Not Your Mate Anymore

Chapter 38 It Never Ends

Chapter 38 It Never Ends

Third Person POV

Hunter and Kimberley were having lunch with Xander and his beta when Sabrina stormed in, stomping her feet.

One didn't have to guess if she was angry, it was clearly written all over her beautiful young face.

"Oh no..." Xander says looking at his mate march her way towards them. His beta, Lucas stands up and bows his head when Sabrina walks past him, running out of the room to avoid feeling Sabrina's wrath.

Sabrina stops in front of her father, Hunter and her mother.

"For people trying to play parent, withholding important information is not getting you any points. In fact, you are losing them. How am I supposed to trust any of you if not even one of you can be completely honest and transparent with me?" Sabrina says, folding her arms for that added effect.

Xander stands up to stand beside Sabrina. His face had worry written all over it.

"Sabrina Kimberley Trent, you watch your tone when speaking to your elders young lady." Her mother says and Sabrina let's out a chuckle.

"She is not a Trent!" Hunter says banging his hand on the table but everyone ignored his mini outburst.

"That should be the least of your problems, Kimberly!" Sabrina states, unfolding her arms to put them palm down on the dinner table.

"What is it Sabrina?" Hunter asks, not one sign of emotion on his face.

"I was told that if I go up there, I would meet my true mate. That was not part of the plan! I have a mate that I want, that I love. I want to spend forever with Xander and now this?" Sabrina says, Xander stepping back from her.

He looks at Sabrina's parents and back at Sabrina.

"A true mate?" Xander asked and everyone turned to face him.

"X, I just found out." Sabrina says to Xander.

"Calm down Sabrina. We don't even know if he's alive. Ethia could have killed him." Kimberly says but Hunter rolls his eyes.

"We have our own world there too. Just as the moon pairs you here, we are paired from birth. The minute you were born, your mate was born. That's how we know and that's how it works." Hunter said looking at Sabriba.

He stands up and makes his way to Xander but Xander steps back, his eyes glassy.

"I welcomed you all in my pack. Accepted the drama you all came with because I love Sabrina and Adrastos but this is something else. I would have appreciated some honesty." Xander says.

"That was for Sabrina to figure out on her own." Hunter says, leaving no room for an argument.

"I WOULD HAVE APPRECIATED SOME FUCKEN HONESTY!" Xander shouted, shocking everyone. Since Sabrina met him, he has always been cool, calm and collected but this was not it.

"It never fucken ends with all of you. Who's coming next? A grandfather that wants his throne back? A brother that does not want your son to take over? Is Sabrina's mate going to come here and kill me?" Xander says, running his hand through his hair.

Sabrina was frozen in place. Xander was very angry and this was the first time he was lashing out like this in front of her.

"I want you both out of my house and off my pack grounds in the next 30 minutes." Xander says before walking away.

"We are your superiors boy! You better watch yourself." Hunter says to Xander and Xander scoffs, turning around, walking towards Hunter.

They were standing so close to each other, their noses were almost touching.

"Get. Out. Of. My. House." He says through gritted teeth and walked away.

Hunter and Kimberly turned to face Sabrina. All Sabrina wanted to do right now is chase after her mate but she was not sure if Xander had kicked her out too.

She wouldn't blame him. All she has done is bring chaos in to his life and all he has been is understanding. Was it also wrong that Sabrina was madly turned on by that outburst?

Hunter was too angry by the disrespect shown that he could not pick up Sabrina's enticement but Kimberly knew that look and before Hunter would notice, she disappeared off with him, leaving Sabrina all alone with her thoughts.

Her very wild and guilty thoughts.

A door banging broke her sex train of thought and she ran out of the room in search of Xander.

His scent led her to his office, where a loud growl could be heard from outside the door. Followed by things breaking. Sabrina barged in to the office to find Xander on his knees, pulling at his hair in


Broken furniture covering the entire floor.

She tried feeling him out through their bond but his wall was up. He had closed her out. Sabrina closed the office door before Xander's eyes connected with hers.

"What are we going to do?" Xander asks in a barely audible tone but Sabrina's wonderful hearing skills picked that up.

Sabrina went down on her knees in front of Xander and pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss was soft, slow and filled with intense emotion. This was Sabrina trying to give Xander some reassurance about who has her heart, who she belonged to.

Xander returned the kiss with equal if not more fervor, pouring out his love to Sabrina, the woman who will always have his heart.

