
Cedric POV

I really hate it when Krystal gets pushy. It’s like there’s no other day for her! Walking around in Washington DC after lunch is just insane! Not to mention, my phone keeps ringing non-stop. Glancing at it, her name keeps popping up again and again. She’s so idle, isn’t she? Plus, it’s so unusual for her to ask for help, usually, she always handles her problems herself.

In less than thirty minutes, I arrived at the café near her office. I parked in a hurry and rushed to meet Krystal. As soon as I got there, I could clearly see her sitting at one of the café tables facing her laptop. Krystal’s choice of table is always quite noticeable.

I think Krystal’s whole world revolves around work. I actually feel sorry for her, but what can I do? She likes it that way. I can’t stop her at all. Or maybe it’s because of something that, well… I can’t bring myself to say. I’m afraid it would make her even sadder.

Just when I was about to approach her, a girl with bright brown hair bumped into my shoulder from behind. She was in such a hurry that she didn’t pay attention to her steps.

“Sorry, sorry,” she said.

I just grinned and replied, “No problem.”

I didn’t take off my Rayban sunglasses; let people think I’m weird. I don’t care. As long as I don’t become the center of attention for passersby. It’s not pleasant to attract attention everywhere I go. Am I some kind of celebrity? But my steps came to a halt when the girl headed towards my sister’s table. She sat down hurriedly while revealing something from her bag.

She quickly placed her belongings not far from Krystal’s laptop. Not to mention, she was muttering something unclear under her breath, and her slender, red-tinted fingers were handing Krystal a bunch of papers. Oh, and don’t forget, I found her hair annoying. Strangely, it seemed like she didn’t mind it. She even tucked it behind her ear with a small smile.

I’m used to seeing beautiful girls; from those in bikinis, striptease dancers, elegantly dressed like Krystal, or cute ones in flower-patterned dresses. But this girl I’m observing is different; her beauty is unique.

She gives off an impression of intelligence, not easily approachable, impressively elegant and charismatic, and slowly I could hear her voice explaining something about a project that I happen to know the origin of. Her tone is firm, no hesitation, as if she knows exactly what she’s talking about, and what’s most intriguing… her voice sounds sexy.

Seriously. Similar to Krystal’s.

Ah, I shouldn’t linger here! People might suspect that I’m just here for a coffee-free visit! So I choose to sit not far from where my sister is discussing with that beautiful girl.

Later, I’ll ask Krystal who she is.

It took half an hour of waiting, but it’s not a problem because the spot I chose allows me to observe that girl properly. Since it’s free, might as well make good use of it. And when the beautiful girl stood up, I felt like it was time to meet Krystal. I noticed that she didn’t look around at all.

Her steps were steady as she left the café. She didn’t care that she was drawing attention from people around here. The tap of her shoes echoed along with her departing steps. This girl is savage. I even caught a whiff of her soft but… simultaneously sexy perfume. Argh! Now I’m even more curious!NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“You’re so late, Cedric.”

As usual, it’s Kak Krystal and her total dedication. “Traffic,” I said, and she pouted in annoyance. Whatever.

“I need your help, Cedric.”

“What’s the payment?”

“Oh my gosh! You’re asking for payment before even agreeing to help? I told Dad he’d finally understand how you feel!”

I burst out laughing. Making Krystal angry is my number one hobby. My sister, who’s always beautiful, can never control her lips to speak gently. She’s always turned on to get mad. “I need your help to open another café in Metropolis, sis.”

Once again, she pouted. “Blaxton Express should be your responsibility.”

“I prefer to work behind the scenes. You’re so cool being the boss. I can’t handle it.”

Krystal threw a tissue at me, but a moment later, she chuckled. “Still not enough with just one café?”

I nodded clearly in response. “Growing the business while we’re young is necessary, sis. Just like Dad did. Now our task is to maintain what he built. If the company shakes, I’ll be there to support, even if my line of work is different.”

Kak Krystal waved her hand, and I laughed. It’s her habit to interrupt.

“What kind of help do you need?”

I knew that when Krystal put down her coffee cup after taking a sip, our conversation was no longer just a joke. My sister is a perfectionist. Big time. If you make a slight mistake, she’ll strike you down. I know where she inherited that trait from. Dad. Luckily, Dad had a child who inherited that ability. If not me, I’m quite casual, but I can’t be reckless either.

