Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan

Chapter 53

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan Chapter 53

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan By Kellie Brown

Chapter 53 I’m Claire’s Father

Tanya’s POV:

I’m extremely flustered and embarra*s*sed by my daughter’s words, as I glance between her and Marco also appears slightly taken back. Finally, I kneel to my daughter so I’m at her eye level. “Honey, why do you keep calling Marco daddy?”

Almost as if convinced by her conviction, she responds with little hesitation, looking at me with pure childish innocence. “Because he has the same blue eyes as me!” she squeaks, playing with her fingers as if she’s suddenly nervous from all attention paid towards her by the both of us.

Title of the document

Nevertheless, she continues to explain. “And I like Marco, I want him to be my daddy. I feel it in my heart,” she places a hand on her chest, before turning round to face Marco, and running into his arms without question, looking up into his eyes. “And I’m very cute, and Marco is very handsome, so you must be my daddy.”

She is utterly adorable as she provides an explanation to her obvious childlike thought process. But you couldn’t deny the purity of her beliefs. I find amusement in my daughter’s words, and even Marco can’t help a small smile slipping onto his lips.

“Can you please come to my school’s family day?” she pleads.

Marco pats Claire’s head like a gentle giant, but still turns down her proposition, although he does so carefully, trying not to upset her. “I’m sorry sweetheart, but I’m not your father.”

Trying to soften the blow, I come up to my daughter’s side, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Why don’t we ask Caspian or Dylan to come to family day, they’ve witnessed your growth,” I say softly. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

But Claire repeatedly shakes her head, clearly adamant about her wishes. “Everyone knows Caspian isn’t my daddy. I want Marco to come…”

Marco’s POV:

Today’s the family day event at Claire’s school, and I’m completely torn over the prospect of whether to go or not. It feels silly to even be debating over the idea as I walk down one of the roads, needing the fresh air to think over the matter.

I recall the fact that Tanya suggested Caspian show up for family day instead, and something about that bothers me. I don’t understand why, nothing logical explains it. But just the thought of Caspian being there twists knots in my stomach and unsettles me in a manner that harbors some form of inner anger. It stirs aggravation within me that doesn’t make sense.

Tanya’s behavior these last couple of days has also been highly confusing. Lily clearly established that Tanya had maliciously distorted and destroyed her sense of smell, preventing her from ever being able to work as a perfume designer again. And I saw Tanya treating customers horribly, forcing them to buy her perfumes just for money, which put a horrible taste in my mouth. I should believe that Tanya is a vicious woman, capable of terrible things.

And yet.

The moments I have spent with her show me her to be the complete opposite of what I presumed. She appears to be an incredibly hard-working mother, going out of her way to ensure safety and happiness for her daughter. And during all the crazy unlucky events I had to deal with within that horrible house, Tanya was there, fixing things and helping me out where she could. When she could’ve easily looked the other way.

As I continue to walk and ponder, I eventually feel Manuel stir from within the depths of my subconscious, speaking over my trifling thoughts.

‘There is something about her that feels so familiar, something that feels like home… were drawn to her somehow Marco… why not get to know her better?’

The suggestion immediately brings me on the defense, and I shake my head firmly, not able to respond to Manuel with anything other than that. Because something deep down inside me, even if I don’t want it to, agrees with him.

Just then, I see the old man that was in the store with Tanya when I first arrived. The old man strolls up to me, bearing a broad smile as he speaks.

“Been meaning to thank you for the other day! You distracted Tanya for me, so she’d quit nagging me about my health issues and stop giving me those darn perfumes.”

I look at him, slightly confused. “Give? Weren’t you being f*orc*ed to buy them?” I say.

Now he appears confused. “What? No! Tanya’s worried about me, and says my love for alcohol is going to k*il*l me one day. She was giving me the perfumes she made especially for me to help with all my health problems,” he says. “But my motto is if you aren’t happy, you aren’t truly living. And alcohol makes me happy, even if the bastard k*il*ls me!”

I can’t help but ignore the rest of his rambles upon the realization that I have misinterpreted the situation at the perfume shop. And in turn, I have misunderstood Tanya’s nature entirely. I snap a quick glance at my watch, deciding that although I might be a bit late, I’d still be able to make it to the family day event.

