One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 69 – I will not be controlled.

Asher addressed the situation, not sparing Chara or Mrs. Adams: their week’s earning split in half as a result of the case. Afterwards, Asher made his way to the room, where an equally angry Emma sat, waiting for him.

” What was that?” She spoke first, not sparing him a glance.

” Funny how I wanted to ask you the exact same question.”

Emma got to her feet, holding a defying look, ” I will not be treated like some rag doll. I don’t know what came over you, making you think I’m someone unable to fend for herself, but I’ll tell you one thing.” She paused, trying to catch her breath, ” I will not watch you disrespect me or my people. You have to apologize.”

” Are you done?” He sounded bored, ” A friendly reminder, they were my employees before your ‘people’ and I retain full autonomy and power over how they carry out the duties they are being paid to do.” He walked towards her, tilting her face to behold him, ” I will not have you disrespect me in front of my employees.”

Asher’s tone was icy, she could tell he wasn’t the happiest with her at the moment but when she remembered how Chara had been scared out of her wits, she could find it in her to care less. ” I don’t care. We are in a marriage, that means, this is a democracy.” She gestured between them, ” We have equal rights, there’s no autonomy and I have every right to do any and everything within reason.”

While speaking, she drifted closer to him, getting in his face as she aired her grievances, ” The idea of keeping me in the house without prior deliberation, or treating others like shit because of some damn perception of me being unable to cater for myself, it ends now.”

” You are my wife. Forgive me for wanting the best for my wife.”

The more he spoke, the more she got angry. It felt like he didn’t listen to anything she said, it gave off the annoyance of pouring water into a basket.

” And that justifies your acting like a caveman? Like some territorial animal?” She lashed.

His face crumpled, and he let out a disgruntled groan, ” You will not insult me.” He ordered, far from pleased.

” I will not be controlled.”

” You are my wife! Believe it or not, you are under my care. I am responsible for you and fuck me if you don’t understand it but I will always take on my responsibility.”

Emma drew impossibly close to him, then whispered, ” Fake wife. Don’t get it twisted.”

” Fake huh?” His features ruffled, ” Tell me how fake this feels then.”

There and then, he bridged the gap between their lips and covered hers in a slow, breathtaking kiss.

Emma didn’t know how to feel. His lips felt soft, and warm. He teased for entrance, which she effortlessly granted. There was something about kissing him, something that lit up an hunger for something she couldn’t quite wrap her head around.

The kiss picked up from slow and romantic to rough and demanding. None willing to back down or let go. A battle of will, she could sense the unravelling of Asher and his dominant traits through the kiss but it only encouraged her to continue, to seek if there was more she could discover while at it.

Asher groaned, his lower parts latched towards hers in a magnetic form. While they’d argued, all he could see was her beautiful, rosy lips. It was only normal he devoured it, seeing she was having a hard time aligning with him, it was his next best option; one he’s been looking forward to since he met her slaving in the kitchen.

Still holding the kiss, he walked her over to the bed with precision, refusing to let go and trusting his wits to guard them. Just at that moment, an idea entered his mind and despite how against it he felt, he slowed to a stop, forcing their eyes open.

” W-what?” She drawled, confused from the sudden halt.

Asher smirked, ” Be good and you just might get more where that came from.”

Emma couldn’t have been more embarrassed. Her face turned red and she prayed for the ground to swallow her whole. She’s been so distracted by that kiss, she couldn’t even remember the events that led up to that point.

Yes, it was that good.

” Get out..” She managed to speak, taking a few steps away from him. She needed a breather. ” Remind me again why you’re back early?”

” Why do I get the feeling you aren’t too happy to see me?”

” Maybe because I’m not?”

” That’s a lie. We both know that.” He stated with a smirk.

Emma blushed profusely, ” That was-”

” Perfect.” He added,

” I mean-”

” Mind-Blowing.”

She was getting frustrated, ” Cut me off, ONE MORE TIME AND-”

” What? You want me to kiss you instead? I don’t mind either. It’s proven to be the best method.”

Emma didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

” What? Cat got your tongue?” He asked, having a swell time teasing her. ” I rounded up earlier than expected.” He paused, then continued, ” With my sister’s unforeseen return into the country, It became an emergency- my coming back.”

She blinked repeatedly, trying to understand what he meant by his statement. ” Your sister, what now?”

He checked his watch, ” They’ll be here any minute now,” he rolled his eyes, ” Mentioned something about trying to surprise Jason; like he’s some damn kid.” He huffed, returning his hands into his pockets.

” Jason’s wife, is your sister?” She asked, trying to connect the dots.

