Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 

Axton and I stood shoulder to shoulder in the kitchen, as the aroma of simmering pumpkin soup and savory stew wafted through the air, a feeling of uneasiness washed over me. The act of cooking together brought us a sense of comfort, but underneath it all, there was an undeniable tension that loomed, like a storm waiting to unleash its fury. I can’t shake off the memory of how he insinuated that I was not only dishonest but also capable of causing harm to others. 

With each chop of vegetables and stir of pots, the silence between us deepened, accompanied solely by the melodious clinking of knives against cutting boards and the gentle hiss of ingredients in the hot pan. Axton’s usually carefree disposition was overshadowed by an underlying tension, mirroring the Inner turmoil I couldn’t shake. 

The stillness in the kitchen was shattered by Axton’s voice after a few moments, echoing loudly like a crack of thunder. His tone was heavy with solemnity as he spoke, fully absorbed in the task at hand. 

“I made sure to send a messenger to Thornholde before coming here. It was important to me that Alpha LeBlanc be aware of the current situation of the Future Luna of Thontholde and how she is coping in Blackacre. I’ve shared with him the details of the unfortunate incident that led to Nadia being hospitalized and left her with an injured leg.” 

Pausing in the midst of my chopping, I felt his words settle within me, heavy and profound, like a stone sinking into the silent depths of a dark ocean. Turning to look at Axton, I asked the question, my voice barely above a whisper, desperate to uncover the truth hidden in his troubled gaze. 

“And? When’s he coming?” 

His thoughts in disarray, Axton remained silent for a moment, his expression betraying nothing. After a long pause, he finally mustered the strength to speak, his voice carrying the weight of surrender. His reply was simple, but its weight hung in the air, casting a shadow over the conversation. 

“He’s not 

Zeke was fully informed about Nadia’s condition, but he deliberately opted against coming to her aid. The realization hit me like a punch to the gut, leaving me feeling disoriented and questioning everything. 

My mind was filled with disbelief as I tried to wrap my head around what had been said, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of it all. Zeke had chosen to stay away, even though he knew that one of our pack members, who was also his future Luna, was injured and desperately needed his support. It was a betrayal, a sharp contrast to the trust and loyalty Nadia had placed in him, and it left a bitter taste lingering in my mouth, 

“But why?” Frustration colored my voice as I turned back to my chopping, the rhythmic clatter of the knife against the cutting board growing louder and faster, reflecting the intensity of my anger. With a shake of my head, a hint of anger seeped through my lips as I redirected my attention towards Axton. Goddess! He’s such an asshole that he won’t even come and visit his Future Luna in the hospital for a few hours-” 

Axton let out a deep sigh, exhaustion evident in the way his shoulders drooped. Leaning against the counter, his eyes remained locked on the pot, its contents slowly simmering on the stove. 

“He said Nadia’s fine,” His volice carried a bitter edge as he recounted Zeke’s words, his tone dripping with resentment. “Said she just had a little accident, nothing to worry about.” 

The callousness of Zeke’s words ignited a fiery surge of anger within me, fueling my frustration at his disregard for Nadia’s injuries. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of disappointment as I continued to chop vegetables, the frustration simmering beneath the surface. It was an all too familiar side of him, his lack of concern for others leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

“He’s heartless,” As I muttered, disappointment laced my voice, and I turned towards Axton, desperately seeking a glimmer of understanding in his troubled eyes. “Looking back, I should have know he would have done that, given his history. Can you blame Nadia for being upset? He’s always been a total jerk. I thought he was different for her, but he wasn’L” 

Without uttering a word, Axton dedicated his full attention to the simmering stow, meticulously garnishing it with freshly–cut chives. When he turned towards me, his eyes held a profound solemnity, mirroring the inner turmoil I couldn’t escape 

16:42 Wed, 19 Jun 

Chapter 67 

“Chesnut,” His words were spoken softly, his voice barely audible. “There’s something else you need to know.” 

Curiosity sparked in me, causing me to tilt my head. 


With a heavy sigh, Axton’s shoulders sagged slightly, his touch brushing against mine as his unwavering gaze remained fixated on 

“During Alpha LeBlanc’s Ascension,” With a hint of seriousness in his voice, he began speaking, causing a shudder to run through me. “Can you remember when we crossed paths in the forest and I mentioned that a large part of Blackacre was assigned to survey the perimeter? Can you remember when I explained that it was merely a request? To be honest, I didn’t tell you everything. The truth is, Thornholde, specifically Alpha LeBlanc in particular got letters that were really threatening” 

My spine tingled with a chilling sensation as his words sank in, leaving me feeling anxious and overwhelmed with confusion. 

Threatening letters? From who? 

Who sent them?” 

Leaning in closer, my voice quivered with desperation as I asked, yearning for the answers I sought. With a solemn expression, Axton shook his head, meeting my gaze with a sense of gravity that matched my own. 

“We don’t know,” he admitted, his voice heavy with regret. “But whoever it is, their sole mission is to ensure that Alpha LeBlanc endures immense pain. They won’t quit until they get what they want.” 


