Owned by the mafia boss

#3 —Chapter 21


Something was off.

The hairs on my neck rose when Vinn walked through the door, hair mussed, smiling. He immediately dumped his shirt and pants in the washer, which set my alarms on red-alert. My mind dove into the worst-case scenario as Vinn jumped in the shower.

I almost stormed into the bathroom to ask where the hell he’d gone. Instead I clenched my teeth and glowered at the TV show I was supposed to be absorbing. He’d been out all night and for the better part of the morning. The clothes in the wash and his aura of giddiness pitted me with dread.

Was I not enough?

I dismissed the insecurity and crushed it under my heel. It was time to wake up. I’d loved a cardboard cutout of Prince Charming that had never existed. I’d never known Vinn at all.

I switched off the TV and flung the remote onto the table, the void in my stomach growing.

I shuffled to the blinding kitchen for a coffee. Vinn, freshly washed, stood at the stove, pouring egg whites on a plate. He wore gym shorts and nothing else. The sight of his naked back brought home the ache in my pussy, my sore breasts, and my tingling mouth.

The knot in my gut pulsed.

“I got you a phone,” he announced, gesturing at the counter. “I already synced it with your laptop.”

I folded my arms across my chest, ignoring the cell beside its packaging. My head pounded with the effort of not calling him a dozen expletives.

“What, no catty remark? Your contacts are all on there, except the asshole.”

“Along with a million security apps to track my every movement and keystroke.”

He winked as he sat, tucking into his food. “Smart girl.”

The taunt lashed my cheeks. It wasn’t enough that he’d humiliated me. He had to be a jerk about my privacy, too.

“Shove it up your ass, Vinn.”

I slid the cell over the marble.

Vinn caught it, frowning.

I shot from the kitchen.

A potent rage seared my spine. The skin on my face strained. My hands clenched and unclenched. I bulldozed into Vinn’s bedroom and threw open the closet. I seized a bag and shoved articles of clothing inside, packing so quickly I barely paid attention.

“What are you doing?” Vinn’s baritone was like a clap of lightning.

“I’ll be at Michael’s.”

He gave me a black look layered with confusion, and then he set his chin into an unyielding line. Every muscle in his body spoke defiance, right down to the one twitching in his jaw.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

I shouldered the backpack, standing. “I’ll return in a few days. I’ll tell Michael we’re in a fight over wedding venue locations, so he doesn’t murder you.”

His expression hardened like someone who’d been slapped. He grabbed me as I headed out. He palmed my back, and then he scooped me into his arms.

“Li, what’s the matter?”

The gentle touch shattered me.

“It was supposed to be special.” I screwed up my face, battling the rising lump in my throat. “I never wanted to have sex with anyone but the man I married. It’s stupid and outdated, but I’d saved myself for this. It meant a lot to me, but it wasn’t anything to you.”

“You don’t know that.”

“You took off right after!”

Vinn dropped his gaze as a red flush claimed his cheeks. “I needed time alone.”

I swung, almost hitting him with the bag. “Time alone? Or time with someone else?”

Vinn seemed to resent the accusation. He ground his teeth before letting out a long, harsh sigh.

“I went to Sunset Tavern. Michael was there. We talked, and then I left to buy your phone. I ran another errand at a construction site, and my footing wasn’t balanced, and I fell into the dirt. Then I came home. The end. Call Michael if you don’t believe me.”

I bit the inside of my cheek.

“There’s no other woman. You deleted them all from my phone, remember?” He slipped the pack from my shoulder and grasped my arm, his grip white-hot. “Besides, I have my hands full with you.”

He tugged me onto the bed, sandwiching us together.

I didn’t know what to believe.

Maybe expecting an emotionally distant man like Vinn to be sensitive to my needs had been foolishly optimistic.

Vinn’s touch skimmed my waist and anchored me to his side. “How are you feeling?”

A suggestion lingered in the question. It was less concern, and more-Are you ready for more? The heat spiraling my body made me want to answer with a resounding yes.

“I’m a bit sore.”

He brushed a kiss across my forehead. “There’s Advil in the kitchen.”

A chime from Vinn’s pocket shattered the silence. Vinn handed over my phone. I glanced at the screen.


I answered. “Hey, babe. How are you?”

The tiniest sob crackled the speaker.

“Have you seen James?”


He’d skipped two work shifts, and nobody could reach him.

An inconsolable Queenie sat on my couch. Tissues scattered the coffee table. She’d poured out her heart about her longtime crush on James. I would’ve set her straight, but speaking ill of him now seemed like bad form.

“They’ve filed a missing persons report,” she sniffed, clutching the gray afghan. “It’s a nightmare.”

My pulse raced at the grim reminder that we no longer lived in a safe city.

“Maybe he took a weekend trip without telling anyone.”

Queenie blotted her tear-stained face, shaking. “He needs his job to pay his rent. He wouldn’t just leave.”

I squeezed her shoulder, wishing for the words to comfort her. “Walk me through what happened.”

