Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Chapter 116


Angie and Fae had arrived without warning, bursting into the collage with stricken faces. I had sent

Plato off a moment later to summon Ignatius. For some reason, try as I might, I couldn’t get into his

mind myself. But I had felt an aura of deep turmoil exuding from my mates mind, and I wanted him

back at my side immediately.

Angie had tried to breathlessly relay what they had seen, but I imasted she hold off until Ignatius

arrived. When he finally turned up, with Plato in tow, at was very clear that something was wrong

Ignatius’s face was pale and drawn, and he seemned almost afraid to approach me,

“What happened to your hands I grabbed ahold of his wrist, turning his palms downward to examine his

knuckles. Deep welts glared on his skin and dried blood had crusted on each budry joint.

“Nothing,” Igantius jerked his hand away from me and shoved his clenched fists into his packets, “I was

just blowing off some


I was skeptical to say the least, but there were important matters to deal with, and whatever was

bothering my partner would have to wait until we were alone. I eyed Ignatius warily, making it clear with

my expression that we would be coming back to this later.

Ignatius avoided my gaze, lowering his head until his white locks hung over his eyes. I wanted to pull

him aside and demand to know what was bothering him, to understand why he looked at me with so

much melancholy in his expression. Instead i let my arms hang at my side, nodding for Angie to start This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

from the beginning,

Angie too seemed to notice something off about Ignatius, she c ocked her head to the side and

narrowed her eyes in his direction before continuing. “Fae and I managed to track down the location of

the next gathering. We were there, we saw Johan with our own eyes and, well.. Fae can explain it

better than I can.”

Fae cleared her throat. I noticed that neither she nor Angie seemed willing to let go of the other’s hand.

It was only th I noticed that Angie was nursing a gradually healing wound on her upper thigh, and I

caught a glimpse of deep brui around her throat like someone had tried to collar her.

“Johan has. Abilities,” Fae started hesitantly. She looked like she was struggling to find the right words

to describe what had seen. When she delved into her story, I felt my b*dy tense up in fear. It was a fear

I hadn’t felt in a long time, the kin horror that sinks deep into your bones and grows there

The things Fae was describing sounded impossible. But the terror in her eyes told me that what she

had seen was all too real.


Chapter 116

We all stood in stunned silence after Fae finished and I looked over to Ignatius who seemed at his wits

end. I tried to curl my arm around his, to offer him some semblance of comfort, but he leaned away

from me, retreating into himself like he wanted to disappear entirely.

“You said Johan’s b*dy collapsed when you injured the vampire? I directed my question to Fae. “Do

you think there’s some kind of connection between them?

“I do, her eyes flashed with hot anger when she recalled the vampire that had injured Angie. “And I

noticed something else that might be important. Johan couldn’t shift, or at least he didn’t want to. He

was willing to cut off his own head in demonstration but when the crowd called to see his wolf he


If he was purposefully avoiding it, if he really can’t shift, then it’s possible that he’s not a werewolf at all,

I speculated invigorated with this small piece of information. “And if this guy isn’t a wolf, then it might

not actually be johan! You said there were vampires in the crowd right? What if this is a vampire

masquerading as Johan?”

“Why would they bother?” Angie’s nose crinkled while she thought it through. “What would they gain

from any of that?”

“It’s a distraction Plato mused, stroking his stubble. “They could be trying to sow doubt amongst the

shifters. If they’re trying to turn people against the Bielke, resurrecting Johan would be a good way to

do it. An enemy that refused to stay dead.”

“What do you think?” Angie asked suddenly, fixing her gaze on Ignatius who had remained oddly quiet

throughout the


Ignatius was staring at the ground like he hadn’t heard her, completely wrapped up in whatever was

plaguing his thoughts

“Ignatius?” I prompted gently and he jerked upright, a dazed look in his eye like he was awaking from a


“What?” he hiccuped when he noticed everyone’s eyes on him. Oh, ah. Yeah, it’s possible.”

Sensing his distress I decided to dismiss our gathering for the time being. I stepped forward and rested

a cal his shoulder, “It’s late, Angie and Fae you two have done more than enough. I think it’s time you

get some

I turned to Plato who was staring at Ignathus with a strange intensity, his lips slightly parted like he had

somet the words wouldn’t make it out of his mouth

“Um. Plato, you can go too. Thanks for your help with the twins today, I don’t know what we would have

done with

Plato seemed hesitant to leave, but he ran a hand over his shaved head and shot me a watery smile

that didn’t reach his “Anytime. I love hanging out with the little hellspawn.”

He gave Ignatius a pointed, level stare before he departed and I was left wondering at what the two of

them had spoken about before they arrived here earlier.

