One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 50 – A model extraordinaire!

Emma was in the middle of her room dressed in a beige fitted gown. Mrs. Adams, accompanied by some maidens, attacked her voluminous hair from every angle.

” I think it’s better laid down.” One of the maids said.

” No. Then her beautiful cheekbones wouldn’t be prominent. Let’s throw it up, a messy bun?” The other suggested.

” I think it’s best to seek the opinion of the one who gets to rock the hairstyle, don’t you think?” The ever-regal Mrs. Adams opined, effectively shutting them up. ” What do you think darling? It’s your show after all.” She added, seeking input from Emma who was now seated on a stool facing a vanity mirror.

Emma wasn’t too keen on having her hair down. Due to the formality of the meeting she was headed to, she didn’t feel like having anything be a bother or a form of discomfort to her.

” A bun will do.” She said politely.

” You heard the queen, get to work, we have a few minutes tops.”

With that, they immediately got to work and in two minutes a flawless bun was produced.

” Here, they go beautifully with your outlook.” Mrs. Adams said, handing her a rosy gold designer clutch.

” Thank you.” Emma took a look at herself and wondered if she was the same person. She looked so beautiful, confident, and hella rich. Maybe it was a prediction of her future, she was about to hit it big after all, and she was just a signature away.

” Perfect, Mr. Braxton is requesting your presence, shall we?” Mrs. Adams regained her professional outlook, ready to escort her to the Boss’s chambers.

Emma moved forward, indicating her readiness. It was now 6:30 am, and the sun was beginning to rise from the west, causing light streaks to stain the hallways they walked through. While Emma headed toward the direction of Asher’s study, she was brought back by a tug on the arm.

” This way.” Mrs. Adams said, sporting a smile and leading her in the other direction. Emma soon realized what was going on. She was being taken to his bedroom. How did she know that? It was the forbidden part of the house. A place she avoided ever since that night. How could she forget her infamous walk of shame?

” Should I be scared?” She asked, wondering why they couldn’t sign the contract in a place less private.

” Everything should make sense in a few minutes, Ms. Steele.”

‘ And we are back to the use of formalities.’ Emma thought, inwardly rolling her eyes. She hated the fact that when it came to things that she needed intel, Mrs. Adams found a way to make their relationship professional. It was clear in those times exactly whose side she was on.

” Yeah, that makes me less anxious.” She said under her breath. Her words dripped sarcasm.

” You must understand I am merely a worker. There are some things I, unfortunately, do not have the right to disclose, please do well to understand Ms. Steele.” Mrs. Adams said with an air of finality. ” Have a wonderful day.” She added and only then did Emma realize they were in front of the devil’s lair.

Emma didn’t know what to say. She ended up giving a brief nod while Mrs. Adams returned the way they came. Within one second, she regretted her little episode. She poured out her frustrations on the one person who was on her side, and for what? She was only doing her job!

At that moment, she made up her mind to apologize after the entire fiasco. She had enough enemies to last a lifetime and wasn’t too keen on creating anymore. Emma looked at the hard door before her, getting up the momentum to knock on the door. After some seconds, she realized she wouldn’t ever be ready to face him and decided to skip the preparations and get to the job.

‘ knock knock!’This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Before Emma could go in for the next round of knocking, the door opened, revealing the sexiest man alive. The sight of Asher was something she hadn’t prepared for. How could one be that hot?! It should be a crime punishable by law!

Asher was dressed beautifully, he looked like someone who stepped out of a style magazine. A model extraordinaire. His effortless and natural beauty put her to shame. At that moment, she realized that wherever they were headed, she was going to be the backdrop. If she signed off two years of her life to him, it was as good as relegating two years of her life to being a backdrop; rather, to feeling like a backdrop.

” Took you long enough. Come in.” Asher said with a smirk, understanding she wasn’t near ready to speak.

Emma grew crimson. He caught her checking him out. Of course, he did! She couldn’t even take her mouth off the floor. Two steps in and she already felt like running away. How on earth was she going to survive the next two years of her life?

” I wasn’t checking you out.” She replied, shocking herself and amusing Asher.

” Yeah right.” He said, directing her to a couch in his bedroom.

” I’m serious, I just.. just didn’t know you had such a wonderful room.” She excused herself, not having the guts to look him in the eye and regretting mentioning it in the first place.

” Emma. I don’t recall this being your first time in my room.” His voice was thick and accented, ” Neither do I recall saying anything about your blatant and offensive act of sexualizing me.” He added.

Emma nearly blew a vein. ” S-sexualizing y-you?”

” You are lucky I don’t look too bad on my future wife being very appreciative of me, else, you wouldn’t be here, arguing with me.” He said, taking a seat adjacent to her.

” I have no idea what you are talking about. Moving on?” Emma said, already feeling uncomfortable with the topic in its entirety.

” Yes, moving on… The contract is ready. But, there are some conditions I’d like to inform you about before we proceed.” He said, straightening his leg.

Emma felt confused. She didn’t expect anything of this sort. Surely, if he had serious reservations, he ought to have tabled the situation when they had that discussion. What if she didn’t agree to his options? Did it mean she stressed herself over nothing? She was a hundred percent freaking out!

” Calm down, Emma. You look like a fish out of water.” Asher remarked amusedly. ” They are fairly easy options, as opposed to your over-the-top conditions.”

” First, my conditions were anything but over the top. I just wonder why we didn’t settle this before now.”

” What’s wrong with settling it now?” He asked, feigning confusion.

” I’d very much appreciate being made aware of your conditions before the deal is before me, Asher.” She said with a tick to her tone.

” I love the sound of my name coming from your mouth. Wondered if I was ever going to hear it.” He replied smugly.

” This isn’t a joke, Mr. Braxton. I’d like to be taken more seriously.” Emma didn’t like how she felt. He was playing mind games, blowing hot then cold. How was she supposed to focus?

” I couldn’t take you for granted.” He said with seriousness, confusing her the more.

” Okay, enough of the chit-chats, can we get to the point.” She requested, ready to dive into the business that mattered.

Asher pushed a copy of the contract toward her before speaking. ” Enclosed in that contract is everything you requested, the focal point of our arrangements, and a few more additional clauses.” He explained, taking the form of a refined businessman. ” In order not to waste our time, I’ll go ahead to list them; You are to fully take on the role of a dutiful wife for the duration of this agreement. In other words, you get to pose as my wife when needed and do the needful as the first lady of Braxton International. Do you agree?” He asked, every form of unseriousness eradicated from his persona.

Emma pondered the clause for a moment. She couldn’t possibly shy away from the responsibilities that came with the setting. As much as she was in it for the money, if she had to fulfill certain obligations to make the money worthwhile, then she was game. It was a transaction. Give and take.

” I agree.” She said, ” and a friendly reminder, I have no idea what it means to be first lady.” Emma tried but failed to hide the smile on her face. Pfft, first lady indeed!

” That isn’t a problem, thorough lessons can be arranged to educate you on the art of being my wife.” He assured her.

At his words, Emma turned crimson. Only Asher Braxton prepared lessons that enabled one to fit in the position of his wife!

” You had two conditions. What’s next?” She asked, trying and failing to hide her rose-colored cheeks.

The entire room turned cold. Emma beheld the frightening countenance of Asher and wondered if she said the wrong thing.

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