Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Chapter 129


We trudged through the damp tunnels for what felt like years, following the sluggish stream of water

underfoot as it meandered through the hollow cliffs. I had managed to heal myself during brief

moments of rest, but a headache still pounded behund my temple like a sledgehammer

Initially, we had been worned that some shifters might follow us into the tunnels after the fire died down,

but we heard no echoes of pursuit in the days we traveled the tunnels.

If anyone had tried to follow us, they were lost in the catacombs and would eventually run out of food

and water. It was a bittersweet thought. We were safe, but our people were not,

How many had died during our escape?

Angie offered to carry Amelie after my arms grew stiff and tired and I’d obliged, but Ignatius refused to

let go of Elins. I walked behind my troubled mate, my gaze trailing his broad, slouched shoulders as he

forged ahead.

None of us spoke much, there was nothing more to say. Somehow, in the span of a few hours, the

vampires had managed to turn an entire pack against us Friends and family alike, all under the control

of Ignatius blood kin.

The Bielke had been broken apart and we had nowhere else to go.

Cauis had been right about one thing. No pack would be willing to shelter a banished Alpha. That was

a taboo almost as terrible as a rejected mate, Ignatius had suggested that we leave him behind.

Certain small packs might at least be sympathetic toward a single mother and her children. But I

refused. The vampire- Caius, had already divided us from our people. I’d be damned before I let him

split our party up even more.

I felt numb inside. Now that the adrenaline had worn off after our escape. I could barely keep my eyes

open. I couldn’t wrap my head around the events of that night.

How had Caius managed to take control of the minds of an entire pack? How had he managed to turn

our people against us so mercilessly? What were we supposed to do now?

“We’re here. Ignatius murmured and 1 glanced up.

I hadn’t noticed the faint light getting brighter as we walked. But steady streams of golden light poured

in from an opening ahead of us and a fresh breeze combatted the musty air of the tunel

We had been walking aimlessly through the tunnels without a map. I had only the vaguest idea of

which direction would lead us out of Bielke territory, But it seemed that had been enough to get us

through the maze of tunnels that sn*ked through the land.

I held my breath as we walked toward daylight, half expecting to find a hoard of vampires waiting for us

on the other side.

But as we broke through the tunnel opening, tearing down vines and branches that had grown in the

way, we were greeted by fresh air and the empty green forest beyond.

There was no longer a hint of sea salt on the breeze. Instead, I caught a scent that felt rather familiar,

but the memory was hazy in my mind.

“Where are we?” I asked as we emerged, with Angle and Fae in tow

y of it

Ignatius, sniffed the air, looking left and right at the forest that spread in both directions. “Down South

We’re near Kull


So that’s why at felt so familiar. All at once, I recalled the pack I had grown up in. My caretaker, Anita,

and the many others. Some kindly, some not. These were the woods in which Ignatius and I had first

danced together. It had been snowing then, and we had been younger.

Chapter 129

That felt like lifetimes ago

We all stood side by side, at a loss for what to do next. We had no allies, no pack, nowhere to go. We

had no plan, no future. We’d been walking for days with no food or water. We were weak and listless,

cracked lips and dry throats,

Amelie could barely lift her head from Angie’s shoulder. And Elias still had not woken up.

It was Angie who said what we were all thinking, “What the fuck do we do now?”

We spent the rest of the day gathering firewood. Then we built some semblance of sanctuary in the

form of a small campsite. a safe distance from the cave exit. Ignatius didn’t want to risk the vampires

following us.

Our first mission was food, and a clean water since.

Angie and Ignatius set off to hunt down food and fresh water, while Far and I stayed behind to start a

fire and watch over the kids. We ripped up as much heather as we could find, and flattened it into a

comfortable nest for Elias and Amelie.

Everyone moved robotically, going through the motions of basic survival and nothing more. Later that

night, roasting rabbit over a fire, we were forced to confront cair new reality

I was feeding small berries to Amelic, who lay spread-eagled on the hearth in utter exhaustion. Angie

mechanically carved away at a piece of tree bark with her blade and Fac nigged weeds from the

ground absentmindedly.

Ignatius stared into the fire. The flames reflected in his eyes, dancing dangerously as he stewed in his


I was hesitant to speak. Everyone was at their breaking point, and one wrong word could have them

boiling over. Angie’s small family was under mind control, as was Fae’s mother. So was Plato. All

people who were dear to us, abandoned under the rule of a vengeful half-shifter

“I always thought I might end up a rogue. You move around long enough, you kind of get used to it I

said wryly.