They eventually pulled apart, to catch their breath but to also face reality. One look at Xander and Sabrina knew they were in trouble.

"If you meet your true mate, that is destiny. Who are we to fight it? I was raised to respect the mate bond Sabrina, fighting it goes against what I believe in." Xander says as Sabrina shakes her head no.

"You don't have to fight it, I will. I will fight for the both of us." Sabrina says to Xander and he chuckles.

"This is not some power or strength test Sabrina. Have you forgotten how it feels to lock eyes for the first time with your mate? The pull?" Xander asks Sabrina.

"No. I have not forgotten but I also know that the first time I locked eyes with you, I was a goner. I also know that my feelings for you attacked me suddenly and I couldn't fight them. I know how you made

me feel from the first day." Sabrina says to Xander as a tear escapes her eye and Xander wipes it off with his finger.

"You were in heat." Xander said and Sabrina nodded yes.

"I was but I could have slept with anyone in that state but Athena and I wanted you. Only you. That has to mean something! You are not my temporary love or some rebound relationship. We are a family! We owe each other a few more babies!" Sabrina says as the tears start to fall.

"You are my true mate Sabrina, but we both know now that I'm not yours. There is someone out there that belongs to you and as much as we wanted this to be forever, it can't be." Xander said before standing up.

Sabrina stood up too, looking in to Xander's eyes, pleading with him to not do this.

"As much as it hurts, I will not stand in the way. I will let you go figure this all out because you deserve a true mate but don't play around with my heart. Find him and make your decision. I will wait for you but I expect you to at the very least, come break it off with me in time. Don't make a fool out of me." Xander says. He kisses her forehead before walking out of that office.

Sabrina, glued to the spot, could not believe how this all turned out. Xander was such a gentleman but Sabrina did not want this kind of reaction from him, she wanted a fight!

She wants him to be angry and act angry. He was always so gentle with her, she could probably get away with murder and do much more with Xander.

This is the love she wanted, a man that will stick by her no matter what but she also wanted a man that will fight for her. He has lost one mate already, why be okay with losing one more? That is not okay!

Ethia, even in death, she had created a shit show that will always have Sabrina fighting something or someone.

Sabrina's peace was always shortlived. It's as if since being mated to Percy, her life took a quick turn. Sabrina knows she has no right to feel hurt by this, Xander is the one that is hurting and he has every right to be.

The office door opened, revealing a very naked Xander covered in dirt. He had gone out for a run. He walked in, closed the door and reached for the basket on the side to get some shorts. He puts them on, his eyes still on Sabrina.

"You know what?" He asks her, making his way slowly to his mate.

Sabrina was still in a haze after seeing Xander's naked form.

"I will not let you go. In fact, there is no way I'll allow another man inside you. I will fight him and I don't care if he is stronger or more powerful, I'd rather die trying to stay your one and only than lose you." He says to her, breaking the daze she was in.

Sabrina launched herself at Xander after hearing his words. This was exactly what she wanted to hear from him. He belonged to her and she belonged to him.

Would she be able to resist the mate pull from her true mate? What does it even mean to be true mates?

Sabrina was not going to worry about any of that right now, what she wanted in that moment was Xander inside her. She wanted him to take her over all this broken furniture, over and over again.

For now, she was going to show him the body that belongs to him, willingly so.


Unknowns POV

"She was born on the same day as I was! She has to be my mate." I say.

"You do know that Simon and Armand were born on the same day as you right? Any one of you could be her mate." My brother states, earning a growl from me.

"They are beneath me! How can they be mated to our future moon goddess if they are as weak and low as the wolves on earth?" I say, walking around my room.

I have been searching for my mate for a very long time. I even thought she was on earth and gave up because I was in no way going to mate with an earthling.

Now, now my mate might have been raised on earth but she was born from the first family. She was royalty, she was above all of us but if anyone was worthy of her, it would be me. My family had opulence and wealth. My family was of importance too, just coming in second. We were also close family with the first family.

Well that was before my grandfather betrayed them. His greed knew no bounds and now he was dead, his actions killing my chances of ever meeting my mate years ago. I'm not even sure if I still stand a chance.

As far as we know, the first family regarded us as enemies and if I was her true mate, there was no way her father would allow it. He would definitely kill me on the spot but if she feels the pull, she might stop her father.

I am dying anyway without my mate. I'm the future of my family and I have no heir.

My friend barges in to my room, holding a file.

"We found her! She's a luna to some pack on earth, mated to an earthling and they have a child together." My friend says to me.

