Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 145

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Selene Gives a Press Conference

Selene’s POV

“How do I look?”

Sophie grins at me, “like a queen.”

“A very tired queen.” I joke.

“That is why the Goddess invented makeup.” She replies, dabbing concealer on the dark circles beneath my eyes. When she’s finished, even I have to admit that I look pretty good. Make no mistake, I’ve looked much better, but at least this way I look the part of an Alpha’s mate. I’ m wearing a simple wrap dress cut from pearlescent white fabric, with my dark hair flowing in waves around my shoulders and a thick layer of mascara framing my blue and violet eyes. Hopefully the camera lights will make my fair skin look porcelain, and not the pallid gray I’ve been sporting lately.

“You look lovely Selene.” Dr Kane appears in the doorway as I slip on a pair of gold pumps matching my simple jewelry. “Are you sure you’re up for this?”

“Yes, Thomas. I’m sure.” I reply confidently.

“Good.” He nods in approval, his gaze lingering just a bit too long on my curves. “The Novan News Corps has already checked in downstairs, they’re waiting in the lounge.”

Right on cue, Lila comes trotting in from the halfway, “Mommy there’s people with cameras!”

“I know, my love!” I reply, lifting her up and giving her a kiss hello. Unsurprisingly the news stations had requested Lila join the interview; everyone in Elysium seems to be half obsessed with finding out more about the Alpha’s pup. And while I’m sure Lila would have agreed, I don’t think a three year old has the

cognitive ability to truly understand the consequences of being in the public eye this way, and it’s not something I want her exposed to just yet. Instead we agreed she could watch from the wings with Sophie.

So when Odette, Drake, the Betas and I file out onto a raised dais fitted with a podium and far more microphones than can possibly be necessary, my pup stays on the sidelines and watches with avid interest.I step up to the podium with the others flanking me on either side, and greet the assembled reporters. Blinding white overhead lights and blinking red camera signals all but blind me, and my nerves rocket into overdrive. I’ve never done anything like this.

It takes all my willpower to keep my voice steady as I begin to speak, and I have to clasp my hands together to stop their shaking from rattling the podium. “Good morning. I want to thank all of you for being here today.” I can hardly see the crowd, the lights are so bright, but I press on. “I’m sorry for the unusual setting and am greatly appreciative of Elysium Central Hospital for letting us impose this way. I wish I could have addressed you all sooner, but Dr. Kane has forbidden me from having any excitement until now.”

The cameras swing to the grinning Dr, “Technically it’s still forbidden, Selene is just misbehaving.”

Laughter moves through the audience, and I continue. “That is technically true, but I didn’t feel I could avoid excitement in good conscience when the pack has had no such luxury.” My hands are shaking less and less, and the fluttering in my belly seems to have evened to a low thrum. “This week has been a very difficult one for all members of the Nova pack. I was devastated to learn of the wildfire and want to assure you all that we are doing everything we can to help restore the forest and assist those pack members impacted. We have been working diligently with families living in the area of the blaze, but I encourage anyone with concerns about our response or future prevention to please reach out to the pack house so that we might address your concerns directly.”

“In addition, I want to assure everyone watching at home that our enforcers have caught all the rogues who infiltrated the territory this week and are processing them for trial.” Glancing around the room, I expect to find an angry mob, instead I find a rapt audience. We are increasing sentries and patrols at the border, and likewise, would like to hear from anyone with additional security concerns. We can’t be everywhere at once, so you may have insights that we simply don’t. We all have to work together in these trying times, especially while the Alpha is away on highly sensitive business.”

The reporters all perk up, looking avidly interested. “I’m afraid I cannot share the Alpha’s whereabouts with you at this time, other than to tell you he is out of the territory on critical business related to pack security. If I could tell you more without risking the safety of his mission or this pack I would, but that simply isn’t possible.”

Multiple people speak over each other at once then, vying to be the loudest. “Selene, how are you feeling?” “Selene, how can you support the Alpha being away when you’re in this condition?” “Selene, is the pack in danger?”

I feel my eyes widen as I try to take in all their questions. “As to the first question, I can tell you I’ve felt better.” I admit ruefully, earning a few chuckles, “I’m so thrilled Bastien and I are expecting another pup, but the going is a bit rough at the moment. And I support Bastien’s absence because it was the right decision for all of us. Neither of us are happy about it, but we both believe being a good leader means making personal sacrifices for the pack.”

