Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

After Ignatius anil 1 had finally worn ourselves out and spent the night holed up in our house in the

comfort of each other’s embrace, it was time for me to get back to training

Ruta had been excited to hear that I had managed a hall shift so quickly although she warned me to be

careful with it. She also rained holy hellfire down on Ignatius’s head when she found out about how he

had almost injured me in his heat.

Ignatius offered to help me attempt my first ever full shift and was eager to take him up on that offer.

We left the house and instead of beashing into the forest, Ignatius guided me towards the c lits that

looked down over the sea.

“I’ll be easter out in the open,” he explained. “Fewer trees to crash into. Just don’t go falling off the

cliffs” Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Not funny,” I mumbled, looming down over the edge at the crashing waves and pointed rocks below. “I

don’t even know if I’m going to be able to do it again. Last time had adrenaline and fear on my side.”

“You’ll be fine,” Iguatus insisted and he took both my hands in his and squeezed. “This is so exciting. I

can’t wait to see what your wall looks like. Fini sure she’s beautiful”

“What if I get stuck hallway?” Now that

Ignatius stepped back to give me room. Dorothy that can’t really happen. I just told you that so you

would stop hounding me about it before you were ready.”

was finally going to attempt a full shift, I was suddenly a nervous wreck

I gave him my best resting b tch face and my drawn-out silence hade my irritation apparent.

Ignatius laughed and then held his hands up. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry about that one. But it’s time.

Remember what Rita taught you.” He seemed more excited about the process than I was. I wondered

how long he had been waiting to run through the woods with my wolf form by his side,

“I’m scared,” I whined, wringing my wrists and dancing on my toes. “What if I can’t do it again?”

“It’s like riding a bike, Ignatius brushed my worries aside. It takes a leap of courage and suddenly

you’re a natural at it.”

I closed my eyes, focusing on slowing down my breath.

“Fine. But you’re not allowed to laugh at me if I get it wrong.

I stripped down to my underwear and shivered when the breeze whispered across my bare skin.

Ignatius told me that most shifters ended up tearing their clothes if they didn’t change out of them first

and I wasn’t ready to lose any of my new expensive outfits.

“No laughing. I promise.”

Ignatius crossed his finger over his chest in an X and smiled at me.

“This is going to be great.”

I peaked at him through one eye and then tried my best to focus. I heaved in a deep breath and

listened to the world around

I could hear the waves throwing themselves against the jagged rocks at the foot of the cliffs we stood

on. I heard the wind swish through the tall grass and felt tendrils of it brush my ankles as the green

blades swayed in the breeze.

I could smell Ignatius’s scent, blending so well with that of the sea air that was carried up the cliffs with

the spray of seafoam Fresh air, sunshine, and the smell of salt in the breeze. It was as peaceful as it

could possibly get

I focused on all of these things I could sense around me, allowing myself to sink into my own mind

while Renee rose to the

for front.

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Chapter 46

“Don’t be scared. Dorothy her soice was soothing and singsongas I stepped back to allow her to take

the helm “You’re ready

“I don’t feel ready.”

Nob*dy does on their first time. You’re going to be fine”

I let myself float in the calming energy that flooded my mind. After a few moments. I heard Ignatius’s

breath hitch and I felt my b*dy beginning to change.

Fur broke through my skin once again, only this time I was more conscious of the uncomfortable

sensation of it rippling across my skin.

I felt my claws lengthening and sharpening and my canine teeth began to poke through between my

lips. I kept my eyes scrunched tightly shut, concentrating on keeping it together.

“You’re doing great. Dorothy Renee assured me. I couldn’t answer her. There was a sharp pain

growing in my limbs as every appendage began to stretch and reshape.

It started with my fingers, an aching compression that send pain shooting up my arm. It spread across

my b*dy. It felt like the growing pains I got in my short legs as a child when I had finally hit my very tiny

growth spurt

Suddenly I was sweating, I felt it drip down my forehead as I fought to stay on my feet. I was told the

first shift was going to be painful. I hadn’t anticipated just how much it was going to hurt though

Some shifters began practicing this kind of thing from the age of twelve, prepping their b*dy and their

mind early so that by the time their full shin came they would be ready for it

I didn’t have the luxury of practicing from a young age. I didn’t have anyone to explain it to me, let alone

teach me up until I met Ignatius

There were a reason packs were so tightly knit. They encouraged each other and prepared each other

for the tumultuous life of a shifter from a young age.

