Once, my paranoid love

That’s my daughter

“Babe,” Derek murmured, reaching for Elena’s hand, but she seemed oblivious to his presence.

In the midst of the shocking encounter with the man who bore an uncanny resemblance to Paul, her mind was caught in a whirlwind of emotions.

“Paul,” Elena unconsciously murmured, her voice a fragile whisper, carrying the weight of memories that surged to the surface.

Concern etched on his face, the man who had triggered this unexpected cascade of memories attempted to offer Elena a glass of water.

However, upon hearing her utter Paul’s name, he paused, a momentary flicker of understanding crossing his features.

“Sorry, ma’am,” he uttered with a gentle sincerity.

“Babe,” Derek murmured, reaching for Elena’s hand, but she seemed oblivious to his presence. In the midst of the shocking encounter with the man who bore an uncanny resemblance to Paul, her mind was caught in a whirlwind of emotions.

“Paul,” Elena unconsciously murmured, her voice a fragile whisper, carrying the weight of memories that surged to the surface.

Concern etched on his face, the man who had triggered this unexpected cascade of memories attempted to offer Elena a glass of water. However, upon hearing her utter Paul’s name, he paused, a momentary flicker of understanding crossing his features.

“Sorry, ma’am,” he uttered with a gentle sincerity, realizing the emotional depth of the situation.

Derek gently intervened, “Elena, try to take a deep breath.”

Elena’s POV.

Those blue eyes-the windows to a thousand shared moments, whispered secrets, and unspoken promises-I would never forget.

The haunting familiarity paralyzed me, and for a moment, the world seemed to dissolve into a surreal tableau of past and present colliding.

“It’s him, De-Derek. I’m sure it’s him,” I gasped, the words catching in my throat as I struggled for breath. The shock of the encounter with the man who bore an uncanny resemblance to Paul left me breathless, caught in the tangle of emotions.

Paulina, sensing the tension, approached with innocent concern, saying, “Mo-ma.”

“Come here, sweetie,” Derek said, gently guiding her away.

Derek, always quick to diffuse tension, turned to the man and apologized, “I’m sorry my wife mistook you for someone.”

The man, understanding the gravity of the situation, responded with a sympathetic nod, “No problem at all.”

“Nooo, that can’t be,” I stammered, my voice trembling with the weight of disbelief and the resurgence of emotions long buried.

“Calm down, honey,” Derek urged, his voice a steady anchor attempting to ground me amidst the swirling tempest of emotions.

“Excuse me,” Derek began, addressing the man with a measured tone, “could you kindly leave us alone for a while?”

“Yes,” the man answered, nodding. He added, “I think your baby is a bit scared to witness this. May I take her with me for a minute?”

Derek, torn between protecting Paulina and managing the emotional storm within the room, paused to consider the request. After a thoughtful moment, he nodded in agreement.

“Sweetie, can you take me to look around?” the man gently requested as he approached Paulina.

Paulina instinctively wrapped her small arms around Derek’s neck. Her innocent gesture was both a plea for comfort and a reflection of the impact that the unfolding emotional storm had on her tender understanding.

“Go with him, baby. I’m sorry, but I have to stay with your mother,” Derek gently instructed.NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

Paulina reluctantly released her embrace and followed the mysterious man.

As they departed, a hushed murmur enveloped the space, drawing the attention of onlookers. Sensing the gathering crowd, that man, in an attempt to shield us from prying eyes, discreetly advised people not to linger around.

In the midst of the encroaching chaos, I clutched Derek’s shirt, my hands fisted tightly as if grounding myself in the tangible reality of the present.

Closing my eyes, I pressed my face into Derek’s chest, seeking solace amidst the storm of emotions.

“He’s Paul, I’m sure of it,” I whispered, the words escaping in a hushed breath.

The memories that had long slumbered in the recesses of my mind now surged forth, resurrecting the vivid image of Paul-the same blue eyes, the familiar smile that had once been the happiness and sadness of my world.

How could I have forgotten his stare? His blue eyes, his smile… I would never forget.

“Derek, I’m sure he’s Pa-,” I started, my words hanging in the air, but Derek interrupted with a gentle yet firm assertion, “Elena, Paul is no longer with us.”

His words sliced through the tumult of emotions, a stark reminder of the painful reality that had shaped the course of our lives. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes in an attempt to anchor myself in the present.

