One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 77 – Bingo.

Colton sat in his office, staring at a proposal he spent the night working on. It was one of his best works yet- as soon as he was able to get the contract.

Word on the street informed that Braxton International was on the move to building a resort. A multi-billion dollar project that he ached to get his hands upon.

He’d done everything possible, trying to reach out to President Asher but met with a dead end every single time. He remained undeterred though, no one said great things came easy so he persevered, putting all his contacts to use, but there wasn’t any positive feedback.

Colton let out a sigh, tired and seeking for answers to go around this seeming mountain of his career. He’d done his due diligence, ensuring that the opportunity was contained from the reach of his rival companies but knew that was a temporary fix.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

The silence of his office felt deafening and immediately, he got up, served himself a glass of water and turned on the TV. Returning to his table without any knowledge on how to solve the situation felt daunting so instead, he opted for the couch; relaxing into its soft and needed comfort.

The news rolled while he listened absentmindedly. His phone lit up, reminding him of Talia who was relentless in her calls all through the night. He’d sent her a text promising to call when things were cleared but his fiance couldn’t take a hint.

He had no time for her tantrums and nuances so he did the next best thing: ignore the shit out of her while he did what he knew best.

Colton caught the tail end of a sentence and his head jerked up in surprise. Surely he didn’t hear properly. That fact was proven wrong when he came face to face with a face he knew too well, smiling gracefully and latched onto someone even more powerful.

Emma, walking with Asher Braxton.

The footage unsettled him and he listened with rapt attention while they introduced the newest member of the Braxton’s family. You guessed it right, somehow, she found her way into the arms of Asher Braxton.

Watching them left a bile on his throat but in retrospect, he decided it wasn’t too bad for him. Everything seemed to be falling into place and his ever active mind went on an overdrive.

He returned to his seat, flicking between his proposal and the picture of the newly married couple. His lips spread into a broad smile and suddenly everything made sense. The last piece of the puzzle had been revealed.

Emma Steele was his ticket to getting through. He picked up his phone and dialed a number,

” Get me Emma Braxton’s contact before nightfall.” He ordered, and ended the call.


Emma felt happy. She’d just signed off on the deeds to a space she wanted to use in preserving her pieces. Although she had one in the house, she wasn’t too comfortable leaving her things in the mansion, especially with the presence of someone, who may in one way or the other, harbor something against her.

She got into the car, and her phone rang- It was an unknown number.

” Drive around the city, it’s been a while since I took a stroll.” Her voice was audible enough to Benny who immediately started the car, doing as she’d instructed

After the third ring, she decides to pick it up;

” Mrs. Braxton.” No matter how much she said it, she never seemed to get used to her new identity.

” How are you?” A sultry and familiar voice breezed her ears.

” Who am I speaking to?” She fired, not in the mood to play any kind of games.

” You hurt me, my love.” The masculine voice was clear, concise, and Colton.

” What do you want and how on earth did you get my contact?” She seethed. What gave him the right to call her?

” Don’t be in a hurry. How have you been? Scratch that, I see you’re doing good, being the wife of the most influential man in the nation.” It was a statement of fact.

” What. Do. You. Want.” She gritted, holding her phone with more force than required.

” Nothing much. Let’s meet, Emma.” His tone hinted his smirk, ” It’s long overdue, don’t you think.”

” If that’s all-”

Colton could tell she was about to end the call and immediately pulled up his big guns.

” Don’t hang up! I have the designs! Come see me and I’ll bring you to them!” He held his breath, waiting for her response in hope she bought it.

Emma stilled, ” What are you talking about?”


” I mean the designs Talia stole from you. The ones from the apartment.” He pointed out, happy that his bait clicked.

” You mean the one you helped your fiance steal?” She pointed out, her tone anything but pleased.

” Same thing.” His apparent nonchalance caused a bile lodge in her throat. She couldn’t believe she’d loved this man. How stupid was she?

” How do I know you still have them? How do I know you aren’t lying right now? Hell, maybe this is an elaborate plan to kidnap and kill me.” She grew aggravated, ” Fact is, I don’t trust you, Colton.”

” There’s obviously nothing we can do about that. You just have to, If you’re interested. I’ll text the address. See you soon, sunshine.” He ended the call.

Colton knew she couldn’t ignore him. No matter how far and powerful she became, Emma was Emma. The one he’d spent a sizable amount of his life stringing along; the one who held a soft spot for her mother’s designs, the one who fell ridiculously in love with him.

Regardless of the sudden change of her last name, she was the same. And he counted on her to execute all he had in mind, he just needed to play the cards right.

He quickly texted his location, demanding they meet in 30 minutes, while he sipped something cool and waited for her presence.

” Thirty minutes. Heaven’s gates. Don’t keep me waiting.”

Emma re-read the message, and each time, her countenance grew poorer. She dropped her phone, refusing not to honor such an invitation, but curiosity clawed her insides.

What if he was telling the truth? What if he had her mother’s designs? She couldn’t just ignore such an opportunity no matter how hard she tried.

” Head over to Heaven’s gates.” She ordered, and surprisingly, they slowed to a stop. With one look out the window, she saw the sign board.

Great. That’s what she got, strolling around the city. Maybe it’s best she got things over with. Without a second thought, she alighted the car with her shades intact, and got into the place.

She saw no signs of him. A waiter suddenly approached and led her to a table upstairs. She sat and immediately noticed her car parked by the corner with Benny standing beside.

” I don’t have all day.” She quipped, staring him dead in the eye.

” That was quick.” He sipped some juice, ” what would you have?”

” Make this quick. Like I said; I don’t have all day.” She reiterated.

” Feisty. I like that.” He swallowed, ” I’ll make this quick and painless. First, I’m sorry for what happened between us, I honestly didn’t mean-”

Emma tutted, ” I’ve wasted my time.” She got up but he held her.

” Sit.” Colton gritted, ” Just five minutes. Please.”

She removed her arm from his hold, almost like someone burned, ” Two.” It wasn’t a request and he knew it.

” I need your help. Your husband is about to commence a building project. A resort. One that I’m best suited to handle.” He passed over some paperwork, ” If you could mention it, get him to meet with me then I’ll take it up from there.”

Emma laughed. This man had guts. The iciness in her eyes conveyed everything that needed to be told. ” Don’t ever call me again.” She said and stood up.

He reached for her arm but missed the mark and ended up getting a resounding slap to the face.

” Don’t touch me.”

” I won’t. Just please, hear me out.” He begged, not minding the scene, ” You know I deserve this chance. I love you, always have and always will. I did everything to help you and now the roles are reversed. Don’t put me away!”

He spoke to air because she already walked away.

” Damn it!” He hit the table with enough force that it collapsed, his hand bled while he watched her step into the car and leave the vicinity.

Meanwhile, unknown to the duo, Rebecca happened to witness everything. She took a few pics from the moment she saw Emma walk in and sit across a man.

Before the date blew up, she did her due diligence and forwarded the pictures to Asher, who immediately took notice of it.

His grip tightened as he assessed the pictures from an unknown number, sizzling with anger when he saw him holding her by the arm. Holding what belonged to him.

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