Newlywed Wife Is The Boss

Chapter 289 No Place to Put Your Heart

Hidden psychological disorders?

The moment Lorenzo took the file bag, he coldly swept his eyes at Romeo who was rambling, and his face stiffened.

“Ahem … Young master, this matter I did not open my mouth from the beginning to the end, it was Levi who explained.”

Romeo felt a little cold on the back of his neck, subconsciously raised his hand and touched his neck, smiled awkwardly and put the blame on Levi in one breath.

A good brother, is the pitted, he is so to Levi, to Grace is the same, socialist brotherhood can not be worth his dog’s life.

You can eat your food, but you can’t talk nonsense.

“Be safe.”

Lorenzo spoke coldly, not intending to continue the conversation.

“Yes, young master!”

Romeo sniffed and sighed with relief.

An institution, psychological treatment room.

“Young master of the Fletcher family, please sit down.”

The expert hired was a German who looked kind and froze for a few seconds when he saw Lorenzo, followed by an easygoing smile.

Lorenzo nodded, as a greeting, graceful steps to the treatment area, sitting on the treatment chair, the whole performance indifferent.

“May I ask young master , have you ever been in a relationship with a woman before? No matter how long or short, do count.”

The expert sat across from Lorenzo and kept an appropriate distance from him, knowing that Lorenzo was very wary and that sitting too far away from him was not conducive to observing Lorenzo’s micro-expressions, and sitting too close to him was not easy to build trust.


Lorenzo, as always, is shy about words.

“If one has not experienced misogyny with women and has never been in a relationship, my advice is simple, why not try to find a person of your choice and try to fall in love.”


“I was once hospitalized for mental reasons.”

Lorenzo was outspoken, knowing that even if he didn’t say anything, the experts would have understood clearly from his father.

“Can you try to trust me?”Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

The specialist has seen many patients and from the first moment he met Lorenzo, he knew that Lorenzo was not an easy person to communicate with.

“Of course, I think my father has already told you about me in advance, I have no hostility towards any woman and am not interested in carrying out a romance with anyone, I just want to concentrate on my career.”

Lorenzo thought so, and answered truthfully.

Something is not right, Lorenzo sober, sometime after the shower, found himself near the heart location, there is a very shallow wound.

He thought about it, can not think of why the heart position will have a wound, too out of line with common sense, carefully deeper, but there is no breakthrough.

It is reasonable to say that even if a man is more self-disciplined, unless special circumstances, should be interested in women, he is a normal man, but can not raise any interest in women, and even feel that the time spent on women, is self-indulgent.

Lorenzo knows that this is not quite right for himself, he did not think about it, just think it is an irrelevant thing, the Fletcher family has two sons, even if he never married, Wilfred will also be the natural marriage and children.

He didn’t mind giving up the kingdom he had built to his own nephew.

As for the Bailey family’s daughter Beatrice, he just does not hate, but by no means like, and likewise not the slightest interest.

Strange to say, sometimes Beatrice behaves extremely holy air, Lorenzo will have a moment of slight froze performance, but he even, this subtle ripple of feeling, never because of Beatrice itself.

Rather, it is such a feeling that there is always a sense of déjà vu.

Can’t say, can’t feel, no way to check.

“Young master , I heard that you have a marriage contract with the Bailey family’s daughter Beatrice, why not try to establish a good communication with each other, and maybe the current psychological problems will be cured naturally.”

The expert always felt that Lorenzo was not unattractive, but that there was some fundamental reason that stuck him in the heart.

Lorenzo frowned slightly, to try dating Beatrice?

He knows that Beatrice has the trust of his father Adrian, and in Adrian’s heart, Beatrice is the most suitable person to be Lorenzo, no one.

He has no intention of the matter of feelings, marry any woman, he does not matter, anyway, no difference.

Lorenzo only hope that the two in the marriage, each live in their own, do not bother each other, the treatment that should be given to Beatrice, he will not be less, but only the relationship thing, he can not do.

At the party, the crowd was up in arms and Beatrice took the initiative, but he just resisted such behavior from the bottom of his heart.

