My Not Yet Mate

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Chapter 105


He shifted Lucy in his arms while doing his best to balance their new egg on his back. He smiled down at his little girl.

“Hey, Lucy, baby. Are you ready to go see mommy

“MOMMY!,” she screamed.

He kissed her cheek as he walked down the stairs to where Casey stood eagerly waiting next to Slonsky. He was so excited to be going to see Lily. The last two months had been hell on him with her being too busy with schoolwork to visit with him, so he had stayed away to let her focus. He hadn’t seen her since the weekend her friend became queen of Cavern, not even on her two week long winter vacation. She had asked him two days ago to come this weekend and he had excitedly packed their stuff that same night in preparation.

He nodded at Slonsky who opened a portal. Casey sprinted through immediately and Lukas shook his head as he stepped through with their kids. Lucy instantly wiggled to get down and he put her on the ground. She ran over to where her cousins sat playing with balls. Lukas walked up the stairs to greet his sisters and their mates who were watching the kids.

“Hey, where’s Lily?”

“I think she’s asleep. She came straight home and laid down. I wish she would slow down. She’s doing way too much to finish school. She’s wearing herself too thin,” Gregory growled.

He sighed. “I didn’t ask her to do this.”

Aiden glared at him. “You also didn’t tell her not to. You could have told her to finish on time, not early. You were selfish, letting her do this without saying anything to her.”

Lukas rolled his eyes, before looking at his sisters, “Do you two want to yell at me, too?”

Sasha shook her head, smirking while Kalani giggled.

“No, I think they covered everything.”

“Fine. If you don’t mind, I am going to go see Lily.” He turned towards the kids. “Come on, Lucy”

She looked up at him, pouting. “Daddy, I want to play.”

“She’s okay out here. We’ll watch her. Go see your mate, Luka.““

He tried not to appear too excited as he leapt up the stairs three at a time. He took the backpack that held their egg off his back as he neared Lily’s

He opened the door, sighing when he saw Lily on the bed asleep. He set their egg in the fireplace and lit a fire. He smiled as he watched Gideon’s fire dance around the egg for a moment, before crossing the room to the bed.


His hand brushed her hair back and Gideon growled at the heat coming off of her. He touched her cheek and immediately scooped her up. She opened one eye to look up at him.

“Where are you taking me?,” she asked quietly. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m taking you to Aja, baby. Just rest.”

He ran down the stairs to the front porch. Sasha narrowed her eyes on him when he came barreling back outside. He gently laid Lily on the bench and knelt at her side, frantically looking over his shoulder at Sasha.

“She’s burning up. Please, help her,” he begged.

Sasha hurried to their side and put her hand on Lily’s check. “Fuck. Gregory take the kids inside. I might need your help, Lani,”

Aiden picked Sasha up and got her situated on his lap in the chair next to the bench. Sasha put her hands on Lily’s body while Kalani helped Gregory get the kids inside. Lukas took Lily’s hand, silently begging her to be okay. He closed his eyes.


long has she been sick?,” he asked Aiden.


We didn’T KNOW She was SILA. HE INYL WHILE WAIHINTA ANN mua sang Men

Lily whimpered, making Lukas‘ eyes snap open. He ran his finger over her cheek. Suddenly, a fist was being slammed into the side of his head. He fell to the right, clutching his head. Aiden grabbed Sasha around the waist to keep her from attacking him again. Lukas glared up at his fuming sister.

“What was that for?!,” Lukas yelled.

She tried to push Aiden off her as she kicked out at Lukas.

“Calm down and I’ll let you go,” Aiden told her.

Sasha stopped trying to assault him and Aiden cautiously let her go. As soon as she was free, she kicked Lukas in the chest. She stomped over to with her fists balled threateningly.


Lukas got confused. “What do condoms have to do with why she’s sick?”

Sasha swung on him again and he scrambled out of her way.

“Stop fucking breeding her, Lukast,” she screamed, spit hitting his face.

He jumped to his feet, Gideon’s anger fueling his own. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING?! I DON’T BREED HER!”


He glanced at Lily still laying on the bench asleep. “She’s pregnant?”

Sasha bared her teeth. “Yes, dickhead.”

“How far along?”

“About two months. Goddess, Lukas, I get it, you want to make up for lost time, but come on! Let your eggs hatch first.”

He sank to his knees beside her again. “Well, shit I didn’t mean to get her pregnant. Either time.”

She threw her hands up in the air. “Whatever, stupid!,” she grumbled as she went inside.

Aiden followed her in while Kalani moved to stand behind him. She put her hand on his shoulder.


“Take her back to bed, brother. We will watch Lucy tonight.” She headed inside, but paused by the door. “Oh, and, Luka, keep your dick to yourself.”

