Reborn- His Scarlett Moon

Chapter 75-Sherry’s POV (sold…

I slowly opened my eyes, and it took a moment for me to realize that I wasn’t on a bed anymore. Instead, I was lying on a cold, hard floor in a dark room. Panic set in as I tried to move, but my hands and feet were tied up tightly. I couldn’t feel anything except the cold metal around my wrists and ankles. My heart started racing, and I tried to scream, but my voice was barely a whisper.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I noticed that there were other girls in the room with me. They were tied up just like I was, and some of them were badly beaten, with visible bruises in that darkness. I could hear their shallow breaths and their soft sobs. Fear and confusion took over me as I realized that I was not alone who was kidnapped.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” I called out, hoping for a response. Silence was the only answer. “What’s going on? Why are we here?” I yelled again, hoping that someone would answer.

One of the girls next to me spoke up, her voice trembling with fear. “I don’t know. I think I was kidnapped too. I woke up just like you did. I was just heading out to my school.”

The room was silent again, except for our quiet breathing. We were all in shock and terrified of what was going to happen to us. I could hear my own heartbeat pounding in my chest, as another girl started to cry.

“I want to go home,” She whispered, tears streaming down her face. “I want to see my family and friends again. Please, somebody help us.” She sobbed for help.

But no help came, and we were left in that dark room for what felt like an eternity. We tried to talk to each other, to comfort each other, but it was hard. We were all so scared, and we didn’t know what was going to happen to us.

Minutes turned into hours, and we were still trapped in that room. Hunger and thirst set in, and the pain from the ropes cutting into our skin was unbearable. The despair was crushing, and we all knew that we might never see our loved ones again.

As time passed, I even started to lose hope. I couldn’t bear the thought of spending the rest of my life in that room. But then, we heard footsteps outside the door. We all held our breaths, hoping that help had finally arrived.

The door creaked open, and a figure stepped into the room. My heart sank as I saw that it was a man, and he looked angry. “You girls have been causing me a lot of trouble,” he sneered. “But don’t worry, I have plans for you.”

The terror was back, and I knew that whatever was going to happen to us, it wouldn’t be good. We were at the mercy of this man, and there was nothing we could do but wait and hope for a miracle.

We exchanged fearful glances, but no one said a word after that man left. We just sat there, waiting for something to happen.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

After what felt like hours, we heard footsteps approaching the door again. The door opened, and a group of men barged in. They were rough looking and carried guns, and they immediately started pulling us up from our places.

“Get up, you little wenches!” one of them barked at us.

We tried to resist, but they were too strong, and they shoved us out of the room and into a dark hallway.

“Where are you taking us?” I asked, my voice trembling.

“To a place where you dread,” one of the men replied, his voice cold and menacing.

The other girls started sobbing and begging for mercy, but the men ignored them and kept dragging us along. We were led to a dirty and run-down building, and inside, we saw dozens of men gathered around, inspecting us like we were pieces of meat.

“What do you want with us?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

One of the men turned to me and sneered, “We want to make money off of you. You’ll fetch a pretty penny in the black market.”

I felt sick to my stomach, and tears streamed down my face. How could this be happening? What had I done to deserve this? Then my fear started turning into anger as the men started haggling over the price of each of us, and I felt like I was in a nightmare.

Ryan, wouldn’t he be worried that I was missing? Wouldn’t he find out what happened to his car? Wouldn’t he come looking for me?

I looked around at the men who radiated the same aura as Ryan’s minions.

Wouldn’t he be able to trace me? After all he was the prince of this underworld.

” Let us go if you don’t want Ryan Bane to come for your heads! ”

I suddenly yelled out of nowhere and the entire place turned in my direction.

” Come again little one…. ”

One of the menacing men looked at me in amusement.

” Ryan Bane… He is my…. My close friend… If you even lay a finger on me or these girls, he will not let any of it pass. ”

I threatened them, actually believing what I said.

The men fell silent and then began chuckling amongst themselves.

” Very well. Then send this bitch to Ryan’s father’s harem… I am sure she will get the queen treatment there…. ”

With that they pulled me off the pedestal and began shoving me towards somewhere else.

I didn’t know what was going to happen to me, but I clung onto that glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, I would get out of this alive.

Maybe Ryan would really come.


I couldn’t believe what was happening. One moment they shoved me around, getting me dressed again and the next thing I knew, I was being shoved onto a stage with a group of other girls. They were all dressed up in fancy clothes as well. There were men in front of us eyeing us up and down like we were candies on display.

“What’s going on?” I whispered to the girl next to me. The place was very unlike the dingy place where I was taken before. This looked like a proper high class hotel suit.

“We’re being auctioned off,” she said quietly.

“Auctioned off?” I repeated, my voice rising in panic. Was I out of the frying pan and into the fire? What the hell was happening?

“Yes, for the pleasure of these men,” she said, gesturing to the audience in front of us. But unlike the panic stricken group I was with before, these girls seemed aloof.

” I am selling my virginity off to pay for my college fees. What’s your case? ”

Another whispered.

” Case? My case? Damn, I am not selling anything. I was kidnapped. ”

My statement immediately attracted disturbing gazes from them. They looked away from my direction as if I had said something offensive.

What was wrong with these girls?

I looked out at the sea of faces, feeling sick to my stomach. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I had heard of human trafficking before, but I never thought it would happen to me.

One of the men stood up and began calling out bids. “Fifty thousand for the blonde on the left,” he shouted. “Sixty thousand for the brunette on the right.”

I felt my eyes burning up with rage and humiliation again. I couldn’t believe that I was worth nothing more than a price tag to these men. I wanted to scream, to fight back, but I knew that I was powerless.

As the bidding continued, I tried to keep my head down and avoid making eye contact with the men in the audience. But then, one of them caught my eye and smiled. “I’ll take the one in the blue dress,” he said, pointing in my direction.

My heart sank to the depths of the netherworld.

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