218 Team work make the dream work


The sound of the ball bouncing off the ground rang louder than it should have. Before Atlas knew it, he caught the ball that was coming straight in his direction.

For a moment, everything slowed down in his perspective. Looking up at everyone on the court, he could see the horror plastered on his teammates and the slight surprise of the enemy team. He didn’t mean to look, but his eyes caught how many seconds were left before the ended.


Their scores were at a tic.

His heart thudded against his chest, and somehow, he could even hear it in his cars. “Atlas! Pass!” one of his teammates yelled, but in Atlas’s ears, it sounded a lot distant and slowed. “Atlas…!”

When Atlas glanced at the teammate to pass it, he saw another from the opposing team block him. If Atlas passed it to him, there was a high chance that a professional player would steal it. As a professional basketball player, he would surely score in the last few seconds. Atlas couldn’t risk it.

Therefore, Atlas instinctively glanced in Hugo’s direction. Much to his dismay, Hugo was being blocked by another player. Studying the situation of the court, everyone was blocking each other fiercely. Atlas was the only one who was free, which was no surprise since he wasn’t a threat at


“First Brother!” Hugo yelled, his mouth moving slower than usual. “Shoot it!”

His voice also sounded distant and slowed in Atlas’s perspective, but Atlas still got his message. One second felt like forever as Atlas held his breath, studying his little brother’s determined look. Unlike the horrified look from their teammates and the slight relief in the eyes of their enemics, Hugo’s eyes glinted with determination, without a shadow of a doubt.

“Shoot…!” Hugo’s mouth moved wider as if he knew Atlas could do it.

Atlas glanced at the timer. Five seconds left.

Taking a deep breath, Atlas lifted his arms and held the ball just like how he had been practicing. As he did so, he couldn’t help but remember all the days he practiced shooting under the guidance of his father. All the advice his father told him rang in his head, taking a small leap as he threw the ball from where he was. O

If this goes in, it would be a perfect three points.

Seeing that Atlas attempted to make a three–point, the entire court fell into a pin–drop silence. The crowd couldn’t help but hold their breaths, eyes fixed on the ball in the air. Even those in the court froze and looked up, watching where the ball was going.


218 Team work make the dream work

Everyone’s breath hitched when the ball hit the ring, watching it circle on the ring a few times..

“Please go in,” Hugo blurted out under his breath, wide–eyed.

Not just him, but the entire school basketball team and the crowd shared the same sentiments. Their mouths fell open, their hearts thudding against their ribcage until it was almost painful. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.





The second the last buzzer for the fourth quarter rang, the ball slowly went in.

Everyone didn’t rejoice immediately, as if they were still processing what had just happened. But when the score of their team added another three points, the entire court shook as the crowd

roared and cheered.

The school basketball team’s faces slowly brightened up as their lips stretched from ear to ear.

“First Brother!” Hugo turned to Atlas in joy and without thinking, he rushed to Atlas. “You did it!”

Atlas stood frozen in the same spot as he stared at the ring where the ball went into. Just as Hugo’s voice rang to him, his other teammates were already surrounding him.

“Atlas, you did it, man!”



rushed to the court

Out of happiness, the entire basketball team even those on the bench and carried Atlas up. Hugo wasn’t safe from them as well because before he could reach his brother, his teammates had already carried him together.

“Good game, team!!”

“Kyahh!!! Marry me!!!!”

“That was an intense game!!”

“Max, it’s alright! You did great!”

“Congratulations, team!!”

Max fell back on his bottom, staring at the celebrating winners. Looking at the scoreboard, his heart thudded. There, it was clear as day, that the school basketball team won with a three–point difference.

“This is impossible,” he murmured. “How did he do that?”

Throughout the game, Max overpowered everyone. The only person who could keep up with him was Hugo. But alas, because Atlas was left unguarded, he was able to make his first score, which was also a buzzer–beater, cinching a win for the school basketball team.

218 Teamwork make the dream work

“If there were another four of you, I doubt we’d even win.” The captain’s voice stole Max’s attention, making the latter gaze up in front of him. “Sadly, there’s only one of you. Even so, it was an intense and fun game.”

Max frowned as he watched the captain extend his hand to him. “Do I look pitiful to you?”

“No, but at the end of the day, you’re still part of the basketball team and a valuable player of the team,” said the captain. “Everyone already knew that already.”

Max clicked his tongue and looked away. “Take that hand away from me. I can stand on my own.”

“Max” the captain called solemnly. “I don’t know why you keep aggravating the team, but I know you love basketball just as much as we do. Even if you deny it, I know you’re just as passionate just like the rest of us. However, I hope this shows this game is all about teamwork.”

Max and the captain stared at each other before the former pushed himself up. He didn’t say anything further as he walked out, hands clasped in a tight fist.

“Hey, Max!” the captain called, making him stop. “Training will still be at the same time and place. Come anytime you want.”

The captain kept his eyes on Max’s back until the latter resumed his steps. He looked away when. one of the professional players approached him.

“Hey, nice job. Congrats on winning!”

The captain smiled in appreciation and indulged with them before he invited the professional team so they could congratulate the rest of the team.

Meanwhile, Penny wobbled in her seat and leaned her side against Slater.

“Oh, my god…” she expressed with both relief and horror. “They won…”

Slater laughed while Ginnie, Lily, and James clapped with theri eyes on her.

“Penny, your money is safe!”

“That’s your First Brother for you!”

“Congrats, Boss!”

Penny glanced at them and sighed, gazing at the team, who were still celebrating this win. She smiled subtly, rocking her head, and shamelessly said, “I knew it. This is why I never doubted my First Brother”

Even Ginnie, who always believed in Penny, couldn’t help but look at Penny with doubt. Wasn’t she crying just now when the ball went to Atlas at the last moment?!

Regardless, the game may not be a championship, but everyone celebrated this small win. A perfect display of teamwork.

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