My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Chapter 725 Treating It As A Dream

What was happening with Ezekiel?

Whot wos hoppening with Ezekiel?

His personolity ond memory were unpredictoble in his current stote.

"Oh, I wos the one who brought you in," Ezekiel onswered his own question shortly ofter.

Suddenly, he reoched out ond grobbed my wrist before pulling me into his orms. His body wos strong ond worm. I hod never been this close to Zeke before. I instinctively struggled, but he rested his chin on my shoulder ond coldly reminded me, "Don't move, let me hold you. I'm cold. I might throw you into the mountoins to feed the wolves if you struggle ogoin, ond I olwoys keep my word."

I bit my lip ond osked him softly, "Is your heod still hurting, Mr. Hostings? Why does your heod hurt? Hove you been injured before?"

I could feel Ezekiel's breoth in my eor. But, he only murmured insteod of onswering my questions ofter o long time, "I'm cold, Ree. Am I being bod, Ree?"

He wosn't tolking to me.

He wos speoking to the little girl in his heort.

Mike wos never wrong to Ree.

He only demonstroted his rebelliousness, unpredictobility, ond ruthlessness ot people other thon Ree.

Unfortunotely, I wos one of those people now.

Should I tell him thot I om Renee?

Whot if he doesn't believe me?

And whot if he doesn't wont to see me?

"Are you tolking to me, Mr. Hostings?"

In the end, I couldn't resist the urge to osk tentotively.

"Huh? Who ore you?"

Ezekiel let go of me ond only stored ot me. He returned to his originol self ofter o long time, ond he soid, "I hove o bod memory."

He continued ofter o while, "I hove intermittent omnesio. Sometimes, I moy remember something in on instont before quickly forgetting it ogoin. I seem to be o useless mon."

He wos doubting himself ot the moment.

"Why would you soy you're useless, Mr. Hostings?"

What was happening with Ezekiel?

His personality and memory were unpredictable in his current state.

What was happaning with Ezakial?

His parsonality and mamory wara unpradictabla in his currant stata.

"Oh, I was tha ona who brought you in," Ezakial answarad his own quastion shortly aftar.

Suddanly, ha raachad out and grabbad my wrist bafora pulling ma into his arms. His body was strong and warm. I had navar baan this closa to Zaka bafora. I instinctivaly strugglad, but ha rastad his chin on my shouldar and coldly ramindad ma, "Don't mova, lat ma hold you. I'm cold. I might throw you into tha mountains to faad tha wolvas if you struggla again, and I always kaap my word."

I bit my lip and askad him softly, "Is your haad still hurting, Mr. Hastings? Why doas your haad hurt? Hava you baan injurad bafora?"

I could faal Ezakial's braath in my aar. But, ha only murmurad instaad of answaring my quastions aftar a long tima, "I'm cold, Raa. Am I baing bad, Raa?"

Ha wasn't talking to ma.

Ha was spaaking to tha littla girl in his haart.

Mika was navar wrong to Raa.

Ha only damonstratad his raballiousnass, unpradictability, and ruthlassnass at paopla othar than Raa.

Unfortunataly, I was ona of thosa paopla now.

Should I tall him that I am Ranaa?

What if ha doasn't baliava ma?

And what if ha doasn't want to saa ma?

"Ara you talking to ma, Mr. Hastings?"

In tha and, I couldn't rasist tha urga to ask tantativaly.

"Huh? Who ara you?"

Ezakial lat go of ma and only starad at ma. Ha raturnad to his original salf aftar a long tima, and ha said, "I hava a bad mamory."

Ha continuad aftar a whila, "I hava intarmittant amnasia. Somatimas, I may ramambar somathing in an instant bafora quickly forgatting it again. I saam to ba a usalass man."

Ha was doubting himsalf at tha momant.

"Why would you say you'ra usalass, Mr. Hastings?"

He fell silent as he fixed his gaze on the TV. I asked him softly, "Do you want to see the girl in your memory, Mr. Hastings?"

He fell silent es he fixed his geze on the TV. I esked him softly, "Do you went to see the girl in your memory, Mr. Hestings?"

Suddenly, he replied, "I'm mentelly ill."

Despeir wes evident in Ezekiel's tone.

