My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

Chapter 63: The “San Bora”

Luke leaned forward, his gaze piercing into Kourtney’s soul. “The Allen corporation is on the verge of collapse. We need help, and you can provide that, Kourtney.”

“And what does that have to do with me? You didn’t even let me work there anyway, so how on earth am I supposed to help?” Kourtney’s gaze hardened with contempt as she locked eyes with her father.

Her dreams of contributing to the family legacy, of proving her worth within the walls of their company, had been mercilessly dashed time and time again.

Luke’s excuse after her graduation had been a cruel twist of fate – her degree in events management was deemed unworthy of the family business, while Kathlyn, who pursued that of a scientific field, was deemed more suitable and had been lauded and supported to join the company.

She had been relegated to the sidelines while Kathlyn was ushered into a managerial position in the Finance department.

The hypocrisy of it all made Kourtney’s blood boil, but she swallowed her anger, burying it deep within her chest.

She still remembered the day she had excitedly announced her intention to pursue a career at Allen Corporation, only to be met with disapproving shakes of the head and dismissive remarks.

“Events management isn’t relevant to our business, Kourtney,” they had said.

Despite the crushing weight of disappointment and injustice, Kourtney had refused to succumb to bitterness. She had forged her own path, determined to carve out a niche where her talents and passions could thrive.

And now, as an event planner, she had found solace in creating moments of joy and beauty for others, in orchestrating celebrations that sparkled with magic and meaning.

Each successful event she organized at Skyline was a silent testament against the forces that had sought to diminish her worth. The rejection from Allen Corporation had only fueled her resolve to prove herself on her own terms.

“Kourtney Dear, the truth is, the family business is struggling. I’m sure you know that, right? But it’s getting worse, and we’re on the brink of losing everything we’ve built over the years,” this time, her mother interjected softly.

Margaret was the family’s long-time peacemaker. She had seen this dynamic between the father and daughter play out many times before. They were very fond of fighting, like cat and rat, with their fiery personalities clashing like a storm. Margaret knew she had to be the voice of reason, the one who could manipulate the situation into calmness.

Meanwhile, Kourtney’s heart sank on hearing her mother’s considerate words. Despite everything, the family business was something she had always been proud of. The thought of it crumbling was unbearable. Allen Corporation was still her family’s legacy, a legacy that she had once dreamed of being a part of.

The opportunity to save it tugged at her heartstrings with a force that she could not deny.

Seeing Kourtney’s countenance and knowing that she was affected by the news, Luke’s expression turned cold and entitled. “There’s a piece of land called ‘San Bora’ that could change everything for us. Sebastian Woods has the authority to decide its fate, and we need him to give it to us. Tell your husband to give it to us!”

Kourtney scowled at his utterances. She felt a fresh surge of anger rising within her.

Surely, her reflection right now might be the angriest she’s ever looked.

She had heard about the famous land called “San Bora” situated in the heart of the city. Almost every elite family in Melbourne has been dying to have it. And recently, it was said that the Woods’s eldest young master was handed the power to decide what to do with it by the government.

“Wait! So, that’s it? You wanted me to convince my husband to hand over valuable land to you? That’s why you called me here?”

Luke’s expression hardened at her defiance. “Young lady, this is not a request. This is a matter of family honor and legacy.”

Kourtney shook her head in disbelief.

Realizing the major reason for her parent’s sudden lunch invite was like a heavy blow to her chest!

She had expected too much from them.

TOO MUCH!!! Only to be left high and dry.

They were unbelievably cruel!

“I won’t do it. I won’t be a pawn in your game of greed and manipulation. I’m not going to be used.”

Luke’s face contorted with rage at her refusal, his entitlement shining through his icy demeanor. “Remember, you’ve never contributed anything to help the family business all these years. This is your chance to make things right.”

Kourtney felt her fists clench at her sides, her nails digging into her palms.

