One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 93 – How the mighty has fallen!

Inside a dimly lit room, a sea of heads and computers depicting the various streets and spots of the city covered the entire room with little space for easy access.

Jason noticed Asher come in and headed with information garnered since their last meeting.

” Any news?” Asher spoke first, eyes fixated on the organized chaos before him.

Jason stood beside him, ” A lot. We have to talk, privately.” He led the way to a little room by the corner.

Asher entered and took a seat behind the motherboard. ” What do you have for me?”

” We narrowed our focus on Kaden,” He started, but immediately felt Asher’s disapproval, but continued anyways.” After his reveal, we decided it was best to uncover things about this man, and we weren’t wrong.”

” Get to the point.”

” Kaden somehow managed to have contact with Rebecca, Cole, Emma and her Step-Mother.” Asher’s eyes widened, ” not just that, but he met these people at the same period of time. Coincidence?”

By now, Jason had his full attention, ” Do we know who his identity or whereabouts?”

” Not yet. Somehow, this man manages to exist legally as an ordinary writer. Whoever he is, I doubt he is an ordinary person and I have a hunch he is a key piece to this puzzle.”

One could feel the wheels of Asher’s brain churning, ” If we can’t get hold of him, we get hold of someone who can.”

Jason quirked an eyebrow, ” And how are we going to do that? Rebecca’s dead, Cole isn’t reliable, Emma is missing, Mrs Steele…”

” Exactly. Book an appointment with her for tonight.”

Meanwhile, Kaden sat in his office with his right hand man, papers sprawled on his desk while he spoke;

” Tonight, everything falls in place. I finally got to write the last chapter.” He declared, then asked, ” Are the boys ready? I don’t want any mishaps.”

” Yes sir.”

” Great,” he smiled, ” send the message. It’s about time we meet anyways.”


Jason and Asher watched a policeman drag Mrs Steele into the visitors room. The woman who once shone in all glory became a shadow of herself.

How the mighty has fallen!

Her formed glass skin marred by unhealed scars, both new and old. Immediately their eyes connected, a permanent scowl etched on her face.

” You have ten minutes.” The Policeman announced and gave the needed privacy.

” What? Are you here to gloat? To mock a woman in pain?” Mrs Steele’s words were full of spite. ” Do it already, let’s get it over with.”

” Contrary to that, we are here for something serious.” Jason placed a picture of Kaden and recognition flickered through her eyes. ” Where can we find him?”

” Would have loved to help but it’s a pity I have no idea how to handle it.” Her tone dripped sarcasm, ” Can I leave now? I need to do something worthwhile.”

Asher hit the desk and the bang resonated through the room. ” Listen, I don’t have time for games. You will provide what you know about this man or so help me God, I’ll make you prefer you were dead.”

” What? Your little Emma is missing?” She drawled, ” Oops! You think I wouldn’t know? I’d rather bite my tongue than help that rat, who knows, she might have gotten on his temper and oh he has such a fierce temper.”

” Christina.” Jason warned,

” I Don’t know anything. Can I leave now?” She yawned, ” It’s past my bedtime.”

” Talia.” One word from Asher and she went still. ” I promise to send her far away from this country with her freedom. If you don’t, consider her life finished.”

” Are you threatening me?”

” Take it however you will. I’d like to say it’s a very generous offer, one that a wise person will take.”

Christina held her breath, her daughter was young and wasting away in prison somewhere far from her. She wasn’t having it easy herself and she imagined her daughter to be worse.

” Save me. Save us both and you have a deal.”

Asher smirked, while Jason rolled his eyes, ” That’s impossible. Even for me. Talia might be redeemable, but you earned your keep. Nothing’s changing that. You have one minute to make your choice, keep in mind that with or without your help, I will succeed.” He announced and made his way out the prison, leaving Jason with her.

A few minutes later, Jason returned with a nod. ” All she gave is a name, and a place. I’ve sent people to look into the matter.”

At that moment, Asher’s phone chirped with a text from an unknown number.