Leaving the old man who continues to ramble about his beliefs, I hurry off towards the school.

Third POV:

The Blue Moon Pack’s local and only school is buzzing with life and excitement. Situated in the heart of town, it maintains status for generations as the true beating organ that brings life and youth flowing to the other sections of the pack.

Its ashen walls that have been built many moons ago are brought to life with colorful murals, and kindergarten paintings. While rainbow handprints decorate its arches that lead to the front doors. Pinboards are littered with posters and important notices cover every indoor wall. Whilst the surrounding air bustles with the cafeteria’s lunch menu.

But today is no ordinary day. Today is Family Day! And the chatter from the surrounding cla*s*srooms is louder than usual as the clock ticks down to the end of the school day early for the event.

Eventually, the bell sings its song as cla*s*sroom doors are thrust open to spill out with children all in a hurry to gather their things. The quickest among them rush outside, all lining up to wait patiently for their parents. Outside, stalls for food and activities are being set up by the older children with their teachers. While janitors help hang up the decorations. The principal is hurrying back and forth across the stage, making sure all is ready for the big day. Light-hearted and cheery music can be heard from the surrounding speakers, but it’s ultimately drowned out by the chatter from the excited students.

And there amongst the crowd stand Claire, looking slightly feeble and overwhelmed. Her favorite doll is tightly pressed against her chest out of desired comfort, while eyes scan the slow filtering in of parents walking past the main gate.

She knows her mother would be here. There is no doubt in the child’s mind of that. Tanya has never missed a single event. Sports day, bake sale, the annual school concert. You name it. She was always in the crowd, smiling proudly.

Although, today she is looking for a different face. Someone less familiar, and yet has somehow made a powerful impact on the girl’s life. It might’ve made little sense on the surface, but Marco really has meant something to Claire.

Sure, Caspian is nice, but he is too nice. Too overbearing at times for the little girl. Their personalities just don’t seem to match, and he could never take a break from talking, when Claire is generally the quieter type.

Marco however, despite only meeting him a few times, Claire finds herself drawn to him. Like a magnet to the north pole, he is the male father figure she wants. Needs. Course it is only childlike wishing that again doesn’t make much sense. But, from the way he holds her, to the natural strength he exudes, Claire just feels safe around him. She feels protected. And sometimes, that’s all a child ever wants from an adult.

Still waiting to see his blonde locks of hair and identifiable blue eyes, Claire fusses nervously with the hem of her shirt, nibbling on the arm of her doll, a typical comfort habit that she’s grown accustomed to doing.

“So where is he then? Uh?” the taunting voice of a little boy beside her makes her flinch in surprise. “You bet that your dad would be here. So, where is he?” It’s Elliot … her regular tormentor, always appearing at the worst possible times. And as usual, his favorite goons have joined him, all smirking smugly, entertained by Elliot’s mean streak.

“You’re a liar!” the boy jabs a finger into Claire’s chest, shoving her delicate body back in a stumble. His friends are all laughing in evil glee.

“I’m not! I swear he’s coming! Just wait a bit,” says Claire in growing apprehension and fear, eyes again frantically searching the crowd for Marco.

“No more waiting! You lost. Now give us that stupid doll like you said you would if he didn’t come.” 3

Claire ultimately looks horrified by the concept of parting with something so precious to her. “No, please, my mum made it for me. It’s supposed to look like my daddy. I won’t give it to you!” she cradles the toy closer her to her chest, terrified that it would be taken away.

But the boys are enclosing on her, and she looks like a tiny rabbit being circled by dangerous vultures, eager to cause her more anguish for their own childish fun. Claire’s cheeks are now damp with fresh tears, her frail body shrinking away from her bullies. She stumbles backwards, only to suddenly hit a firm wall behind her.

Claire can only see the boys’ gaping faces to then realize that the wall behind her is in fact a person. She turns round to gaze up. Marco’s tall and robust frame blocks the sun out of her eyes as he glares down at them all. Eyes blazing with their cobalt sheen, and hair strikingly golden today from the sun’s rays.

Her heart soars with a mix mash of joy and relief. All the sensations she is in desperate need of warm her heart as his hand trails round her little body, pulling her closely against him, and adding to her feeling of ease.

“There is no need for this silliness children,” he says with a carefully controlled but firm tone. “I am Claire’s father.”

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