Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 

My gaze shifted towards Sammy, who sat nearby, her eyes reflecting her deep concern. Her face was etched with worry, reflecting the same inner turmoil that I felt. With a wet towel casually resting on her shoulder, she turns to glance at both me and Auton 

“Sammy.” With a gentle voice, I called out, successfully capturing her attention. “Could you please go and see how Nadia is doing for me? Can you check on her and ensure that she’s alright? I need to speak with Axton for a short while.” 

A determined expression crossed Sammy’s features as she nodded without any hesitation. Right away, she kneels beside Nadia, reaching into her apron pocket to reveal a stash of fruits. Sammy received the apron as a welcome gift from a member of Blackacre’s pack, and it instantly became a cherished possession. She held onto it steadfastly, refusing to release her grip. 

“Of course, Maya. I 

Maya. I’ll make sure she’s alright. Once she’s awake, 111 feed her some fruits.” 

While Sammy gathered fruits for Nadia, I shifted my focus to Axton, who stood nearby with a solemn expression. Approaching him, I could feel a knot tightening in my stomach, and a heavy sense of unease settled upon me, as if a dark cloud had descended. 

“What’s wrong, Axton?” I asked, “You s 


Axton let out a deep sigh, his fingers combing through his disheveled hair as he grappled with the challenge of finding the perfect words. A cold shiver ran down my spine as his words from a while ago sank in, filling me with a sense of foreboding. There was a brief hesitation from Axton, his intense gaze piercing into mine before he finally spoke. 

“It’s about Nadia,” he said quietly. “I’m worried about her.” 

“I am too, Axton. Her fever had already subsided, and she’s now eating a little, so she’s going to be fine” 

I could see the worry etched into his features, his furrowed brow revealing the lines of concern as he grappled with the decision weighing heavily on his 


“I don’t think we can reach the border of Blackacre by tonight,” Axton finally admitted, his voice strained with worry. “I really wanna carry her back to the pack to get to the infirmary, but it would make us so much slower 

A surge of fear washed over me as his words sank in, weighing down my chest like a heavy burden. We were already behind schedule, and with Nadia’s fever slowing us down, the odds of reaching our destination before nightfall were growing slimmer by the minute. 

Axton’s hesitance was evident, a heavy silence lingering between us, filled with unspoken words. The weight of responsibility was evident as his pack relied on him to navigate them through unfamiliar terrain, trusting him to bring them to their destination unharmed. Here he was, feeling torn between his responsibility to his pack and his longing to ensure our safety. 

With fear eating away at me from the inside, I managed to force a weak smile, attempting to provide him with a sense of reassurance. I know that it’s not just this that he was worried about us, but he was also worried about his pack, their safety and well–being. Prior to being our friend and ally, he held the Important role of their Alpha. He should prioritize his loyalty towards the people he has known and accepted into his pack for a long time, rather than those he has recently met. 

“You and your pack should go ahead,” Squeezing his arm, I whispered softly, my voice barely above a whisper. His mouth opened, but a sigh escaped Axton before he closed it again, his disappointment palpable. He gently placed his hand on top of mine, intertwining our fingers, and gave a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll follow behind, Axton. It’s fine.” 

“I appreciate it, but no, Chesnut,” With a soft voice and vigorous head shaking, he protested. “I gave my word to Alpha LeBlanc that I would personally oversee the wellbeing of all three of you. Don’t forget that the only consent he truly provided was for all of you to enjoy a month off. I have to be extra cautious with all of you since you and Sammy aren’t officially part of my pack. Leaving you behind would contradict the promise I made, so I cannot do 

I could see the conflict raging within him, the struggle to reconcile his duty to his pack with his desire to keep us safe. It tore at my heart to see him torn 


Chapter 57 

My gare shifted towards Sammy, who sat nearby, her eyes reflecting her deep concern. Her face was etched with worry, reflecting the same inner turmoil that I felt. With a wet towel casually resting on her shoulder, she turns to glance at both me and Arton 

Sammy,” With a gentle voice, I called out, successfully capturing her attention. “Could you please go and see how Nadia is doing for me? Can on her and ensure that she’s alright? I need to speak with Axton for a short while.” 

you check. 

A determined expression crossed Sammy’s features as she nodded without any hesitation. Right away, she kneels beside Nadia, reaching into her apron. pocket to reveal a stash of fruits. Sammy received the apron as a welcome gift from a member of Blackacre’s pack, and it instantly became a cherished possession. She held onto it steadfastly, refusing to release her grip. 

