So yes, Nadia, I understand exactly where you’re coming from. It’s a comforting feeling to have him worry about you, although he doesn’t show it often. His attention, much like water in a drought, is unpredictable and disappears in an instant. That’s why when you have it, you yearn for it, reluctant to let it slip from your fingertips. Right?” 

“Shut up. Just answer me, what time is he coming to pick me up?” 

A brief moment of vulnerability washed over Nadia as her mask slipped, her features briefly revealing a flash of fear before she regained control. But I could see the doubt and insecurity etched in her eyes, as she slowly realized that I wasn’t going to back. down without a fight. 

Turning away from her, I could feel the weight of anger and sadness settling in my chest as I made my way towards the door. I didn’t answer her question, and Nadia immediately understood the unspoken message. 

After Nadia’s bitter chuckle echoed through the air, an oppressive silence settled in the room. I couldn’t bring myself to look into her eyes, her bitter laughter echoing in my ears, leaving me at a loss for words. The weight on my chest grew heavier with each passing moment, the tension in the air becoming palpable. 

“I should have expected it,” With a tinge of resignation, Nadia muttered bitterly, her voice carrying the weight of her emotions, as she stared at her hands. Her voice barely escapes her lips, a hushed whisper that she probably didn’t intend for me to catch. But she says it anyway…. Why would he bother coming for me anyway?” 

Her words landed with the force of a blow, the anguish and agony in her voice sending a chill down my back. The desire to offer her a glimmer of solace overwhelmed me, but my own weakness prevented me from doing so. 

“Why…why would you say that?” I finally managed to choke out my voice barely above a whisper. “You and Zeke were about to be mates. He should care. Why do you say you expect this?” 

As Nadia ran her fingers through her hair, her laughter echoed with bitterness and hollowness. Once again, she mutters quietly to herself, the weight of her emotions causing the words to escape her lips. 

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Chapter 72 


“Should care?” Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she scoffed at the absurdity of my words. “Maybe in your world, Maya. But in mine? Oh, please.” 

“What?” I asked, my voice trembling with emotion. “Zeke… What are you saying, Nadia? He wouldn’t just abandon you. like that. Not to those he loves.” 

As Nadia’s gaze hardened, her eyes became a fierce display of anger and resentment, radiating intensity. 

Zeke’s not 

“You really believe that, don’t you?” she spat, her words laced with bitterness. “You really think Zeke gives a damn about me?” 

Even though we had just fought, I found myself saying words of comfort to her, against my better judgment. I know what it was like, to feel insecure, like a constant knot in the pit of your stomach. It was kind of hard not to feel insecure with someone like Zeke as a boyfriend. His love language seemed to alternate between ignoring me one second and showering me with affection the next. 

“I…I don’t know,” I admitted, my voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. “But…but he must have a reason for not coming, right?” 

“Oh, I’m sure he does,” Turning to the side, she replied, avoiding eye contact with me. I observe her discreetly wiping away a tear, only to be overcome by a wave of emotions as she buries her face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. Uncertain about my next move, I was on the verge of comforting her with a back rub when she unexpectedly growled at me. “What the fuck are you looking at, huh? Can you please get out of here and leave me alone?!” 

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