A child? She didn't save her innocence for me?

I saved mine. I wanted our night to be special but now there's even a child? Proof of their deed?

"She gave birth to an earthling????" I ask and my friend nods sadly.

Everyone knew how badly I wanted my mate. Girls threw themselves at me but I stayed true.

"Here's the thing, she had no idea she was from here. She's had three mates in total and one child. She's luna for the second time now in a different pack, with her third mate." He says to me.

"You mean to tell me, she's been intimate with three earthlings?" I ask, walking closer to my friend.

"I am not sure about that detail but we have some photos. Her parents are on the pack lands with her and her family." My friend tells me.

How could this be? Was she not my mate?

Ethia and my grandfather were to blame for this! If they weren't so greedy for power, my mate would have been born here and we would know the minute we met as kids that we were destined.

"I want to see her." I say, my friend and brother look at me.

"Are you sure? How do you think she will react to you if you are mates? She already has that earthlings mark on her neck and a child! Think about this. You can have any girl you want here, a girl raised in our world, who knows tradition." My brother says and I chuckle.

"You say this because you have met your mate already. Why rob me of that feeling when you speak so highly of it? I want to feel what you feel brother. I want to know that me, saving myself for my mate was

not an utter waste of time. The child? I will deal with that after I find out whether we are mates or not." I say, my brother looking down in shame.

"Take me to her." I say to my friend and he nods. We walk out of my room, out of the palace.

"I'll come with you." My brother says from behind us and I smile without looking at him.

He knew what this meant to me.

My friend led us to Red Creek Pack, where there was a buzz of earthlings running around, busy with their daily lives. We were standing in front of a big house, definitely not a palace but it looked to have many rooms. Some kind of earthly design I guess.

Children running around, I'm here thinking one of them is my mates child. They run past us, almost stepping on my shoe. My brother hisses in disgust at close contact with the earthling kids and I chuckle at his action.

My brother was just like my father, they despised earthlings and the idea of having a moon goddess that grew up on earth was eating at them but one can't simply fight the order of things.

A bulky young man approached us, followed by a few men dressed in black. I'm guessing their warriors, we were after all, trespassing.

Before he could open his mouth,

"I would like to meet your alpha and luna. Her father and mother's presence would be greatly appreciated too." I say in an orderly tone. The young man is taken back by my authoritative voice but nods his head, leaving us standing here with his weak warriors.

Their alpha tone was weaker than ours. We were their true superiors. One could not simply ignore an order.

"How rude! He left us outside to do what exactly?" My brother says, clearly outraged.

"Calm down brother. We are trespassing. Be careful before the warriors here make you wet your pants again." I say, as my friend and I burst in to laughter.

When we were younger, my brother was scared of anyone in uniform. One day, a warrior berated him for disobeying curfew and he wet his pants. It's been a joke for some time now.

"Oh cut it out! That joke is tired." My brother says.

"I'm not so sure about that brother." I say as I look at my friend, who couldn't keep a straight face as he fights the laughter threatening to break out once more. His face was reddening.

The young man came back out, rubbing the back of his head.

"My alpha and luna are preoccupied at the moment.." He says and I growl as I perfectly understood what he meant when he said that.

My friend patted my shoulder in comfort, he, also understood what this earthling meant.

"However, we are willing to hear what you boys have to say." Hunter says from behind us.

I knew that voice from anywhere!

The day he came to our palace to warn my father. To loudly tell my father that from that day on, they were enemies and there was nothing my father could do to salvage their friendship.

It messed my father up. What Hunter fails to understand is that my grandfather betrayed my father by using his friendship with Hunter to wage war on the first family.

We all turned around, to come face to face with Hunter and his still beautiful mate, Kimberly.

My attention was quickly stolen by one scent.

A very intoxicating, a very strong and sweet scent filled my nostrils. The scent was calming but also enticing. It awakened my wolf as he showed his presence through my eyes. This scent made every hair on my body stand, I could feel the goosebumps all over me.

My heart was beating erratically. This scent was calling out to me, burning every thought away from my brain and turning it in to mush, I was at it's mercy and I did not mind it at all.

My incisors made their way out as my wolf was ready to mark our mate. To take her right here, right now and make her mine. To devour her in every way, mark her on every part of her body until I was satiated.

I turned around, in search of this scent. In search of the woman that possesses such a dangerous weapon that could end me. I would never be able to be sane in the presence of whoever this scent belonged to. I could never be apart from this woman as I need her scent to breath.