“Of course, Maya. I’ll make sure she’s alright. Once she’s awake, I’ll feed her some fruits.” 

While Sammy gathered fruits for Nadia, I shifted my focus to Axton, who stood nearby with a solemn expression. Approaching him, I could feel a knot tightening in my stomach, and a heavy sense of unease settled upon me, as if a dark cloud had descended. 

“What’s wrong. Axton?” I asked. “You sound… worried.” 

Axton let out a deep sigh, his fingers combing through his disheveled hair as he grappled with the challenge of finding the perfect words. A cold shiver ran down my spine as his words from a while ago sank in, filling me with a sense of foreboding. There was a brief hesitation from Axton, his intense gare piercing into mine before he finally spoke. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“It’s about Nadia,” he said quietly. “I’m worried about her.” 

“I am too, Axton. Her fever had already subsided, and she’s now eating a little, so she’s going to be fine.” 

I could see the worry etched into his features, his furrowed brow revealing the lines of concern as he grappled with the decision weighing heavily on his 


“I don’t think we can reach the border of Blackacre by tonight,” Axton finally admitted, his voice strained with worry. “I really wanna carry her back to the pack to get to the infirmary, but it would make us so much slower 

A surge of fear washed over me as his words sank in, weighing down my chest like a heavy burden. We were already behind schedule, and with Nadia’s fever slowing us down, the odds of reaching our destination before nightfall were growing slimmer by the minute. 

Axton’s hesitance was evident, a heavy silence lingering between us, filled with unspoken words. The weight of responsibility was evident as his pack relied on him to navigate them through unfamiliar terrain, trusting him to bring them to their destination unharmed. Here he was, feeling torn between his responsibility to his pack and his longing to ensure our safety. 

With fear eating away at me from the inside, I managed to force a weak smile, attempting to provide him with a sense of reassurance. I know that it’s not just this that he was worried about us, but he was also worried about his pack, their safety and well–being. Prior to being our friend and ally, he held the important role of their Alpha. He should prioritize his loyalty towards the people he has known and accepted into his pack for a long time, rather than those he has recently met. 

“You and your pack should go ahead,” Squeezing his arm, I whispered softly, my voice barely above a whisper. His mouth opened, but a sigh escaped Axton before he closed it again, his disappointment palpable. He gently placed his hand on top of mine, intertwining our fingers, and gave a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll follow behind, Axton. It’s fine.” 

“I appreciate it, but no, Chesnut,” With a soft voice and vigorous head shaking, he protested. “I gave my word to Alpha LeBlanc that I would personally oversee the wellbeing of all three of you. Don’t forget that the only consent he truly provided was for all of you to enjoy a month off I have to be extra cautious with all of you since you and Sammy aren’t officially part of my pack. Leaving you behind would contradict the promise I made, so I cannot do 

I could see the conflict raging within him, the struggle to reconcile his duty to his pack with his desire to keep us safe. It tore at my heart to see him tom 

Chapter 57 

apart like this, to know that he was wrestling with a decision that could mean life or death for all of us. But I couldn’t let him sacrifice himself for us, couldn’t bear the thought of him putting his own life on the line for ours. 

“Axton, come on,” Pulling his hand, I pleaded, feeling the warmth of his skin as I placed a tender kiss on his knuckles. Axton’s eyes never left mine as pressed my lips on his knuckles. When I released him, he reached out and placed a hand around my neck, bringing our foreheads together, Though ine doesn’t utter a word, his body language speaks volumes, revealing his unspoken message. “Your pack needs you. We’ll be fine. We’ll catch up with you as 

soon as we can.” 

When Axton locked eyes with me, I could see a combination of thankfulness and melancholy in 

“I don’t want to leave you,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “But I know I have to 

“I understand,” I said softly. “Just follow the path, right? And it will lead to Blackacre?” 

Axton nodded, a determined glint in his eyes as he pulled me into a tight embrace. 

his gaze. 

“Just follow the path,” As he pulled away, his voice barely audible, he leaned in and planted a tender kiss on my forehead. “Just follow your instincts, and every path in this part of the nation will guide you to Blackacre.” 

After a long internal battle, Axton finally found the strength to address his pack. Standing next to him, my heart thumped in my chest, a blend of apprehension and eagerness coursing through me, aware that his words were about to reshape everything. 

“Listen up, everyone,” Through the clearing, Axton’s voice reverberated, capturing the attention of our pack members who had assembled around us. “We’re leaving.” 

