Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Chapter 52


I moved Fae behind me as Johan stalked around his. There was a sharp cliff drop behind us and Johan

was blocking our only path of escape. We were cornered by the ghastly shell of a man that had once

been a respectable Beta.

Johan moved slowly, biding his time to strike. He knew we had nowhere to go. We had no choice but to

defend ourselves when he attacked. The tense anticipation must have been clear on my face because

he grinned. It was a large uncanny sneer of a smile. It was a little too wide on his face and sharp teeth

protruded from under his lips..

The monster before us was entirely n*ked, and frozen in a gruesome state between human and wolf. It

was a form that not many shifters could hold for long, but it never looked as unnatural as his b*dy did.

The talented shifters perferred that state, but Johan’s b*dy seemed to have gotten it wrong. It was as if

his bones were continuously bending and breaking, repairing and breaking again as he moved. The

continuous sickening snaps and cr cks were audible as he loomed over us.

I noted the large bleeding ga sh over his left eye-probably from his earlier fight with Geranium – The

skin of his brow down to his cheek was slit in a nasty gaping wound and the white of his eyeball had

turned red. He had suffered more wounds from the black wolf. He had a slight limp when he walked

from a nasty bite on his call and there was bone visible through the tomt tendons. Dozens of other bites

and claw marks were listered across his bare chest and back.

It didn’t seem to bother him very much though, and already the blood around the wounds was

evaporating Like steam on his b*dy and the g ashes were slowly stiching themsleves closed. It seemed

as if he coulnt feel the pain of his b*dy at all. He was removed from himself, some severance had been

sliced between b*dy and mind-b*dy and soul.

What was worse than the visible monstrosity of the man was his scent. Dorothy had once described

him smelling of cin namon and pine. Early scents that were soft and comforting But this Johan reaked

of death. If I wasnt rooted to the spot in preparation for an attack I would have gagged and covered my


Johan bent forwards on the ground, crouching on all fours. 1 braced myself. If he attacked I could

tackling hin, Fae could. slip past and escape. I hoped that was what she would do. But I highly doubted

that she would be willing to leave me behind with the beast no matter how terrified she was,

Before I could whisper to her, Johan launched himself at me with a speed that was surprising for

someone that large. I pushed Far out of the way as Johan’s teeth sank into my thigh. Howling in anger I

shifted on the spot, ripping my leg from his jaws as my b*dy turned. I would be able to fight better in

woll form anyway. Johan snarled and attacked again. His jaws. snapped shut on empty air where my

head had been only seconds before,

I couldn’t comprehend his speed. It was inhuman and incredibly concerning. Not only did I have to

protect myself from his slathering jaws, 1 had to keep an eye on the edge of the cliff that waned

beneath us. I dodged his snapping maw and attacked his torso, tearing into flesh that tasted like meat

that had gone off in the sun.

I heard pebbles trickle down the edge of the cliff when my weight forced some of the sandstone to

crumble. I needed to get away from the edge. Far had shifted too, her small wolf was a speckled brown

and grey. She lunged at Johan and managed to sink her teeth into the back of his neck.

Both of us were thrown off of him at once as Johan rolled away from us. He got to his feet again like

the wounds were nothing to him. That bite of Fae’s should have been fatal bat Johan reacted like he

had felt the stall sting of a mosquito bite and nothing more..

We wrestled for a while but it was clear that Johan was gaining the upper hand. Even with the two of

us, both giving it our all and aiming to kill, Johan was inpenatrable. We were growing tired and our

attacks were slowing down, but Johan was not even panting with breathlessness, his b*dy was carrying

him like it would never tire. We were in danger and he knew it. He was toying with us, allowing us to

catch out breaths before attacking again. It was infuriating. He was taunting his prey, playing with us for

the sake of it. I wondered how long before he grew bored of this fight. Before he decided to finish us up

once and for all.

