Not Your Mate Anymore

Chapter 40 A New Enemy

Chapter 40 A New Enemy

"Yield what power?" I ask looking between Hunter and this Evan.

"It is better we show you and then you will understand.” Evan says.

Josey gently grabs my hand and I look in to her eyes.

"Sabrina, you knew this day would come. Go, we will stay here and look after dad." Josey says to me and I nod my head.

"Will you come with me?" I ask Hunter.

"I was going to anyway little moon." Hunter says back to me.

Xander pulls me in for a kiss before I disappear with Hunter and Evan.

We arrive at the door of a castle. It was majestic with the big golden double doors, lush greenery surrounding the castle. It was like I jumped in to a fairytale, cue the fairies.

The doors open by themselves as we approach, both Hunter and Evan looked cool which means they have probably been here before. As they briskly walked in front of me, I staggered behind taking in the castles design and decor. Modern with a big dash of medieval, add some pure gold and that's it.

I bumped in to Hunter, not realizing they had stopped to wait for me.

“I'm sorry. Please, keep walking." I say looking between Hunter and Evan. Evan smiles and continues his walk.

Hunter takes my hand and leads me down a passage until we get to another double door. Evan stops to look at me.

"Once we walk in, your power will be awakened involuntarily. Please don't be alarmed by that." Evan warns me.

"Please explain to me why that happens then." I say and he nods his head.

"This is the throne room. Normal people have offices but you get this, a room that connects with your energies to best do your job. Let your wolf guide you through all of this.” Evan says and I nod my head in understanding.

Evan opens the double doors and immediately I'm pulled in by it's magic. It felt like some invisible cord was tied around my mid section and it was pulling me in to the room. Well, me being stubborn, I fought the pull and walked in after Hunter and Evan.

The doors closed behind me and the entire room lit up. Evan led me to a big chair in the middle of the room. When I sat on it, my wolf, Athena took charge. My eyes changed color to show her presence and Evan went down on his knees before her.

“Stand.” Athena tells Evan and he stands up.

"Your serene highness, it is a pleasure to finally meet you and be the first to work under your rule.” Evan says.

“Why am I here?” Athena asks.

"Since the passing of the false goddess, we had to do some clean up work. The elders and I have been running ship by your father's command until you are ready to take charge. However, two packs are at war. They have been for some time now as Ethia, gave the two alphas the same mate.

The lady chose the one alpha but fornicated with the other and bringing a baby in to the world. The child is in danger as both alpha's found out just after their mate went on the run." Evan says and Hunter grunts.

"My daughter came here because you cant handle two alphas?” Hunter asks.

“We were handling it until this girl was caught by vampires. We have no eyes and ears with them and they have no heavenly realm as they are monsters of the earth. We need your power to find out if they are still alive before we intervene.” Evan says to me.

"You aware that if this child comes to any harm, a war our wolves are not ready for will take place. The girl is dead but the child lives. I am not sure if the child's pure innocent alpha blood is used as an aphrodisiac or medicine but the child feels weak. Soon, the queen vampire will bite in to him, depositing her venom in to the child. We have to prevent him from becoming a hybrid, thus giving them the idea to create an army with werewolves. Get the warriors ready, we are paying the vampire king a visit." I say and Evan nods his head and walks out of the room.

Athena gives me back full control.

"Do you know Vampires? They have the ability to control minds!" Hunter says to me.

"So do I." I say back.

"They don't have to look in to your eyes to gain control. It's in their voice." Hunter tells me.

"That is why we have these." Evan says handing me two ear pieces.

"We call them ear plugs for the damned. We can all communicate through mind link. Would you like to change in to appropriate attire Your Serene Highness?” Evan asks and I nod my head yes.

He leads me to a door inside the throne room. I walk in to find a closet filled with different outfits for different occasions. I walk around feeling the materials, seeing that they were all in my size. A knock on the door interrupts me but I realize everyone is waiting on me so I quickly put on along sleeve black cotton full body suit, with black combat boots. I leave my hair down to hide the ear plugs.