The cabin was filled with a heavy, stillness as we cooked the pumpkin soup and stew, each spoonful of the simmering concoctions releasing a burst of savory fragrance. With a sense of solemnity, Axton carefully arranged the table, each movement deliberate, while I cooked the meal with a heavy heart, my thoughts weighed down by sorrow. As I chopped the vegetables, the weight on my shoulders grew heavier, a constant reminder of the uncertain future that loomed ahead. 

As we took our seats across from each other at the table, I couldn’t help but feel distraught, my mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. 

Axton’s eyes were fixed on me, brimming with concern, as he leaned across the table to serve me a comforting bowl of soup. Breaking the heavy silence that enveloped us, he asked softly, his voice barely audible. 

“Are you worried?” 

With a heavy heart, I nodded slowly, the weight of sorrow making each movement feel burdensome. Leaning my forehead into the palm of my hands, I let out a deep sigh, my elbows resting on the table. 

It’s hard not to be,” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t like where things are headed, Axton. Nadia and Zeke… they used to be my friends. 

But now… 

I trailed off, my voice fading into silence as I struggled to convey the overwhelming worry consuming me. Knowing the truth and being unable to take any action was a source of anguish. The fact that I can’t ease Nadia’s pain weighs heavily on me, despite my sincere wish to do so, because I am not the right person for her – Zake is. Try as I might, the feeling of urease in the pit of my stomach refused to dissipate, casting a shadow over my every thought. 

Axton reached across the table, his fingers intertwining with mine. He smiles at me, but my face remains blank, unable to mirror his warmth. 

“I know, Chestnut,” he said softly, his voice filled with understanding “We’ll work through it and find the answer. After the Ascension, there was a noticeable absence of letters. The past Alpha Gavvyn suspected it could be a mere diversion to prevent the Ascension, but their priority was to ensure everyone’s safety. Given what happened to Nadia, it’s uncertain if things will stay the same. Rest assured, we would increase the number of guards on everything, ensuring a heightened sense of security for all, with a particular focus on closely monitoring Nadia. I swear it.” 

Chapter 67 

His words were like a gentle embrace, offering a sliver of solace to my weary s 


“Thank you, Axton. That’s more than enough, and I really appreciate it.” 

As we began to eat, the silence settled around us, creating an atmosphere as dense as a heavy fog, I could feel Arton’s intense gare fixed on me, his eyes. tracing every contour of my face, as it searching for clues to the thoughts consuming me. His intense stare made me uneasy, causing my appetite to wane as i struggled to concentrate on my meal. 

Occasionally, I would notice Aston observing me, his face betraying no hint of what he was thinking as he absentmindedly played with his food. His distant gaze and absentmindedness made it seem like his thoughts were wandering far away, even though he sat right across from me at the table. I couldn’t shake off the imitation caused by his behavior, the constant scrutiny leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable 

Eventually, I reached my breaking point and couldn’t stand it any longer. Het out an exasperated sigh, the clattering of my fork against the plate echoing my frustration. 

“What?” I asked bluntly, my voice tinged with annoyance. “Why do you keep staring at me like that?” 

as he opened his 

As Axton looked up, I could see the surprise and guilt in his eyes, like a deer caught in headlights. There was a moment of hesitation as mouth to speak, but then closed it again, his troubled expression giving away his inner conflict, 

With a narrowed gaze, I could feel my patience wearing thin as I repeated my question, my tone becoming more insistent. 

“Is there something else you’re not telling me, Axton?” I spoke with frustration, demanding my point be heard. “Because it feels like you’re hiding something from me, and I don’t appreciate being kept in the dark.” 

As Axton searched for the right words, his gaze faltered, and his eyes instinctively shifted down to his plate. I could see the conflict raging within him, the internal struggle as he grappled with the decision to confide in me or keep his secrets buried deep inside. 

With a heavy sigh, he met my gaze once more, his weariness evident in every line on his face. 

“Chesnut, I…” His voice started to waver as he started speaking, his words slowly dissolving as he gathered the strength to voice his true thoughts. “It’s 


“What, Audon?” 

“Nadia’s being targeted because she’s the future Luna” Finally, Axton started, his face bearing an expression that was impossible to decipher. “She’s seen as Alpha LeBlanc’s weakness, his Achilles heel. And whoever’s behind these threats knows that targeting her will strike fear into Alpha LeBlanc’s heart.” 

My mind couldn’t grasp the meaning behind Axton’s words, causing me to shake my head in disbelief. Axton’s face twisted with anguish when he saw what I did, and he immediately reached out, taking my hand in his as if seeking comfort. 

With a heavy sigh, Axton’s burdened gaze revealed the weight of his regrets and sorrows. When our eyes locked, I could feel the intensity in his gaze, causing a shiver to run down my spine His eyes bore into me, as if trying to unravel the secrets hidden within my very core. 

“Chesnut,” With a low and solemn tone, he began speaking, each word carrying the weight of an overwhelming burden. “if Alpha LeBlanc had not rejected you, it would have been you in that hospital bed, not Nadia” 


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