Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan

Chapter 46

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan Chapter 46

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan By Kellie Brown

Chapter 46 I Want Marco Alive

Tanya’s POV:

I sit in one of the rooms, as I bury my head in my hands, my mind is filled with turmoil. How could this be? Why did things have to be so good, before being snatched away from me?

Before I can sink further into a hole of my own misery, I hear the click clack of heels as someone walks into the room. Instantly I realize it’s the last person I am interested in seeing. My eyes slowly lift up to cast upon Lily.

Title of the document

There’s no longer a requirement for formalities between the two of us. We know where we both stand. And most important of all, she’s won. Lily’s won.

Hence, I’m not surprised as she gets straight to the point of the matter. “I’ve checked the ancient books. And I now know of a way to cure Marco of his curse and save his life,” part of me is relieved that Marco can be saved, but knowing what it’s going to cost me is detrimental to my sanity.

Lily continues to talk. “The most important ingredient to the potion is the blood of Marco’s fated mate. In fact, if he’s exposed to any blood that isn’t of his mate on a regular basis, it will only aggravate his curse.”

My eyes widen upon hearing this. My drops of blood in the perfume that Marco uses to sleep must’ve been increasing the fatality of his curse. Me. I was the one who brought this upon him. If it wasn’t for me, Marco would’ve been okay. Instead, he is now fighting for his life.

Tears slip down my cheeks slowly and sadly, picking on the skin of my fingers in growing upset and self-blame whilst Lily turns to me, her eyes showcasing true noble composure, making me understand that I’m staring into the eyes of the true future Queen of the Mador kingdom, the true fated mate of Marco. I can’t look away as she nails the final nail into the coffin of my and Marco’s love. “I will save Marco. My only condition is that you leave Marco and the capital forever… You are not to tell him the real reason why you’re leaving. And if you really love him, Tanya, you’ll do what’s best for him, and the Kingdom.”

I always knew life was unfair, but now more than ever I have come to realize that I am nothing but a side character in Marco’s world. And that’s the way it will be. “You’ll be saving Marco’s life this way. It’s for the best Tanya,” I’m barely able to take in the rest of her words, stuck in a disheveled trance of my own misfortune.

“Here, drink some water, take some time to calm down and think about my proposal,” in a robotic motion I take the glass in my hands, but only after a second my hands register the scorching hot temperature of the cup. And in reaction to the burning sensation I drop it, letting it shatter suddenly across the floor.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry,” I drop to my knees instantly, hissing in pain as in my hurry to collect the glass I cut my fingers on one of the pieces, staining it with my blood. Lily doesn’t seem bothered however, instead her eyes seem wide and almost satisfied with the predicament.

“Leave it, it’s no bother at all. I’ll clean it. Please, go tend to your wound.” She ushers me off almost in a hurry. I leave Lily. My legs just know where to go, easily maneuvering through the maze of the palace I find myself at Marco’s door.

When I’m informed it’s safe for me to see him, I carefully withdraw all my emotions that might allude to my true feelings, meticulously putting away my fears and devastation within my mind. I need to save his life for the pain I’ve caused him. And if it means I have to leave him forever, then that’s what I’ll do.

Quietly, I step through the door, shutting it behind me as I see that he’s wide awake. His tired smile is only a small kindling flame that’s overshadowed by my anguish. But I maintain strength, making my way towards him, and sitting myself on the edge of his bed, just happy to finally be in his presence while he’s conscious.

It feels like we talk for hours. Like old friends catching up, speaking over trivial things, like if it would be nice to refurbish the house, what Marco would like me to cook him for dinner, whether I look better in the blue or green dress.

All little things that allow us to bring a jovial air to the depressing situation we are in. With an unspoken rule to not speak about the true depth of our problems. And despite the pain in my heart, I’m able to smile and laugh throughout our conversations, truly at ease with the one I love like I should be.

Marco rests his arm on my thigh, and it invites me to pull myself closer. He offers the blanket and I choose to join him, cuddling beneath the fabric. In all honesty, I am desperate to let loose the bucketload of tears that put pressure upon my eyes. If only I can unleash everything, I harbor in my heart to him, knowing that somehow, he’d make it all better.

But I can’t. Lily’s conditions sit bitterly in the back of my mind, like a terrible monster ready to feast on my insides if I so much let a single word of the truth. So, I only grasp onto him tighter, as if my locked embrace would stop me from ever leaving.

Finally, I decide that I want to make this my final memory. I want it protected, so it has a place in my heart that can never be washed away by time or age. No matter what happens, I have this precious memory of him, and I want to make it special, so it lasts forever.

At that moment, my shyness and typical sense of nervousness are pushed aside for my desire to have him. With my head previously pressed into his chest, I pull back, lifting my head to his. I stare into his

eyes, memorizing their captivating hue, fully determined to have them cast into the depths of my memory.

And then I press my lips into his. I can sense his slight surprise, but he doesn’t stop me, kissing me back with similar eagerness. Our kisses are slow and deliberate, fueled by hunger, but gentle in motion. I often forget to take a minute to breathe, desperate to have his lips on mine for as long as possible. Terrified that each time I pull away, it will be the last.

Recognizing Marco’s exhaustion from his uncontrollable transformation, I take initiative, lightly pushing his shoulder so his back is now fully pressed against the bed whilst I roll on top. So I’m straddling his mid torso while I continue to kiss him.

Given the freedom, I kiss every body part made available by his bare chest. Almost like I’m trying to kiss away his pain, as well as my own. His head tilts back attentively as I plant long kisses against his neck, gently sucking the skin that creates a reaction in Marco.

Whilst doing this, I feel Marco’s hands rub and stroke my back and lower body, consistently squeezing the skin every now and then in a sensual display. But while his hands remain heavenly romantic in their maneuvers, I still think about how this would be the last time I’d be touched by them. It would be the very last time hands rummage through my body in places so delicate and vulnerable.

Because in truth. I couldn’t see myself ever loving again. Marco is allowed to move on as he pleased. But I don’t think I would ever get to the stage where I could be with someone other than the man beneath me. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

And it hurts. It pains my heart to an indiscernible degree. But as I lay kisses against the silver line that dangerously runs up his arm and taints his skin. I recognize that it’s for the best. Marco deserves to live. He has given me life… and now I am giving it back to him.

Marco’s POV:

Through all the nights within my dedicated room, never have I awoken feeling so well rested. I recall last night, the feelings stirring warmth and light into my cold heart. And despite my predicament, never have I felt so at ease. Even if I am to die… yes, it’s something I’ve thought about. It’s the reality, I can’t help but be almost logical in understanding my fate. I was cursed, and it’s remarkable that I’ve lasted this long. But even if I am to die… I would die knowing I’ve found the love of my life, and created memories with her that will last a lifetime.

I trust her to bring up future child with poise and strength, and I know she’d tell them who I am. She’d tell them all the things she loves about me even when I don’t see it myself sometimes. And she’d remind them that I love them and would always be there. In spirit.

I sigh through my smile, turning over to face her…

But my brows narrow when I find the space beside me empty, and confusion racks my brain with the growing uncertainty in my normally ruthless heart.

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