I walk out and Evan ties around a black belt with multiple pockets around my waist. Inside each pocket is either a weapon or more ear plugs in case I lose the ones I'm wearing.

"In the first pocket we have this ball, throw it anything to start a fire. We use that to burn a vampire body to make sure it stays dead.” Evan says to me and I nod but Hunter steps forward and I shake my head no at him.

"In the second pocket, we have a wooden knife, through the heart works best. In the third pocket we have blood, to lure a vampire and kill them. The last pocket contains ear plugs." He says and I mouth a thank you.

"You are aware your new moon goddess is no imposter right? She has the power of all elements. Fire, water, earth and air. She has no need for weapons.” Hunter says and Evan looks at me.

“I possess those powers but these weapons may come in handy so better safe than sorry. Let's go save our little one.” I say and all the warriors gather around me.

"I will disappear off first, my essence will lead you to me. Feel me out and tread carefully.” I say and Evan nods his head at me.

Hunter and I land in the middle of the forrest. I let Athena take control as I have never encountered a vampire and I've read that those things are super fast and can drain you within seconds.

We wait a few minutes for Evan and the troops. He doesn't let me down as he appears right before me with our warriors.

“Hunter and I will walk in to their territory first. I will demand to see the king. I will find the child's essence and bring her to you. I need you all to remember that I do not need saving, I am immortal. The priority here is this baby, understood?" I say through mindlink.

The warriors and Evan all agree. Hunter and I walk out of the woods and into a clearing.

We didn't walk for long before vampires surrounded us, hissing at us.

"You are trespassing wolves. The forest is right behind you." One vampire says and I smile.

It was beyond freezing here. I am a werewolf but I need to be in my wolf form to be proper warm.

I have a gust of wind push all but one vampire away from Hunter and I.

"Lam here to speak with the king. I am more than willing to kill a few thousand of his subjects if that will get his attention." Athena says.

The vampire male steps closer but I have tree roots come out from the ground and wrap around his ankles to keep him in place.

“Do I need to repeat myself?” Athena asks and the vampire shakes his head no.

“What are you? A witch and a wolf? Loosen the hold and I will tell father I found a bride." He says to me smiling. Hunter growls at him.

The vampire's smile grows even more, revealing his pearly white sharp fangs. I smile too, revealing my four very sharp canines.

"You are a mystery to me. I love a good mystery." He says before breaking the roots with his bare hands.

"Follow me." He says before walking fast and disappearing off in this soon to be snow storm. We continue walking until I feel weird.

It was as if we were surrounded but we couldn't see anyone. Many eyes on us but no sign of anything.

The worst of this is, these blood suckers don't have a heartbeat and they don't breath so trying to nail an exact position of one, was absolute torture and damn near impossible.

"Do you feel that?" Hunter asks me, I could barely hear him with the ear plugs and crazy winds.

"I feel it. Let's play with fire.” Athena says through mindlink before throwing up a ball of fire and having it drop on the ground, forming a circle around Hunter and I.

Vampires were hissing before moving back, clearly afraid of the fire. One tried throwing snow on it but no luck.

"Magic!" The one screamed, running away. We arrived at the steel doors.

A tall man with blonde hair stood in front of the doors. I put the fire out and immediately a vampire came for me from behind but Hunter caught him in time, pulling his head from his body before I lit him up.

It's getting litty here.

We turn around, look at the blonde man like nothing happened.

“I am here to speak to the king. Was that show good enough or do I need to decapitate more vampires?" Athena asks. The tall man smiles and moves out of the way, letting us in the very dreary and spooky castle.

This felt like a scene from a horror movie. I don't do well with those.

‘Be a Klaus damnit!’ Athena says to me and I chuckle.