He groaned as he got to his feet and picked her up. He carried her back to her room and laid in the bed with her. She immediately nuzzled into him, sighing. He wrapped her up in his arms, needing to hold her while he dealt with his conflicting emotions. On one paw, he was excited, proud and happy that they were going to have another egg, but on the other one, he was furious and disappointed in himself for getting her pregnant so soon after she had laid their last egg. He sighed. His sisters were going to kill him over his mate. He was going to have to figure out a way to survive Aja’s anger and pray that Lily wouldn’t freak out.

Lily woke him up a few hours later by kissing his lips softly. He opened his eyes and raised his hand to touch her face. He silently celebrated when her skin was cool to the touch..

“How are you feeling?”

She touched his cheek and he winced. “Sasha told you I was pregnant again, didn’t she?” He nodded and she sighed. “I found out two days ago. That’s why I asked you to come this weekend. I wanted to tell you.”

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I’m sorry, Lils. I have been too eager. I should have been more careful.”

She giggled and swatted at h

his chest. “Stop i

1. II. If anybody’s to blame for this egg, It’s me. I was on top last


we saw each other.”

He groaned. “Don’t joke about it, Lily”

She got up off the bed to go over to get papers off of her table. She brought it back over to the bed to hand it to him. He looked down at it and his eyes widened, before they darted to hers.

Chapter 105

“Lily, is this what I think it is?”

She nodded. He flipped through the papers quickly, before stopping on the last one. He swallowed hard.

“You forged my signature?”

She licked her lips nervously. “I did, yes. I thought that we could do it this weekend.”

“Can we do it right now?”

She giggled and nodded. “But, keep it between us for now, okay?”

He grinned as he jumped up to take her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, running her fingers through his hair.

“We need witnesses. Papa Slonsky can do it for us.”

He turned to the door as it opened. Slonsky, Joy and their father walked in, Joy bounced over to them excitedly to wrap her arms around both of them.

“Are we going to Deegan?”

Lukas nodded. “lo will murder me if we don’t.” Lukas set Lily down and pecked her lips. “I’ll be right back.”

He handed his father the papers as he jogged past him to go down to Sasha’s room and knocked on the door. He waited impatiently for her to answer. She pulled open the door and he walked past her.

“Umm… excuse me? This is my room. What are you doing?”

He went into the adjoining room and picked his daughter up. He hurried back past her, ignoring Aiden half naked in bed completely.

“Thanks, sis. I got it

from here.”

He ran back to Lily’s room. Her eyes sparkled at him when he entered carrying Lucy.

“We can’t do it without her.”

an’t do it with

He put his arm over Lily’s shoulder and led her through the newly opened portal. He handed Lucy to her.

“Til meet you in my office, okay?”

He didn’t wait for a response, before he sprinted upt the stairs to Jo’s room as Lily roared with laughter behind him. He opened the door and Ethan jumped up to position himself between Lukas

and a sleeping lo. Lukas rolled his eyes as he went to the dresser. He grabbed clothes for both of them and threw them at Ethan

“You h

have two minutes to be down in my office.”

Jo rubbed her eyes sleepily. “Lukas?”

“Two minutes, Jo.”

He shut the door behind him as he raced back down to his office where everybody else waited for him. He was not going to give her any time to back out. She said this weekend. Friday was the weekend, right? He took the papers back from his father. He scrawled his name on all the required places on the adoption papers for Lucy. His office door banged open and a grumpy to stamped in, leading Ethan.

“What the hell, Lukas?,” she growled.

He pointed to a chair. “Shut up and sit down, Jo.”

She mumbled under her breath as she went over to sit down. Lukas signed the last spot, before getting up to take Lucy from Lily. He held Lily’s hand as Slonsky took his place in front of them. Lukas smiled at Lily.

“Are you sure?”

She kissed his lips softly. “Forever and Always.”


Chapter 105

He turned to Slonsky, “Make it fast.”

He looked back into Lily’s eyes as Slonsky began to speak. Jo gasped from her seat and clapped her hands together. Lily and Lukas repeated the vows Slonsky asked them to while anticipation built in both of them. When Slansky gave him permission to kiss his bride, Lukas handed Lucy to him to pull Lily close to his chest. His arm went around her waist and his other hand went around the back of her neck. He tipped her head back to rub his thumb over her lips.

“I love y

you, Lilianna Lincoln, my perfect wife.”

He lowered his lips to kiss her deeply. Her arm snaked around his neck as she kissed him back. She smiled shyly at him when they finally broke apart.

“I love you, too, Lukas.”

He spun her around in a little circle. “Now, you have to be with me. You are my mate, my queen, my wife, the mother of my children and I am legally Lucy’s father.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh, dear heavens, what have I done?,” she teased.

He laughed as he lowered her back to the ground. “I’m not sure, but I’m pretty sure it’s irreversible.”

She giggled as she ran her fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck. “It was irreversible the day you showed up at Lotus.”

He kissed her again. “Let’s go to bed, baby, It’s our wedding night.”

She smirked. “As you wish, Your Highness.”

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