Glancing at Lila, who’s watching me avidly from her spot in Sophie’s arms, I add. “Believe me, the Alpha did not want to leave, precisely because I’m breeding. If he’d had any other choice, he would be here with me. You have no idea how difficult the decision was, especially since he missed seeing our first pup born.”

Taking a deep breath I proclaim. “And while I can assure you that the pack is not in any immediate danger, the work Bastien is doing is crucial to ensure that remains true. As powerful as we are, the

Nova pack is not without its enemies; the fire, these rogues are proof of that.” Gesturing to the wolves around me, I share. “But as you can see, the Alpha left a strong team behind to govern the pack while he’s away.

“Are you saying these tragedies have been the work of our enemies?One of the reporters questions anxiously.

“We believe that is the case, though I’m not able to share more information at this time as frustrating as I know that is to hear.” I sigh apologetically, really not sure if anything I’m saying is going to help matters or make them worse. This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Fortunately the personal drama i referenced first seems to have distracted them, because the next question raised is, “Selene, what did happen with your first pregnancy? Did Arabella really force you out of the territory?”

I realize that while everyone must know the story by now, they’ve never heard it straight from me. “Yes.” I confirm, taking a deep breath.” m not sure what all you’ve heard, but I can tell you that most of what was printed in the newspapers is true. I left because my life and my unborn pup’s life was in danger, and I didn’t feel I had another choice. When Arabella found out I was pregnant, she tried to kill me more, than once, and she almost succeeded.” Even as I share the barest details of the story, my stomach churns with the memory.

Suddenly I realize I’m going to be sick, and on live TV. Abruptly spinning so my back is to the crowd, Odette takes one look at my face and grabs the trash bin we set behind the dais for precisely this purpose. Retching into it while the reporters moan in sympathy, I clamp my eyes shut in embarrassment. I can’t believe I just did that.

Just then I hear Lila calling me, her voice sounding much too close. “Mommy!” A second later her little body collides with my leg, her plump arms wrapping around my knee in case someone tries to remove


Reaching back to stroke her hair, I use my free hand to wipe my mouth. “It’s okay angel, Mommy’s just being silly again.”

When I’m finished, Odette hands me some tissues and I wipe my face. Reaching down for my pup, I scoop her into my arms and turn back to face the audience. “Sorry about that.” I murmur huskily, squeezing Lila tighter as she hides her face in my neck. For being such a sociable little pup, she does get shy around big crowds.

Of course every eye in the room is on her, even as various people ask about my wellbeing. “I’m fine.” I promise, adjusting Lila on my hip, “of course this little bean wasn’t supposed to be part of the press conference, but I wasn’t supposed to get sick in front of you either.” I joke, provoking a few peels of laughter.

Of course the reporters take this as permission to start asking Lila questions. “Lila, does it make you sad when your Mommy’s sick?”

She nods sulkily, cuddling closer and eliciting a series of aws from the onlookers.

“Lila, how do you like Elysium?” Someone else asks.

Pressing my lips to her hair, I remind her, “you don’t have to answer baby, only if you want to.”

She looks up at me uncertainly, then turns to the waiting crowd, “Lots.” She smiles shyly, “I likes the trees, an the ice scream.”

The reporters laugh, “Do you miss your Daddy?”

She nods vigorously, getting a little more confident with every question. “Is not fair. I just gots him.” She pouts, provoking another round of chuckles. Thinking further, Lila cocks her head to the side, Daddy promise he be back soon dough.”

“Are you excited to become a big sister?” One of the men in the front row asks.

I exchange a meaningful glance with Odette. I’m really not wild about my daughter being broadcast on television, especially when we‘re in the kind of danger we are, but I know the Novan News network doesn’t reach outside our borders. Besides, it seems like she’s distracting everyone from all the bad news, which we desperately need.

“No.” Lila chirps matter of factly. “I don wanna share Mommy and Daddy.”

The room devolves into “aws” and giggles, and in one fell swoop my daughter has stolen the show and saved us from the pack’s scrutiny. If anyone ever had any doubt she was Bastien’s child, they certainly won’t now.

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