” Yes, genius. Try to keep up.”

” You never told me?!” She bellowed, frustrated at his antics.

” You know now.”

There and then, they heard the gate of the manor open and a car revved in.

” Is that them?” Emma felt panicked, not sure if she was ready to meet her sister-in-law. This had to be a big deal to Asher, ” What do I do? What is she like? Oh my goodness, I’m not ready for this kind of pressure!”

Asher walked up to her pacing self and settled his hands on her shoulder, stopping her to a still. ” Get a grip on yourself, Get dressed and let’s play host. Okay?”

She swallowed, ” Okay.”

Emma felt a bit better knowing Asher was here to walk it through with her. Judging from her own experience from meeting her step sister, she didn’t have her hopes up but prayed everything fell in place.

As she prepared, her mind led her back to the day she met Talia. She’d been priorly informed by her father that she’d be meeting someone who would be her sister and friend. At the time, she’d been so excited, childishly excited and held high hopes of meeting and sharing her toys with her supposed new friend.

It didn’t take long before she realized how wrong she’d been.

” Are you ready?” He asked her and she nodded. Of course she didn’t! But he didn’t need to know that.

If there was something she learned from her life experiences; you didn’t expose your weakness, or even emotions. It never ends well.

Asher looked her over, grunted and opened the door. She could tell he called her bullshit but didn’t want to speak further on the matter. Such a gentleman.

Together, they headed out of their room and downstairs, maintaining a comfortable silence. As soon as they got mid through the stairs, they heard voices and caught a glimpse of Jason, cradled by a woman.

At the sight, Emma nearly choked on her saliva. What. the. hell.

” There you are! Didn’t think you’d be here.” The woman spoke, straining her voice loud enough but not sparing them as much as a glance. Jason snuggled close to her with a satisfied look on his face- one that brought a disgruntled one on Asher’s. ” What? The silent treatment? Low blow, brother. Low blow.”

He turned over to Emma, communicating an apology with his eyes, then cleared his throat. ” Bianca, Meet my wife, Emma Braxton.”

Bianca immediately looked up, unable to conceal her surprise when she saw that a woman was indeed by her brother.

” Hello Bianca, Nice to meet you.” She managed to squeak, feeling like a kid all over again.

Jason murmured at the loss of contact from his wife who appeared in front of Emma within a second. She looked her over- so much that Emma felt uncomfortable -and slowly, her lips spread into the most beautiful and breathtaking smile ever.

Bianca closes the space within them in a tight hug, ” Oh my goodness, I didn’t think you were real! I thought they were playing a joke on me!”

Emma didn’t know how to respond to that. It wasn’t like she could comment on her reality- she settled for a meek smile.

” How are you doing? How are you coping with these two brickwalls?”

The funny thing about that question was that the two said ‘brickwalls’ were stood beside her, each wearing matching frowns and towering.

Emma’s gaze flickered between the two friends, colleagues and in-laws. ” So far, so good.” She quipped.

” Mummy! I don’t want her following me around!” They all heard the little one’s voice before they saw him.

Who was that?

Asher’s gaze narrowed in calculation, Bianca turned sheepish. ” Roo baby?! Come over and greet your uncle.”

” Uncle Ashwer?!” The pitter patter of little feets introduced Rooney’s arrival.

When Emma beheld him, all she thought was- Damn, these people and good genes!

The little boy hugged the feet of Asher and for the first time ever, Emma saw him melt to putty. Jesus.

” How are you little man?” He asked with a smile, squatting to suit the little one’s eyes.

” Hawsome! I miss you uncle Ashy!” He declared, tightening his hold in the sweetest possible way.

Emma’s little heart couldn’t take it. She bent to his height, then ruffled his hair, ” How are you Rooney?” She asked, using her baby tone.

Instead of relaxing to her, he shied away from her touch. ” Who is she?” He asked, his tone icy.

Before Jason or Bianca could set him straight, Asher took on the job. ” She is your Aunt and my Wife. You will show her some respect, little man.”

” I’m sowwy.” He apologized and Emma’s heart melted even further. Such an obedient child!

” It’s okay hunny, you can call me Emma.” She said, holding out her hand in an olive branch.

The little one ran to his mother, and in no discreet way, asked, ” Is she going to follow me around like Rebecca?”

The thrio were stunned to silence at his question, Emma could feel something off.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

” Who is Rebecca?” She asked without skipping a beat.

” Who’s asking?” A beautiful lady stepped into their sight.

With the looks on each of their faces, Emma discerned things were getting complicated.

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