Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Maya was on the pack ground, taking care of the after effects of the battle. She had already directed

the medic team to move the injured warriors. The injured rogues had their injuries patched up as well

but were being detained in the prison till Dylan became free to address them.

The dead werewolves were taken to be burned. All the pack members were helping out. The pack

warriors were feeling ashamed of their doubt in Maya. The non combat members helped to clean up

the area and arrange food for everyone. A passing kitchen staff pressed a bun filled with meat in

Maya's hand, so she could eat while she worked.

When the clean up finished it was almost night, Maya had a shower and the proceeded to have dinner

with her team. Dylan joined them for dinner and started talking about how to arrange the pack

members after dissolution. It was at that time, Maya learnt about Xander's refusal to lead the pack. She

was surprised at that but refrained from asking more details. She kept telling herself that whatever the

reason Xander chose to do so, it couldn't involve her. Then shaking her head to rid herself of his

thoughts she focused on her team members.

Dylan announced to the team about the Council's decision to promote Maya to a Deputy Councilman

and the rest of the team members to the Team Leader position. He told them of how when they left for

this new mission the Council had decided to add new team members to Wrath of the Moon and expand

their reach. The news was welcomed by her team and they became loud and raucous in their


Dylan brought out a special wine, made for non humans, to toast them and said, "I have been

grooming you all for the past three years. I am very happy to see that my labour bore fruits. I want to

you all to succeed in your careers and your personal life. You all deserve happiness, you just have to

borrow courage and go for it." Everyone cheered as Dylan completed his impromptu speech.

"I have to say something." Andy suddenly said standing up, "I am inspired by your words about

happiness. I want to grasp mine. So... Here goes... Marina.. I admire you. Your eyes, your voice, your

fighting capability, your brain, your spells, everything about you is so fascinating and so beautiful.

Marina, what I... what I want to say is that I like you and I would like to go on a date with you."

"Okay." Marina replied calmly.

"Okay?" Andy questioned stupidly.

"Yes. Okay." Marina said her voice calm.

Andy then jumped and gave a whoop before falling on his back. Jeff just shook his head and gave him

a helping hand. Marina snorted and started laughing hard. Soon everyone joined in her laugh and Andy

looked around sheepishly.


After the celebration, Maya's wolf was feeling antsy and wanted to go explore outside. Maya decided to

go on a last run in the Forrester pack. Unconsciously her run led her to the pond where she was

kidnapped. Her paws slowed and she came to a halt near the edge of the water. She sat on her

haunches and stared at the reflection of the moon in the water. A tear escaped her eye and splashed

on her furry paw.

"At last, you are alone." a voice called. Maya turned around in a whirl and growled lowly. Xander

stepped from the shadows and made his way to her. She took a few steps back as he advanced

towards her.

"It is poetic justice. A crime was committed at this place, the punishment for the crime should be meted

out here." he said in a low voice, almost whispering to himself. He whipped off his tshirt and offered it to

Maya, so that she could change her form and talk to him.

Maya gingerly grabbed the tshirt in her teeth and went behind the bushes to change. She stepped out,

her body covered in his t-shirt. His smell surrounded her and calmed her whirling emotions. Although

she was his mate, she was still wary of him and stopped a bit away from him. Her eyes were scanning

the horizon and her nose was was up in the air trying to smell a scent of any other person.

Her demeanor pained Xander but he knew he deserved it. "I wanted to talk to you." He started but

didn't know how to continue and silence reigned between them.

"You didn't accept the Alpha position?" Maya asked to break the silence.

"You weren't going to be besides me. How could I accept that?" he replied.

"It didn't make any difference to you three years ago." Maya bit back angrily.

"It killed me three years back to be away from you. When you left, I kept everything that you touched,

that had your scent in my room. I couldn't function properly if I didn't touch them, see them or smelled

them. I know it was my mistake... my crime to leave you to fend for yourself. I am not going to ask for

forgiveness. I am here to ask for your punishment." Xander replied in a soothing voice.

Maya's anger ruled her and she walked towards him and pushed him back. However the moment she Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

laid her hands against his chest sparks ran through her and her push lacked in strength. Xander nearly

stumbled a step back, he caught her hands and steadied himself. This movement pulled her close to


Maya glared at him angrily and said, "It is so easy, isn't it? Just ask for punishment and I would have to

forgive you after you complete it. Why should I give you any punishment? Why should I forgive you?"

Tears started pouring from her eyes by the time she finished talking.

"As a werewolf, loving your mate and being loved by them is a given. So what happens when your

mate hates you? When your mate hates you, you work like hell to turn that hate into love." Xander

replied, caressing her cheeks to wipe her tears away. Sparks were making their way down his hands,

as he caressed her but Maya drew back to break their connection.

"You retain the right to hate me but I retain the right to earn your love back. No one can take this right

away from me, my love." Xander said firmly, his hands falling down.

Maya looked away from him, her gaze holding the reflection of the moon. She took a deep breath and

said, "I don't hate you. I know that you never wanted to sell me to the rogues. It was your sister who did

that. When I returned you kept quiet to protect her and her child. How can I hate you for protecting your

sister when I wanted my brother to do the same for me? However, I do not know if I can trust you."

She stopped as more tears made their way down her cheeks. Leandro had taken away her ability to

trust, to love. As much as she didn't want to let him rule over her, the person standing in front of her

was Xander. He had already broken her trust once, in this very place.

"Then don't trust me." Xander said. Maya snapped her attention back at him.

"Don't trust me. Make me prove myself." he said, his words puzzling Maya even more.

"In ancient times, werewolves used to challenge each other for the right to mate a female wolf. I

challenge you Maya Wright, Team Leader of Wrath of the Moon. I challenge you for the right to stay

besides you as your mate, as your lover, as your friend, as your person. Do you accept my challenge

Ms. Wright?" he explained.

"This is not a game, Xander."

"I agree, it isn't a game. It is our life. I am ready to take on this challenge my love. And so I swear on

Moon Goddess and on my Alpha powers, everything that I do will be for you. My each breath, my each

heartbeat will be in your name. If you find that I do not keep this promise, then may the Moon Goddess

take away my very existence." he pledged an oath to her.

The oath he swore by had heavy repercussions if broken. Maya knew he meant it. She also knew that

his actions previously had stemmed from an obligation to his family. Her grandfather had always told

her that whenever she had doubts while making decisions to turn to her wolf for guidance. Maya

consulted her wolf, the wolf sat calmly in her mind. Her eyes reflected pain and sadness but also pride

and courage. Maya understood that her wolf wanted her to take a leap of faith for herself and for her


"I accept your challenge Mr. Lockhart." Maya replied. Xander was gazing at her with soft eyes.

"Prove to me that I can trust you. Prove to me that you are truly in love with me. The semantics of how

you would do that, I would leave to you. However, I have to leave for the Council headquarters

tomorrow morning with my team. Dylan has taken over here and I am no longer needed." Maya notified

him. Xander gave her a soft smile and nodded determined.

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