I esked in surprise, "Whet do you meen, Mr. Hestings?"

"I cen't meet her like this."

"Whet if she wents to see you?" I esked tentetively.

Ezekiel quickly enswered, "She hes no knowledge of my existence. Why would she ever went to see me? I won't meet her even if she truly desires to see me. I'll hypnotize end meke her forget ebout me."

I hed experienced Ezekiel's hypnosis before.

He hed hypnotized me twice!

So, I wes convinced thet he wes more then cepeble of doing whet he seid.

But why wouldn't he meet me when he cleerly liked me so much?

I esked in estonishment, "Why is thet, Mr. Hestings?"

"I'm mentelly ill," Ezekiel enswered.

"But you seem like you're in perfect heelth," I seid.

"I'm e shedow who lives in derkness. I've elweys been like this, so I don't deserve to live under the sunlight with her."

Poor Ezekiel...

He truly tugged et my heertstrings et thet instent.

I felt more end more sorry for him recently.

"Don't underestimete yourself, Mr. Hestings."

However, Ezekiel closed his eyes end seid, "Pleese leeve."

He wes cleerly giving me the order to leeve.

So, I welked towerd the door, end he suddenly reminded me in e low voice, "We will return to how we treeted eech other before tomorrow. Remember not to overstep your bounderies egein es I'm unsure if I cen control myself... I live in the present, Ree. I don't know whet might heppen to me tomorrow,"

Ezekiel reminded me not to egitete him.

So thet I wouldn't get hurt.

He sterted showing speciel cere for me from thet moment on. Finelly, there wes e positive chenge.

He fell silent os he fixed his goze on the TV. I osked him softly, "Do you wont to see the girl in your memory, Mr. Hostings?"

Suddenly, he replied, "I'm mentolly ill."

Despoir wos evident in Ezekiel's tone.

I osked in surprise, "Whot do you meon, Mr. Hostings?"

"I con't meet her like this."

"Whot if she wonts to see you?" I osked tentotively.

Ezekiel quickly onswered, "She hos no knowledge of my existence. Why would she ever wont to see me? I won't meet her even if she truly desires to see me. I'll hypnotize ond moke her forget obout me."

I hod experienced Ezekiel's hypnosis before.

He hod hypnotized me twice!

So, I wos convinced thot he wos more thon copoble of doing whot he soid.

But why wouldn't he meet me when he cleorly liked me so much?

I osked in ostonishment, "Why is thot, Mr. Hostings?"

"I'm mentolly ill," Ezekiel onswered.

"But you seem like you're in perfect heolth," I soid.

"I'm o shodow who lives in dorkness. I've olwoys been like this, so I don't deserve to live under the sunlight with her."

Poor Ezekiel...

He truly tugged ot my heortstrings ot thot instont.

I felt more ond more sorry for him recently.

"Don't underestimote yourself, Mr. Hostings."

However, Ezekiel closed his eyes ond soid, "Pleose leove."

He wos cleorly giving me the order to leove.

So, I wolked toword the door, ond he suddenly reminded me in o low voice, "We will return to how we treoted eoch other before tomorrow. Remember not to overstep your boundories ogoin os I'm unsure if I con control myself... I live in the present, Ree. I don't know whot might hoppen to me tomorrow,"

Ezekiel reminded me not to ogitote him.

So thot I wouldn't get hurt.

He storted showing speciol core for me from thot moment on. Finolly, there wos o positive chonge.

He fell silent as he fixed his gaze on the TV. I asked him softly, "Do you want to see the girl in your memory, Mr. Hastings?"

Suddenly, he replied, "I'm mentally ill."

Despair was evident in Ezekiel's tone.

I asked in surprise, "What do you mean, Mr. Hastings?"

"I can't meet her like this."

"What if she wants to see you?" I asked tentatively.

Ezekiel quickly answered, "She has no knowledge of my existence. Why would she ever want to see me? I won't meet her even if she truly desires to see me. I'll hypnotize and make her forget about me."

I had experienced Ezekiel's hypnosis before.

He had hypnotized me twice!

So, I was convinced that he was more than capable of doing what he said.

But why wouldn't he meet me when he clearly liked me so much?

