Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Chapter 114


“Get ready to move,” I whispered to Angie in my head as I bolted in her direction my agile wolf form

slipping unseen through the dark. “He’s almost on you

I was still reeling from what I had seen, but there was no time to think about that now. I spotted the

shifter that Angie had warned me about, a guard standing a little too close for comfort. To my left the

vampire was making his way towards Ange a disconcertingly hungry look in his eyes.

“We can’t make a scene!” Angie’s voice in my head was shrill with alarm. “That crowd will be on us

immediately What are you going to do2TM

She needn’t have asked. A moment later I barreled into the unsuspecting shifter, closing my teeth on

his shoulder and knocking him to the ground. Shifting on the spot, I brought my elbow down on the

back of his head, knocking him unconscious before he could make a sound.

I felt a pang of guilt at the sudden violence. For all I knew, the man could have been under some kind

of spell or simply looking for a way out. I paused to make sure he was breathing and then turned to

where Angle was hiding. “Alright, lets go-

My words caught on my lips when I made eye contact with Angie, who was struggling in the grasp of

the formidable vampire.

He had moved faster than I thought possible, closing the distance between him and Angie, and

wrapping long taon-like fingers around her throat in the seconds it had taken me to take down the


His face broke out into a wide grin when he looked at me, pointed teeth glistening uncomfortably close

to Angie’s neck

“What a lovely gift I’ve been given, he crooned closing his eyes and inhaling deeply

Angie kicked at the man, but did no damage. He was clearly sturdier than he looked. Stronger too.

Angie’s feet barely touched the ground while the vampire held her by the throat.

“Let her go” With no other option. I ran straight at the man ramming into him with my shoulder in an

attempt to knock him off his feet. The vampire stag gered slightly, hissing at me while I shifted. I caught

a glimpse of his angry eyes up close.

The irises I thought were brown in the firelight were actually a deep red. If our vague knowledge of

vampires was anything to go off of this one was hungry, and possibly hadn’t fed in days.

I bared my teeth, growling before leaping at him again. My wolf form was small, but nimble. The

vampire couldn’t keep his hold on Angie and fend me off at the same time. He loosened his grip on her

throat and Angie used the opportunity to wriggle free, shifting as she hit the ground.

The two of us attacked at once, with Angie closing her snapping jaws on his arm, and me tearing into

his calf. We brought him to his knees, but even in that position, he was far from defeated. The vampire

swiped a clawed hand at Angie, tearing blo ody ribbons into her flank.

I bit at the swiping hand, hard enough to hear bones crunching between my jaws. The man shrieked,

an unearthly high- pitched siren that rang through the forest around us. If the gathering wasn’t already

aware of our presence, they were now.

But more cries of alarm were surging through the crowd and I caught a glimpse of the podium through

the treeline

Moments after I had turned the vampire’s hand into minced beef Johan’s b*dy had collapsed. His left

hand lay disjointed from his forearm again and his severed head rolled right off of the stage.

The vampire’s eyes widened in horror when he heard the screames erupting from the crowd. “You filth

matt, what have you


He wrenched his bloodied hand from my jaws, tearing tendons and muscle tissue with a shrill shriek. I

wasn’t sure how this vampire and Johan were connected, but I wasn’t about to wait around to hand out

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Chapter 114

Before the man could get to his feet, I nudged the wounded Angle with my snout, pushing her away

into the forest. “Let’s go.


As we ran, the vampire’s voice rang out behind us. “We’ll meet again, pretty things! I swear on the

vampires of old. You will be mine!”

Angie’s voice in my head was manic, spurred on by adrenaline and rage, “Go to hell, bloodsucker.”


The woman lay in a decadent four poster bed. Her drawn, pale face was rendered almost skeletal in

the flickering candlelight. From her sour expression, it was clear she would have preferred no light at


1 approached cautiously, my robes stirring up the thick layer of dust that covered the marbled floors. I

had to withhold my disgust at the state of the once-grandiose bedroom.

Every ancient piece of finely crafted furniture was covered in cobwebs, and moths had eaten through

the expensive silks. It was a symbol of her failings once grand and lavish, now tarnished with age and


“How are you fairing, mother?” I kept my tone cordial, but I couldn’t help the sneer that curled my lips.

The woman coughed, a grating, hair-raising sound like nails on a chalkboard. “Let’s not bother with

formalities.” She tried to lift her head but failed and sank back under the heavy sheets with a

disgruntled groan Tell me, have we succeeded”

I paused at her bedside, clasping my hands behind my back and twisting the sigil ring on my index

finger. “Everything is going according to plan. The Bielke are losing allies by the day, and many are

beginning to question their ability to protect

the shifters.

The woman’s expression curled into a sneer, her sunken eyes fixing on me. “And what of that idiot,

Hardin? How can we be sure he won’t turn against us when the dust has settled?”

“Haedin is loyal to House Tenebre. House Leshia would fall in an instant should he try and turn his back

on Although, his most recent misstep at one of the gatherings almost cost us the element of surprise.”

It irked me, having to confess my failings to this frail shell of a woman. Haedin was my head executio

extension of myself. Any mistake made by my subjects was a failure on my part, as she so loved to re

Much as I had suspected, my mother snarled at that comment and reached out a clawed hand to grip

my misstep would that bel

1 swallowed my revulsion, and closed my fingers over her gnarled hand. “Haedin lost himself for a

moment, në himself to some Bielke spies. He is prone to unusual fixations, and those two seem to

have sparked his interest.

My mother seethed, sinking deeper into the mattress, swallowed up by the layers of bedding that did

nothing to warm cold, unbeating heart, “We should never have executed this convoluted plan! There

are too many risks. We should kill the Beilke Alpha now. And that despicable Luna of his.”

“No!” I snapped, nearly crushing her boney hand in my own. “The Luna is mine! Before long, everything

that wretched man holds dear will belong to me.

She watched me from under heavy-lidded eyes. Her pupils were a clouded white, her vision failing as

the nights wore on. I could barely recall the woman she had been before her injuries got the best of her.

The once-righteous House Lethia had been thorough in their efforts to cr ipple the Aventine bloodline.

My mother had lived a long time after the initial war, before the Lethia poison began to take its toll.

“You’re a fool,” She rasped, glowering under thin wisps of black hair that segmented her face into

gruesome, translucent patches.

“We are not working to satiate you and your jealousy. This is about fulfilling the prophecy – your

birthright is within your reach. Don’t squander at over a filthy mutt that could foil our plans.”

Chapter 114

11:06 Fri, Jan 26 G

Chapter 114

I stepped back abruptly: Fury burning through my veins. “Be careful Morgana. Your time is over, I have

no use for you anymore. It would do you good to remember who the Lord of Tuchre is now.” NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

Rather thais argue further, Morgana sealed her lips, eyeing me with animosity from her vulnerable

position on the bed.

I turned my back on the dying woman, striding out of the gloomy room before my anger boiled over.

“I have a better grip on Haedin now. He won’t fail me again.” I sat over my shoulder. “You know nothing

of my grander scheme. House Tenebre will reach further than even you and your sick ambition could

care to imagine.”

I slammed the heavy doors behind me, bristling with rage.

The Bielke would be mine. I would rule over both vampires and shifters before the new moon. And I

would have Ignatius Armoundt dead at my feet.



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