‘You're the one in control so don't get us killed.’ I say and Athena rolls her eyes.

“Ah I was beginning to think you couldn't keep up." He says to me but my attention went to the blood that was in the whiskey glass in his cold dead hands.

The scent of a pup. This good for nothing vile creature was drinking my child's blood. This was the moon goddess in me.

I want to rip him to shreds for ever thinking this was a good idea.

Hunter growls at him when the scent hits him and I take the glass from him boiling the blood with my hand.

"Hey! If you wanted blood, all you had to do was ask. Now you've gone and ruined it. Who cooks blood? You're a weird one.” He says to me.

“You want wolf blood? Come get mine." I say before growling so loud the entire castle shook.

The scent of the baby wolf had killed my other senses. The minute I growled, the servants in the castle went on their knees, exposing their true nature.

They were werewolves.

"You make my own kind your servants? You think they are beneath you?" Athena asks as the anger in us boils past angry. We were mad!

"We are naturally superior to wolves.” The stupid vampire says to me before smiling at me.

Athena released her power, all of it and Hunter did the same.

A loud, menacing growl comes out of my mouth before I jump on the vampire, pulling his head from his body. The tall blonde man tries to attack me but Hunter decapitated him and throws his body on top of the vampire I just killed. I throw a fire ball on their bodies and walk away.

Following the scent of the pup. It led me up a few stairs, where we had to burn some bodies along the way. Hunter was enjoying this but I wanted that baby and the rest of my wolves out of harm's way before I enact all kinds of vengeance on these bloody shits.

I walk in to a room to see a woman, dressed in regal attire, a burgundy velvet dress that reached the floor, hugging her body in all the right places and a crown covered in diamonds.

She hissed at us but I paid her no mind as she was sitting on the couch, high as a kite from drinking the blood from my poor baby.

When Evan told me about the baby, a vision appeared in my mind. I saw the very same woman, in the very same burgundy dress, sinking her teeth in to the child to have a taste. She didn't drain him completely but instead, left him for dead. Only her venom had entered his system and was beginning the stages of transformation.

I walked up to the baby, picked him up. Hunter gave me his long sleeve shirt to warm him up, I used the time to heal him. Inspecting his body of any bite marks.

He didn't have any as I finished checking, removing the IV drip and needle in his arm. I healed the opening and covered him completely in Hunters shirt. Hunter killed the woman sitting there and I threw a ball of fire at her and the furniture around us before disappearing off and back in the woods to see Evan and the warriors waiting for us.

Athena gives me back control.

"Evan, take this child back to the throne room. I'd like to look at all he has been through before we return him to his father. Take the warriors with you. Hunter and I have a score to settle." I say and Evan nods before disappearing with the baby and the warriors.

I turned to look at Hunter, who was already in his wolf form. I stayed human as we ran back to the castle.

When we get to the clearing, thousands of vampires standing, waiting for us. I smile before disappearing off in to the castle in search of the wolves made servants.

I find one, she was running and I caught her in time.

"Run from this place." I say but she shakes her head no.

"I can't. We can't. Our alpha sold us to the vampire king. If we run, our own pack will kill us. We are better off as servants then dead." She says before shaking out of my hold and running away.

Hunter finds me, and gives me a quizzical look.

"You have created chaos in my castle." A man says. We both turn to him, a very tall lanky man standing before us.

He was almost Hunter's height but he had icy blue eyes and very very pale skin. A true vampire...

"Somebody call the make up artist, we need some blush." I say out loud.

I know, childish.

Sue me.

"You have my wolves as servants.” Hunter says and the lanky man chuckles.

"I bought them. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the alpha from their pack." He says.

"You have been feeding from a newborn baby and don't say you bought that child because you didn't.” I say through gritted teeth.

“Ahh yes. That alpha blood was delicious." He says and Hunter attacks him, acting quickly before lanky man could react. He threw his head at me and I caught it.

I lit the head and threw it at the body on the floor.

