Once, my paranoid love

I have no idea

In that charged moment, the dynamics between Anne and Robert had shifted dramatically. The emotional turmoil surrounding Elena’s departure had taken a toll on both of them, and the resulting tension threatened to strain their relationship even further.

Anne, still recovering from the shock of Robert’s earlier outburst, couldn’t help but ask the question that was undoubtedly on her mind.

“What’s wrong with you, Robert?” She inquired, her tone a mixture of concern and bewilderment. She couldn’t fathom why he had resorted to slapping her in the first place.

Robert, however, seemed singularly focused on his own concerns. He ignored Anne’s question and instead pressed forward with his own.

“Where is your son?” he asked, his tone demanding and insistent. It was an unexpected inquiry, and Anne narrowed her eyes as she heard her husband’s words. The timing of his question struck her as exceedingly awkward, given the recent events surrounding Paul.

“I have no idea,” Anne replied quickly, her response tinged with a touch of defensiveness. “He’s probably asleep in his room. Do you need anything?”

Her words came out in a rushed manner, as if she were eager to divert attention away from the subject of Paul.

Robert’s sudden interest in Paul’s whereabouts struck Anne as peculiar. Given the tumultuous nature of their relationship with Paul and the events of the morning, it seemed strange that Robert would be inquiring about him at this particular moment.

As the silence settled between them, Anne couldn’t help but wonder about her husband’s motives.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Robert’s sudden change in demeanor caught Anne off guard. She couldn’t help but be perplexed by his unexpected request, and the smile on his face only added to the strangeness of the situation.

“Yeah, I’m in desperate need of his help,” Robert remarked, his tone surprisingly light. “I’d like him to work at my office.”

Anne’s confusion deepened as she processed Robert’s words. It was bizarre and awkward, especially given the circumstances. She couldn’t understand the point of being so abrupt about this matter, especially after the emotional turmoil of the morning.

“What?” Anne asked, her voice tinged with incredulity. Robert’s request had come out of nowhere, leaving her struggling to comprehend his sudden change of heart.

Without offering any further explanation, Robert simply turned and headed upstairs, leaving Anne to wonder about his motivations and intentions.

‘What exactly is his problem?’ Anne couldn’t help but wonder. Was he distraught because of his daughter’s abandonment? She had expected that after Elena left, Robert might try to persuade Paul to join the family business. It was a possibility that had always loomed on the horizon. However, the timing of this request seemed a little too sudden and out of place.

Anne couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease as she contemplated the situation. Regardless of the reasons behind Robert’s decision, it was clear that he had a desire for Paul to become involved in the family business. But the question that weighed heavily on Anne’s mind was, where had Paul gone?

As Anne thought about Paul’s absence, her face tensed with worry.


As I settled into the car and felt the engine roar to life, a sense of relief washed over me. The view from the window was a welcome sight, a stark contrast to the turbulent emotions and tensions I had left behind.

I had departed from that house, from everyone who had played a role in my life until now, and from the nightmare that had haunted my days and nights. The weight of those burdens had lifted, and in their absence, I found a glimmer of peace.

The journey ahead was a journey of escape, of leaving behind a past that had brought me pain and heartache. It was a journey towards a future that held the promise of freedom, independence, and a chance to reclaim my own life.

As the car sped along the road, I couldn’t help but contemplate Paul. What was he doing at this very moment? Perhaps he was still asleep, unaware of the seismic shift that had occurred in my life. I couldn’t help but wonder what his reaction would be when he discovered my absence.

But I harbored doubts that he would ever find me. I knew all too well the influence and control his mother had over him. It was highly unlikely that she would divulge my whereabouts, and without her cooperation, he would remain in the dark.

The thought of escaping Paul’s grasp filled me with a sense of liberation. I could finally breathe without the weight of his presence suffocating me. The prospect of sleeping peacefully in my own bed, undisturbed by his toxic influence, was a comforting thought.

The road ahead was uncertain, and I was aware that challenges would undoubtedly arise. But for the first time in a long while, I felt a glimmer of hope. I was taking control of my own destiny, breaking free from the chains that had bound me, and embarking on a journey towards a future of my own making.

As I gazed out of the car window, the world beyond seemed to stretch out before me, full of possibilities and opportunities. The past was fading into the rearview mirror, and with every passing mile, I was leaving behind the nightmares of yesterday and moving towards the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

The sudden halt of the car jolted me from my contemplation. I had been lost in thought, reflecting on the journey I had undertaken, and the reality of my new circumstances came rushing back as Mr. Obin’s voice broke through my reverie.

“Ma’am, we’ve arrived,” Mr. Obin announced, his voice carrying a sense of formality and purpose. “Please follow me.”

I nodded in response, my heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. I couldn’t help but cast a quick glance around at my new surroundings.

In just a matter of minutes, I would become someone’s wife, someone I had never met or even spoken to. The uncertainty of what lay ahead loomed large in my mind, and I couldn’t shake the feeling of stepping into the unknown.

The building, with its polished facade and bustling surroundings, was a stark contrast to the life I had known until now. For the first time in my life, I had no idea what I was putting myself into.

My heart and mind felt burdened, though I couldn’t pinpoint the exact source of my unease. A solitary tear trickled down my cheek as I closed my eyes, allowing the emotions to wash over me. In the stillness of that moment, it was as though the weight of my past and the uncertainty of my future converged.

When I closed my eyes, Paul’s face immediately appeared in my thoughts. Despite the tumultuous history between us, his image brought a bittersweet smile to my lips. I brushed away the errant tears that had escaped my silent acknowledgment of the complex feelings that still lingered within me.

With a deep breath, I stepped out of the car, my resolve to face the unknown firm in my heart. I chose to follow Mr. Obin, trusting that this path I had embarked upon held the promise of a fresh start, far removed from the shadows of my past.

Upon my arrival, I observed that everything had been meticulously prepared. The room was arranged with a sense of purpose, as if it had been waiting for this moment to unfold. I took my seat, and the registrar, a figure of authority and significance in this new chapter, placed a stack of papers before me.

Without so much as a glance at the contents, I reached for the pen and began to sign my name. Each stroke of the pen was a deliberate step into the unknown, a commitment to a future that held both uncertainty and possibility.

As the papers were filed away, the weight of this moment settled upon me. The decision to enter into this marriage was one I had made with purpose and determination-a choice to take control of my life and carve a path towards independence. Despite the complexity of my emotions, I knew that this journey was a necessary step towards the freedom and peace I had longed for.

“I think our work is now done,” I said to Mr. Obin, my voice tinged with a mix of emotions.

“Yes, ma’am,” he responded, his tone respectful and professional. He reached for the registration card, ready to hand it over to me as a symbol of the legal bond we had just entered into.

However, I shook my head gently, declining the offered card. The physical representation of this marriage held little significance for me. My focus was on the journey ahead and the challenges and opportunities that awaited me in this new chapter of my life.

“No, thank you,” I said, declining the registration card. It was a small gesture, but it symbolized my determination to embrace this marriage on my own terms, to define it according to my own aspirations and desires.

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