My Tool For Revenge (I bought her)


Gianna’s POV

…Five Months Later…

FIVE months had gone by since we got married. Greg and I had been doing so great. He has been caring, showing me lot of loves, taking me on dates, and I was sure he would make a good father.

Greg bought a mansion for his parents, relocating them from their old shakey flat.

They all loved me, and I was glad they did, and not just that, they always wished I come over every weekend.

Well, my mom and Clemson always wanted to have me around as well, same with Greg’s parents, my parents-in-law.

Well, after school, I spend most of the evening with mom and Clemson. Then at weekends, I go over to Greg’s parents house to spend the weekend.

Clemson and Arielle didn’t take much time before going into dating each other, imagine that huh, lol.

Another love story, Lionel and Mia, my good friend at the farmhouse also went into a relationship. Well Lionel fell for her right from the farmhouse, and he proposed to her some weeks back.

As for Nelson, he and his fiancee got married two months ago, like a month after my wedding with Greg.

I was so happy knowing that my best friend was very close to me, that is Mia.

In no time, I opened another restaurant for Aunt Christa, but this time, it was just a restaurant, no more slut deliveries.

She was so excited, and apologized a million times, but what can I have against her? I had already forgiven her from the depth of my heart.

A few weeks ago, my husband and I went to the doctor only to discover that we were going to have two babies; a boy and a girl.

Jeez! I was so gobsmacked and dumbfounded, Greg was more than excited, he was so elated at the news.

From that day, he began staying home everyday.

“I can’t believe it. You are actually going to have twins”, Greg said.

I smiled.

“We though”, I corrected and he chuckled.

“I want them here already”, he said and I laughed.

“You are looking forward to this more than I am”, I chuckled.

I wanted to have a baby, yes, but I couldn’t even begin to imagine the pain of having contractions and having to push the baby out.

“I want to hold the babies and spend every second that I can with them. I’m just really excited, that is all”, he said.

“I know you are”, I said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

My baby bump was already getting big. I wanted my babies to be here, no matter how much pain I would experience, I was ready to face it.

One Month Later

I was already in my nine month wait, and this special and fateful day, I was out shopping some little things for the babies. Things like more clothing, diapers and some things for the hospital bag.

Not like I hadn’t done that before, I had already. Greg himself had, mom had, and mother-in-law had, Arielle too. They had all gone baby shopping for me and got me things. I had them so much that it was now like I was about to run a baby mall, but I just still felt like exercising my body a little.

As this month arrived, Greg began calling every minute to know how I was feeling because the babies could come any minute and he wanted to make sure I wouldn’t be going into labour when he isn’t not around.

Sometimes he calls several times a day when he leaves for work, that is on the days he leaves.

So I was still shopping that day when his call came in. I looked into my phone and smiled as I picked up.

“For the hundredth time, I will call you if anything changes” I said immediately I answered.

“Sorry if I’m stressing you. It’s just that the babies can come any minute and I want to be there as soon as possible”, he replied over the phone.

I rolled my eyes.

“Well, I don’t think anything is going to happen today, so you don’t need to worry”, I said calmingly and assuredly.

“Okay, okay, I will stop calling you every other minute then”, he said sarcastically.

“I didn’t say that”, I said laughing and he did as well.

“Well then, what are you doing?” He asked.

“I’m doing some last minute shopping for the babies”, I told him.

“Is a guard there with you?”

I rolled my eyes.

“Yes. He is carrying the bags too”.

“Oh okay”, he said.

“Well if you don’t have anything else to say Mr, I need to continue shopping okay?”.

“Well then, I will see you later wifey”.

I chuckled.

“See you soon hubby”, I said and hung up.

I continued my shopping for another one hour, then headed back home.

I was now sitted on the bed when the door flung open, and I looked at it.

“Hi babe. I bought your favorite flowers”, Greg said holding up two bouquets of flowers as he stood by the door.

He winked and walked in, over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheeks.

“How was work?” I blushed.

“Stressful babe. I’m happy I’m back to my stress reliever”.

“And who is this stress reliever?” I asked amusingly.

“My beautiful wife”, he said tickling me a little.

I giggled.

At dinner time, we both had dinner together as we busied our eyes watched a movie.