The injustice of it all was suffocating – that her own family saw her as nothing more than a tool to be wielded for their own gain. This was the same thing they did when she dated Brandon Smith before, making demand after demand. It never ended, and nothing was ever enough.

She vividly recalled the time her father had forced her to beg for a favor from the Smith family when she had just started dating Brandon. It was a humiliating experience, one that had left a bitter taste in her mouth and a sense of resentment simmering beneath the surface.

She wasn’t going to go through that path anymore!

Not this time! Not ever!

The mention of the coveted land known as “San Bora” only added fuel to the fire burning within her. She knew the significance of that land, the power it held to shape fortunes and destinies. The fact that her father was willing to stoop so low as to demand it from her husband filled her with seething anger.

How dare they treat her as a mere instrument?

“So what if I don’t agree to do it? Are you going to send Kathlyn to seduce my husband? Just like you did with Brandon?” Kourtney sneered.

This time, Luke’s patience wore thin.

And without warning, with a sudden burst of fury, he rose from his seat, his hand lashing out to deliver a stinging slap across Kourtney’s left cheek. The impact reverberated through the restaurant room, the sound echoing in the air like a cruel wave, making everyone present staring at their table.

Kourtney’s hand instinctively flew to her throbbing cheek, the sharp sting radiating through her skull.

“You disrespectful girl! I didn’t raise you to be this way,” Luke’s voice thundered through the room, anger and disappointment etched on his wrinkled face.

As if the first slap wasn’t enough, he reached out to double it before Margaret eventually stood up in an attempt to restrain him from giving further slaps, her eyes pleading for calm amidst the chaos.

“Honey, please, control yourself,” she pleaded.

Margaret’s heart pounded in her chest like a drum. They were in public, for goodness sake!

The very thought of their private affairs being laid bare for the world to see sent a chill down her spine. The family’s reputation was at stake, and she was determined to shield it at all costs.

She knew that it wasn’t going to be a good look for the Allens if word got out about this abuse on Kourtney.

The truth was, Margaret was also upset and furious about what Kourtney just said, but of course, she knew how to conceal her emotions well enough. Despite the turmoil raging inside her, her exterior remained a portrait of composure, unlike her husband. Years of practice had honed her ability to mask her true emotions behind a facade of calmness.

And the fact that there was also an atom of truth in what Kourtney had said made her feel guilt and discomfort.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Had she failed as a mother? Was she to blame for the rifts that tore at their family?

Deep down, Margaret knew that she was just a mother trying her best to navigate the turbulent waters of family life. All she wanted was the best for her children and for her family.

She just wished that Luke would be more sensible and that he would learn to control his temper, his rage.

But Luke was still fuming and seething.

Just now, he couldn’t help but unleash his fury based on all the pent-up anger from Sebastian’s insult and humiliation the other day in front of their whole family and outsiders. It felt like this was his own way to blow off some of the steam – by taking it out on Kourtney.

Meanwhile, Kourtney felt the world spin around her, stars dancing before her eyes as the physical and emotional pain collided within her. The taste of blood filled her mouth where her teeth had cut into her lip from the force of the blow. The tears that had been brimming in her eyes now spilled over, tracing glistening paths down her cheeks.

To be honest, she’d expected the slaps because that was only ever what her father was good at gifting her – slaps and abuse. It’s all she’s ever known about him.

This violence, this cruelty-it was a familiar dance she had unwillingly been a part of for far too long.

Through a haze of tears and anguish, she met Luke’s gaze with a steely resolve. “This! This is all I’ve ever known from you-mistreatment, abuse, and manipulation.”

With a heavy heart, Kourtney turned and walked out of the restaurant amidst the pitiful stares and gazes from onlookers.

She left the restaurant with her cheeks red and swollen as if she’d been stung by a bee.

There was no way on earth she would be going back to Skyline Events with a swollen face like that, so she called in sick and went straight home to Sebastian’s mansion, coiling up in bed like a crumpled-up piece of paper as she let the tears trickle down her cheeks continuously.

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