Yes, my Paul was no longer with us. His departure had left an indelible mark on my heart, a wound that time had failed to fully heal.

“Elena, take a deep breath. If you’re still worried about whom he is, I’ll check into it. I will find out everything I can about him,” Derek reassured.

As Derek held me close, I heard the familiar voice of Paulina.

“Mo-ma,” she called out, dashing towards us. I searched for the man who had taken her away, expecting to find Paulina in his arms, but he was nowhere to be seen.

The realization struck me-Paulina was supposed to be with him.

“Honey, let’s eat something,” Derek murmured, his voice a gentle anchor as he took my hand in his.

While we indulged in the act of eating, I kept a vigilant gaze, scanning the surroundings for any sign of the mysterious man who had seemingly vanished. However, my efforts proved futile. Was he gone? The uncertainty added a layer of unease to the already charged atmosphere.

But as if conjured from the shadows, he appeared once again, interrupting the quietude that had settled after dinner.

“I hope ma’am is fine?” he inquired, his voice breaking the silence.

I stared at him, unable to tear my eyes away. Self-control wavered in the face of the enigma he represented.

“Hello, my name is Derek,” Derek introduced himself, extending a smile that masked the underlying tension.

The man reciprocated with a courteous nod, “My name is Ethan Allen, and I’m the manager of this resort.” He shook Derek’s hand in a gesture of formal greeting.

Upon hearing his name, Ethan Allen, a shiver of recognition tinged with shock coursed through me. I looked down, grappling with the implications of a name that seemed both familiar and distant.

Ethan Allen.

The shock deepened when I processed the revelation that he was the manager of the resort. The room, meticulously arranged to suit my tastes, echoed with a disconcerting truth. If he wasn’t Paul, then how had he orchestrated the details that mirrored my preferences?

As Derek engaged in polite conversation, my mind raced, trying to reconcile the incongruities. How did he arrange all of this if he wasn’t Paul? The intricacies of the room, the choice of flowers, the scent of jasmine-it all pointed to a level of understanding that surpassed the bounds of casual acquaintance.

My gaze shifted from Derek to Ethan, the threads of the enigma pulling tighter with each passing moment.

You may change your name, but you can’t change your passion, which am me. You can’t fool my eyes.

The words formed a whisper in the quiet space, a declaration of recognition that hung between us. I attempted to stand, but Derek’s firm grip on my hand restrained the impulse.

“Meet my wife, Elena,” Derek introduced me, a protective undertone in his voice as he bridged the gap between the past and the present.

Ethan, seemingly composed, gave me a kind smile.

“Hello, Mrs. Elena. I hope you’re doing well now,” he greeted, the words carrying a weight of understanding.

I merely nodded, avoiding direct eye contact, the tumult of emotions roiling beneath the surface. Paulina’s abrupt statement, “My mo-ma cry,” added a layer of vulnerability to the already charged atmosphere.

Suddenly, Ethan knelt down, a gesture both unexpected and disarming. His hand gently touched Paulina’s face as he said, “I apologize if I offended your mother, baby. I’m not going to do that again.”

“Sa…y sorry,” Paulina chimed.

I could feel Ethan’s gaze on me. His acknowledgment of my name, “Mrs. Elena,” resonated in the air, sending a ripple through the quietude.

“I apologize, Mrs. Elena,” he offered.

I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him.

“Love,” Derek whispered, his voice a tender caress as he stroked my hand.

I clutched my dress with both hands.

“Actually, we lost a special one who resembled you,” Derek explained.

“I apologize for your loss, ma’am,” Ethan added, his words a respectful acknowledgment of the grief that permeated the room.

“However, I am not Paul,” he continued.

I’m not going to trust you, you liar. Paul, you’re my Paul. You’re doing this to punish me, right?

The internal turmoil reverberated in the unspoken accusation.

Inhaling deeply, I directed my gaze at Ethan. His eyes, twinkling like stars, held a mysterious allure that defied easy interpretation

“Certainly, Mr. Derek loves Ma’am,” Ethan interjected.

“Yeah, but now she has a competitor,” Derek teased.

“That’s my daughter.”

“However, your daughter has her mother’s beauty,” Ethan remarked, his words slicing through the air with an unexpected intensity.

I felt an inexplicable sting at his comment, as if a hidden vulnerability had been exposed. “Yes, she is,” Derek affirmed.

I didn’t know why but their conversations were pissing me off.

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