“I think we can let ourselves relax for one night.” Angie slapped ker knees as she stood up, wincing

when her hand came down on her wound, “At least we have a vague idea of what to do from here. If

Fae and 1 can expose this alternative Johan for the fake he is, then the vampires” plans backfire and

the Bielke pack is safe.”

I wasn’t sure if it was going to be as easy as all that- regardless of whether this man was Johan or not,

he had thousands of shifters on his side. They had turned against the Bielke for a reason. But I was

willing to let it rest for the night. We all needed a break, and I needed to speak to Ignatis.


After Angie and Fae had departed, Dorothy and I went upstairs to put the twins to bed. Both Amelie

and Elias had been restless recently, refusing to sleep when they were supposed to and waking up

from terrible nightmares when they did.

I followed behind Dorothy while she scooped up Elias and carried him to our bedroom. Amelia lay with

her head on my chest and her little arms wrapped tightly around my neck. She was far more docile

than her brother during late hours like these, but she fought her exhaustion with all her might, blinking

up at me with tired, doe eyes


Chapter 116

Dorothy’s accusations during our argument filtered to the surface when I looked over my drowsy

children. She was right, I hadn’t been spending any time with them recently, I was so wrapped up in

protecting my family that I had neglected my family in the process,

We tucked them into our bed and Dorothy pulled the covers up all the way to their noses, planting a

gentle k*ss on each of their foreheads. I flicked off the light and came to sit beside them, leaning over

to ruffle Elia s’s wild shock of hair.

Amelic chose her moment wisely, when I stood up to leave she rugged on my shirt and in looking

down, I was caught like at deer in headlights under the full force of her puppy dog eyes, “Can we have

a story tonight?”

“You’re going to fall asleep before your mother gets to the good part,” I twinged her nose, “You can

barely keep your eyes.


“I’m awake” our daughter huffed indignantly, but her argument was punctuated with a wide yawn, “I

want a story”

Dorothy climbed up onto the bed beside me, midging me with her shoulder, “One story wouldn’t hurt.

What do you say?”

And so I lay with my mate, curled around our twin children while Dorothy spun tales of mermaids and

fairies, witches and trolls, all the legends her own mother had once passed on to her, Dorothy had a

knack for story-telling and I loved watching her do it. She would get a faraway look in her eyes and her

hands would move on their own, painting pictures in the air while she immersed herself in the tale,

Both Elias and Amelie would interrupt her frequently, either with their own opinions on where the story

was going or to ask inconsequential questions regarding a character’s favorite color. Dorothy answered

every question diligently, and the three of them would weave a brand new tale every night.

Looking over my small family I felt another wave of crushing guilt. My pack, my people, had robbed

Dorothy of a childhood like this. What had I done to deserve this family? And how long would it be until

I lost them too?

Ever since my terrible discovery I had taken care to keep my mind closed from my mate. But Dorothy

seemed to sense my turmoil regardless, and her eyes met mine in the dark.

Eventually, both our children were sleeping soundly, and Dorothy’s voice softened and then fell silent. I

already knew what she was going to ask me, and I still hadn’t managed to think of an answer

The bedroom was silent except for the twins even breathing. Elias was snoring slightly, having inherited

one of his father’s worst traits. Dorothy lay with her back to me, my right arm slung over her waist and

her head nestled in the crook of my left. I hoped that maybe she would simply fall asleep, and I would

be saved from the conversation until the following


But Dorothy weaved her fingers with mine, lifting my hand to press my bruised knuckles to her lips,


“What did you find in the reports?”

The drawn out silence was almost deafening. The answer sat at the tip of my tongue, but I couldn’t

bring myself to break the news to her. Not here, not yet.

“I haven’t found anything of use yer

Dorothy turned in my arms, meeting me eye to eye with an unreadable expression, “Then what

happened today? Ever since Plato summoned you, you’ve been distracted.”

“Don’t let that bother you,” I planted a k*ss on her forehead, lusting myself internally for lying to her so

blatantly, “Tin just a hole stressed right now, you know that.”

Dorothy held my gaze, suspicion in her eyes, but I could see her willingness to trust me. She didn’t

want to believe that 1 would withhold anything from her. When she spoke, it was a quiet murmur. “I

trust you. Ignatius. And if It’s Elhot that’s bothering you. I want to help.”

She pushed her forehead against mine, closing her eyes as I wrapped my arms around her, “You’re not

your father. You


Fri, Jan 26

Chapter 116


never have been. Don’t forget that.”

I watched over my mate until she was fast asleep in my arms. I examined her closed eyes, long lashes,

soft lips slightly parted while she dreamt. I marveled at how beautiful she was inside and out.

It was a long while before I managed to sleep too, and when I did, it wasn’t pleasant,



11:06 Fri, Jan 26

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