My eyes locked with a tall male, fully dressed. I shook my head, trying to understand what was happening.

My brother and friend noticed my changed body language and looked for what I was looking at.

"That is the alpha." My friend says to me and I nod.

It made sense now, he was covered in my mates scent because of what they were doing before he was standing here. Their deed was waving all around us, mocking me.

Was I the only one aware of what had just transpired between him and my mate? I growled and everyone looked at me as my eyes were only locked on this alpha.

Kimberly gasped loudly. She finally understood what was going on.

"Son, leave before you do any damage." Hunter says to me, gently grabbing my shoulder.

Damage? Damage?

I wanted his head. How dare he touch my mate!

"I am here to see the luna. I will only leave once I've seen her, I promise I won't do any damage." I say and Hunter let's out a sigh.

I needed confirmation that she was the one, the one woman who will have my heart and soul. I needed to look in to her eyes. I couldn't possibly leave after having her scent take over me like this and I won't leave. I need to smell her scent on her before I leave, I need an image of her in my head.

My heart was broken already but she is my true mate and that alone was enough reason to see her, look in to her eyes just this once.

"Who are you and why are you here for my luna?" The alpha asks and I chuckle at his words.

"I will not answer to you, earthling." I say and he growls at me.

"Then it's best you leave our pack if you will not show an ounce of respect. I don't care where you come from but things work differently on earth and us earthlings don't appreciate your rude and unwanted presence." She said to me.

My mouth opened but nothing could come out.

My unwanted presence?

Could she not feel the pull? We locked eyes and even when I stepped closer, she kept still. Wrapping her tiny hand in the alpha's hand.

She kept her eyes on me but there was no wanting, no need. The need to make her mine was too strong but she was void of any emotion. I could feel my heart breaking. Even though in our world there was no rejecting your mate, her rejection right now killed me.

I went from being hurt to angry. How dare she deny sacred law like that? I saved myself for her and here she was reeking of this earthlings scent!

I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths. Her scene calming me. I opened my eyes to look at her, she was still looking at me. Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Was that hurt in her eyes? Was she feeling the mate pull too?

I will not force things. When she is ready, I'll be there.

"You know who I am to you. I won't force things but this will eat at you. You know where to find me when your earthling alpha can't scratch your itch anymore after meeting me." I say before disappearing off.

My brother and friend followed after me and we ended up back in my room.

"She is your mate." My brother says and I nod. I wanted to, I needed to break something.

"Well, she is beautiful. Just as our father's all wanted Kimberly, she's going to cause the same rift up here." My friend says, making me chuckle.

My father storms in, anger clear on his face.

"You went to earth? Have you all lost your minds?" My father shouts.

"She's my mate dad." I say.

"Do you have any idea what Hunter would have done to all of you had he learned that you are my children?" He says and I shake my head no.

"It was a risk I was willing to take to see if she and I were mates. I would do it again." I say and my father chuckles loudly.

"And where is she? Weren't you supposed to mark her upon meeting and bring her back to her rightful home?" My father asks and I look down.

"She is already mated." I say and he chuckles again.

"As expected. She also has an earthling child, are you aware of this?" He says and I nod my head yes, still looking at the floor.

"Just allow your mother and I to arrange your wedding. Jane is a beautiful girl and comes from a well standing family." My dad says to me and I throw a lamp, hitting the wall before shattering in to pieces.

"I don't want Jane or any other girl! Especially after meeting my mate, how do you suggest my wolf deal with all of this? We want our mate and that's that!" I say.

"You will not mate with her and bring that earthling child to our home." My father says and this time, I chuckle.

"You forget who she is. It is I father, who will have to move in to her home as she is from the first family. Have you forgotten how the order works? She is of higher rank." I say and my father shakes his head no.

"Not if I can do anything about it." He says and I walk closer to him.

"Grandfather has already put a target on our heads, no thanks to his greed and now you want to anger Hunter even more? Oh that's just dandy isn't it?" I say to my dad.

"Once he finds out who you are, what I plan to do will be nothing compared to the anger he will harbor for you because you are my son. Just be with Jane, she loves you and will give you healthy children." Father says and I growl.

"I'd rather die than take on another mate." I say and my father laughs at me.

"Well isn't that funny? Your mate did exactly that. Here you are alone and feeling rejected and she is in the arms of someone else." My father says.