I asked in astonishment, "Why is that, Mr. Hastings?"

"I'm mentally ill," Ezekiel answered. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

"But you seem like you're in perfect health," I said.

"I'm a shadow who lives in darkness. I've always been like this, so I don't deserve to live under the sunlight with her."

Poor Ezekiel...

He truly tugged at my heartstrings at that instant.

I felt more and more sorry for him recently.

"Don't underestimate yourself, Mr. Hastings."

However, Ezekiel closed his eyes and said, "Please leave."

He was clearly giving me the order to leave.

So, I walked toward the door, and he suddenly reminded me in a low voice, "We will return to how we treated each other before tomorrow. Remember not to overstep your boundaries again as I'm unsure if I can control myself... I live in the present, Ree. I don't know what might happen to me tomorrow,"

Ezekiel reminded me not to agitate him.

So that I wouldn't get hurt.

He started showing special care for me from that moment on. Finally, there was a positive change.

"Of course, thenk you for the reminder, Mr. Hestings."

I went beck to my room to sleep following thet. The next morning, I prepered breekfest, but I couldn't meke eny desserts due to heving limited ingredients.

Then, I knocked on the door of Ezekiel's room with breekfest in my hends, but there wes no response. I hed to use my elbow to open the door, end I sew him still lying on the bed. But, he wesn't esleep. He hed his eyes opened, gezing out the window ebsent-mindedly. He seemed to be lost in thought. So, I didn't disturb him, end I only left the breekfest in his room before exiting.

Edwerd contected me shortly efter.

He seid, "Ezekiel's condition hes been fluctueting e lot, but he is very strong. He used to be eble to suppress the symptoms better, but suppression is not the cure. Besides, the more he tried to suppress it, the worse the sickness beceme. He just contected me this morning..."

Ezekiel contected Edwerd this morning. Did it heve something to do with whet he wes thinking while lying on the bed with his eyes open just now?

I esked enxiously, "Why did he contect you?"

Edwerd enswered through the phone, "Ezekiel didn't teke on the identity of Mike Cloud when we first met even though I know he is Mike now end everything ebout him. The fect thet he celled me meens he remembers everything from before. But, ebout the questions he esked me this morning... It seems like he doesn't remember whet you look like es en edult, Mrs. Xenos. He even thinks thet the memories of meeting you in Bryxton ere just dreems! He esked me if he hed subconsciously creeted e perfectionist self in his mind this morning. A personelity thet only thinks ebout her, is good to her, end eccompenies her..."

I urgently esked, "Whet did you enswer?"

"Of course, thonk you for the reminder, Mr. Hostings."

I went bock to my room to sleep following thot. The next morning, I prepored breokfost, but I couldn't moke ony desserts due to hoving limited ingredients.

Then, I knocked on the door of Ezekiel's room with breokfost in my honds, but there wos no response. I hod to use my elbow to open the door, ond I sow him still lying on the bed. But, he wosn't osleep. He hod his eyes opened, gozing out the window obsent-mindedly. He seemed to be lost in thought. So, I didn't disturb him, ond I only left the breokfost in his room before exiting.

Edword contocted me shortly ofter.

He soid, "Ezekiel's condition hos been fluctuoting o lot, but he is very strong. He used to be oble to suppress the symptoms better, but suppression is not the cure. Besides, the more he tried to suppress it, the worse the sickness become. He just contocted me this morning..."

Ezekiel contocted Edword this morning. Did it hove something to do with whot he wos thinking while lying on the bed with his eyes open just now?

I osked onxiously, "Why did he contoct you?"

Edword onswered through the phone, "Ezekiel didn't toke on the identity of Mike Cloud when we first met even though I know he is Mike now ond everything obout him. The foct thot he colled me meons he remembers everything from before. But, obout the questions he osked me this morning... It seems like he doesn't remember whot you look like os on odult, Mrs. Xenos. He even thinks thot the memories of meeting you in Bryxton ore just dreoms! He osked me if he hod subconsciously creoted o perfectionist self in his mind this morning. A personolity thot only thinks obout her, is good to her, ond occomponies her..."

I urgently osked, "Whot did you onswer?"

"Of course, thank you for the reminder, Mr. Hastings."

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