One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 45 – Why did she stupidly walk away from her landlord?!

Before the crack of dawn, Asher left the house with a bandaged palm. He drove his SUV out of the house, headed to a park he frequented as a child.

After spending some time at the park, thinking and doing nothing in particular, he got up, hopped in his car and headed to work. Contrary to popular belief that he’d stay hidden until the ruckus on air and his failure dissipated, when he got to the office grounds, controversy ensued.

As usual, people greeted him as he walked past, a few of them happy to see him while others sneered and leered as soon as he was past them.

Due to his public failure, people who usually kissed his feet weren’t eager to do so anymore and spent their time analyzing the possible reasons why he’d shamelessly shown up.

Asher was undeterred and continued with his business. He had no plan whatsoever but his spirit willed him to bury himself into work despite having less than forty eight hours to turn the tides around.

In the short while he’d been out of seat, a lot of things were stoked and pending the approval of the CEO. A job no one saw the need to inform him or request his attention. Thereby leaving the job unattended to.

Why wouldn’t Braxton International experience such a backtrack? It was inevitable with the level of lackadaisical approach and nonchalance. Everything was coming to an end though, it was only a matter of time and he was going to put everything in place.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Emma woke up. With a glance to the clock, which read half past nine, she jolted from bed and felt wide awake. She couldn’t believe she slept in!

After spending the night thinking of her next step if she was to leave the mansion, she finally got a moment of closed eye which somehow metamorphosed to hours of sleep.

Emma felt her heart quicken at the sound of someone knocking on the door. It was that time! She was definitely about to be ejected from the house and she wasn’t even prepared. Where does she go from here? Why did she stupidly walk away from her landlord?!

” Are you still asleep dear?” Mrs Adams voice said from behind the door. More knocks followed.

” Um.. Yes Mrs. Adams! Just a minute!” She yelled back, totally freaking out.

” Are you dressed? I have company.”

Oh God…oh God.. oh God…

” Can you give me a few minutes?! I’m still.. um.. dressing! Yes! Dressing!”

” Okay. we’ll be back in a few, okay?”

” Great! ”

Oh snap…

Emma rushed into the bathroom and had the quickest bath she’s ever had. That man was surely furious at her. They even got people to assist in moving her out! Not that she planned to prove stubborn anyways. She wanted to go peacefully, start up a new life as someone else and just live.

Was that too much to ask for? Why did her life always seem to take the worst route?

Emma got out of the shower and immediately threw on some clothes. Some very expensive, luxurious and new clothes. When she saw the price tag, she near damned choked on her own spit.

That was hella money! If she laid hands on such an amount, she could turnover the events of her life and begin a new chapter. Void of every kind of traumatic experience.

Having prepared herself, Emma soon realized that she had nothing to pack. She didn’t have any luggage or property to claim as hers while she exited the property. That realization felt freeing yet pathetic.

She didn’t have anyone or anything to call her own. She was all alone without a single penny or person to lean on. The thought of leaving such comfort and stability into uncertainty left a disturbing feeling within her.

Like Hulu, at that moment, the knocks returned. ” Are you alright, Ms. Steele? ” Mrs. Adams called out again.

Emma felt a wave of nostalgia hit her. It’s been so long since she was referred to by that name, Steele. At this point, she wasn’t even sure she was a true Steele. Her family name had been hijacked by scheming women as a result of her father’s decisions.

It felt infuriating to totally alienate herself from a name her parents once wore with pride and dignity because of some of them. They had successfully succeeded in making her hate and totally abhor the very name that was part of her essence.

Emma had reached a point in life where she refused to bear that name unless it’s been purged of the evils that resided within.

Until she was able to take back her name and rights, she decided to abandon that name and build up herself as one influential enough to take back what belonged to her.

The journey of a thousand steps, they say, begins with a step. A step she was yet to gather the strength to take.

” Are you in there?!” Mrs Adams was panicking. ” Open the doors! I don’t feel good about –

Emma opened the door, fully dressed and sporting an awkward smile.