“He went to Flatstick Pub on Saturday.” Queenie’s voice steadied as she launched into the story, as though reexamining it for the fifth time might offer new insight. “He mentioned he had a volunteer shift at the-oh, wow!”

Vinn had strolled into the room. He slid a cutting board topped with crusty Italian bread, thinly sliced soppressata, and hard cheese over the table. He handed the flabbergasted Queenie a plate and loaded another with snacks before pressing it into my hands.

A jolt hit my stomach as our fingers touched.

“Thanks, Vinn. That’s sweet.” Queenie beamed at him as she made a sandwich. “I love a guy who brings me food without asking.”

I grumbled an affirmative.NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

Queenie bit into the bread, moaning. “So good.”

Vinn’s thigh brushed mine as he sank into the couch. “Glad you like it.”

“By the way, I’m impressed. I assumed she’d need at least a few weeks before she said yes.” Queenie winked at him. “Smooth moves.”

“Took a couple tries, but I got there. Right?”

He elbowed me, and I glowered.

Queenie gasped. “You said no?”

Vinn’s knuckle caressed my cheek. “Honey, you didn’t tell your friend?”

His chastising tone raked my skin.

“Vinn. We’re supposed to w-”

“She’s pregnant,” he told Queenie.

I groaned.

“What?” Queenie gaped at him, her shriek piercing the air. “You’re pregnant?”

Thanks a lot, Vinn.

My face went up in flames. “I was going to mention it-”

“Oh my God, you guys are nuts.” She threw a pillow at me, knocking the cheese from my hand. “You let me blab about my problems this whole time!”

“Let’s not make a big deal of it.”

“I called it!” Queenie shrieked, covering her mouth. “I knew this would happen. What did I say? You’ll be married and pregnant by the end of the year.”

Vinn’s grin twitched as though on the edge of laughter.

Queenie leaned over and shook my knee, grinning. “You must be so excited. I’m thrilled! I’ll be godmother. Your brother has three kids of his own. He’ll never prioritize your baby. I will.”

Vinn straightened, flashing her a polite smile that said no-fucking-way.

I poked at his bicep. “Thanks for the food, but you’re interrupting our girl time.”

“Yeah, leave us alone so we can talk about you!”

Vinn’s granite-like features softened. He pinched my chin and stood. As soon as he rounded the corner, Queenie clutched her chest and fell into the couch.

“You two are so cute it breaks me. The way he looks at you makes me melt.” She flattened her dark curls and burst with a nervous giggle. “You’re having a kid. Are you freaking out?”

“A little.” I would be if it were real. “It’s so far ahead I’m putting it on the back burner. Maybe there’s something I can do about James. My brother’s professional network is robust. Hell, I’ll ask Vinn.”

Queenie lifted her head, bleary-eyed. Her mouth twitched. “Well, I should get going.”

“You sure?”

She nodded. “We’re searching the parks today. Just in case, you know.”

I pulled her into a hug. “Keep a positive attitude. No sense driving yourself crazy until he’s found.”

“I’m trying,” she whimpered. “Thanks for listening.”

“Of course.”

We exchanged goodbyes, and she headed out the door. I’d decided before I’d slid the deadbolt. I didn’t like asking Vinn for favors, but I’d put my pride aside for Queenie.

Vinn was working out in the gym. He’d changed into shorts and a tank top. He stood in front of a wall-to-wall mirror, lifting an Olympic barbell. His features were so perfect and symmetrical that any more would’ve made him too beautiful for a man. Dark hair stuck to his handsome, square face. He jerked it to his shoulders and swung down, releasing the bar. He picked it off the ground and repeated the exercise.

The plates banged into the rubber mat.

Vinn cupped his shoulder and let out a raw hiss, massaging the muscle surrounding the gunshot wound from a year ago.

My feet smacked the floor as I rushed toward him. “You okay?”

Vinn gave me a narrowed glance. “I’m fine.”

His frosty tone should’ve sent me running. Something disturbing had replaced his smolder, and it cautioned me to stay away, but I hated leaving him alone.

I approached, lungs filling with the scent of iron and his heady musk. “I didn’t realize it still hurt you.”

“It doesn’t.”

Like hell.

Sweat glistened on his forehead. His nostrils flared as a timer beeped from his phone. He closed it and wiped his rippling brow.

“You don’t have to pretend. You can be vulnerable with me.” I joined him on the bench, fidgeting with my shirt. “I’m always here to listen.”

“Not the talkative type.”

He patted my knee and lurched upright, then snapped the safety clips off the barbell. He eased the Olympic plates while lifting the bar. His bicep trembled, and a bang erupted through the room as it landed.


I stood. “I’ll get ice.”

“Don’t bother.” Vinn sighed, dropping onto the mat. “Fuck.”

“Would a massage help?”

He stared into the mirror, silent. His arm fell in his lap as he rested against exercise equipment, his eyes shut.

I rolled my hand over his shoulder. He tensed but didn’t throw me off. I slowly dug in. Vinn released a ragged hiss.

I paused, my heart pounding.

“Don’t stop,” he whispered. “Harder.”