I finally understood the necessity of a pack. Of a family. I cried out in agony when a bolt of pain cut like

a knife through my b*dy and my knees buckled underneath me.

Ignatius rushed to my side, concern in his voice. “Dorothy! You’re going to be fine. It’s okay. Just try to

breathe through the pain. You’re almost there.

“I’m shifting, not giving birth,” I whined, not meaning for it to sound as harsh as it did. Ignatius didn’t

seem to mind though and he laughed.

“I’m sorry. Ignore me. I just want to help you get through this”

“Then tell me I’m not allowed to die and that I’m going to get the best reward if I manage this process

without screaming”

I groaned again when another wave of pain shot through me. I felt my bones stretching, some of them

pressing together. They crunched and popped and grated over one another as my b*dy rearranged

itself from the inside out.

This was why shifters prepared for this earlier. This was why I needed the training. My b*dy wasn’t

young and malleable. anymore. My bones were breaking and regrowing for the first time – not counting

the fractured ribs Claudia and Lana had delivered to me the year before.

Ignatius’s voice was stern

“You are not allowed to die. And if you get through this without being too loud I promise I will run you a

bath and treat you like a proper princess for the rest of the night. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

“Yes,” I moaned. “That’s better. Less concerned mate and more demanding Alpha.”

I could hear the smug smile in his voice without having to open my eyes. “Well good. Also, you’re

almost there. Your fur is

Chapter 46


“What?” I opened my eyes and fell forwards, crying out as my broken bones reset themselves.

Suddenly my cry was a howl and I lifted my now fully formed head to the sky.

“Well done, Dorothy Renee’s voice in my head was excited and I could hear the pride in her words.

“You did wonderfully.”

“Oh my go d. Ignatius’s voice held a tint of awe. “You’re beautiful

With that. Ignatius shifted alongside me – much quicker and obviously less painfully than I had. Ignatius

howled his excitement and I couldn’t help but join in. Our wolves’ voices merged together and echoed

over the cliffs, scaring the gulls that were circling above us.

I looked down at my own front paws in the tall grass. Clean white fur. I was ecstatic. My b*dy was

overcome with the innate desire to run full speed along the cliffs. Ignatius was bristling with excitement

next to me and his voice in my head was loud. and reckless.

“Time to test out your new form. Have you ever raced anyone Dorothy?”

Tve been outrunning my bullies all my life. You’re on.” Before I could even finish, Ignatius had taken off

running ahead of me and 1 hurried to catch up “Cheater. That’s not fair.”

We took off across the edge of the cliff, I chased down my mate in the form I had longed for for so long.

Rence was singing in my chest, elated as our legs stretched and bent as we ran faster and faster.

Helt more powerful than ever before, so sure of my b*dy and every step that I took. We picked up

speed and managed to keep pace right behind Ignatius who looked back with his tongue lolling out of

his mouth.

1 laughed internally at the sight of him but I felt the exact same reckless joy that I knew he was feeling

in his chest. I felt free and unstoppable. I felt alive.


They didn’t know what was coming for them. How could they? They were so caught up in their own st

upid little world they weren’t even aware of the danger lurking right beside them in the trees.

I had masked my scent well. I kept to the shadows. They didn’t suspect a thing as they strode past me

towards the cliffs. Even Ignatius, with his Alpha abilities, was unable to detect me now. I had gone

beyond the limitations of a mere Beta. I was something greater. Something entirely new. And I was


I could have stepped out

right then and there, snapped Dorothy’s pretty little neck, and knocked my old friend off the cliffs how I

yearend to see his b*dy dashed on the rocks below, painting the cove red.

I wanted to tear them apart. But that wouldn’t be enough. They didn’t deserve a quick death. They

deserved to endure the same suffering that they had put me through. It wasn’t enough to tear them

limb from limb.

I wanted to take everything that they loved. I would take their pack and their people. I would take their

home and their way of life. I would take them from each other. And only then, when they had nothing

left-only then would I allow them the relief of death. This was my design. This was my revenge.