” No need to bulldoze your way in..” She said with a small voice. ” I’m ready. I only just realized I didn’t necessarily bring any luggage with me so…”

” I was scared for a moment back then. You look beautiful dear.” Mrs. Adams said, lightly placing a finger on Emma’s jaw. ” Come on in guys!” She said loudly, briefly startling Emma who wasn’t expecting such loudness.

Emma’s mouth fell to the floor when she saw a herd of men carrying in a lot of boxes into her room. So much that there wasn’t room enough to freely accommodate them.

” W-what’s going on?” She asked, blinking confusedly.

” You, my dear, are having your room upgraded! Seeing you are very much in health, there’s a need to make this place more habitable. You know what I mean? Add the necessary things and give it a personal touch and homey feel. It’s good you are all dressed, your input will be valued as they set up the place.” Mrs. Adams narrated. ” Hey! Watch that, it’s made of glass.” She said, warning someone that nearly tripped over with an expensive, one in a million flower vase.

” I don’t understand. You need my input, for what? I’m no interior designer.”

” Come-on! Get to unboxing already, we have a lot to cover. Set up the bed first!” Mrs. Adams ordered, resuming her role as the housekeeper. ” Oh yeah, you could play interior designer.” She said to Emma, absentmindedly.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

” Okay. I need to speak to you because I don’t have an idea of what in the world you are saying.”

Mrs. Adams had her mind focused on the job, throwing orders here and there as regards the entire project. Thereby paying little to no attention to Emma’s reservations.

” The TV should go directly opposite the bed. The painting should be flawless and wholesome

” Mrs. Adams! ” Emma called with a loud voice, frustrated at the lack of control over the entire situation. Silence followed, making her realize just how loud she must have been. Now, all eyes were on her, including Mrs. Adams who barely hid her amusement. ” A word. Please?” She said in a small voice, turning red from embarrassment and hurriedly stepped out of the room.

” Go on, give me a moment.” Mrs. Adams rectified and followed suit while the job continued.

On getting out, she met Emma relaxed on the walls by the side of the hallway with her palms over her face. No doubt beating herself over the little stunt earlier.

When Emma heard someone clear their throats, she was made aware of the presence of another. She immediately looked up, met the stern face of Mrs. Adams and immediately concluded she was upset as a result of her rude approach in a bid of getting attention.

” I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to disrespect you, I was just so confused and out the loop and you weren’t answering so I just –

” Take a deep breath. It’s okay.” Mrs. Adams brought Emma’s apologies to an end with a hand on her shoulder. ” I admit I was a tad bit too invested in the whole thing that I ignored you. I’m sorry for that. looking at you back then, I realized just how worried and confused you felt to have reacted with such. I’m sorry.”

Emma was rendered speechless. When she came out, she didn’t know what to expect but it surely wasn’t this. She was so used to always being in the wrong and having to apologize for things she didn’t even know about that when she received an apology, she didn’t know what to do with it.

” Keep your mouth closed, dear. That’s not a good look.” Mrs. Adams tutted amusedly. Emma was pure entertainment. ” I know you have a lot to ask, tick tock.” She reminded her.

” Oh.. yeah! That is…um… why am I still here?” Emma asked with difficulty. Her confusion was crystal clear.

” Is there a problem? You don’t like it here? The room is being upgraded for you, whatever you need, just say it and it’ll be done.”

” No. You don’t get it. Why is the room being upgraded when I’ve been asked out?” Emma’s voice was clearer than before.

” Except you want to leave, which I sincerely hope you don’t, I’ve been given direct orders from Mr. Braxton to ensure your total comfort and stay in the house.”

” W-what? B-but I walked out on him. So w-why?”

” Glad to know someone has attempted walking out on the boss and lived to tell the story. If that is all, I need to return to my job…”

Emma stood stupefied while Mrs. Adams returned to her job with a smile. Surely, things were about to get interesting.

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