Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Chapter 127


Ignatius and I emerged from the forest not far from Bielke territory. We staggered up the winding roads

towards town, aiming for the healing centre. It had been almost an hour by then and Elias had still not

opened his eyes.

Ignatius carried Amelie on his back. Our daughter wrapped her little arms around his neck tightly,

acutely aware of how dire the situation was. Her wide-eyed gaze was fixed on her brother and nothing

we could say would bring a smile to her lips.

Elias Lay still in his father’s arms, my own having given out after trekking through the woods with the

little bundle.

Both of our cellphones were dead and we had no way of signaling for assistance. Ignatius had tried to

touch Plato’s mind, even though the werewolf was surely still shackled up in our house.

But no matter who he tried to contact telepathically, Ignatius mind hit a blank wall every y time.

He was no longer their Alpha, and the mental connection between leader and pack was severed the

moment he had stepped down

So we walked, trailing along the silent road toward Bielke territory. It was risky to approach and we

knew that. The vampires could have taken full control in the time that we’d been gone. But we had no

other choice, Elias needed help.

And Ignatius needed to protect his people.

My feet were aching in my sneakers, my lungs heaving after the long journey. My hair had escaped its

braid and trailed loose over my shoulders.

Ignatius had dark circles under his eyes. We did not look like Alpha and Luna. We looked tired and

disheveled, trudging on by sheer force of will.

We had only just stopped so that Ignatius could hand Elias back jo me when a shout had us whirling

around. A few meter back, two figures spilled out of the forest and into the road, waving manically.

It’s Angie and Fac!” I hopped to secure Elias on my hip, lifting my free arm to wave back at the

approaching she-wo

Both women were breathless by the time they reached us, and the two of them looked just as

bedraggled as Ignatius an Angie’s entire front was streaked with dirt like she’d been crawling on her

belly, and Fae donned a spray of drying blood

her shirt.

The smaller she-wolf noticed Elias in my arms, her gaze trailing up to Amelie who peaked over her

father’s shoulder. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“You got them back!”

“Elias won’t wake up.” My voice broke as I looked down at the sleeping child. I don’t know what they did

to him. But we need to get him to a healer”

I had already tried waking him with my own healing abilities, but to no avail. The process had backfired

somehow, and I ended up scalding the palm of my hand when Elias’ own dormant powers bucked back

against mine.

All I had managed to do was exhaust myself.

Far covered her mouth with her hands in horror and Angie’s lige set into a hard line.

“There’s a chance Bielke territory isn’t safe,” Angie said softly, locking eyes with Ignatius. “Fae could

feel it before she left. Something’s not right.”.

“But what about Johan?” I asked desperately. “Did you find the imposter? Surely if we can prove to

them that he’s a fake they’ll see reason”

“We found Johan, Angie spoke over me, but there was no victory in her words. “It’s not what we


Chapter 127

My heart had already broken for Johan three years ago, but it shattered again when Angie explained

what had become of his b*dy. It was a horrifying fate, even for the man who had died a monster.

There was no time to dwell on what the vampires had done, however, Angie and Fae agreed to escort

us to the nearest healer, from the safety of Angie’s van.

Hidden in the back, the vampires wouldn’t realize we were back on Bielke turf. We could scope out the

place and come up a better plan of defense.

We found the beaten white van hidden in a cul de sac further up the road. Ignatius helped me in and

we settled down with the children in our arms.

A silence settled over our dismal group and my stomach twisted itself into knots as we approached

what had only hours before been our home.

When we arrived at Beilke terratory, I was an anxious wreck. Pecking out the back window, I looked

across the quiet streets. Something about the landscape felt eerie and ethereal, as if a dreamlike haze

had settled over the land.

The moon was shrouded by drifting gray clouds, and every star bad been swallowed up by the fog that

hung low over the Bielke pack.

“We’re almost there. Angie met my eye in the rearview mirror. “How’s Elias doing!”

I looked down into the ashen face of my son, a terrible feeling in my gut. “He’s still out cold.”

Far stared out of the window of the passenger side, a frown creasing her forehead. “Will the healers

even be there? It’s awfully quiet outside.”

1 saw Angie’s lips move in response, but her voice was drowned qut by the sudden screech of metal.

The entire van jolted as something collided with the back fender. Fae shrieked, flattening herself

against the passenger seat.

Angie grappled with the steering wheel, trying to regain control of the vehicle. But there was no saving

the skidding wheels from sending us careening off course.

I screamed as the stench of burning rubber filled my nose, curling myself around Elias while Ignatius

pulled both me and our children into a protective bear hug. We were all thrown against the side of the

van as the vehicle toppled over, glass shattering all around us.

Despite Ignatius attempts to protect me, the back of my head collided with the metal interior of the van.

I felt warm blood streaming, soon to stain my hair an even deeper shade of red.

Stars exploded across my vision, and I fought to stay conscious, even as a splitting headache arched

up the nape of my neck. I blinked the blood from my eyes peering out from under Ignathus who lay half

on top of me with our children sandwiched

between us.

Through the shattered front window, I could see figures surrounding us. Far more than we could

possibly fight.

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