That’s why I find it a bit strange when she asks for help. Is it really that urgent? If it is, I’ll risk everything, because it concerns family. For me, family comes first. That includes what Dad built for us in the future.

“In the next year, I’m planning a massive expansion. I’m afraid I’ll be too busy and become careless. You know my weakness, when I’m focused on the path I want to take, I become blind to everything around me.”

I nodded in agreement.

“That means you’ll have a workspace, Cedric.”

“WHAT?” Good thing I didn’t take a sip of this almost finished cappuccino. “Are you crazy? No way!”

“Well, then how will you supervise the office while I’m busy, Cedric?”

I let out a frustrated breath. I’m the laziest person when it comes to work, unlike Krystal. Sitting quietly in an office, it’s just not me! If I were into the corporate world from the beginning, maybe I’d be the Chief Executive Officer, not her.

I like my freedom. I have many cafés. If I count, there are eight branches that are growing rapidly, but I still don’t like sitting still. I like to explore, search for ideas, and things that keep my business from collapsing with time. I’ve been running it for almost eight years, and now it’s in a stable phase, meaning I’m just reaping the benefits.

How can I monitor that many cafés without sitting behind a desk? I’m a simple person, I don’t want complications. My gadgets are advanced. I always receive reports online. I even feel that when I visit the cafés, only a few people know I’m the boss. It’s not a problem. I like it that way.

I saw Krystal getting a bit agitated.

“Seriously, I don’t like the idea of working in an office like that,” I honestly said to Krystal, not sure how many times already. “Is my help really that urgent?”

Once again, I got hit with a tissue.

“Primarily in the finance department,” she replied.

I fell silent for a moment. Krystal had complained about this before, but it had been a long time since she mentioned it. I thought she had it all under control. Our discussions at home – if she comes home and I happen to be there, not far from the office’s developments – were never just idle talk. I always helped her from behind the scenes.

Dad is no longer actively working. Even when he comes to the office, it’s just a formality, especially during the General Meeting of Shareholders. After that? He relaxes with Mom; traveling abroad, staying at home, villa, hotel, and wherever Mom pleases.

“I’ll think about it,” I said.

Krystal gave me a small smile. When I said something like that, I never jokingly offered help. But I still need to think about how to do it. I don’t want to suddenly show up as one of the top executives in the office. Krystal might get cynical looks from other employees. Personally, I never wanted to show up to a lot of people who I really am, especially not to Mom and Dad. I’ve always strictly warned them not to brag about me to their colleagues. Who knows, they might have some weird idea of wanting to set me up with someone. No way. I’m not going to let that happen. It’s not like I can’t find my own partner.

Speaking of partners… I remember the beautiful girl from earlier.

“Sis, who was the girl sitting at your table earlier?”

Krystal frowned. “Who?”

“The girl earlier.”

“My assistant at the office.”

Now I’m even more curious. My sister’s assistant is that good-looking. No wonder she seems to be trying hard to keep up with Krystal. “What’s her name?”

“Why do you want to know?”

I just chuckled. “Is it not allowed?”

Once again, Krystal waved her hand. “There’s no harm in knowing her name.”

“Oh my gosh! You’re so stingy, I just want to know her name.”

Do you know the most annoying version of Krystal? Negotiations aren’t even finished yet, and she can just leave if it doesn’t go her way. Like now. Fine. Maybe a threat will be effective.

“I won’t help if that’s the case.”

Krystal stopped packing her things, looking at me in disbelief.

“I’m just kidding, Cedric.”

“I’m serious, sis. I just need her name.”

Krystal sighed in frustration. Inside, I was laughing victoriously.


“Just that?” It can’t be that her name is just Anya. I’m not stupid.

“Her full name is Anya Joice.” Krystal put her LV-logoed phone into her bag somewhat harshly. I guess she’s still annoyed with me. “Don’t mess with her. Look for another girl. She’s my beloved assistant.”

I burst into laughter. Oh my gosh! I’m like a fuckboy or something! I’m a good kid, you know. My previous relationship ended long ago because it was being constantly bothered by material things. Mom didn’t approve of my girlfriend back then. Krystal didn’t either, to be honest.

“I just wanted to know her name.”

Krystal just shook her head briefly. “Alright, I have a meeting to attend now.”

I didn’t keep her for too long. Anya Joice. Her name is unique. She has an attractive and beautiful face. I have a great opportunity to get close to her, but it would be weird if I put on the same act as Krystal. How should I approach her then?

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