My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 8

8 Star

Sabrina POV Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

I take a deep breath. “My husband and I have been married for almost four years. ” “We have a three- year-old daughter.” “A few nights ago I found out that my husband has been cheating on me with a woman named Megan.” If I didn’t know better, I would say Archer is angry at what I’m telling him. He hands that were folded on the desk are now clenched in fists. “Do you know how long this has been going on?” “He wouldn’t tell me when I asked, but I know it wasn’t a one-time deal.” “How do you know that?” When I asked him to tell me how often and how long there was silence. If he had only made a mistake once, he would have offered up the information quickly. “Your logic makes sense but we will probably need to prove it if we have to go to court.”

“What exactly made you suspicious that he was being unfaithful?” “A patient at the hospital who happened to be Tracey’s ex made a comment to me.” “I tried to brush it off but the thought was stuck in my head.” “When he came home late that night, it was the only thing I could think about.” “I have never checked that man’s phone in all the years we have been married, but I couldn’t help myself.” “That’s when I saw the messages.” “What did the messages say?” “Do I really need to repeat what she said to my husband?” I swear his eyes turned black for a second when I said my husband, but it couldn’t be. “It is important for me to know all the details when we file for your divorce, Sabrina.” I take a deep breath and repeat the messages I read. “I’m sorry you had to see that I can’t imagine how hurt you are.”

I know he probably says things to clients all the time, but what he says sounds so sincere and I smile. Thank you, “I wish I hadn’t had to see any of it but I’m glad that I know.” “So what is the next step in the process.” “I will draw up some papers that we can review together and then we will file.” “After we file, then Greg will be served with papers and his next move will determine how we proceed.” “Will the

papers include the custody of our daughter?” “Yes absolutely, what are your thoughts on custody?” I think for a moment before I answer. “I am fine with joint custody.” “Greg has always been a good father.” “Apparently he is just a sh*tty husband”, I chuckle. “That’s fine, I will include that in the documents.” “I should have that ready for you in two days.”

“I know you are doing this for Willow, but please don’t put yourself out for me.” “I am sure you have much bigger clients than me to attend to.” “I totally forgot to ask you about cost.” “There is no cost to you.” I’m sure my face shows the shock I feel. “No, I wouldn’t feel right not paying for your services.” “As much as I appreciate that, I don’t do divorce cases too often and I want to help you.” “I am a firm believer that when you get married it should be forever and you should be faithful.” “I find your soon to be ex-husbands behavior digusting.” “Thank you, I really appreciate that.” I set up an appointment for two days and reach out my hand to shake his before I leave. As soon as our skin touches, I feel warmth in my fingers up to my shoulder. He smiles like he knows what I just felt, but that’s not possible. I’m like losing my mind.

Willow drives me and Tracey back to Tracey’s house. “So what did you think about my brother?” ” I think he is great.” “He is even taking my case for free which isn’t necessary.” “You should have heard him talking about marriage being forever and being faithful.” “Whatever woman gets him is going to be very lucky.” “He is awesome.” “He is f**king hot, right” Tracey blurts out and I start to laugh. “He is a very handsome guy.” Willow smiles and hugs me before she leaves. That was weird. Why would she be happy I think her brother is handsome after she said it was gross when Tracey said it. I shake the thought away and head to my car to pick up Gabby.

Archer POV

“Why did you let our mate leave?” “Brutus, you need to calm down.” “She is not a wolf. I can’t just claim her.” “Besides, you heard her she is married and has a three-year-old daughter.” “Are you ready to claim someone else’s pup?” “If she belongs to my mate, then absolutely.” I smile, I love my wolf. Most alpha wolves would have immediately rejected her, but not Brutus. “As far as that a**hat that cheated

on her, he is about to not be a problem.” “You know it is not that easy.” “He is not going to just walk away from a woman like her.” “Then we will make him walk away.” “Brutus, he is a human, you know the laws.” “If he poses any threat to our mate he is dead human or not.”

“I see you’re talking to Brutus about your mate.” I smile and look at Willow standing in my doorway. “Yes, we were just discussing our beautiful mate.” “She thinks your handsome too.” Brutus is preening in my mind. “She said that, what did you ask her?” “No, Tracey said about you being hot again and she said you were handsome.” “Believe me, the last thing I want to hear about is woman saying how hot my brother is” she makes the gagging sound. I laugh and she smiles. “This is going to be very complicated, Willow.” “Listen, I have never known you to back down from anything just because it was hard.” “Don’t tell me you plan on doing it with something as important as your mate.” “Of course not, I’m just making a statement.” “I will be making her mine.” “It may just take more time than I would like.” “I can’t wait to tell dad because he is going to lose his mind that she is human.” “Well too bad it’s not up to him and she was picked by the goddess.”

Sabrina POV

I pull up to the house and head for the door. I knock and Greg answers with a smile. “Come on in, she is in her playroom.” “I would rather not if you can just grab her, Greg.” “Sabrina, this is your house just come in and we can grab her together.” “This stopped being my house a few days ago.” “Sabrina we need to talk to work this out.” “We are married you don’t just throw in the towel when someone makes a mistake.” “I have told her that I will never be seeing her again because I love my wife.” “Maybe you should have said that before you f**ked her and ruined our marriage.” “Now get Gabby, I would like to go home.” “This is your home.” “Greg, I’m done doing this. I met with a lawyer tonight.”

He looks like I just slapped him. “You did what, are you out of your mind?” “I will not agree to a divorce.” “It’s this funny thing I’m not asking if you agree.” A few seconds later, Gabby comes running toward the door. “Hey little one, are you ready to go see Aunt Tracey?” “Yes mommy” she says with a smile. “Give

your daddy a kiss goodbye.” “Bye daddy” she leans in and kisses him and I turn to head to my car. “This discussion isn’t over Sabrina, you will always be my wife.” I dont’ even respond to him.

Greg POV

After Sabrina leaves, I can’t believe she just told me she went to a lawyer. I pick up my phone, dialing and put it to my ear. “Hi mom it’s Greg.” “Greg I wondered when I would hear from you.” “I take it Sabrina told you what happened.” “She did and I don’t know what you were thinking.” “I made a horrible mistake and I just want to fix it can you help me?” “Of course Greg, you know your like my own son.” “I’ll be over after your shift tomorrow to come up with a plan to get my stubborn daughter to forgive you.” “Thank you mom.” I hang up and send a text message. She’ll help me to convince Sabrina to forgive me and then everything can go back to normal. Half an hour later, I hear a knock on the door and when I open it I smile. ” I’m so glad you came. I could really use a friend right now.” “I wasn’t going to but your text seemed like you really needed someone to talk to.”

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