"The wolves won't leave." I say and he growls.

"Then we take them by force and pay their alpha a visit.” Hunter says to me. I nod in agreement.

We search the entire castle for the servants, killing vampire after vampire on our search. I decide to torch the castle to lure them all out and it worked.

The servants were all out, hugging each other out of fear.

"Please do not fear. You are werewolves, omegas maybe but werewolves nonetheless. Find the strength to go back to your pack. I will be paying your alpha a visit." I say to them.

“What do we tell our alpha as he will want answers about our return?” One asks me.

"The castle was attacked and all the vampires were killed. If he wants proof, he can come here himself. Now run along." I say and they obey my order.

Another woman wearing a crown runs out, dragging another woman out. A young man right behind them.

If I wasn't on the hate team of vampires I'd consider him insanely handsome. He had blonde hair and was tall and had a well toned body.

His walk was calm, calculating and he had icy blue eyes, like the man Hunter just killed. We locked eyes for a minute before I decapitated a vampire right in front of him.

"Who are you and why are you doing this?" The one woman asks.

"You. Fed. Off. A. Baby." I say again through gritted teeth.

“That was not your child! The mother trespassed on our land.” The other lady says to me.

“Oh but that's where you're wrong. They are my children. The wolves you treat as food and servants are my children. I am a very angry mother right now.” I say before shifting in to my wolf.

"What kind of wolf are you?” The lady asks and I just snarl. Releasing my power before vampires start attacking me. Kill after kill, bodies piling up on top of each other. I hear hunter howl in pain.

I turn to see mr icy blue eyed junior's fangs deep in my fathers throat.

I shift back in to human form. Hunter throws icy blue away but falls to the ground.

The vampire venom.

I turn to look at the man that thought he could attack my father and live to tell the tale. I have three roots wrap around the two women before setting them on fire. The fire travels up the roots, slowly making it's way to the two females. Their screams almost making my ears bleed.

"You dare try to kill my father?" I ask him. Icy blue falls to his knees at the sight before him.

"No. I just wanted one of you to turn in to one of us. To know how our minds work and why we do the things we do. You think that baby was the first? We have been around for centuries and how do you think we have survived this long? When your father transitions, you will understand that the thirst surpasses all logic reasoning and because he is your father, you will not be able to kill him. Just like me, love will paralyze you until your entire family is turned in to blood sucking animals and there is absolutely nothing you can do." He says to me.

“If you have been around for so long, feeding off of babies then that reign ends now. I will personally make sure of it.” I say slowly walking towards him.

He stands up and in a second, in front of me, my chest touching his stomach.

"You are dangerous. So beautiful yet so deadly." He says, I try to move back but he holds me in place.

“Don't move." He says to me and I stoo moving.

I didn't realize my one ear piece had fallen off, or that he had noticed it too.

"You will allow me one kiss, just one very passionate and long kiss." He says. My mind is going crazy as my body leans in for a kiss.

"You killed my family and left me no subjects. I could use my power to kill you right now but I have a feeling you are someone of importance and I will have the werewolf race hunting me down. I will grow an army of thousands and hunt you down, killing your family too as you watch. I will kiss you now.’ He says before kissing me.

It was slow, not rushed. He had soft lips for a dead guy and he didn't taste like blood. I could feel his sorrow, decades and decades of sorrow.

In this kiss he allowed me to feel everything, from his heartbreak to this unusual desire to take me. He was mesmerized by my looks and abilities, having an inner battle to avenge his family or make me his.

I'm not sure if he knew I could feel emotions but he opened up to me with this kiss.

He had so many feelings for someone that had no heartbeat. When he pulled away, I felt empty.

"You have captivated me little one. We will meet again, to avenge my family and for one final kiss before I kill you myself." He says and I smile.

"You may have been around for centuries but I'm not your ordinary wolf.” I say.