The announcement lingered in the air, its implications weighing heavily on everyone. As Axton spoke, a palpable sense of unease settled over our pack, the tension practically crackling in the air. Without wasting a moment, Axel marched up to her brother, her eyes filled with a combination of disbelief and 


“We can’t leave yet!” Her voice filled with defiance as she protested, each word growing more forceful. “Nadia’s sick.” 

Not a word escaped Axton’s lips, his jaw locked in a firm grip of determination as he steadfastly addressed the pack. 

“Pack up your things. Make sure you don’t forget everything!” In a firm and unwavering voice, he instructed his pack to follow his lead. “We’re leaving in an hour.” 

However, Axel wasn’t going to give up easily and was ready to put up a fight. Desperate for answers, she tightly clutched her brother’s arm, her grip conveying the urgency in her voice. 

“What do you mean we’re leaving? We can’t! Why aren’t you listening to me?!” Her demand was accompanied by a fiery gaze, her eyes filled with fury. “And what about Nadia?” 

Axton let out a deep sigh, his shoulders drooping under the weight of the choice he had made. He winced, pinching the bridge of his nose, and then finally provided Axel with the answer she had been desperately seeking. 

“We’re leaving,” he repeated, his voice heavy with resignation. “But Nadia, Sammy, and Chesnut will be staying here in the clearing. We already had a conversation and they promised to follow us once Nadia’s condition improves, so there’s no need to worry.” 

“We’ll be okay,” I assured Axel, my voice steady despite the fear that still lingered within me. “Once Nadia gets some much–needed rest, we’ll make our way there as fast as we can. I shift into my wolf and Nadia and Sammy can ride on me. They can help us with our bags-” 

“Don’t worry, I got your bags, Maya,” Axel tells me, her eyes narrowing as she shoots a glare in her brother’s direction. “You sure about leaving them here? It’s dangerous, Axton!” 

Hoping to bring Axel some 

peace, I softly massage her back, hoping it will alleviate her anxiety. 

Chapter 57 

“It’s fine, Axel. Go, we can handle ourselves.” 

“Ugh. Fine.” 

As the rest of the pack bustled around us, the sounds of their hurried footsteps filled the air. Axton, however, walked towards me with a troubled expression etched on his face. The air between us was heavy with his palpable hesitation and worry, like a suffocating fog. 

“Chesnut,” he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. “The more I reflect on it, the more I’m beginning to realize that this may not be the best course of action. You know what, Axel was right–it’s dangerous out here, especially for all of you. You’re all women and you don’t have any way to protect yourselves.” 

I reached out and gently placed a hand on his arm, feeling the warmth of his skin against my fingertips as I offered him a reassuring smile despite the fear that gnawed at my insides. 

“We’ll be okay, Axton,” I said softly, trying to sound confident even as doubt lingered in the back of my mind. “We’re tougher than we look.” 

But Axton’s doubt was evident in his expression. With a troubled expression, he cast a quick glance around our makeshift campsite, his eyes lingering on his companions as they gathered their belongings nearby. His voice carried a hint of concem as he admitted his worries. 

“I don’t want to leave you here. You know that, Chesnut.” 

In an attempt to quiet his doubts, I leaned in closer and softly kissed his lips, savoring the moment 

“I know,” My words murmured against his mouth, and in response, Axton leaned in closer, his arms securely wrapped around my waist. In an attempt to calm himself, he takes a deep breath, savoring the comforting scent of my hair. Gently, I turn my head to rest my cheek against his chest, relishing in the comforting touch. “But the people of Blackacre need their Alpha. They need you.” 

Axton let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat as he reluctantly nodded in agreement. 

“You’re right,” he conceded, his voice heavy with reluctance. “I just wish things were different.” 

As I reached up, my fingers lightly brushed a strand of hair away from his face, and I felt my heart shatter at the profound sadness reflected in his eyes. I whispered, hoping my words could somehow lighten his load, alleviating the weight on both our shoulders. 

“Me too.” 

No matter how much I wished for a change, I recognized the necessity of accepting the reality we were in. 

As the rest of the pack finished packing up their belongings, Axton and I shared one last lingering look, our silent communication speaking volumes even as we struggled to find the words to express our emotions. Axton turned away from me, his eyes filled with determination, and joined the rest of the pack, eager to lead them on their journey back to Blackacre. 

A lump formed in my throat as I watched them leave, a bittersweet feeling settling in my chest. And then, there was a silence that enveloped us, leaving only the sound of our breathing 

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