Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan

Chapter 76

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan Chapter 76

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan By Kellie Brown

Chapter 76 Marco, Isabella Told Me She Did

Tanya’s POV:

As I hoped, my words somehow inspired Peyton’s desire to live. The wailing of the medical monitors start to quiet down, and soon they beep at a much calmer pace. The surrounding doctors look astonished, but reveal that the measuring machines are showing that Peyton’s physical state is changing for the better. And that although Peyton remains in a coma, she should hopefully awaken within a day’s time.

Finally, I turn to face the curious eyes that surround me. I sigh. No one is going to like what I’m about to tell them. But the truth needs to be known. “I found a letter written to Peyton by a gentleman who came to visit from another kingdom about a year ago.”

Title of the document

I sigh, unable to face Peyton’s fated mate, Russel. “The gentleman who came to visit secretly fell in love with Peyton and he convinced her that their love was real. I guess, she believed him, and felt like her original mate bond was a mistake. That she was mistakenly tied to the wrong person rather than thinking of it as the true blessing of the Moon Goddess.”

Now my gaze turns to Isabella. “But knowing she was so to wed her fated mate, I believe she rushed to her father to tell him the truth and earn his blessing to marry the gentleman instead. But her father must’ve refused. I can understand he’d be very suspicious of the unknown gentleman’s intentions and firmly rejected Peyton’s

wishes to be with him.”

Isabella’s eyes grow wide, “No wonder why father was so ill-tempered in the days leading up to the wedding.”

I nod. “Eventually, Peyton decided that she would run away from the wedding. That she and the gentleman would run away together. However, I believe it must’ve been on the day of the wedding. She must’ve escaped and arrived at the place where she and the gentleman planned to meet. But instead, she only found this letter, where the entire truth was revealed to her.”

I sigh sadly. “It turns out, that the gentleman’s plan all along was to seduce Peyton to fall in love with him, because she was the Princess of the Fauna Kingdom and was very rich. And he would be able to covet the status and money Peyton would bring him. His ident*ity was entirely fake. And he was actually a man that kept cheating on different rich ladies, promising love when all he would do was take their money.”

My eyes trickle back over to Peyton’s form, she appears peaceful and angelic, like a sleeping beauty, unaware of the truth I am revealing to the rest. “However as told in his letter, he was actually surprised that Peyton really wanted to run away with him. But if she escaped with him, then she would no longer be a Princess and his attempts would have been in vain. So, he left.”

“We’re obviously not told the rest of the story, but we all know what happens. And from what I can guess, the King must’ve realized Peyton ran away when she was late for the wedding. And his heartbreak must’ve induced a sudden myocardial infarction that in the end, caused his death.”

“When Peyton returned, already devasted as it was, she found out that her father had died. And like I did, put two and two together in deciding that her actions had caused his death. She couldn’t face the guilt and couldn’t deal with it all. So, she drank the poison.”

I look to the group once more. “However, because Isabella took Peyton to the hospital in time, she didn’t die immediately, but was given an extra year to live. But Peyton knew that her medical case was

hopeless, and her guilt towards her father’s death led her to no longer have the will to live. That’s why I saw her secretly pour out the healing tonics when no one was around.”

Everyone is left speechless. But no one is more shocked than Peyton’s fated mate Russel. He stumbles backwards, holding a hand against his head. “I can’t believe this… no wonder nobody could find Peyton when the Alpha King was taken to the hospital, she only showed up on her own much later.”

Third POV:

Her surroundings aren’t anything new. For nearly a year now, Peyton has awakened to a room filled with beeping monitors and bright lights. The smell of hospital food and overly sanitized surfaces. However, this time is different. She has felt more alive this morning than she has ever felt since the day she chose to abandon her fated mate and wanted to chase after another man.

Her breaths aren’t shallow and hollow. She can finally breathe with ease, eyes blinking awake with a strange excitement. The poison drowned out most of her senses, everything around her used to be dull and muffled. But not today. The fact that she can smell hospital bleach puts a funny smile on her face.

But before she can react to anything else, Peyton sees Tanya quietly enter the room. The princess hasn’t forgotten the omega’s promise. But before any questions can be asked, Tanya sprays her down with a misty perfume. The scent is intoxicating, suddenly her eyelids feel heavy, and the world begins to swirl in magnificent color.

Little did Peyton know that Tanya has sprayed her with a hallucinogenic perfume that induces very life- like hallucinations. The same type that Tanya sprayed Dorian with, although she has improved the formula this time round, allowing Peyton to slip into a scene that feels very real.

The rest of the world is washed away, and all that remains in Peyton’s field of vision is a bright light, and there stands her father. He stands solid, strong, noble, looking much younger as if still in hisContent rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

thirties, probably the way Peyton remembers him best, when she was a little girl.

Peyton’s eyes well up, and suddenly begin overflowing with tears. He smiles at her. “What have I told you about crying my dear girl?”

She sniffles, using a hand to try and swipe away at the water on her cheeks. “That crying is weakness…. But I’m really sad daddy. Surely I can cry when I’m sad.”

He chuckles softly. “Of course, sweetheart. But why are you sad?”

Peyton once again weeps out a couple of sobs before being able to respond. “Because I upset you daddy. I hurt you.”

The King tilts his head with a sad smile. “My dear girl. You made a mistake; we all make mistakes.”

Peyton shakes her head. “But this is a really big one.” “Doesn’t mean you run away from it.”

Peyton’s eyes widen, believing her father knew that she tried to k*il*l herself. “We all must face our mistakes Peyton. No matter how bad. The people that truly love you will stick by you through it. But no more running away? Understood?”

Peyton nods, before finally getting out what she has been really wanting to say. “I’m so so sorry daddy. I’m so sorry.”

He smiles. “I forgive you darling, always.”

Before anything else can be said, with a gasp, Peyton awakes from her hallucination. Finally, the darkness in her heart has disappeared, and she can finally start healing. Right beside her sits Isabella, and Peyton turns to her, wanting to tell her all about seeing her father.

But before she can say anything, Isabella stops her. “I think there’s one more person you need to apologize to,” Peyton’s eyes widen with realization. And after she gets discharged from the hospital she heads out in a hurry to find her fated mate.

Tanya’s POV:

I say goodbye to Isabella and let her have some alone time with Peyton, but just when I leave the hospital building, it’s Marco that’s there waiting for me by the doors. I can’t help but quicken my steps as I hurry towards him, excitement bubbling in the pit of my stomach.

However, I slow upon seeing how pale and disheveled Marco looks. So, I only initially greet him with a soft tone of voice before we head back to our residence together. Whilst walking, I can’t help but ponder on Peyton’s entire situation that has come to light.

I think about her love affair and then her desire to poison herself out of guilt. But the reality was, if she had just voiced her fears and had been honest about her feelings, maybe an entire year wouldn’t have been wasted away. This draws me back to my situation with Marco. I need to take initiative if he isn’t going to.

“I spoke to Isabella. And she told me that she doesn’t have a special hobby that involves watching happy couples,” I choose to be straightforward, wanting to see his reaction. Marco does indeed stiffen, and there is a slight falter in his steps. But other than that, he doesn’t let any more emotion slip. So, I push for more.

“I don’t think you made me sign the marriage contract because of Isabella.” Again nothing, not a single glance in my direction. “I think you made me sign the marriage contract because you actually want to be with me. You just don’t want to admit it.”

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