“I never thought you were...but i promise you, I will be back to avenge my family.” He says before running off.

I check my ear to see he had placed the ear piece back in my ear. I quickly rush to my father and rush back to Evan.

"What happened?" Evan asks me as I place my father on the floor of the throne room.

"He was bitten." I say and Evan gasps.

He picks him up and rushes out of the room. I follow him as we run around the castle. We walk in to a room where Evan places Hunter on the bed.

An elderly man walks in, bows his head at me and kneels down to inspect Hunter's wound.

"I can extract the venom but we would need to inject it into a live body before it makes it's way back to Hunter. Your Serene Highness, I don't want to speak out of tone here but once this is injected in to another body, we would need to kill that person immediately before they complete the transition." The elderly man says and I look at Evan.

“The blood thirst of a newly turn! vampire is insatiable. They will kill anyone that stands in their way and kill whoever they bite into, draining them empty. We usually find a dying wolf and inject them with it.” Evan says to me and I nod my head.

"How long do I have to make a decision?" I ask looking at the elder. Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

"I need to extract the venom right now before it gets to the heart but you have a couple of hours before the venom makes it's way back to Hunter.” The elder says and I nod my head.

"Find me the alpha that is selling his omegas for profit." I say and Evan nods his head before leaving the room.

"I need to bring my mother here. Hunter will need her." I say before disappearing off back to the hospital.

I walk in to my father's hospital room to find mother, Josey and Xander sitting around my father.

"How is he doing?" I ask as I make my way to sit on Xander's lap.

He hugs me from behind as I sit on him.

"He's still in a coma but I'm trying to talk to his wolf. He's not responding Sabrina." My mother says.

“Well I'm actually here to take you away. Hunter and I ran in to some trouble and he's hurt.” I say and my mother shakes her head no.

"He will heal. Christopher needs me more." She says to me.

"He was bitten mother.” I say and she stands up abruptly.

"I promise to fill you in when I'm back okay?" I say to Xander and he kisses me before I stand up, disappearing with mother back to Hunter's room.

The elder man walks up to me.

"I managed to extract the venom. He will heal very soon, getting his mate was a good call." The elderly man said before bowing his head and walking out.

"What will you do with the venom?” My mother asks me.

"She will inject that evil alpha with it but I have a different idea.” Hunter says as he slowly sits up.

My mother quickly runs to his aid, making him comfortable.

"Don't worry about me. I'm almost back to myself thanks to Sabrina." Hunter says to me and the guilt wraps around my heart.

"I failed you, my ear piece fell out and that prince used it to his advantage!" I say and my dad shakes his head.

"You brought me back in time.” He says and I let out a groan.

"Don't inject the alpha. Wouldn't you rather inject someone you know and trust, have them learn to control their urges and then infiltrate the vampire community?" Hunter asks me.

"I... I would never ask that of anyone." I say.

“There are some calls you have to make as the moon goddess. You need to learn that Sabrina and the moon goddess are two separate entities. The decisions you make as a moon goddess are not to protect Sabrina but for the good of the werewolf community. Where is Anthony to aid you through all of this?"

“I'm not protecting myself, it's just that I trust a handful of people and I can't ask that of them." I say.

"How about we go back to Blue Moon and have a conversation with said handful of people?" Hunter says and I nod my head yes.

I grab the venom and we leave the fancy white double bed hospital room and arrive back at Blue Moon hospital with the very small single beds.

We walk in to my father's room, where Xander and Josey were still sitting but now Cj was with them.

"Hunter? I thought you were wounded.." Josey says and he just chuckles.

“Anthony!” He calls out and Anthony arrives within seconds, with a lipstick covered face and without a shirt.

"Do I even want to know?" Hunter asks and Anthony throws him his winner smile.

"It's not what you think actually. I was experimenting.” Anthony says and we all groan out loud.

"No. Not in that way! Goddess, get your minds out of the gutter.” He says to all of us and I just roll my eyes.