But my attempt to lighten the mood fell fat when everyone blew out a deep breath in frustration

Angie rubbed at her eyes, streaking a line of dirt across her face like a scar “We can’t stay here forever.

We need to keep moving. That guy -Caius, he’s never going to stop coming after its. You saw how he

looked at you, Ignatius.“

Ignatius didn’t respond My mate merely kept his eyes on the tice, all of his emotions shoved down deep

to brew internally until he was mentally fit enough to manage them

“And then there’s Elias,” Angue continued. We all lifted our eyes to look at the sleeping boy, Elias had

stopped twitching and some colour had returned to his cheeks. but he showed no sign of waking up

anytime soon. He needs a healer. And soon. He hasn’t eaten any thing in days.

It felt like something inside of me had cracked m two. The vampires had been responsible for the death

of my people, and nove all these years later, they have taken from me again.

It was as if the pillars that my new world was built on had crumbled into sand. Fear and fury broiled in

my chest, and yet outwardly I was a blank face. An empty husk

“So what’s the plan?” Angie fixed her gaze on Ignatius, her words slightly forceful to propel him out of

this quiet, cold state.

Ignatius exhaled through his nose, clenching his fists around his knees. “We get the twins somewhere

safe, find a healer. And then I’m going back to face Caius

I shifted the now dozing Amelie off of my lap, leaning toward my mate. “You’re not doing it alone. That

would be suicide.”

Ignatius ignored this, turning the rabbit on the skewer in silence Anger rose in my chest and I got to my NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.


“You promised me! You promised you wouldn’t leave ust You can’t abandon your children because of

some vendetta.”

“They have my people! Our people! Ignatius voice boomed around us, spooking the remaining rabbits

that lurked near our


IIIChapter 129

He stood up in a flash, rowering over me. “This is bigger than ust can’t just abandon the Bielke!”

“So let me help you!” I yelled back, baring my teeth automatically. “Don’t leave me behind!”

“Why?!” I gripped his shirt, nearly tearing what was left of the bloody fabric. “Why is it so important to

leave me on the


Because you’re the only good thing I have left Ignatius gripped my shoulders, practically shaking me as

he roared his


Below us, Amelie stirred and she blinked up at her father from the heather, Ignatius looked down at her

like he was waking from a dream, still clinging to my shoulders as if he was afraid Til disappear if he let


Looking at the distraught expression on his face, my heart softened and I touched a hand to his cheek.

“I’m not going anywhere. None of us are.”

I saw his eyes soften for a second, and he blinked away the wetness that pooled there.

I gently pulled him into a tight embrace, touching his mind with mine to save Angie and Fac further


I know what you’re feeling. I know your heart. You have a duty to your people, and I know that you will

fulfill that duty when the time is right. But you need to accept that I’m going to be there every step of the

way. You may die for me. Ignatius, but I won’t allow you to live for me

Cold lips pressed to my neck in response.

A sudden sound from the forest had us breaking apart, our small group immediately on high alert.

Ignatius and I stood over our children. Angie and Fae stood back to back, blades at the ready.

Something was moving though the forest toward us, something that smelled an awful lot like a shifter,

Or two, or three.

The four of us bared our fangs when another group of shifters broke through the treeline. The group

looked startled at firs eyeing the twins at our feet. Ignatius snarled a warning, until they backed up


One of the shifters, a bottle blonde she-woll, raised her hands in surrender. We’re not here to hurt you.

You’ve come from Bielke night”

Angie lifted her blades. “Who’s asking?”

The girl ignored this question and her gaze settled on me. “Hey, Dorothy. Long time no see

I was battled for a moment, unable to place where I’d met this bored-looking blonde bombshell before.

But then the memory came back to me and I gasped quietly,


Back at the Khall pack, before I’d grown a spine and a new family, there had been a shufter named

Mavis, Mavis and her cruel gang of pretty packmates. Alissa had been one of them. Granted, she had

never outright hurt me, but she had stood by while the others did their worst.

“You know her? Ignatius murmured in my car

Alissa smiled sheepishly. “I know you have no reason to trust me, all things considered. But we’re here

to help. We heard about what happened on Bielke turf. The Khall is willing to offer you asylum.

She eyed Ignatius warily. “All of you.”


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