Chapter 31
Chapter 31
The class finally started with Flynn discussing the Infrastructure Development topic from their book but
Augustine's mind wandered back to that night Flynn made love to her in a New York hotel. While
looking at him intently from the far back seat and repeating to herself that he's actually a prince living
this university professor's life, she still can’t put her mind around it.
Flynn would glance at her discreetly and she would just blush in her seat, trying her best not to get so
distracted with her thoughts. She would look down to her notebook, pretending she's taking notes but
she's actually making doodles about Flynn, having a crown on his head and a royalty's cape.
She could still remember how stunned she was realizing he was serious about what he confessed. He
confessed he loves her—the very thing she'd always think about recently and then he added that he's a
How the hell would a normal being like me take all those information in? It's already overwhelming to
know that the man you love actually loves you back. What more if you'd know that the man you love
who loves you back is actually a prince in real life and not just a smart university professor that you've
got a crush on!
She could imagine herself having the same shocked look on her face until they arrived at their
apartment last night. Flynn kissed her lips before she even said good night and went inside her
apartment. She also had trouble sleeping, just googling all about him, about Viscount Flynn Ferguson.
He had very few photos online, most of them were photos of him when he was already over his
teenage years. He had no baby photos or childhood photos online unlike the other royalties.
He had very few information online as well so she'd like to think that he doesn't really like the idea of
being known as a royalty. Although paparazzi can stalk him, his family had all the means to prevent
such publicity whenever he wants.
Stella, on the other hand, lived like a celebrity attending different social events but most of them are in
London, it's probably why she's not heard of Stella's name before. What’s really curious is that
compared to Flynn, Stella had baby photos.
She sighed. She would love to see photos of a baby Flynn or Flynn in his first grade school uniform or
attending prom.
She settled looking at Flynn's official photo as a professor in Pearsons University. The same photo he
has on his faculty identification card. And she remembered that same serious look on his face while
waiting for her to react when he confessed to her.
There was a long moment of silence, with her staring into Flynn's eyes. She's trying her best to
understand the words he just told her.
Viscount. Son of Prince Frederick and Countess Lyndal. Earl and Countess of West.
Flynn seem to have held his breath and was still waiting for her response.
Oh, I get it!
"And I'm your humble damsel in distress, waiting to be rescued by a prince in his white horse.” She
"What?" Flynn's lips twisted into a smile, looking amused hearing her response.
"I'm just doing my part."
"What part are you talking about, August?" He chuckled softly.
"We're roleplaying, right? You're a royalty and I'm a damsel. I read that guys—uh—love roleplaying in
bed." She answered, looking a little shy.
He laughed as he kissed her lips gently. "We're not roleplaying, August." He reaches out to his bedside
table and grabbed her phone. He placed his thumb for the fingerprint then started typing and she
waited. "But you really are a wide reader I must say."
She could still feel his hardness inside her and it sends tingles all over her body. Flynn then gives the
phone to her and she holds it with her two hands as she reads an article with Flynn's name and photo
with the royal family.
"The royal family?!" She abruptly lifted her head from the pillow and she bumped into his forehead.
They both shrieked in pain and rubbing their heads. "S—Sorry."
He smiled, cupped her face and kissed her forehead. "No worries."
“So, are you really a prince?"
He nodded as they both sit on the bed with the blanket covering their nakedness. She feels a little
discomfort between her legs but she didn't mind. Flynn's revelation about his real identity and his
feelings for her requires more attention than her still-sensitive womanhood.
"You'll meet the queen. Soon." He smiled.
She covered her face with her hands. "Oh, God! You're really a prince? I can't believe it."
"What?" He chuckled as he tried to move her hands away from her face. "This isn't the kind of reaction
I was expecting. You look like a rotten tomato." He said, sounding glad and happy.
She grabbed the blanket up to the half of her face, hiding from him. "You're a prince, for goodness
sake! I should be bowing my head in front of you like those women who looked like your loyal servants
ready to praise the path you walk on."
He chuckled again. "Not all women. Especially not you."
"Yet here I am with you. Well, it wasn't right to entertain the idea of dating you at all, professor and
prince.” She mumbled in disbelief.
Flynn takes her hand and bringing it to his lips. "What made you change your mind?"
She avoided eye contact by looking away, blushing. "You were surprisingly persistent. I'm just a girl
who has a secret crush with her hot neighbor and smart professor who happen to have lots of women
drooling over him already. Besides, you k—kissed me."
"The magic of the kiss.” He smiled. This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.
She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yes, like in fairy tales, like the prince and princesses!"
The bell rang concluding Flynn's class for that day and bringing her back to the present. She was
preparing her things to leave when he called for her attention while everybody's starting to leave. She
cursed inside her head when most of her classmates looked at them, with a curious look.
"Please see me at my office before your afternoon classes start." Flynn advised.
He's got his own office now?
She nodded and left. She's starting to feel uncomfortable with the kind of look everyone is giving them.
She grabbed her phone and received Flynn’s message.
Your mind was somewhere else during class. Mind telling me where you went?
She typed a message. Obviously. I still can't believe you're a prince and no one in class knows about it.
We'll talk later. I love you. Good luck on your next class.
She blushed and tightened her grip on her phone. It's still a little overwhelming to her now that they've
confessed their feelings to each other.
Now don't get her wrong. She loves Flynn more than anything else and she wants him to be happy.
And she's happy how things turned out, that they both feel the same way for each other and that
they’re not just dating to check if it would work out because she knows they will make it work for both of
August somehow just feels like she doesn't know him that well. He didn't tell her about his true identity
but she believes he had a reason for that.
She replied to his messages. I love you. See you later.