” It’s about time we met. Come alone if you want her alive.”

Attached to the text was the location and a picture of Emma on an IV drip. A picture that sent a fresh wave of panic through his system.

” You can’t do that. It’s a trap.” Jason, the voice of reason opined. ” We already have a lead on the matter, we don’t have to go this route.”

” It’s my wife in question, Jason. You can’t convince me otherwise, I have to go.”

” Think straight. I know you are overwhelmed but think clearly. He’s asking you to meet him in one hour, that’s barely enough time to prepare.”

” That’s more than enough time to snap her head off! Don’t argue with me on this.” Asher entered the vehicle, leaving Jason behind yet again.


Inside Kaden’s mansion, at the outskirts of the city, two men rushed into his office, sharing news concerning their delegated tasks.

” Mrs Steele met with Asher Braxton and his sidekick.” One reported, ” Five minutes later, your house was searched and sealed by the police.”

Kaden’s countenance grew dim, ” And? Did they find anything?”

” Fortunately, we were able to pack up before they noticed anything wrong. Our inside man was notified of their coming, giving us ample time to clear things up.”

His eyes sharpened, ” and Christina?”

” We took care of her.”

Kaden stood up and picked his cane, ” Good job. You are dismissed.” They scrambled off in fear, happy to be dismissed. ” I guess they need a bit more lessons on not defying me.” He spoke to himself and made way out of his office.

By the time he got to Emma’s cell, there wasn’t any trace of humanity found in him. The guards silently paved the way, acknowledging him with a curt nod- to which he ignored.

Emma heard movements outside her door. After the last event, she was taken to another room, a much better room than she started. The door flew open and Kaden entered with an unreadable expression.

” I see you are getting comfortable.” He remarked, looking around the place, ” I wonder if I’ve been too lenient. Many people are getting rather comfortable with defying me.”

A bout of fear struck her, and she instinctively covered her stomach. He caught sight of her reflex action and his face turned grim.

” I see you are taking good care of yourself. Eating and sleeping too, if I’m not mistaken, it must be as a result of that little peanut.” He stomped his cane and she shivered, ” A peanut that shouldn’t exist.”Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

Kaden appeared before her in a flash. His hands wrapped around her neck and he squeezed tight. Emma’s sight blurred at the sudden assault.

” Did you think I was stupid? That I wouldn’t realize?” He let her go and she dropped to the floor. Series of kicks followed, and she squirmed in pain trying to catch her breath and shield her stomach. ” Did he think I was stupid not to find out?!”

” P-please..”

” You don’t talk when I’m talking.” The sound of shifting bone filled her ears, inexplicable pain followed and it became twice as hard to breathe.

He punched her. Straight to her nose and boy did it hurt so bad!

By the time Kaden finished with her, she couldn’t speak and every inch of her hurt. All through the process, she thought of the little one growing inside her and prayed with all her heart that they were safe inside her. She felt a hand check her pulse but lacked strength to certify the identity of the person.

” The child is alright. I doubt she will survive it if things continue this way.” The man spoke in a controlled manner.

” Know your place, doc. You can go.” Kaden’s words held a touch of finality.

The man looked between them and walked out the room, fighting the urge to shake his head. Kaden took out his phone and the shutter went off.

” That would teach him to obey me.” He said and clicked send.

” What are you doing?” Emma spat out blood, ” what is wrong with you?”

Kaden smirked, he dropped his phone and took up his cane. ” I could do this all night, Emma. Be my guest.”

Immediately, the first blow landed on her legs, then another and countless others. That night, Emma felt the most pain in her life, long after the ordeal was over, she laid on the floor, crying till she couldn’t anymore.

Meanwhile, Asher received pictures of a thoroughly beaten Emma on his way to the meeting spot. He dropped by the gym and took his rage out in the most painful way. Bg the time he finished, his fists were hurt and bleeding.

On his way out, Jason called.

” We picked up a signal! We figured out their location!”

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