"On to more serious things, we had a very violent meeting with vampires today." I say and Jisey gasps.

“Hunter was bitten and I had to rush him up there. They were able to extract the venom but now I need to find someone to inject this with and kill them before the venom finds it's way back to Hunter." I say holding up the venom in a sealed glass casing.

"How did all of this happen?” Cj asks.

"Vampires were feeding off a newborn baby and we had to save that child before they bit in to him, making him a hybrid and giving the vampires the idea of creating an army that will wipe us all out." I say. Xander pulls me to him, hugging me from behind.

“With the witches premonitions of the vampires waging war on us, Hunter thought it would be a good idea to inject someone I trust with the venom and have them infiltrate the vampire community.” I say.

"Who would that be?" Josey asks and I shrug.

"I can't think of anyone. I don't think it's a good idea anyway. That vampire prince told me that blood means everything to a vampire." I say.

“Although this time, the person will be a hybrid. Half vampire, half wolf. The vampire side will not be the dominant side as inside the body, it will be like a newborn so the wolf will have to take charge.” Hunter says to me.

"I'll do it." Anthony says but I shake my head no.

“Hunter needs you to take over after him and besides you are not of this world." I say.

"Exactly. I'm not easily killed and father has trained me on vampires, I've fought a handful too. I'm the best suited for this job Sabrina." He says to me but I still shake my head no.

“Then I'll do it." Xander says to me.

"I won't always be around, the pack needs you and Adrastos." I say.

"Let me do it. I have powers and I'm the strongest here besides all of you that are from the other world. I'm empathetic and compassionate so you won't have to worry about me killing for sport and my wolf agrees with me." Josey says.

"You need to have a talk with your mates first. If you do this, it will affect all of you.” I say and Josey nods sadly.

"I just know they won't allow it. I just want to be useful, I mean what's the use of having this strength and these powers if I never get to use them?” She says and mother gives her a side hug.

"I think Josey is the perfect one for the job." Hunter interjects.

"She is strong, add the vampire venom and she will be indestructible! Her personality will win people over and those that want to mess with her, will learn the hard way. Give her a chance.” Mother says to me.

"Josey? You're my only sister. I can't lose you.” I say as my eyes glass over.

“You are the moon goddess. I can call out to you at anytime and if I am ever in danger, I will call on you.” Josey says to me, gently taking my hands in to hers.

“l'll check in on her daily." Anthony says.

“Are you sure Josey? Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" I ask looking in to her eyes.

"Yes. I need to do this. I was gifted this strength and these abilities for a reason and I will not waste away playing mate to two alphas who put their lives in danger every chance they get. I was raised different, you know this because you are the woman I want to be. You and Cj have your lives figured out but me? I mean I have two wonderful mates but what about my life? Let me do this. Please let me useful again." Josey says and I pull her in for a hug.

“I will allow it but once a week, you and I will meet and you will fill me in on everything. If I feel that your life is in danger, I'm pulling you out. Okay?" I ask and Josey smiles.

"I promise, I'll be completely transparent. Besides, I've got Anthony who volunteered to spy on me.” She says before hugging me once more.

I honestly don't know how I feel about my sister entering the unknown on her own but I understood her reasoning. She was just a mate right now and she wanted to do something of greater importance as she was still dealing with the loss of her baby.

I'm the moon goddess and Cj was the new alpha of Blue Moon pack.

"When are you changing the pack name Cj?" I ask.

“I'm working on it. Dad and I actually agreed on a new name but you'll have to wait until he wakes." Cj says to me.

Father will wake up to hear that his babygirl is a vampire. The profanities my father is going to throw my way, my goddess I'm in for it.

If this is what Josey wants then I can handle an angry beta father for her. I just don't have mother to calm him down as he knows they are no longer mates.

I'll have to find a way to reverse mother's trickery but for now, my focus was Josey.

My sweet bubbly Josey

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