My Most Precious Human

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

I blinked my eyes a few times before I got out of my state of daze and my eyes regained focus. Sariel's

expression seemed emotionless, but the inner circle of his grey pupils had already flickered in red.

"Is he angry at me?" I wondered while trying to read him.

I looked around and saw an open book lying on the night table by the bed. The book definitely wasn't

mine. It must have been Sariel's.

"Was he reading that book here?" Questions kept popping inside my head while I was waking up.

If I were to guess, he must have sat here reading the book while I was sleeping, but why? I kept staring

at him, slowly processing the reason for him sitting in my bedroom.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked.

"You didn't answer my question," he grunted.

"What question?"

"Who is Ezra?" He strained the words out through his angrily clenched teeth, a red glow flooding his


"M-my teacher. Ezra is my teacher and a friend," I responded, almost as an automatic reflex.

"A friend?" he repeated, the anger rising in the sound of his voice.

"A dead friend. He sacrificed himself so I could escape from my father's clutches," I added, gritting my


"So… he is dead," Sariel said, this time in a more composed way.

"Well, I didn't see him die, but no wolf would live after betraying his pack, and my father isn't exactly the

person who would show mercy." I sighed heavily.

I noticed the corners of Sariel's mouth lifted a bit as if he was satisfied with the answer he got. The

problem was, he still didn't respond to the question I asked.

"Can you tell me now, what are you doing in my bedroom?"

"I wanted to make sure you wouldn't be late for work." He smirked.

"We humans use things such as alarm clocks to wake up on time. I'm sure that mine would work as

well." I glared at him, then looked at the clock showing 5:40, which was about to ring in twenty minutes.

I turned it off.

A cold smile appeared on Sariel's face, and a second later, I found myself pinned down on my bed. He

sat on me. His grip on my hands restrained them on both sides of my head. He leaned over. His cool

breath swept my face, making the blush surface on my cheeks. His piercing gaze demanded that I look

into his eyes.

"Don't be a smart-ass, Lilith," he whispered, his smile becoming more seductive and sly.

His eyes roamed my face while his lips were an inch away from my skin. I surrendered to an urge and

looked at them. His mouth was slightly open, and I could see his fangs growing the longer he was

gazing at my face and neck. I swallowed. The desire that grew within me almost made me expose my

neck to him so I could finally feel his teeth piercing my skin. His every breath made me shiver more. His

lips targeted my neck. The second they touched my skin, I gave out an uncontrollable moan. He lifted

his head, looked into my eyes, and chuckled. Embarrassment filled up my body. How could I get so

excited when all he did was touch my damn neck?! I wished that I could cover my flushed face, but he

wouldn't let me. He enjoyed this game too much. He kept the grip on my hands, but now, his fingers

started to tease the inner side of my palms. His cool breath caressed the burning-up skin. I anticipated

his bite so much that I felt I was going insane. My heart thundered as if it was close to exploding.

Finally, his lips landed on my neck, and I felt the tip of his tongue slowly painting my skin as if he was

looking for the right place to mark. I closed my eyes waiting for him to sink his teeth…

He stopped. I opened my eyes, flustered and confused. He was leaning over me, observing my flushed


"Is it really that easy to make you soaking wet? I guess I'm a little disappointed." He smirked wickedly

and released his grip on my hands.

I stared at him all messed up. As my awareness emerged, my irritation rose.

"I apologize for not meeting your expectations," I grunted, picking my pride up from the floor.

"Do you really crave my bite that much?" He snickered, all satisfied with my flusteredness.

I turned my head to the side, trying to avoid his gaze, which was quite complicated as he was still

sitting on me. I took a deep breath.

"I don't understand why my own body reacts that way… I'm not really experienced with intimacy either,"

I admitted nervously.

"Should I teach you?" he asked teasingly, his fingers roaming down my waist.

I gasped. I fought with my body until I managed to pull his hands away from me. A victorious grin

appeared on his face while I was too perplexed to look into his eyes. At the same time, I could feel his

gaze examining my body's reaction, including my hardened nipples. The white silk night gown I was

wearing made their shape perfectly visible.

"If you behave like a good girl, I could become your teacher. I could teach you how to satisfy your

needs." He smiled mischievously, then slightly bit his lip.

I became speechless. My mind was malfunctioning, making it impossible for me to come up with the

right remark. With my intelligence reduced to that of a primitive creature, all I could do was growl in

savage anger and push him off of me.

Of course, he liked teasing me too much not to take advantage of it. As I pushed him, he grabbed my

hands, making me fall on him, pressing my body onto his.

"Now, isn't this fun?" He chuckled, putting his arms around me.

I could feel his muscled body underneath my own. I could barely stand being this close to him, and

while he seemed unaffected, I was long unable to think straight. I knew that he could hear my heart

racing and my whole body tense up. His hands stroked my back, perfectly hitting those few points on

my spine that created waves of pleasure running through my skin. I hated how I was losing to him, and

there was no way I could admit defeat.

I used all the strength in my hands to push myself up off his chest. When I did, I felt a brief satisfaction

until I realized I sat on top of him. I gulped, looking at his amused expression.

"What now, Lilith?" He smirked, raising his hands in surrender.

The door's knocking sound broke me up from bewilderment.

"I brought breakfast. May I come in?" Martha called through the door.

"Thank God! I'm saved!" My sanity finally surfaced.

I jumped out of bed as if it was on fire. Sariel rolled, lying on the side with his elbow bent and his hand

supporting his head.

"Aren't you going to let her in?" he asked, grinning wickedly.

"Aren't you going to get up from my bed?" I clicked my tongue.

"Technically, this is still my bed, like everything in the castle." He smirked.

"Suit yourself," I grunted as I approached the door and let Martha in.

She entered and immediately froze after seeing Sariel.

"G-good morning, Your Grace." She bowed nervously.

He chuckled and got up from the bed. Martha stood petrified, lowering her eyes. That seemed to

amuse him even more as he glided towards the door, a sly smile beaming from his face. Right before

leaving, he looked at Martha.

"Make sure she eats well. She needs to regain her strength. She is going to need it... " He snorted and

closed the door behind him.

I couldn't tell which one of us lacked words more, Martha or me. I smiled awkwardly at her while she

put the tray with breakfast on the table. When she did, a malicious grin appeared on her face.

"Did the Duke-"

"He didn't mark me." I fed her curiosity before she finished her question.

"But… did you-"

"No, we didn't sleep together either," I grunted, surprised at myself that my voice sounded like I was

disappointed that nothing really happened.

Martha's grin widened. "You like him, don't you?"

"That's not… I don't have any feelings for him," I replied nervously, not realizing that my reaction denied

my words.

"Have you ever been in love, Lilith?" She chuckled.

"No… I've never had time for relationships." I smiled wryly.

"You get nervous around the Duke, don't you?" she inquired. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

"Everyone is nervous around the Duke." I shrugged.

"But you don't actually fear him, do you?" She smirked.

"Well… sometimes I do…" I smiled hesitantly.

"You like being close to him," she stated, staring at my less and less confident expression. "Does your

heart race each time he barely touches your hand?"

The truth was that each time he touched me, something between my thighs throbbed, and I became

more humid, but there was no way in hell that I was going to tell her that.

"And… what if you are right?" I tried to act cool while rolling my eyes like an idiot and crossing my arms

over my chest.

Martha burst out laughing, then patted my shoulder, "It is time to admit it, Lilith. If the butterflies in your

stomach wake up when you see him, that means you are already doomed."

I chuckled, trying to mislead her assumptions, but underneath my calm face, I was in a state of panic.

"What if I really am starting to feel something towards Sariel?"

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