Reborn- His Scarlett Moon

Chapter 90-Ryan’ s mother’s POV – … past

There was pain all over my body as the cloud of confusion in my mind slowly started settling down. I didn’t remember much of what happened after the gates closed except for the blacking out after being shoved inside what looked like a stable. When my eyes shot open, I was in a market. The stench of sweat and dirt filled the air, mingling with the cacophony of haggling voices and clattering hooves.

My hands were tied up and I was tied with a couple of more girls. My captors pulled mercilessly at the ropes, cutting into my wrist and commanded, ” Move,” with cold eyes. They led me through the throng of people, the grip on my arm tight and unrelenting.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

We arrived at a clearing. There was a small gathering, apparently waiting for our arrival. They were all horrible looking men, their greedy gazes appraising me like a piece of livestock. My eyes darted around, desperately searching for any signs of hope or escape. But the towering walls of the market seemed to close in on me, reminding me of my helplessness.

One of my captors, a gruff man with a sinister grin, stepped forward, barking out in a booming voice, “Behold, a prize for the highest bidder! A rare beauty, young and untouched!”

The crowd grew hushed, their eyes fixed on me with a mix of curiosity and desire. A man dressed in opulent garments, undoubtedly a wealthy noble, stepped forward, his eyes scanning my frail form.

“What’s her name?” he inquired, his voice dripping with arrogance.

“Her name does not matter, sir,” my captor replied with a sneer. “She’s yours to mold as you wish.”

The nobleman chuckled, his tone laced with entitlement. “And what skills does she possess?”

“She is skilled in weaving and embroidery, sir,” my captor answered, his words filled with a hint of amusement. “A delicate flower, perfect for adorning your castle.”

Another stern-faced merchant interrupted, his voice tinged with skepticism. “How can we be sure she is as untouched as you claim?”

My captor’s eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with menace. “I assure you, sir, she has been kept pure for the highest bidder. Her innocence is guaranteed.”

The merchant nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. “What is the starting price?”

My captor grinned, a glint of greed in his eyes. “Five gold coins, sir. A small price for such beauty.”

The bidding began, the voices of potential owners rising, each attempting to outdo the other. I watched as my fate was determined by the weight of their purses. I was yet to completely understand what I was being reduced to. My heart sank with each increasing bid, realizing that my worth was nothing more than a mere commodity.

As the numbers climbed higher, I clung to a flicker of hope, praying for someone with compassion to intervene and free me from this wretched existence. But in this merciless market, where souls were bought and sold, I knew that my salvation was but a distant dream.

The bidding continued, the buyers’ voices escalating in their eagerness to possess me. Their taunts and comments echoed in my ears, a constant reminder of my powerlessness.

“Look at her, frail and weak! She won’t last a week in the fields!” one man jeered, drawing laughter from the crowd.

“Her eyes hold sadness. She’s broken already!” another buyer snickered, eliciting cruel amusement from his companions.

I closed my eyes, trying to block out their hurtful words, but the pain and humiliation cut through me like a blade. Tears threatened to spill when my bidder grabbed my wrist and thrust me in front of a man whose breath was foul smelling. He chuckled as he touched my chin , I clenched my fists at thus being touched. Before he could do anything more or I kicked his balls something happened. Everybody just scattered, cowered and moved, while I was the only one left behind , shoved and pushed till my fall.

I heard hooves approaching. I thought I was going to get trampled but then they stopped.

” How did she end up in this market? Set her free. Now. ”

and immediately the bidder ran by my side and started getting the shackles off me. I heard him murmuring something about someone sending me off to him when I saw a huge claw land on his left and he fell on the ground, yelling in pain.

” Stop with your nonsense idiot. How dare you lay your finger on the harem property. Guards, take him away. We need to find out who else was involved in this. ”

I saw him being dragged away by his neck, screaming for mercy and this sudden reversal in the scenario really impressed me. But in this momentary joy, I had completely forgotten my real misery which had begun with the demise of my clan and family.

I was brought inside what would be my abode henceforth till the day I died. It was a very nice place to be honest. It was nothing less than luxurious but when the heart finds itself in a cage, even if it is made of gold and precious gems, there is no difference. A cage is a cage and for me it was my marriage.

The murderer, who killed my entire family and tribe, separated me from my soulmate, forcibly claimed me that night.

At that point I had no idea what would have been better, being sold at the market or being thus humiliated. I sat in front of the window, looking at the moon all night, while he slept peacefully on the same bed where he forcibly claimed my virginity. I was then officially declared his wife. Another addition to the magnificent collection that he already had in his harem.

I sat there, thinking about the one whom I had promised my soul and my body. I couldn’t save it for him. And I was about to give up on everything in its entirety, but it was at this point when I saw the black crow come right at me. It was the middle of the night and the crow came and sat right on my hand and its eyes glowed with a red that was frightening.

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