I did my best to work out the rock-hard knot, but it was like massaging stone. I sank into him. His mouth twisted, beads of sweat rolling down his neck.

“Am I hurting you?”

“No, it’s good.” Vinn leaned into me, sighing. “I used to have a physical therapist do this, but I got sick of a dude touching me every week.”

“You’re ridiculous.” I took a deep breath and held it in. “So when you declared yourself healed six months after the shooting, that was total bullshit?”

“I keep everyone in the dark and oblivious.”


“I see no point in letting people in.”

“You should’ve texted me,” I growled. “I could’ve helped you.”

Vinn’s broad face split with a smile that tickled my cheeks. “Hey, Li. Want to come to my place? I could use a back rub. Your brother would’ve loved that.”

“Like I’d tell him.”

He made a deep sound. “Tempting, but I’m nobody’s dirty secret, and neither are you.”

“I would’ve done anything for you.”

My insides clenched at the blunder. I was doing it again. Pouring out my feelings would get me hurt. I throttled the current zipping through me.

Vinn’s gaze riveted on my face. My skin tingled as he searched my eyes. He turned, hand cupping my cheek. Warmth bloomed inside me, betraying my resolve. My attraction to Vinn had nothing to do with logic. It screamed for me to take the leap.

Our lips touched.

He melted into me with gentle strokes. I slackened as he lulled me into a trance. Ecstasy swirled in my body. He traced my lip with a swipe of his tongue, and a hot ache grew in my throat. His nails grazed my head.

I was a furnace. He’d captured me at a young age with his magnetic presence, but this dreamy intimacy had signed my heart over forever. His light touch blossomed with sharp aches in my skin.

I pressed my open lips to his, but he didn’t crush me. He held me hostage with his slow, drugging kisses. I drifted on clouds. His uneven breathing caressed my neck as he broke away, dragging me to the rubber floor.

Vinn’s heavy palm weighted my head.

My knees buckled.

I faced his groin. Not in any hurry, Vinn thumbed his shorts and pushed, grabbing his cock from a bed of trimmed hair. It swelled, the head shining with a bead of precum. He held it to my mouth. I licked my lips, stroking Vinn in the process.

“I can’t stop thinking about the other night.” Vinn’s heartbeat pulsed through the taut skin as he stared down. “I hate every man who touched you. Hate. Them. Especially the guy whose cock you sucked on demand.”

A sensual quality quivered through Vinn’s voice that made me slowly spread my legs. “And?”

“It should’ve been me.”

He fisted my hair. His head nudged my lips, and my mouth parted. He worked in his thumb, hooking it on my cheek. His cock slid inside, filling me with a rock hardness I barely breathed around.

I choked.

He groaned as he buried himself, and my body clenched as though he’d satisfied the ache between my legs. His hold on my hair slackened. His fingers trailed my jaw. Everything was more sensitive. His light touch hurt. The pain lingered like a smoldering kiss. He fucked me, his eyes glazed as he chased his pleasure. He rolled his hips with quick, abrupt jerks, his grip hardening.

His need stirred me like a finger teasing my clit. The hot, iron-like pressure thrust mercilessly as he gripped my head, making a mess of my hair. He sped up. He released a long, tortured groan, pushing himself deeper, holding me still.

I leaned into him, meeting his thrusts. Saliva dribbled onto my chin as he pounded faster, hissing. He slammed home and made a desperate sound, and thick, salty warmth filled my mouth. Vinn’s cock jumped in my throat.

“Swallow,” he ordered.

I flicked my tongue along his shaft, relishing in his possession.

“Swallow, or I’m not taking it out.”

I swallowed, a thrill touching my nipples when his cum slid down.

“Open and show me.”

I obeyed, heart pounding.

“Good girl,” he said, his tone soothing. “Now I want you on your back. Legs spread wide.”

I flattened on the rubber mat as Vinn ripped off my pants. He removed my panties and settled between my thighs. He fisted the necklace as he smashed his mouth into mine. It was a brutal, possessive kiss. His tongue swiped in and claimed me as his blunt head fitted to my pussy.

I writhed.

He shoved inside, stretching my walls. He gave no time to adjust. He slipped out and rammed in, trailing kisses over my body. Muscles within me contracted. I raked his back and sank my nails into his steel ass.

Vinn reeled up, hovering above like a sculpted god. He was a blur of muscle. His whole body tensed with the force of fucking me. He was an unhinged animal crashing against gates.

My defenses weakened as he cupped my breasts. I welcomed this fierce possession, even the painful thrusting because it proved that he wasn’t a master of himself. He couldn’t control himself around me, either.

He staggered his thrust, back arched in a harsh climax. He dropped and crushed me with his weight, kissing me. He sucked my lip, biting, the cruel ravishment the final push over the edge.

I gasped with the sweet agony. I vibrated with liquid heat. Long, surrendering moans burst from my chest.

We lay there for a while. Then he carried me to bed, and I curled into the rigid contours of his body. I was a glowing fire of affection and love, and he let me hold him.

And he stayed.

It was like a beautiful dream.

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