I watched in silent disgust from my position in the forest. I saw Dorothy, my old nate. My true mate. I

watched her shift into her wolf form for the first time. She was a stark shock of pure white fur and blue

eyes that I could see even from a distance.

She was a beauty to behold. I wanted to see her clean white coat stained with blood. I crossed the

damp forest floor. I wanted to be closer I wanted to taste her went. I wanted to indulge.

They took off running across the cliffs, Dorothy was faster than had expected. My weak, frail mate was

full of surprises. So was I They could never expect what was to come. It had already begun. My plan

was already in motion.

I had more people on my side than they were aware of. I had plenty of tricks up my sleeve, and now I

had spies on the


10:49 Fri, Jan 26

Chapter 46

inside and a new power that would tear them down before they could blink.

My b*dy was powerful, my senses refined. My skin was cold to the touch – it spoke of death and decay.

But I had never felt more alive. It was a worthy sacrifice in exchange for all of this power. For the

chance of revenge.

I could not have been happier to have stumbled onto Tally territory all those weeks ago. I had been lost,

murderous. I had carried my dead lover around like a gruesome puppet, talking to Mavis like she was

still alive.

All she could do was stare back at me with hollow, empty eyes. Her mouth was frozen in a perpetual

soundless scream. I told her how beautiful she was. How she shouldn’t have done what she did to me.

I had to make her understand that she had wronged me. I would never get an apology though. Corpses

can’t talk. That was the first thing the Tally leader had said to me when she found me in the woods,

whispering to Mavis

I had been broken and deranged, without a purpose. She had been unafraid, even when I loomed over

her, ready to maul

her on sight.

“Corpses can’t talk. What are you doing on my turf, mutt?”

A thin, spindly woman with long hair. An innocent victim lost in the woods was what I thought when I

first laid eyes on her But she was more than that. She showed me the great power that she possessed

and I had been captivated immediately

I had felt her own rage and saw the pain in her eyes that reflected my own. She had been wronged by

the world, da mned her pack and tormented by those she had loved. I saw her insatiable lust for

vengeance and it inspired me. She led me to her soldiers.

She had offered me a way out, a solution to all of my problems. She gave me a purpose and great

powers. And then she gave

mean army.

Our plans were set in motion soon after that, and I was stronger than ever. The voices of Mavis and my

father were harder to hear now.

That da mned ticking clock was background noise to me, nothing more than the irritating buzz of a fly-

easily ignored except in the short moments before I slipped off to sleep. I barely needed sleep thanks

to the Tally leader. She had gifted me with a b*dy that could thrive on fury and resolve alone.

I didn’t need to eat either, but my jaw itched to latch on to warm flesh. I ached to taste fresh blood on

my tongue. Dorothy’s Joyous howl had me snapping my eyes up. My traitor mate and her dog were

heading back my way

I watched them roll about in the tall grass and playfully snap at each other like they weren’t inches

away from death. I reveled in the power I had over them. A power they weren’t even aware of

Julianna growled in my chest, their lust for blood pushing me to take an unintentional step forwards. I

was almost in sight of the two foolish lovers.

“Fools, the both of them,” Julianna hissed.

“Enough. We can’t be seen yet.”

“We should just cut them down now.”

“No, I hissed, although the idea was so tempting. I took another step forward. Something about

watching my mate from the shadows was invigorating. Something about the churning anger in my

chest made my c ock twitch.

it a fool

“They aren’t worthy to be called fools. Does one pass an ant and take the time to call it a fool?”

I couldn’t help myself, gliding my hand up and down my own member, watching my mate carry on

gleefully. Completely oblivious to my pe rv ersion

It was my grudge to hold, my fury to fetishize. I fought to keep the moans from escaping me as I felt my

throbbing appendage gearing to release,


Fri, Jan 26

Chapter 46


Another step forwards and atwig snapped under my weight. Dorothy sat bolt upright in the grass and

turned her head to scan the forest. Her senses were better than I had anticipated,

I froze on the spot, stiff c ock in hand, confident that I was hidden, After a few more minutes of waiting.

Dorothy turned away and continued her grooming of the wolf at her side.

“Not yet,” I said to Julianna, stepping back into the shadows and hastening away through the trees.

“Not yet.”



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