One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 54 – What Could go wrong?

The entire room was silent. No one moved nor uttered a word as they watched the men get escorted out of the building. Their fear for Mr. Braxton had efficiently tripled. How fearsome was this man?!

He even made a supposed dead woman come to life to achieve his goal. He was undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. In their heart of hearts, the others thanked God they weren’t stupid enough to have dared the almighty Asher Braxton.

Amongst them, some still nursed reservations about the validity of everything playing out before them. How was he able to achieve such a feat within one week? One week! That fact was fearsome as much as it was spectacular.

Once again, Asher proved just how thorough he was when it came to the matters of the company. He left no stone unturned and performed in such a way that shook his audience, every single time.

” I would’ve had your neck if you didn’t show up with something, boy.” One of the top shareholders spoke, holding back a smile. ” Now, you get back to restoring and multiplying my money. Got sick and tired of the whole drama at some point. Near damned walked away with what I had left.” He added, getting on his feet and adjusting his outfit.

Asher laughed, a genuine laugh. ” I had to do what I had to do. We can’t have you losing money after my promise or disappoint your faith in me.” He said, happy to converse with the one person who showed true loyalty in these trying times.

” Don’t be in a hurry to speak, there’s a long way to go in replenishing my money and getting this baby back in shape.” He reminded him. ” Seeing you are a newly-married man, I hope that wouldn’t be a problem.”

Asher nodded, having nothing to say to his little insinuation. Despite the good relationship he shared with the old man, he knew when it came to business and money, no one remembered how good or great their rapport or relationship was. In other words, relationships in this side of his world went as far as the money went.

And he wasn’t stretching it. That was a simple truth.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

” My job here is done. I look forward to the immediate resume in business.” He said and walked out of the room, not sparing a glance back.

Subsequently, the others made attempts to leave but were hindered by Asher.

” Don’t be in a hurry. We have a lot to address, this is a crucial meeting.” He said, daring anyone to move with his eyes. When everyone settled, he began; ” First, this is a new dispensation, and as such, new rules shall be stipulated.” When Asher caught the look of fear and discomfort from the majority of the employees, he added, ” Calm down, that is a fact that would in time be communicated. One thing is pertinent though, You’ve all been reduced to the role of acting heads till further notice. That is, till I can trust you again.”

The entire room was silent. They didn’t even refute the claims, knowing the bipolar personality of Mr. Braxton, it was risky to go against him, especially in such a sensitive time and period. Not when he was itching to make full use of his power.

But of course, there was one stupid enough to ask the forbidden question.

” Why?” A voice suddenly squeaked, surprising everyone by the sheer audacity. The man in question resembled one who peed his pants. He didn’t realize he asked aloud. ” I mean, I was just-” He tried to rectify the situation to no avail. Words suddenly failed him.

” Don’t fear, a wonderful question by the way. The sudden demotion is because, at the thick of these trying times, you all failed to prove your worth. Until I’m confident in your ability to deliver, you all shall remain acting heads. Failure to prove your capabilities within a certain period would result in the permanent loss of your positions and the election of new and capable hands.” Asher spoke with an air of authority. ” Until then, Get to work and lest I forget, not a word leaves the room.” He ordered and immediately left the meeting, leaving everyone shell-shocked and determined to retain their posts with triple the work they did to get it beforehand.


Emma was seated in the car, looking out the windows as they drove past the city. As they took the familiar route back home, she couldn’t help but ponder the fact she was a married woman. It was a lot to take in, and she tried to wrap her head around it all during her alone time.

This morning, she was Emma Steele, the famous dead lady but now, somehow, she became Emma Braxton, the new lady, and wife of Asher Braxton. It all felt like a dream, one she felt conflicted as to whether she liked or not. It felt like her entire life had been reborn, transformed, and changed.

She now had the ammunition to destroy her enemies, just a matter of time before her grand plan got launched. Emma felt the car slow down and noticed they were in front of Asher’s home. Better still, her home for the next two years. The gates swung open and the car drove in, Emma could see a figure of Mrs. Adams, standing outside the house, waiting patiently while the car slowed to a stop.

” Welcome home, Mrs. Braxton.” She said, as soon as Emma stepped out of the car.

Once again, Emma felt dumbfounded. As a result of its lack of expectancy, shock-induced hiccups followed, causing Mrs. Adams to immediately usher her in.

” Here’s your water,” she handed Emma a cup of chilled water. ” Are you okay, Mrs. Braxton?” She asked, nearly causing her to choke on the water handed over to her.

” Not you too, Mrs. Adams.” Emma expressed, tired of being addressed by the Braxton family name. ” Emma will do, just Emma.” She added.

” I’m sorry but Emma wouldn’t do it. We have certain protocols and rules of conduct, please allow us to obey them.” Mrs. Adams explained with a pleading voice. Emma could tell she was in no wise referring to herself, but to the others that she represented.

Just what contract did they sign that made Asher so untouchable and undefiable? Even in his absence, they all swore their allegiance to him and displayed an out worldly amount of dedication, faith, and commitment. Honestly speaking, she envied that.

Emma’s silence was taken as compliance and Mrs. Emma continued. ” We have also been instructed to take you out for a trip to the mall. Unless you prefer to go in your current attire, you are advised to change into something more comfortable.”

” A trip to the mall? I don’t think there’s space for any more clothing, I already have an overflow which I’m yet to use so it’s an easy No.” She said, heading towards her room.

” You must understand that as the wife of Asher Braxton and a new family member, you are expected to look your best every second of the day. Unfortunately, those brands of clothes are nowhere near fitting enough for your use as Mrs. Braxton.”

Emma was unreasonable, ” I still don’t get the point, You’d rather we go out and get new pairs to add to the abundance stacked in the closet?” She asked, looking upwards.

” Exactly my point. Kindly be ready. We will move in a few minutes.” With that, Emma prepared herself, all the while thinking why a change of wardrobe was needed. Not like she had some big closet anyway. Unknown to her, she was in for a huge surprise.

Emma got inside her room, took a quick bath, and immediately prepared herself for the impending trip. She needed it anyways, after the day she had, a little time out was needed. As much as Emma didn’t feel up to the task of shopping, she wanted some time to think about her newly found situation. Her benefits and how to position herself for success was her utmost priority.

There was no time to waste.


Mrs. Adams and Emma soon arrived at the mall, they both had dark rims on, making it hard to identify them in the sea of people, arriving and ready to shop.

Emma felt a headache at the thought of having to get through the day. She was reminded of the reasons why she preferred to do her shopping from the comfort of her home. Being a majorly indecisive person when faced with an abundance of options, walking into a store was a chore she never willingly indulged in.

” We have options, do we begin with the beautiful outfits or would you love to shop for more personalized products beforehand? Mrs. Braxton.” Emma was brought out of her reverie by the voice of Mrs. Adams.

” Personal?” She asked, her eyebrows were twitched in confusion.

” For example, would you prefer we shop for your perfect scent?”

” You mean perfumes?” She asked,

” Exactly.”

Emma shrugged, showing agreement, that was a fairly easy place to start after all. What could go wrong?

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