Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter 13


I spent the rest of the day after Ignatius left wallowing around in the clinic bed. The healer occasionally

popped her head in to check on me and delivered a number of snacks and treats that I wolfed down at

a rate that left my stomach aching.

I decided I’d had enough of my stiff denim jeans and chose instead to sit around in my underwear and

shirt until Ignatius got back. I listened to the bustle of nurses and patients outside of my room and sank

into my thoughts.

It had been only yesterday that I’d crawled out of my bed expecting my life to change forever. In a way,

it had, but not how I’d expected it to. My thoughts drifted to Johan and how he was struggling.

I could still feel his tense, emotional energy but he had closed his mind off to me shutting me out of his

thoughts and whatever he was going through. I had tried to speak to him, to apologize for everything,

but my words echoed back to me, unheard and unanswered.

I thought about Ignatius and his piercing cold eyes. For someone so intimidating and aloof, he seemed

to have quite a soft spot when it came to me. I couldn’t even begin to understand why. What did I have

that was so special. What could he see that my own true mate couldn’t.

I didn’t understand him at all, but both I and my wolf wanted to be around him all the same. I found I

had begun to rely on his scent and its calming capabilities. He was so starkly different from my true

mate, in both his looks and demeanor.

Where Johan was warm and gentle, Ignatius was cold to the touch and his alone seemed to make

people uncomfortable. I remembered the fear in Claudia’s voice

presence when he’d first showed up.

And the healer too, she was wary of him when we first arrived at the hospital. She had called him a

Northerner. I didn’t know much about the Northern Pack but I recalled a few stories that solidified them

as a terrifying threat.

The Bielke Pack was their true name. They were the strongest pack in North America, dominating in

both numbers and abilities. Until recently, they had been a threat to the Kall Pack until the elders of

both formed a strained truce.

Ignatius was one of them. People clearly knew who he was so he must be pretty high in the rank. I

would have to ask him about it when he got back. All of a sudden, my musing was interrupted by a pric

kling sensation in my fingertips that slowly ebbed across my entire b*dy.

My eyes widened in horror when the pri ck ling grew more intense and a hot flame ignited between my

legs. My second heat was kicking in, so soon after the first that I had been left completely unprepared

for it..

I gripped the bed sheets and grated my teeth against each other, grinding my jaw so as not to make a

sound. It was no use though, the fire had spread across my skin and my b*dy grew slick with sweat.

Ignatius still wasn’t back and the healer had left me to tend to another patient.

I curled up on my side, trying to fight the urges that surged up inside of me without warning. I needed

Ignatius, I couldn’t ride this out on my own. I cried out as another wave swept over me it was both a

wail and a throaty growl that I’d never made before.

I called for Ignatius, knowing full well he wouldn’t be able to hear me, but I was desperate. I kicked and

writhed until the healer came rushing in when nurses outside heard the commotion.

I begged her to give me the same powdery substance she’d used on me before, to knock me out cold

before the pain got any worse. But she refused, shaking her head slowly and looking down at my

convulsing form with sympathy.

“I can’t do that love, any more than one dose in such a short space of time could be fatal.”

I screamed in frustration. I knew she was only trying to protect me but I was too far gone to care. I

pounded my fists against the mattress and slashed at her with a clawed hand when she tried to restrain

me. She dodged my claws and stepped back, rubbing her hand on her temple.

“There’s nothing more I can do. You’ll have to wait for your Northern boy to return.”

Ignatius, my Northern boy. Mine. These weren’t my thoughts, these belonged to my wolf who sent my

stomach churning in her yearning for his sweet musky scent. Ignatius. Mine.


I still had Claudia by the scruff of the shirt when the one called Lana growled at me. Claudia stood on

her toes, her nails digging into my forearm as she tried to lean away from me.

I could smell the fear on her. I let go of her shirt and she dropped to her knees at my feet. Lana and the

other girls ran up to comfort her.

Ispat at me from the ground as her crew crow around her, “Does ginger pet know what kind of monster

you really are?”

your little

I ignored her and climbed back into my car, slamming the door with a force that shook the entire

vehicle. One of the other girls sauntered up to the window before I could turn the ignition.

She dipped her head in through the window and ran a finger down my chest. “You know, if you ever get

bored of banging the loner.” Her hand moved lower.” I’ve always been interested in you Ignatius.”

I grabbed her wrist before her hand reached my belt and squeezed tightly, causing her to yelp.

She tried to pull her arm from my grasp, and shrieked, “Let go! I was just teasing!”

I recognized her. I had watched her deliver a particularly forceful kick to Dorothy’s ribs that had her

skidding across the tarmac the day before.

I let

go of her wrist and she tottered backward, glaring at me and rubbing the skin where my nails had left

red crescent moons in her flesh. I kicked the car into gear and sped off without a backward glance.

I was furing as I drove, using every bit of my self-control not to turn back and show them the true terror

of a Northerner’s fury. In their boldness, they had forgotten the years of my pack’s domination over the

other tribes of North America.

We had taken their territory once, and we could do it again. No g od dam n peace treaty would ever

guarantee their safety if they crossed me again.

I was shaken from my morbid thoughts when I suddenly felt sharp pric kles of electricity blossoming on

my skin. The hair on my neck rose and I gripped the wheel tightly. I could feel something someone,

calling for me. Someone needed me. Someone was in pain.

The pri ckling turned to a raging burn and I turned a corner so sharply I almost flipped the car. It was

Dorothy, I could hear Dorothy inside my head. I didn’t have time to wonder at how that could be,


I was focused on getting back to the clinic as soon as possible. I could feel her agony as she began her

second heat. It had come so quickly after the first that I hadn’t expected it. I wasn’t at her side for it and

that was a problem.

Upon arriving at the clinic, I burst through the front doors and headed straight for Dorothy’s ward. I

could smell her scent the moment I entered, only this time it was sweeter than before, alluring and


Tor growled in my chest, hungry and aroused. I rounded a corner and barely avoided colliding with a

nurse who dropped her clipboard and with a frightened squeal. I ignored her and made straight for

Dorothy’s room, stumbling through the door and

Chapter 13

narrowly dodging another collision with the healer who was on her way out.

“Oh, you’re here. I’ll leave you to it then.”

Behind her, Dorothy whined as she caught a glimpse of me and reached out her arms.

The healer pushed past me. “You keep her heat under control and that is all,” she said sternly, turning

to peer at me over her glasses before leaving. “Behave.”

Her words barely registered as I headed to Dorothy’s bedside, kneeling on the mattress and grabbing

her arm.

I yanked her upright and pressed my lips to hers, cutting her whines short.

Dorothy melted against me, her arms sliding under my shirt and guiding me on top of her as she lay

down on her back again. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Her nails grazed my back and sent sparks up my spine. She was still arching her back, bucking

underneath me as I moved my mouth to her neck, nipping and licking down her pale throat. I slid my

hands under her shirt, and then, impatient and overtaken by desire, ripped it off of her completely.

Dorothy didn’t seem to mind though and her hands knotted in my hair as I caught one of her pebbled

nipples in my mouth, tongue flicking over the hard nub before moving on to the other one.

She moaned my name out loud and I lifted my head to catch her bottom lip between my teeth before

claiming her mouth again.

My hand trailed down to

was wet with lust. Despite Underwear, running a finger over the fabric I could tell she

all of my previous resolutions with Dorothy’s scent singing to all of my senses like a siren call – I had no

intention of holding back.


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