After dinner he helped me clean up. I was in the kitchen when he back hugged me and placed his chin on my left shoulder.

Then he loosened his grip and walked to the bouquet of flowers that was on the kitchen counter, he took out a big, red rose. He walked back to me and handed the flower to me.

“I love you Gianna”, he muttered.

A wide smile played on my lips.

“I love you Greg”.

Then he kissed me passionately on the cheeks.

The rest of the night, Greg and I cuddled each other watching a movie.

He hugged me from behind and placed his hands on my stomach. His eyes widened as he felt the baby kicking under his touch.

I laughed at him and then turned around so he could get better access and feel the baby more.

He went down to my stomach placing soft kisses on it.

“Hi there my little pumpkins. Look we really want to meet you both so if you could hurry up baking in there, it would be great”, he said.

I laughed at him and he got up to face me and landed a soft kiss on my lips.

“Goodnight babe”, he said.

“Goodnight baby”, I said placing my head on his chest as he stroked my hair. I fell asleep right away in his arms and so did he.

All I wanted to do was sleep. The babies kicked every two seconds, and I had the strangest food cravings, but I didn’t really felt the impact, Greg was always there for me.

He worked so hard even at odd hours that I felt bad for him. He was basically becoming a maid.

Although I felt he wanted it too, because he had insisted I shouldn’t go to his parents nor mine, even when I wanted to, at least they could be of a great help, but he doesn’t want that.

…Next Morning…

“Gina, do you need anything?” Greg asked, walking into the room.

“No, I don’t”.

“Okay”, he replied, turned around and walked away, returning a moment later.

“You look really tired”, I said.

“I’m not”.

I could tell that Greg was exhausted. I put my hand on his shoulder.

“Greg, you really need to get some rest”, I said.

“I will, Gina. I just want to make sure that you are okay”.

“I am fine. Come on, let’s go upstairs”, I said, pulling him to his feet.

We were both downstairs, watching TV, when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

“Ohhhh”, I yelled, putting my hand on the side of my stomach.

“What is it?” He asked wide eyed.

“I don’t know”, I stood up.

“Aaah… it hurts” I shouted.

Then, my skirt began soaking.

” Greg, I think… my water broke”.

Greg immediately stood up, then he helped me to get outside.

“We really have to get to the hospital”, Greg said.

We got to the hospital in no time. I was immediately taken into a large room, and the doctors began work quickly.

I was given a pill which would lessen the sharp pains, but a thought came to my mind.

Greg was beside me, holding my hand and trying to calm me down.

“Everything is going to be okay, Gianna. There is nothing to worry about”, he said.

“But Greg, I’m so scared”.

“I know, Gianna, but you need to calm down and take a deep breath”, Greg said.

I inhaled deeply, shutting my eyes.

“Mrs. Greg -“, the doctor called and I nodded, opening my eyes.

I was freaking scared.

“Are you ready?” Dr. Chuck asked.

A nurse looked up at the monitor above me.

“The baby is ready to come”, she announced.

“Okay, Mrs. Greg, when I tell you to push, you need to push, okay?” Came the doctor.

“Okay”, I said, exhaling deeply.

Greg stood at my side, holding my hand.

“It’s going to be okay, Gianna. Just breathe”, he encouraged me.

I took a deep breath again, and then Dr. Chuck said.


“Aaaaghhhhhhh -!”

I pushed with all my might.

“You are doing well Mrs. Greg, can you push a little more?”.

I nodded as I tried again.


Seventeen pushes, and a lot of pains before our son entered the world.

The cry of our son rang out into the stillness of the room.

“One more push madam, I can see his sister’s head”, the doctor informed me.

I looked at Greg who gave me a nod to go ahead.

I breathed in and breathed out and then I pushed.


My baby girl cried.

Greg was beside me, wiping tears from his eyes. I let my tears fall down my face.

“Clean up the babies”, Dr. Chuck said to the nurse.

“Is everything going to be okay?” I asked.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes. Your babies are alright, we just want to clean them up”, Dr. Hamilton, one of the other doctors on board explained.

I nodded, then looked up at Greg.

“What should we name the babies?” I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, smiling.

“I don’t know”.

I smiled tiredly.

“How about Eugenia and Eugene?” I suggested.

“Those are nice names”, he responded kissing me on the neck.

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