I howled in agony as Johan shifted back to his half form and brought a knuckle down on my back leg,

cracking the bone in one sickening snap. Fae yelled as he grabbed hold of her fur and threw her close

to the edge of the cliff. She scrambled to regain her footing as sand and rocks began to collapse

behind her. I shifted back to my human form, allowing the shift to repair my broken bone faster than it

would have on its own and dragged myself to reach her before she fell


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Chapter 52

Once Fae was safe again she immediately blocked Johan was swiping a clawed hand across my

chest. The claws grazed her b*dy instead, tearing ribons of blood into her flesh. I leapt over the injured

wolf, clawing at Johan’s eyes in a last ditch attempt to throw him off of us long enough to esca

It seemed hopless. I wanted to tear him limb from limb. I wanted to end his life before he could get his

hands on Dorothy. But we were no match against the misshapen man and Fae was badly injured after

that last swipe,

Johan threw me off of him like he was merely swatting a fly. He pinned me to the ground by the throat,

his claws digging into my neck as he crouched over me. Saliva from his long teeth dripped down onto

my face and his hot breath spoke of decay and death. I tried to kick him off of me but it felt like my nees

were connecting with a brick wall.

Fae was crumpled in a head behind him and unable to pick herself up. Blood was turning her speckled

coat red and she whined quietly, I howled and fought but it was no use. Johan took pleasure in

watching me squirm, his ghoulish grin dripping with the blood of my friend.

“You have her scent on you,” His voice sent chills up my spine as he leaned down into my neck and

inhaled deeply, “You must be a friend of hers.”

I knew he was talking about Dorothy but I refused to disclose any information about her, I spat into the

monsters deformed face, hissing and thrashing as much as I could manage under the crushing weight.

Johan laughed at my efforts and clenched his fist a little tighter around my throat, his eyes narrowing

like a predator going for the kill as I began to choke.

“You know, Dorothy was my mate first. She is still my mate. She just doesnt understand that yet. And i

am here to cut down everyone who

in the way of that.” He spoke casually. As casually as one can with a voice that sounds like a thousand

nails dragging across a chalkboard.

“Maybe I should leave her a little gift? Let her find pieces of her friend sc attered around that big fancy

mansion that she misguidedly calls home.”

Johan’s mouth opened wide, his jaw unhinging entirely in a horrific display. The skin of the corners of

his mouth began to tear as he unhooked his jaw and opened it wide enough to accomodat my entire

head. I shut my eyes as the inside of his gullet encompassed my vision.

Just when Johan was about to deal the final blow, and snap his jaws down around my head, he was

ripped away from me, dragged backwards by a bleeding speckled wolf. Fae had her teeth in his neck

once again and she was dragging his b*dy off of me with all of her strenght. She was trying to throw

him off of the cliff. By the way she was limping and the determination in her dark eyes I realised she

had resigned herself to going over the edge with him.

Johan tried to wrench himself away but Fae was determined, the two of them were grappeling right on

the edge as I triedto get to my feet in a panic, “No, Stop!”

I couldn’t let her die for me. I wouldn’t allow it.

Before I could climb to my feet something large and brown leaped over me. A familiar wolf closed its

jaws around Johan’s leg and ripped him from Fae’s jaws. Far leaped to the side and back from the

edge of the cliff as the brown wolf backed off of Johan.

“Gideon.” I spoke to him through our minds. “What are you doing here?”

The large brown wolf came to stand next to me, coaxing Far behind the both of us with its snout.

“You took too long to get back. I thought something might have gone wrong.”

te both looked at johan who was getting to his feet.

“It looks like I was right.”

Another growl from behind us and I turned to see five more walves with their hackles raised, glaring at

Johan. I recognized

all of them

10:50 Fri, Jan 26 G

Chapter 32

Each were strong young shifters who had trained beneath me, everyone one of them tercely loyal and Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

his id with the creature who had tried to kill their teacher

Johan flexed his knuckles and squared his rough shoulders but he made no move to attack. The tables

had turned and he was outnumbered.

My students closed in around him, forcing him closer to the cliff’s edge. He glanced down at the water

around him and I realized seconds too late, just what he planned on doing.