“Let’s talk about this kind of thing, speaking of which my heart always seems to be hollowed out a big hole, sometimes for no reason the heart will seize pain, and even feel suffocated.”

“the Fletcher family historically has no history of heart disease, I have always been healthy, my brother said to me today, the taste of victory, did it make you feel a piece of your heart empty?”

“I have serious doubts about that, and it looks like he’s not going to tell me the answer, and he won’t, and the others must not either, and I don’t think it’s as simple as it appears.”

“Now the life, completely walking dead, cold like a thousand years of ice, the only thing that makes me hang on, only since childhood care for my grandmother, and no other.”

Lorenzo’s voice was calm, clearly talking about something painful, but as if he was describing a matter of no concern.

Through Lorenzo’s description, experts are more certain that Lorenzo must have suffered some kind of psychological trauma before that, or …

“I met with young master for the first time, today to talk about these enough, thank you very much young master’s frankness, if you trust me, the next meeting, we can explore a little deeper.”

Lorenzo left an agency and instead of going back to the Fletcher family, he returned to the office of the chairman of the Fletcher Group empire.

Lorenzo ordered down that he didn’t want to know and wouldn’t see anyone, no matter who or what, today, and locked himself in the chairman’s office with his backhand.

He stood in front of the large floor-to-ceiling window with one hand in his pocket, his eyes looking out the window, his eyes unfocused.

Some things he seems to have forgotten, but there are things he remembers very clearly, his perennial insomnia, the situation is very serious, and even has seriously affected his behavior, but now suddenly cured, every time you can sleep until dawn, and no longer have nightmares, will not become temperamental.

It seems that everything is going well, but he himself always feels that something must be wrong.

The phone rang, not an ad hoc acquaintance ringing, this time of day, there will not be a second person except Beatrice, but he did not intend to answer the phone from the heart, simply turn the phone off.

Fretston, one of the of Armstrong residence at the other end of town.

“Little son of a bitch! Who gave him the nerve to humiliate the Armstrong family’s princess at a party! That’s enough! You’re not going to get away with this!”

The man sat in the main seat in the center of the lobby, angry, blowing his beard and eyes, wanting to break Lennie into pieces right now.

“Uncle Romeo, why are you so angry, I do not care about this, I just saved, badly wounded Hedonism, need to recuperate.”

Jessica set up a temporary rescue frame in the large hall and was busy rescuing an injured Haitongqing, wearing a casual halter dress, her hair casually fixed with a paintbrush, her skin delicate and relaxed.

Now the phoenix is nirvana Jessica, looks more elegant than before, but the body is more thin than before a lot.

“I say you can really calm, if it were me, I could do it, never bullshit, will definitely Lennie that little son of a bitch, beat him to his mother do not know, see he still dare to say nothing to slander your reputation.”

“No … you this Haidongqing are pouring so many days, should be given to the maids to serve, right? Other ladies at least have a cat or dog to take out, you go out every time, with a haitongqing standing on your shoulder …”

“Not to mention that women are afraid to approach you, not many men have the courage to approach you, or let’s change something to put on your shoulder?”

“Russian silver foxes, ferrets, and then not to get a husky also can ah, although stupid but really handsome.”

Romeo Armstrong see Jessica has been silent, continue to fiddle with the whole body attention of the sea dongqing, hold his own stand that blah blah blah rambling half a day.

“Let it be the best, all the good in the world is no better than a …”

Jessica’s hand suddenly shook, heart seized pain, half of the words were silent.

“Whether it’s a man or a pet, as long as you like it, I can do it, even if you can’t get a heart, let’s carry the person back first, feelings can be cultivated.”

Romeo’s brashness is from the bones out, very righteous, is like an active volcano temper, his famous saying, can do not move your mouth, ink.


Jessica couldn’t help but twitch the corners of her lips as she listened to Romeo’s bravado.

“Although Lennie’s character is not good, but he was disliked by me to lose face, at least the two families know each other, face is to be given, I do not want to just come to Fretston, and become the focus of attention, the wedding backed up, I do not want to cause trouble.”

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