"I want everyone out of my room. Now." I say, leaving no room for a response as I walk to my balcony.

They all leave, my brother forcing my dad out.

Maybe I am a fool, a fool for thinking she would wait for me.

"How could I wait for you? I had no clue about this other world." A sweet voice said.

I quickly turn around to come face to face with my mate. Her beauty knew no bounds. How could someone be this beautiful?

No wonder earthlings wanted her as their luna. What normal or even a crazy man wouldn't want her? Her beauty was definitely not of that world. Not even of mine.

She walks closer to me and holds her hand out.

"Hi, I'm Sabrina." She says and I look in her eyes and back down at her hand, then back up at her. She chuckles and grabs my hand, placing her hand in mine and shakes them.

I raise my eyebrow at her and she smiles. Could she not feel the electric sparks that took over when we touched?

My dick was up and ready to go, my wolf was begging me to take her right now.

"Your name?" She asks and I shake my head to get rid of all the wild thoughts going on in my head.

"How did you get in?" I ask, this palace was well guarded and even though she is from the first family, she was raised on earth.

Her combat skills couldn't possibly be up to par with us here. She may be stronger, more powerful but her being on earth, robbed her of this world's ways and if somebody wanted her dead, they probably could get away with it.

I gently pushed her in to my room, closing the doors that lead to the balcony so nobody could see her or smell her.


I couldn't smell her, I still can't. I sniff around her and there was no scent.

"I'm not completely clueless." She says to me with a smile.

"Please don't hide your scent from me." I say and she lets it out. It hits me with so much force, I fall to my knees in front of her.

I was suffocating in her scent and I wanted to die in it.

She helped me up, her smile never fading.

"How are you so beautiful?" I say and she chuckles.

"That is just the mate bond talking." She says and I shake my head no.

"Then maybe my brother and friend are mated to you too since they said the same thing the minute we got back." I say and her cheeks flush.

"Your name?" She asks again.

"That is of no use if we will not be together." I say, sadness taking over me.

"I feel it too. I'm just able to fight it because I love him. I want to fight it because I love him. He is a good man and I've been through so much that I truly believe I deserve a love from him. Many might say he deserves better and I believe it too, it's just that his love is unconditional. It is pure and I've prayed day and night for that love. We may be true mates but he is my true love and I will not let him go." She says to me, her eyes holding so much honesty.

"I won't ask you to. You are immortal, being your true mate will make me immortal too. He will grow old and die, what's a few sixty more years when we could live for over a thousand years?" I say.

"I still don't know how any of this works and my mother tells me I can't reject you but I still won't ask you to wait for me. I will fulfill my duties as the moon goddess and daughter of the first family but I can't be your mate. I'm sorry." She says to me, kissing my cheek before disappearing.

My brother barges in to my room with my father right behind him.

"She was here?" My brother asks and I nod my head yes, smiling as I touch my cheek where lips touched a few seconds ago.

"How did she enter without being detected?" My father asked.

"She is Hunter's daughter. What other reason do you need?" I ask, before walking past them and out of my room.

I may not have Sabrina now but we will have all of eternity together. Something she and her alpha will never have.

I have to go see my grandmother. I am her true mate after all. A few things need to be explained.

I knocked on my grandmother's bedroom door.

"Enter." She said and I opened the door to find her in bed. She raises her head and sniffs at me.

"So you met her?" She asks smiling and I nod my head yes.

"Have you unlocked your immortality yet?" She asks me and I shake my head no.

"Very soon, that will be her gift to you. Whether she knows it or not, you are true mates which means you are destined to live this life together, however long. Find the patience son, right your grandfather's Wrongs so both families can come together and accept that child. If you don't, he will be your undoing. Love always wins boy." She says before closing her eyes.

My grandmother was old and she's dying slowly after my grandfather was killed by my father. It is also killing her that her own son would kill his own father.

I sat on my grandmother's bed. Do I hate the child? I don't even know. What I know is that I want Sabrina and if all I had to do was wait, I would. I've been waiting anyway, I had more days to waste since I was to become an immortal.

Sabrina has at least a couple thousand years before the next moon goddess is born. I will go to earth, learn the life of the earthlings so I can learn the ways of my true mate. I will live in a pack and work my way up to alpha status.

I will take an earth mate and learn earthlings love language while she comes here to learn our ways. I will not stand in her way of loving her mate. She respects mate law just like me after all.

"I will see you again Sabrina, until then, good luck." I say before disappearing off to a new life on earth.

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