One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 26 – Why share when you can have it all?

” You have twenty minutes tops to get in and out of here. Everything is set! Where the fuck are you?!” The man spoke with gritted teeth outside the doors of Emma’s room.

He was losing patience. In no distant time, his colleagues were going to show up and that was going to be a disaster. He was beginning to regret his actions but upon remembering just how much he stood to gain in the business, every form of regret vanished away.

He contemplated leaving the good behind and running for it but he needed to be sure that the girl was rightly delivered. It had to be a clean job so he could successfully break out and leave the country.

With the money he stood to gain, he was guaranteed of a life of wealth moving forward and that was all the conviction he needed. Knowing the situation of things in the gang, he knew if he didn’t act quickly, he was going to be left with the littlest share of whatever that was delivered.

Why share when you can have it all?

Gusto was one of the newest intakes of the little gang. After a life of hopping foster homes and settling in the streets, it wasn’t odd that he got into some kind of trouble and became a part of the gang which saved him from being killed.

As much as he was grateful and lived his life as a part of the family, he longed to make money and live a life of maximum comfort. He had a lifelong dream to live on a self owned island somewhere across the seas.

He believed he wasn’t made for a life of crime or struggle. All his life, with everything he did, he hoped to one day hit it big and commence his lifelong dream. A dream which had led him into making terrible decisions in life and at some point near damned lose his life.

Everything was finally coming into place though. He had finally seen an opportunity out of the shitty life he led. An opportunity to finally leave behind his former life and embrace a new reality. His new reality.

The only downside was the fact that it came at the expense of others. He had to do a lot of selfish things in order to achieve his goal. There was collateral damage but it was a price he believed everyone had to pay for his dream to be fulfilled.

Emma was inside, panicking. She’d heard his words and no doubt she knew that whatever it was coming, was coming to retrieve her. The frightening side of it was that she could feel it wasn’t good news.

She felt a bile in her throat thinking about what was going to happen in the next twenty minutes. She wondered what was worse, living knowing that she could be either abandoned or saved by her family or being sold into the unknown.

For the first time ever, she picked her family. Emma had a phobia for the unknown. She held hopes which helped her get through life circumstances but this case was different because she could tell that luck wasn’t on her side.

Whatever her abductor was trying to do to her, she knew it was going to be bad. Why? Because he was doing it behind the others. Whatever he was doing to her was probably so vile that his cohorts weren’t on board, leading him to taking matters in his hands.

What if he wanted to harvest her organs? Sell them for money. She thought fearfully and at that moment, Emma heard the feet of multiple men stomping their way up. Overcome with fear, she hoped it was the others but within her, she could sense an unmistakable feeling of rising dread.

She needed to get out and fast. It was a matter of life and death. Emma once again went round the sealed shut room and made fruitless attempts to escape. It was a terrible feeling staying still while waiting and anticipating your demise.

Maybe not demise in its real sense but apparently something that was no doubt going to hurt in more ways than one. One thing was certain, she didn’t like pain. She’s experienced a whole lot of it while growing up and it wasn’t pretty.

” Where is she?” The voice of a man asked and the next thing she heard made her almost piss her pants.

” She’s in there. Hurry up! There isn’t any more time! They would be here any minute now. Where’s the money? ”

” You don’t get to ask for shit if we don’t have the girl in our hands!”

” Okay! Easy big guy…I’ll show you.” He said and the next minute, the doors flew open and a shaky Emma was brought to the sight of a group of five men.

One was very familiar but the rest were totally unrecognizable. Not even by voice.

‘This must be them!’ Emma thought fearfully as she watched in silence, preparing for their next move.

” She’s the one. Grab her. ”

A macho man said to no one in particular and three others rushed into the room and grabbed her.

” Leave me alone! No! Let me be! ” Emma screamed in utmost fear. Struggling to break free from the stronghold of the two men that held her by the arm.

” Your money is out there. Nice doing business with you. But I must warn you, say a word about this to anyone and you’ll be sorry.” The man said to Gusto who in turn gave a bow and headed on his way, not sparing a word or glancing back at her.

” Don’t go! Please! Help me! ”

Gusto was in a haste. He headed straight to the makeshift office in the abandoned house, ransacked the area and took out every valuable document and material.

The Steele’s were very important people. He needed enough ammunition to cover his back in case they came after him. He wasn’t stupid and before going on with this mission, he took time to do thorough research on the pros and cons.

No doubt, the pros out stood the cons in many ways. Another reason why he chose to embark on it. After gathering everything he needed, Gusto fled the place with a bag and disappeared into the woods.

Meanwhile, Emma was bundled into a car while she cried hopelessly to be let off. The men, turning deaf to her pleas, continued on their journey to God knows where.

It was then Emma really understood how far away from civilization she was. How far away she was for anyone to find. If she died or got lost, she was going to be lost forever. Away from everything she knew and lived for.

Squashed I’m the middle of two giant sized men, there was only so much she could do. She watched in silence as they moved further away. The silence was broken by a call and before she could realize what was happening, her mouth and hands were being restricted by the men seated beside her.

Something was terribly wrong!

The man seated on the passenger’s seat of the car proceeded to answer the call.

” Boss.” He greeted, using a respectful tone. No doubt, whoever was on the other end of the call was no ordinary person. They were all under that person.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Emma tried her best to listen in but she couldn’t. The walls beside her made it hard to listen correctly. Not to talk of the fact she was barely managing to maintain her sanity.

” Yes boss. Everything shall be as planned.” He spoke again and this time around Emma was desperate and straining her ears to hear something, something that could put her at ease.

Unfortunately, the last line she managed to hear did nothing but worsen the situation. Making her wish she hadn’t heard such in the first place. How could she reconcile such words to mean something positive?

Emma watched her life flash before her eyes. She never believed it was going to be her last day on earth. Who would have thought? She was gone so soon, too soon.

” Take care of her. Make no mistakes.”

Those Words repeated in the mind frame of Emma. Words that could only mean one thing. She was about to be assassinated. She was being driven to her death!

Like a home video, the car slowed to a stop where an abandoned park was situated and together, a weeping Emma was dragged out of the car and thrown roughly on the floors.

Before she could manage to let out a plea, a series of blows and kicks rained on her petite frame that she struggled to breath and get out from their midst.

No such luck as she was tied and couldn’t speak. The men continued their assault, beating her until she was a bloodied and whimpering mess. Emma was near death but the instructions were clear. Soon enough, she was unrecognizable and unconscious.

They immediately picked her up and placed her in the boots, ready to begin the next phase of their duty.

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