Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2


Jasmines Pov

We arrived back at the packhouse, passing soldiers that were already on the way to help my parents, who I knew were already gone. I just knew it deep down, because there was a hole that opened suddenly in my heart, and I couldn’t seem to close it. Once we got back to the packhouse, Luna Leena, Alpha John, my brother Darnell and the Alphas’ son Oliver met us.

” What happened?” Alpha John demanded. I didn’t have a wolf, but I felt his fury roll-off in waves. He would have felt the death of his beta, which means most likely, my mother was dead too.

” Alpha” Adam bows. ” We were told by Beta Jessica and Daniel that rogues were spotted near the pack. They were rushing to the woods, and we had let our daughter play there with Jasmine. We were able to save them, but I believe the Betas are now dead”, Adam says, bowing his head.

Darnell tries to run to get to our parents, but Oliver is holding him back.

” Why the fuck would you let your daughter go in the forest unsupervised” Luna Leena growls, causing Adam, Lori, and Sabrina to bow their heads in submission. The growl didn’t affect me for some reason, but that didn’t stop me from bowing my head in shame.

” And you, a beta’s daughter. Your friend is an omega, so it doesn’t surprise me but you”, she says, causing me to hold my head up and look at her. ” You. I blame you for this. You fucking knew better, and now your parents are dead” She spat at me, causing me to flinch. Luna Leena had never been hostile towards me before. The venom that dripped with each word sickened me to my stomach, because I knew she was right.

” Get the fuck out of my sight” Alpha John demanded Adam, Lori, and Sabrina. He used his alpha voice, which meant they had no choice but to up and follow it. They left immediately with Sabrina giving me one last sad glance. She knew I needed her right now more than ever, but she couldn’t be with me. I would never hold it against her. Now that they were gone, everyone’s attention turned toward me.

I looked at Darnell, who had stopped fighting against Oliver and had fallen to his knees. He looks so defeated. I reach out to him but jump back when he growls viciously at me. He stands up and walks over and slaps me. I held my face to try to stop the burn that would follow as I looked up at him. He had never hit me before. Darnell then punched me in my stomach, and I fell over until I was on the ground. He proceeded to kick me. Pack members are watching some with sad looks. Some with pity. Some looked…. happy?

” This is…(kick)… your…(kick)…. fucking fault…(kick)” he said as he kicked me all over my body. I looked to the alpha for help, but he just stood there with a blank look as if waiting for something. Luna Leena was smirking and Oliver. Oliver’s expression kept shifting between anger and pity.

“Stop please” begged Darnell, but my words were empty as he continued to kick me.

“Fucking…. (kick)… Bitch. (Kick)” he then stopped kicking me and got on his knees, wrapping his hands around my throat. I couldn’t believe it. My brother tried to kill me. I wrapped my hands around his wrist trying to move them, but I could already see spots clouding my vision as I couldn’t breathe. One more minute now and I would be dead. I stopped resisting, and closed my eyes, waiting to join my parents.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Death never came. Instead, Oliver had grabbed Darnell and pulled him off me. I sat up, wrapping my hands around my throat, trying to catch my breath again. My whole body was in so much pain from almost being kicked to death. Darnell stopped struggling with Oliver.

” You are no longer any fucking sister of mine. Stay out of my fucking way or next time I’ll finish the job”. He threatened before walking away. Luna Leena just laughs loudly while the Alpha looks at me, as if trying to figure something out. A warrior comes out of the woods and shakes his head, confirming what I already knew. The alpha nods to him and turns around, walking away, with Luna Lenna right behind him. Oliver is still here, and his presence, for some reason, is comfortable. Oliver is just watching me, with his wide range of emotions, mostly negative, some full of pity.

“Thank you” I tried to say with a small smile, but all I could do was whisper as my throat was sore.

His face seemed to calm in anger after I said that to him. He kneels to me.

” I didn’t fucking do it for you. I did it because I needed my beta. You’re just a wolf-less bitch who got her parents killed. ” He growls in my ear low enough for only me to hear. My heart squeezes tight from his words and tears fall again. He stands up and starts to walk away. Everyone is watching, minus Sabrina and her parents. He takes three steps before he turns around. This time his face was freshly angry.

” WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME” he yelled, walking back my way.

” I didn’t call you anything”, I started to say, but I didn’t finish because his foot had connected with my face, and it was lights out for me.

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