He took one last look around, his eyes locking on mine and boring into me with a fiery passion. I could

read his expression. clearly. He wanted me dead, and someday soon he would finish the job,

Jolan stepped backward off the cliff and I raced forwards to see where he would land. His b*dy dropped

like a stone as he fell back down into the dark water below.

He broke the surface with a massive splash. The other wolves howled their frustration and it echoed

around the quarry like

an unorthodox symphony.

I scanned the water waiting to see his head emerge. No average shifter could survive a fall that long,

let alone a human, but Johan was neither of those things A fall like that might not have killed him. Even

if he did hit the sharp rocks below, it was possible he would be able to heal himself.

Gideon came to stand beside me after making sure Fan was okay. By the looks of her inntries, she

would be alright in less. than a few hours. She shifted back and covered herself with what was left of

the hoodie that had been ripped off of me in the fight

I looked down at the dark water and the ripples that Joltan’s legem had left behind. After a few minutes

of waiting. Gidron spoke. “He could be dead”

“He’s not dead. No way is that monster dead I said, leaning against the brown well for support

“He’ll be back


Ignatius and the others went about organizing their plans while I waited on the porch, scanning the

forest for any sign of Angie and Fac’s return. Gideon had taken live of their best fighters to search for

them not too long ago. I only hoped they made it there in time.

My mind was still ruminating on Johan. I wondered if it was still possible to reason with him. I kept my

mind tightly closel from Ignatius as I contemplated the possibility of shipping away and searching for

the rogue myself

I could be walking straight into my own death sentence but I could also make some kind of useful

contribution. If I was what Johan really wanted and considering his lurking around the house, it was

very likely then surely if I handed myself over to him, he would leave the rest of the Bielke alone.

I leaned against the balcony railing. It was whitewashed wood and smelled of the sea, just like

everything else around my beautiful new home. I didn’t want to give it all up, I didn’t want to give up my

own life, And I dish want to break Ignatius“ heart.

I was brought back to the present when I heard w hooping coming from the crowd of sh itters around

me. I looked out again towards the forest to see the others returning

The reason for the cheering came from the two extra shifters, a small, curly-haired gul being carried on

Gideon’s back and the tall limber shifter next to him who, aside from her to clothing and messy hair,

seemed perfectly te

I pushed past the excited shifters and ran to meet Angie who collapsed into my arms the moment I

reached her.

“Hello, runt. I met your ex-boyfriend”

“You f ucking idiot, what gave you the idea to go after him alone

10.50 Fri, Jan 26

Chapter 52

I put her arm over my shoulders and let her lean her long b*dy against me as we shuffled towards the


“I wasn’t alone, I had Fae with ine.”

“Always gonna have your back, Fae mumbled from on top of Caleon, and she and Angie exchanged an

exhausted high five.

Gideon rolled his eyes but his face was still pale and drawn. As much of a jokester as Gideon way- or

the butt of every joke when Fae was involved – he cared deeply about his friends and the experience

had clearly scared him.

Ignatius too was relieved to have them back and grilled both girls for their recklessness. After he was

certain that both of them would be okay he took them aside to find out what exactly had happened.

“It was definitely Johan,” Angie confirmed. “I could vaguely recognize him from your description. But

he’s changed. There’s something very wrong with his b*dy just like the other Tally attackers. And he’s

strong very strong

Ignatius leaned his elbows on his knees and studied the floor. “So it’s true then. He’s after Dorothy. He

wants revenge.”

“He won’t get you.” Angie turned to face me. There was a dark bruise forming under her eye and her lip

was bleeding from a nasty cut. “I won’t let him.”

“How do we know he isn’t dead?” I asked. “You said he jumped into the quarry

“He wouldn’t go down that easily. Not with that altered b*dy of bis. He’s still out there, I can feel in”

I didn’t want to believe it but she was right. I could feel it 100, Johan loomed like an evil presence over

all of us.

The first thing we need to do is take back control. Ignatius sand solemnly. “We need to reform this

pack. Then we can focus our attention on the Tally. We won’t get anywhere with Johan until then.”

Angie nodded “So it happens tonight?”

“It happens right now.”



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